
Tournament of Chaos

Chaos, the god of all realms, reawakens and hosts a tournament between all realms to change the universe. Anna, a holder of one of Chaos' fragments, is now forced to fight in the tournament to save her little sister Marie from Chaos and his mad angels.

VioletStar1888 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Wrath vs Destruction

"An angel?" Becca scoffed, her grip loosening just slightly as she laughed bitterly. Anna gasped for breath, her vision slowly clearing. She seized the moment, her mind racing. "Then what are you, Becca?! What have you turned into?" 

Becca's expression darkened and her grip tightenened. ''I don't know! You did this to me! I only know that I'm gonna kill you for it!'' Becca threw Anna through the wall, causing her to fall out of the house.

(Ost RED ASH Theme Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKHv-DuMOyo)

Anna crashed into the ground but recovered and jumped in a tree. Becca jumped through the hole and destroyed the tree in a single kick. Anna jumped out of the tree and shot a fireball at Becca. Becca saw the fireball coming and jumped back. Anna jumped towards Becca and tried to stab her with her dagger. 

''Come here!'' Becca said and blocked the dagger with her hand. The blade went through her palm but she used that to her advantage and pulled Anna closer. Anna tried to pull the blade out of Becca's hand but it was stuck. 

''Take this!''  Becca said and punched Anna in the face, sending her flying through a couple of trees. Becca looked at the destruction he caused and smiled. She pulled the dagger out of her hand and threw it away, before running towards Anna. 

"Return, Crimson!''  Anna screamed and the dagger came flying towards her. Anna ran towards Becca and went to grab her. Becca punched her in the face, but Anna grabbed her and pulled her towards her. The blade flew through Becca's chest and returned to Anna's hand. 

''Sorry, I had to do it. Please fall asleep quickly, I don't want to eat you alive.'' Anna said and put Becca on the ground. Becca's expression went from shocked to furious in a second and she punched Anna, sending her flying into the clouds. Her wound started steaming and then closed. 

''I'LL KILL YOU!''  Becca screamed and jumped, the ground under her turned into a crater. Becca saw Anna in the clouds and prepared to throw a punch. Anna saw Becca flying towards her and tried to block the punch. Becca saw Anna raise her dagger to block the punch and she got even angrier. 

''You're not stopping this!'' Becca screamed and threw the punch. Anna expected the punch to come for her face, but she felt Becca's fist rip through her stomach and everything turned black and white. Becca grabbed Anna's guts and wrapped them around her neck. 

''I'll send you so deep into the ground, you will never come back!" Becca yelled and threw Anna into the ground so hard that the trees exploded and fell on top of Anna. When Becca landed, she raised the trees into the air. Becca started punching Anna, every punch sending her deeper into the ground. When she was done, she jumped into the air and grabbed the trees and threw them at Anna, sending her deeper into the ground and giving her makeshift grave. Becca felt her hand burning and threw the last three with all her might, burining the tree into the form of a spear. The spear landed on the other trees and sent a flame into the ground. Becca landed on the ground and watched the grave burn. 

''Go to hell and never come back.'' Becca said and walked away. 

Anna looked around herself, seeing her limbs ripped off and impaled on the trees. Anna tried to breathe but she couldn't because of the dirt in her lungs. Anna tried to move her torso but she couldn't. She felt her crushed heart slow down and her vision blurred and darkened. 

''Marie...'' Anna said before she died. 

''Are you serious? Are you going to let a useless nobody like that kill you?'' Abbadon taunted.

Anna found herself sitting on the throne, staring at the gate of the demonic face. She looked at it as it opened its eyes and mouth, its presence shaking the gate. The eyes of the demon stared at Anna and she felt her heart shrivel up and decay. She then saw the eye inside the mouth of the demon and the image the eye showed her made her furious. 

''HOW DARE YOU?! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU?!'' Anna screamed and felt her arms and legs burn. She leaped up from the throne and dashed towards the demonic face. 

