
Trains of Emotion

[Volume 1:Trains of Emotions] Abby was only 19 when things began to fall apart for her. She was the first born in the family of 3, she has always been told and believed that her father had left them when she was just a kid. She had to change her job due to the harassment gotten from her boss. Abby was kind hearted and has always wished people good. Things changed when she got a new job and worked for Tyler. Tyler, who has an intriguing personality, a good built, a pair of magnificent blue eyes and screaming hot!! he drive girls so crazy but is the definition of danger and terror. He is darkness itself. He was always feared by people and rumor had it that he was demonic and possessed that's why he had bounty riches. He was never interested in girls, but Why? ***** "What did she say?" Tyler asked with authority and coldness. "She said Abby Wright Kylie is the one, the healer and the redemption" A blonde girl with salivating curves said, she wore a tight black gown with her huge cleavages revealed. He was slightly surprised even though he had expected the answer. He sigh and wave his hand at the blonde haired girl to be dismissed. She catwalk and turned to him saying "Nona said you should take heed because, Abby is your poison and yet your antidote". she flashed him a smirk and walk away with her loud clinging sounds of long heels. "Hard to get, I'll get into your pants next time" she said again before exiting the room. How will Abby the kind hearted girl work with Tyler who had the darkest and most evil soul lurking around him. Who knows if they fall in love..... Watch out for more in this intriguing yet interesting, mind-blowing and awesome story. Don't miss out♥️

Habiba_jimoh · Fantasy
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4 Chs

3 ( I will avenge your death Theresa)

Neon stayed for so long that i literally slept off. I woke up and got to know he has gone home. I really missed him. 

I quickly get ready for work, Do you know what torture is? Torture is going to that stupid cafe and having a fat cranky woman as your boss who yells at you all the time and derive joy making your life miserable probably because one of her fat son asked you out and you turned him down, nicely!

Her son asked me out and i wasn't interested in stuff like that especially with a jerk like him so i turned him down as nicely as i could yet they still make things miserable for me.


 Hundred of years back

Little Tyler was sitting on a well weaved mat outside his Hanok. He was playing with a small rabbit. He had a bright, real and beautiful smile on his chubby cute face. He continued rubbing the rabbit's fur. 

"Come here Rabbit, don't run too, Mum and Dad ran away ,but don't worry Sister Theresa said mummy is going to wake up anytime from now " he had many teeth missing, it must have fallen out. He suddenly heard a loud scream from afar.

 "Tyler, Tyl, run!! Run!" It was his elder sister screaming and running towards him. She had a brown messy hair, with beautiful pair of blue eyes just like his, her slender figure increased her beauty. She ran so much, sweating profusely and panting loudly. Immediately she got to him, she fell to her knees and vomited mouthful of blood, she coughed.

Tyler was a bit terrified and quickly gave her a hug, "Sister Theresa, what happened? Is mummy and Daddy awake yet? Why are you bleeding? What's going on?" Little Tyler asked countless questions but unfortunately none was answered due to her current state. She held his little hands and pulled him into the Hanok as quickly as possible. She pulled him and hid him under the weaved bed.

"Tyl listen, They're coming, hide under here and don't make a sound, hush, alright?" Theresa said.

"What's going on? Who is coming sister Theresa?" His asked as his innocent eyes filled with fear pierced into hers. She couldn't help the tears.

"The murderers that killed Mum and Dad" She responded

"Are mom and Dad still gonna wake up?" He asked hoping to see their beautiful faces again. Poor boy!

"Don't make a sound, I'm going to go bolt the door okay, you'll be fine" She ignored her Naive brother question.


"I love you Tyl" she said then planted a kiss on his hair and stood up to lock the door.

She ran to her hiding spot.

A deadly and wicked voice that sent shiver down their spines was heard from outside, within a blink of an eye, they have already broken the door down.

A huge man with lots of scars and body tattoos came in. He roared and screamed her name, he found her . Six guards followed the man. Gwinam!!!

King Gwinam Mortega, a cruel, powerful,heartless, murderous and wicked man in Seoul fortress. He is a king and has so much power over his people. Everyone lived in fear as he does as he wish, he kills when he's thirsty for blood. He makes his rule look like a dystopia handling his people with a heavy hand, he had supernatural powers and can control the atmosphere. People feared him even more when he sent down a flood wiping an entire household. 

He killed Tyler's parents because they refused to give him Theresa's hand in marriage.

"Hey love" Gwinam said pulling her brown hair almost ripping it out of her scalp.

Gwinam is so wicked and kills anyone that crosses his path. He is a psychopath who had absolute right over everybody's life! Gwinam isn't only strong and heartless, he was regarded as Lucifer himself.

"Oouuch" she shreik in pain, wincing as tears trickled out of her blue eyes as she tried to redeem her hair from his grip.

"Does it hurt? Hun my love" Gwinam cold voice filled the room as he derived joy in hurting and making her cry

"What did you want from me?" Her voice full of agony.

"I want you, i want to have you as mine" 

"Never!" Theresa screamed "you heartless clueless man" she screamed. Gwinam chuckled evily and gave her a resounding slap across her tender face, it became red instantly.

"I will have you, i will send you where i sent your parents if you refuse to marry me"

"You are psychopathic Gwinam, you won't reign forever " Theresa called his name without adding the so called title 'King'. He became mad and hit her, kicking her stomach countlessly, then fire her a huge punch breaking her nose bridge. Blood oozing out of her nose and face, she looked messy.

He started ripping off her clothes trying to defile her. He told the guards to stand outside. She screamed at the top of her lungs on the verge of loosing her dear life. He was about to take it out when suddenly, he felt a sharp pain on his shoulders. He hissed and turned back only to see terrified Tyler. Tyler had stab him with a cutlery knife, he was so little and naive trying to save his dear sister. Gwinam roared and used his pocket knife to stab Tyler on his stomach, Tyler fell to the ground as blood ooz out of his stomach, his sister screamed crying and couldn't do anything to save him because she was weak and was pinned down to the floor. Tyler's sight was blurry as the only thing he heard was his sister's screams and cry which slowly fade as he shut his eyes and was invited in to the dark.

Tyler quickly sat up, sweating profusely and panting. This is happening again , he sigh inwardly and headed to the shower. He let the cold water run down his black shiny hair then to his toned torso.

"I'll avenge your death Theresa, just rest in perfect peace" Tyler said deadly.