
Trains of Emotion

[Volume 1:Trains of Emotions] Abby was only 19 when things began to fall apart for her. She was the first born in the family of 3, she has always been told and believed that her father had left them when she was just a kid. She had to change her job due to the harassment gotten from her boss. Abby was kind hearted and has always wished people good. Things changed when she got a new job and worked for Tyler. Tyler, who has an intriguing personality, a good built, a pair of magnificent blue eyes and screaming hot!! he drive girls so crazy but is the definition of danger and terror. He is darkness itself. He was always feared by people and rumor had it that he was demonic and possessed that's why he had bounty riches. He was never interested in girls, but Why? ***** "What did she say?" Tyler asked with authority and coldness. "She said Abby Wright Kylie is the one, the healer and the redemption" A blonde girl with salivating curves said, she wore a tight black gown with her huge cleavages revealed. He was slightly surprised even though he had expected the answer. He sigh and wave his hand at the blonde haired girl to be dismissed. She catwalk and turned to him saying "Nona said you should take heed because, Abby is your poison and yet your antidote". she flashed him a smirk and walk away with her loud clinging sounds of long heels. "Hard to get, I'll get into your pants next time" she said again before exiting the room. How will Abby the kind hearted girl work with Tyler who had the darkest and most evil soul lurking around him. Who knows if they fall in love..... Watch out for more in this intriguing yet interesting, mind-blowing and awesome story. Don't miss out♥️

Habiba_jimoh · Fantasy
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4 Chs

2 (Stalker)

(9:32 pm)

I rode my bike from work. Yes, I've got a bike, it's a bit dorky and old, but i still rode it. It was dark as the street and road light was the only source of light. I rode carefully hoping to get home before 10, Suddenly, from nowhere a car came crashing my bike and knocked me down, i quickly stood up due to an adrenaline surge, i watched the car crushing my poor bike.

 I had little injuries and bruises but they was the least of my worries. I was so mad, i walked towards the car. An old man in a well iron suit who looked like a butler in some rich telenovelas quickly came out of the driver's seat.

"Madam, I'm sorry for the little accident that had occurred" the man said

"You called this a little accident, look at my bicycle" i was so mad, i know how much it costed me to fix the brakes last 2 weeks ago, and the maintenance fee is something else."look at my bicycle, can't you see the road, or can't you control your brakes or something, you are driving over the speed limit and yet you dare call this a small accident" i couldn't hold up my anger, it was already turning into pain and tears. I know how much a new bike will cost, it's so expensive. My eyes were a bit moist as all i want to do is to scream all my anger out on the old man's face.

"Ma'am, I am sorry, i apologize for my misdeme...." Before he could finish his statement, A young man, maybe in his middle 20's came out of the backseat of the car. He was screaming elegance and extravagance. That smell hit my nose, a musky nice scent. The guy wore black shades and a black long coat that match his magnificent face making him look mysterious. His eyes wasn't visible but his long pointy thin nose was marvelous adding to it was his lips as red as watery strawberries.

"What's going on here?" His voice was so cold, it could freeze someone to death. I roll my eyes.

"Well, Mr Tyler, i mistakenly hit her bicycle and i apologized for my misdemeanor" 

I was startled "Hit? You crushed my bike"

"How much is the bike?" The young man asked 

"I..i don't know, probably in the range of $200 to $300" i responded.

"Charles, give her $500" was all the young man said before entering the car.

The butler whose name is Charles gave me exact $500, i was shocked to the bones, I was so amazed.

"Charles don't delay me!" The cold voice came from the car. 

I watched the car drive away as my face was still in awe, the car was a Rolls-Royce, a very expensive car. I got home with a light heart. My joy knew no bounds. I quickly clear my bills i.e house rent and momma's drugs etc. Happiness was an understatement.


I couldn't sleep, i browse online for jobs to apply for. The salary I'm receiving from the cafe shop is not befitting me at all. $500 is 5 times my monthly salary, i need help!!!

A young guy sat inside a Rolls-Royce car adjacent to a storey building. He sat majestically at the backseat staring at the building.

"Mr. Tyler, are you expecting anyone?" The old man probably in his late 50's asked.

The young Man at the back seat ignored him and continue to look at old storey building like it will soon cave in. The old man knew his boss too well, so he wasn't expecting an answer from him.

The old man was feeling sleepy as they have been here for over 20 minutes now and it seems they are not leaving here any sooner.

 A young guy probably in the same age bracket with the one inside the Rolls-Royce knocked on the door of the storey building. After few knocks , a young female adult opened the door wearing a pair of duck pyjamas and a tank top adoring her slim figure. She smiled meekly obviously surprised at the unexpected visitor. She quickly throw herself at him and gave him a big hug. He wrap his hands around her.

"Neon, this is 11 pm in the night, why'd you have to come? Don't you know it's dangerous to walk late at night?" Abby asked smiling.

"You won't usher me in before throwing the questions at me" Neon joked as they laughed.

Abby had a slim figure and a brown hair, with a pair of big shining brown eyes making her cuter. Adding to her beauty is her tiny waist and silky long hair packed in a messy bun that even made her look good.

"Sorry, come in"

The young man in the Rolls-Royce had watched all that happened between Abby and Neon. He suddenly grew mad and frowned cursing under his breath. He took his phone and texted someone *A clean background check of the guy!*

"Charles, drive back home" his voice became so deadly.

"Mr. Tyler, what happened?" Charles asked flinching a little due to the coldness in his voice.

Tyler shut his eyes, resting his head on the head board of his seat. Charles started the engine as fast as possible.

"Sorry sir" he quickly apologized.

 Tyler is a very rich, handsome good looking guy, he is very attractive and has the finest figure, he is built and tall looking having a pair of magnificent blue eyes which flickers at times. His pointed nose even made him look more attractive. It didn't just end there, his strawberry lips was very tantalizing. His straight white sparkly teeth was enough to amaze people. Adding to his beauty was his well shaped chin that was quite pointy making him look like a hot demon. But with all these beauty, he was completely feared by people because he has this deadly aura. Rumor had it that he might be Lucifers son since no one knew Tyler's parents or relatives.

 Tyler had trailed Abby sneakily to her house, After the bicycle accident that had transpired between them, he couldn't dust her off his mind. There was something about her that he himself can't pinpoint. Nobody had this quality that attracted his attention. He saw the sign, clear! He had to stalk her.

Yesterday, when she bumped into him and his sunglasses fell, he observed the same sign but shrugged it off and now the bicycle accident, the sign wasn't just a coincidence, it was a clear signal. Tyler could swore he saw it in her brown eyes, it flashed. The sign he had been dying for all this time, all his years of living, he has finally seen the signal, finally! And he won't let it out of his sight.

"Finally! I won't let you go".