''I AM GOING TO FUCKING MURDER YOU!'' Anna screamed and threw a punch at the face with her flaming hands. She didn't even remember her wounds or the fight with Becca. The onl thing she knew at that moment was rage. 

Anna's punch landed on the eye in the monster's mouth and destroyed the image Anna saw. She then threw a second punch, which made her snap back to reality. She felt the flames on her body and her eyes could only see the image that the face showed her- the corpse of Marie. 

Anna roared and burst through her grave, burining the trees to dust and turning the ground into lava. She looked at Becca, but she could only see the demonic face. 

''GET BACK HERE!"  Anna screamed and dashed towards Becca.  ''What the hell?!" Becca exclaimed and threw a punch at Anna. Anna blocked the punch with her face and punched Becca in the stomach. Becca could feel her body fly backwards, but that was for just a brief moment. Anna grabbed her by the leg and smashed her into the ground. She then threw Becca into the air and landed sixteen punches on her before sending her crashing into some fallen trees. 

''DON'T RUN FROM ME!'' Anna screamed and jumped on top of Becca. She stomped on her, breaking her arms and cratering the ground under the two of them She continued stomping on Becca until she saw a small spark under her firey foot. She tried to jump back, but it was too late. Becca had created a small glowing pebble, the size of a grain of sand, under Anna's foot and detonated it, causing a small nuclear explosion. Anna felt her organs melt and fall apart and regenerate at the same time, the pain of which stunned her. 

''I don't know what that was, but I like it.'' Becca said and got up from the crater. ''I almost killed you with one gram of that stuff, Imagine if I got my hands on more.'' Becca said and dashed towards Anna, who was still stunned. Anna saw the demonic face, now with Marie's corpse in its mouth, fly towards her. She clenched her flaming fist and threw a punch, which almost decapitated Becca.

''Ghkk'' Becca flew back from the punch. She felt her muscles tear and her spine crack, but she also felt rage. She got up from the ground and cracked her neck. ''That fucking hurt.'' She said and started glowing. Her aura spiked up and shot lightning up into the sky. She created a brick of uranium and gripped it tight. 

''Hey...you. I almost killed you with a gram of this stuff, right?'' Becca said and walked towards Anna. ''I have a kilo of this shit in my hand and I will shove it down your throat. It will kill you so hard that you won't come back even as a spirit.'' 

Anna didn't hear Becca's voice, she only heard the laugh of the demonic face and the screams of the Marie. She gritted her teeth and ran towards Becca, preparing to throw a punch. Becca dodged the punch and shoved the uranium brick in Anna's mouth. She then punched the brick, forching it down in Anna's throat. 

''Swallow.'' Becca said and punched Anna in the throat, triggering the brick. The brick cracked and activated in Anna's mouth, exploding the entire area. The exlosion was seen from miles away and the mushroom cloud was visible from even further away. 

(No OST)

Meanwhile, at the realm of Gods. Chaos was still asleep, the angels were working hard to wake him up. Zadkiel and Rosalie were flying around the throne and body of chaos until a red haired angel pointed to the a planet in the mortal realm. 

''Look at this! An angel and something strong are fighting!'' The angel said and prepared to fly towards the planet. Zadkiel put a hand on his shoulder and shook his head. ''No no, don't go there. It's pointless. It's probably just another execution.''  Zadkiel said and turned back to Chaos' body and the angels around it.

''Don't just stand there looking at me. Keep working.'' Zadkiel said and flew away. He landed on a moon and pulled out a cigarette. Rosalie landed next to him and sat down. ''I don't think that was a good idea, boss.'' Rosalie said. Zadkiel lit his cigarette and looked at the planets. ''I'm not going back there, Rosie. I'm too much of a coward to go there, not after Abbadon and his crazy bitch showed up.''  Zadkiel said, gesturing towards the bandages wrapping his torso. He sighed and looked at the stars, before turning back to Rosalie. 

''Don't say that, boss. You're way stronger than her.'' Rosalie said and put her hand on his shoulder. Zadkiel sighed and looked at the scars on Rosalie's face. He touched her lower lip, which had just healed, causing her to wince. Zadkiel quickly took his hand off Rosalie's face and went back to looking at the stars.''When she hurts us, it leaves a mark.''  He muttered and looked at an asteroid. He didn't even bother to draw his sword, he just flicked his cigarette at the asteroid and destroyed it. He took out another cigarette and lit it before laying down on the moon. Rosalie looked at him and took one of the cigarettes. She put it in her mouth, but instead of lighting it, she ate it. ''The scars just show that we've been in fights, nothing to be ashamed of. '' She said and continued munching on Zadkiel's cigarettes. 

''Look, Rosie, I'm not saying that you're wrong, but you're fucking wrong. We're angels, we're not supposed to have scars.'' Zadkiel said. ''We're supposed to be perfect and invincible and yet we're not. We're so weak without Chaos that regular humans can kill us as long as they have the proper tools.'' Rosalie frowned, considering his words. "But those scars also mean we've survived. We've faced things that would obliterate lesser beings and come out the other side."

Zadkiel exhaled a plume of smoke, staring up at the vast expanse of stars. "Survived, yes. But at what cost? We were meant to be more than this, to be symbols of perfection. Instead, we're just... broken." 

Rosalie leaned back, her wings spreading out behind her. "Maybe being broken is part of what makes us strong. It means we can endure, adapt, and keep fighting even when everything seems lost." 

Zadkiel glanced at her, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Maybe you're right, Rosie. Maybe our scars are a testament to our resilience. But it doesn't change the fact that we're in a bad place. We need Chaos, and until we wake him, we're vulnerable." 

Rosalie nodded, determination shining in her eyes. "Then we keep working. We keep fighting. And we find a way to wake Chaos, no matter what it takes."

Zadkiel took a deep drag of his cigarette, the smoke curling into the night.  "Alright, Rosie. Let's do it. For the realm of Gods and for ourselves."  Zadkiel flicked his cigarette towards the planet in the human realm. He got up from the moon and spread his wings. 

''C'mon, Rosie, we have work to do.''  Zadkiel said and flew towards Chaos. Rosalie smiled and flew after him.

Meanwhile, in the human realm, Anna was trying to regenerate from the pile of bones left from the nuke. Her blood was vaporized and her organs were turned into mush, but she was still trying to get them to heal. Anna saw the demonic face again and this time it was doing someting hundreds of times worse than killing Marie. Anna's skeleton started to rattle as she moved closer to her pile of mushy organs. She picked them up with her flaming hands and they started to heal slowly. Anna started to regenerate a bit faster and she put her organs back in their place. Anna felt her eyes form and the blinding light hit, with nothing to cover them. She put her hand in front of her face to block the light, but since her hand was made of fire, it made things worse. Anna looked down until her eyelids regenerated, afterwards she blinked a few times. When she looked up, she saw a fist coming straight for her. 

Anna blocked it but it made her slide back a few meters, which turned her feet into ground beef. She couldn't feel the pain of her feet falling apart, nor could she hear the sound of the rocks and dirt hitting each other. She was still deaf and her pain receptors were not working, her sense of touch was gone too. 

When Anna looked back up, she saw the demonic face throw a punch at her. She dodged the attack and punched the demonic face away. In reality she didn't avoid the punch Becca threw, but she still landed hers. Anna ran towards Becca, but her feet fell apart before she got close. She got angry, in her eyes the demonic face was running away with Marie in its teeth. Anna got up, her legs regenerated completely, the fire from her legs faded and she continued running. She jumped into the air and threw a barrage of fireballs towards Becca. Becca saw the attack coming and dodged the fireballs, ducking and weaving between them to close the distance. 

Becca threw a punch toward Anna, reinforcing it with lightning. Anna threw a fire punch at Becca and the their fists clashed, creating a sphere of plasma that erased the ground around them. The two continued throwing punches and kicks at each other while in the sphere, each attack stronger than the last. Becca's rage and hatered made sparks of uranium with each attack, and Anna destroyed them with her blind fury. The two continued clashing for hours without stopping, pushing the sphere deep into the ground. 

"DIE!"  Anna screamed and threw her hardest punch, sending a wave of fire resembling a chinese dragon. 

''GO TO HELL!'' Becca replied and threw her hardest kick, her radioactive aura resembling a scorpion. 

The two clashed, lightning and fire enveloping each other. Becca's kick was pushing Anna back, her radioactive aura taking over Anna's flames. Anna saw the demonic face again and pushed harder to destroy it, her flames rising and devouring the lightning and pushing the radiation back. Becca realized she was getting overwhelmed and threw a punch laced with uranium. Anna grabbed Becca's leg and slammed her into the ground, shaking the sphere.

Becca's punch landed and the sphere burst into a pillar of plasma that dispursed the clouds and hit the moon, coming out of its other side. Anna and Becca were burning in the pillar of destruction but that didn't stop them from punching each other once again. Their clash sent them crashing to the opposite ends of the pillar, making it larger and causing it to slice the moon in half. 

As the two continued fighting, the pillar became more and more unstable, each punch, kick or fireball made the entire thing shake. Becca shot lightning at Anna, but she dodged it and the lightning hit the pillar's wall, making it rattle and slice the moon into smaller pieces. Anna pounced on Becca and hit slammed her into the wall behind her, making the pillar go left and slice the left half of the moon into smaller pieces. 

Becca grabbed Anna's face and blasted her with lightning, frying her brain and stunning her. Becca then kicked Anna upwards, sending her higher into the pillar which burned her more. Becca then created 10 grams of uranium and used her power to detonate it. She threw the mini nuke at Anna and it exploded in her face, making the pillar larger and more unstable. Anna came out of the fireball, which was more in the form of a pillar since it couldn't break through, and trew a punch at Becca. Becca blocked the attack, only for her fingers to be severed by Anna's dagger. 

''I'm back!'' Anna screamed and stabbed Becca in the arm. She spun around and used the momentum to throw Becca into the tunnel for fire made by her nuke. Becca disappeared into the flames, but then the fire got smaller and smaller. Anna's eyes widened as she saw Becca absorb the nuke and shape it into a weapon. Just as that happened, Zadkiel's cigarette reached the planet and hit the pillar, destroying the pink beam of destruction and burning the continent along with it. Anna got up from the ground and looked up, seeing Becca flying in the air, wings of radiation on her back. Becca grinned as her rage left her body and turned into uranium, making a giant brick, twice her size. Becca grabbed the brick and compressed it until it was a thin pole of uranium. She then created a tip for it using the nuke she absorbed. With her spear done, she looked down at Anna and laughed. 

''HEY YOU! ARE YOU READY TO DIE FROM THIS SPEAR?!'' Becca yelled, excited to test out her new weapon on Anna. ''THIS THING IS SO HEAVY THAT I CAN'T EVEN USE IT PROPERLY! IT'S PROBABLY AS HEAVY AS ME!'' Becca said and twirled her spear around. Anna threw her dagger at Becca but she deflected it with her hand. 

''Go left, Crimson.'' Anna said and the dagger launched itself towards Becca again. Becca saw the blade coming and kicked it upwards. She prepared to throw the spear again but she heard Anna scream. ''Go down, Crimson!'' And the blade flew down, aimed at Becca's head.

''Enough of this!'' Becca said and grabbed the dagger. She then threw the spear at Anna so hard it broke the sound barier and caught on fire. Anna saw the spear coming from the medium clouds and screamed. ''Return, Crimson!'' making the dagger come back to her hand faster than the spear could reach her. Anna gripped the handle of the blade with all her might and roared. 

''BURN, CRIMSON!'' making the blade ignite and make a giant blade of flame to extend its reach. Anna swung the blade at the the spear with all her might, attempting to deflect it and minimize the damage she'd recieve from the fight. 

''Go down!'' Anna and Becca both screamed as the sword and spear clashed.

Anna pushed against the spear with all her strenght, but the atomic weapon was too strong and fast for her. The spear broke through the fire blade and clashed with Anna's dagger, pushing Anna even further back. 

''Damn it! Damn it damn it damn it! DAMN IT ALL!'' Anna screamed and started pushing the spear back. Becca was shocked but she didn't let that slow her down. She continued making another weapon for herself and her rage disappeared, being converted into material for her new weapon. 

Meanwhile, Anna was fighting for her life. The spear was pushing the dagger out of her hands and Anna was running out of strenght and her anger wasn't compensating for her loss of strenght. Anna started thinking about a way to divert the spear from her body but she didn't have any ideas. Out of sheer desperation, Anna started yelling random commands at her dagger. 

''Give me strenght, Crimson!'' did nothing. 

''Defend me, Crimson!'' didn't do anything either. 

''Power, Crimson!'' was just as useless as the other two commands. 

''Damn you, Crimson!'' didn't do jack shit.

Becca's spear inched closer, and Anna felt her resolve slipping. Just as the spear threatened to overpower her completely, a surge of energy coursed through Anna. 

"ENOUGH!" Anna screamed, summoning every ounce of willpower. 

''Fire, Crimson!'' Anna commanded and the blade shot fireballs around her. ''Bow to me, fire!'' Anna screamed and the fireballs flew around Anna. 

''GROW!'' Anna screamed and the fireballs around her grew in size. ''BIGGER!'' Anna screamed and the fireballs grew even bigger. ''BIGGER, DAMN IT!'' Anna yelled and the fireballs got twice as big as they were just a second ago. ''Destroy the ground!'' Anna screamed and the fireballs want into the ground, making large holes. Becca saw that while she was making a blade for her weapon and her eyes widened. 

''What is she doing?!'' Becca exclaimed. Her mind was instantly flooded with how Abbadon's powers work and she realized that Anna was using the fireballs to make herself strong enough to deflect the spear. ''HELL NO! I'M NOT LETTING YOU DO THAT!'' Becca screamed and threw her weapon towards Anna. The weapon, a shuriken, flew towards Anna twice as fast as the spear and lightning came out of it as it flew towards Anna like a commet of destruction. 

Just as the shuriken was about to hit Anna, she smirked and said. ''Come out.'' The fireballs she had buried erupted from the ground, intercepting the shuriken and knocking it off course. The shuriken hit the spear instead and the two weapons flew to Anna's left, freeing her from the struggle. Anna then jumped down the hole behind her and waited for the weapons to explode. The spear, dislodged from the shuriken, out of the shuriken after a few seconds of flying and fell in a lake. The shuriken flew into the air and reached the high clouds before exploding. Anna heard the explosion and felt the the heat and shockwave go over her.

As the dust settled, Anna emerged from the hole, breathing heavily but victorious. She looked around and didn't see any craters, meaning that the weapons landed far away from where she expected them to be. Anna looked at the mushroom cloud in the distance and put her thumb in front of her face, which covered the entirety of the cloud. Anna smiled, knowing she was far from the radition. She looked back up to see Becca still floating, a pair of glowing boxing gloves on her hands. 

"You've got some guts, Anna." Becca admitted, her voice carrying across the battlefield. "But this isn't over." 

Anna tightened her grip on Crimson, her determination unyielding. "Bring it on, Becca. I've still got plenty of fight left in me."

''I'm gonna punch your head off with these and it will be over.'' Becca said and landed on the ground. She raised her guard and prepared to end the fight. 

''Sorry, I have to end this.'' Anna said and raised her dagger, ready to end the fight. 

The two women dashed towards one another and prepared to land the finishing blow. Becca threw a punch and Anna thrusted forward, the red glow of the dagger and the green glow of the gloves covered their faces. 

''That's enough, ladies.'' An angelic voice said. Anna and Becca couldn't help but stop fighting. When they looked up, they saw the figure of an angel. 

The angel landed on the ground and his wings retracted. The girls looked up at the angel in awe, having never seen someone so tall. The angel towered over them but his aura wasn't evil. Instead his aura made them feel safe. He didn't look like a regular angel either, wearing a a pristine white suit which was more stylish than Zadkiel's armor or Rosalie's clothes. Over the suit, he wore a long white trench coat that reached his calves, adding a dramatic flair to his presence. The coat was meticulously tailored, with clean lines and a subtle sheen that caught the light, enhancing his celestial appearance. His pants, also white, matching the rest of his suit, and they were tailored to fall neatly over his shoes. The shoes themselves, also white, were polished and elegant, completing his outfit with a touch of classic style. The angel's tan face had a pleasant expression, his purple eyes were kind and caring. 

''I think you should come with me.'' The angel said and slicked back his white hair. 

''And you are?'' Becca asked.

"My name is Seraphiel." the angel replied, his voice carrying a soothing, melodic quality that seemed to resonate with the very earth beneath their feet. "I've come to offer you both a chance to end this senseless fighting and perhaps find a greater purpose."

Anna, still clutching her dagger, glanced warily at Becca, who maintained her aggressive stance. "What if we don't want your help?" Becca spat, her eyes filled with residual fury.

Seraphiel sighed, a touch of sadness in his eyes. "Then you continue down this path of mutual destruction. But know this—there's a force much darker than either of you at play here, one that revels in your conflict and grows stronger with each drop of blood spilled."

Anna's vision momentarily blurred, her mind flashing back to the demonic face and the image of Marie's corpse. Her heart pounded as she struggled to push away the anger that fueled her flames. "What do you know about the dark forces?" she demanded.

Seraphiel's expression grew serious. "I know that Abaddon's influence is spreading, corrupting even the most pure-hearted beings. If you continue fighting, you'll only become pawns in his greater scheme."

Becca's eyes flickered with doubt, but she quickly shook her head, defiance hardening her features once more. "Why should we trust you?" 

Seraphiel extended his hands, palms up, showing that he bore no weapons. "Because I offer you a path that leads away from this endless cycle of violence. A chance to reclaim your destinies and fight for something greater than vengeance or survival." 

Anna looked at Becca, their gazes locking for a long moment. "What's your plan?" Anna asked cautiously, lowering her dagger just a fraction.

Seraphiel smiled softly. "First, let us leave this place. There's much you need to understand, and this battlefield is not the place for such revelations." 

Becca hesitated, her radioactive aura flickering as if mirroring her internal conflict. Finally, she nodded. "Fine. But if this is some kind of trick…"

Seraphiel shook his head. "No tricks. Only truth."

With a wave of his hand, a portal of shimmering light opened before them. Seraphiel stepped through, turning back to gesture for Anna and Becca to follow. After a moment's hesitation, Anna stepped forward, her grip on Crimson tightening as she braced herself for whatever awaited on the other side. Becca followed, her eyes never leaving the angel's back, suspicion still clear in her gaze.As they passed through the portal, the world around them dissolved into a cascade of light and color, and they found themselves standing in a serene, ethereal realm. The air was filled with a gentle hum, and a feeling of profound peace washed over them.

"Welcome to the Sanctum of Serenity." Seraphiel said, his voice echoing softly in the tranquil space. "Here, you will learn the truth about your powers, the true nature of your enemy, and the role you are meant to play in the battle against the darkness."

Anna and Becca exchanged a glance, their mutual distrust momentarily set aside as they took in their new surroundings. The path ahead was uncertain, but for the first time in what felt like an eternity, they were no longer alone in their struggle. 

''This place is shady as fuck.'' Becca muttered, her eyes scanning the idyllic surroundings suspiciously.

Anna, still clutching Crimson, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, something doesn't feel right. Why did you bring us here?" she asked, her tone demanding yet curious.

The angel turned to face them, his serene expression unaltered by Becca's blunt comment. "This is a place of rest and healing, far removed from the turmoil of your world. You both have suffered greatly, and it's imperative you recover before any further actions can be taken."

Becca scoffed. "We don't need your pity or your help. Just point us to the nearest exit."

Anna looked at the angel, her eyes filled with a mix of skepticism and curiosity. "You said you wanted to talk. So talk. What do you want from us?"

Seraphiel clasped his hands in front of him, his demeanor calm and composed. ''Your battle has disrupted that balance in ways neither of you can fully comprehend. With Chaos gone, this balacne cannot be restored and this is all thanks to Abbadon."

Anna's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean?" 

Seraphiel's gaze softened as he looked at Anna. ''There is a force within you, one that is tied to the very fabric of existence. Abbadon's influence has awakened this power, but it has also placed you in grave danger. You have become something that defies natural law. Your transformation has consequences that reach far beyond your own understanding."  

Becca clenched her fists, her aura flickering with residual anger. "So what? Are you here to lecture us or to stop us?"

Seraphiel shook his head. "Neither. I am here to guide you. To help you understand your roles in the grand tapestry of existence. There are forces at play that are far greater than any individual battle. If left unchecked, the consequences could be catastrophic for all realms."

Anna exchanged a glance with Becca. "And if we refuse your help?"

Seraphiel's expression turned grave. "Then the chaos you have already witnessed will be but a prelude to a much greater disaster. The choice is yours, but know that time is not on your side."

Becca took a step forward, her defiance unwavering. "Fine. We'll listen. But if you try anything shady, I won't hesitate to fight you too."

Seraphiel nodded, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Understood. Now, let us begin. There is much you need to know and even more you need to prepare for."

''I want to know about Abbadon.'' Anna said.

"Abbadon is not merely a being of chaos that looks and acts like an angel." Seraphiel began, his voice resonating with ancient wisdom. "He is an entity that embodies the destructive force that counterbalances creation. For eons, Abbadon has been both a necessity and a danger. Without chaos, there can be no change, no evolution. Yet, his power, if left unchecked, can unravel the very fabric of existence."

Anna clenched her fists, her gaze fixed on Seraphiel. "Why did he target me? What does he want?"

Seraphiel met her eyes, his gaze filled with a mixture of sympathy and resolve. ''He seeks a body. He lost his permanently after a failed ritual we made 200 thousand years ago.'' 

''Why would he want my body?'' Anna asked. ''I'm not sure. Maybe he sensed a fragment of Chaos inside you.''  Seraphiel answered. 

''I'm pretty sure I didn't have that in me before he showed up. I mean you angels just finished rebuilding Chaos, didn't you? I would've been caught a long time ago if I was born with a fragment in me.'' Anna said. 

''That is correct, we finished rebuilding Chaos' body a few days ago.'' Seraphiel said. ''I'm sure we would have found you decades ago if you were born with the fragmnet.'' 

''Wait why am I here then?'' Becca asked. ''I'm pretty sure I don't have a god shard or whatever.'' 

''You give people mega cancer, Becca.'' Anna said. ''Not my fault you gave me superpowers.'' 

''Your radiation powers were given to you by a combination of Abbdon's powers and magic from another realm.'' Seraphiel said. ''It's nasty magic as well, I can sense the evil coming out of it.'' 

''Well shit, I have magic cancer.'' Becca chuckled and sat on a glowing mushroom. ''How do I get rid off Abbadon?'' Anna asked. 

''To get rid off Abbadon, you have to die.''  Seraphiel said. Becca laughed. ''Holy shit, you're so screwed.''

Seraphiel's words hung heavy in the air as Becca's laughter trailed off, replaced by a stunned silence. Anna's eyes widened in disbelief as she processed the angel's revelation.

"D-Did you just say... I have to die?" Anna stammered, her voice trembling with shock. ''I'm stuck with him for the rest of my life?!" 

Seraphiel nodded solemnly. "Yes, Anna. To rid yourself of Abbadon's influence, you must sacrifice yourself.'' Becca chuckled. ''So we just make her jump off a cliff and that's it?'' 

''Well if you want to destroy Abbadon, yes.'' Seraphiel said. Anna looked down and took a deep breath. She looked up at Seraphiel and said. ''I can't do that. I have to save my sister.'' 

''What happened to your sister?'' Seraphiel asked. ''An angel named Rosalie took her from me.'' Anna replied. 

''Oh...'' Seraphiel looked around and then put his hand on Anna's shoulder.  ''Look, Anna, I can't do anything about that. If your sister was taken by any of Zadkiel's angels, she's a sacrifice for Chaos' awakening.'' 

Anna's heart sank at Seraphiel's words, a mixture of anguish and determination swirling within her. "I can't just abandon her." she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. 

Seraphiel's expression softened, his eyes filled with empathy. "I understand your pain, Anna. But sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good. Your sister's fate may already be sealed, but that doesn't mean you can't still fight for what's right."

''You should just let the big guy take over and destroy the world or whatever.'' Becca said. Serapiel's eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms. ''Don't give her any ideas.'' 

''Shut up, I do what I want.'' Becca said. Seraphiel sighed. ''Anyway, there is a chance that Chaos wakes up before they sacrifice her but that's a one in a million chance.''

Meanwhile at Chaos' throne, the angels worked hard to awaken their master. Zadkiel flew away to a small star and pulled out its core to feed it to Chaos. He flew back to the throne of the sleeping god and shrunk back to his normal size. He sighed and gave a signal to the angels around Chaos' mouth and they opened it.

''Here goes nothing.'' Zadkiel said and threw the core of the star towards Chaos' mouth. The angels around Chaos' neck flew towards the core and moved it towards his mouth. With a final push, they fed Chaos the core of the star. 

''Mission accomplished!'' Rosalie exclaimed and flew towards Zadkiel. ''Did you see that, boss? We fed Chaos successfully.'' 

''I saw that, Rosie. I saw it.''  Zadkiel said and lit a cigarette. ''I hope that stupid bastard finally wakes up.'' 

''I hope he wakes up too. It's been so long since the last time he was with us.'' Rosalie said and took one of Zadkiel's cigarettes. 

Zadkiel nodded, exhaling a cloud of smoke as he watched the scene unfold before him. "Yeah, it's been too long. We need him now more than ever."

Rosalie took a bite from the cigarette, her gaze drifting towards Chaos' massive form. "Do you think he'll wake up soon?" 

Zadkiel shrugged, a sense of unease lingering in his mind. "I don't know, Rosie. We've done all we can. Now it's up to him."

Suddenly, Chaos' hand twitched. All the angels stopped moving. Zadkiel's cigarette fell out of his mouth and Rosalie accidentally swallowed hers. 

''Is he?'' Rosalie asked. ''He is.'' Zadkiel replied. 

''He's awake.'' 

To be continue-

The mere twitch of Chaos' fingers created a massive galaxy over the realm of the divine, reshaping the realm in its entirety. Zadkiel barely managed to push Rosalie out of the way of the massively expanding galaxy that took over the entire realm. The two landed on a small moon a few lightyears away from the expansion, narrowly avoiding becoming part of the galaxy.

ℑ𝔱 𝔥𝔞𝔰 𝔣𝔦𝔫𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔶 𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔭𝔢𝔫𝔢𝔡! 𝔄𝔣𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔰𝔬 𝔪𝔞𝔫𝔶 𝔟𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔬𝔣 𝔶𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔰! 𝔗ℌ𝔈 ℜ𝔄𝔏𝔐𝔖 ℌ𝔄𝔙𝔈 𝔐𝔈ℜ𝔊𝔈𝔇 𝔗𝔒𝔊𝔈𝔗ℌ𝔈ℜ! Echoed a voice from the center of the galaxy. 

''The realms have merged?!'' Rosalie exclaimed. 

''It seems so. I just hope it's the mortal realm instead of the one I think It is.''  Zadkiel said. Rosalie looked at Zadkiel's expression and then looked at the galaxy. She saw the stars in it disappear and then she saw a hand reach out of the center. 

''No way...'' Rosalie muttered. 


To be continued.