
Tournament of Chaos

Chaos, the god of all realms, reawakens and hosts a tournament between all realms to change the universe. Anna, a holder of one of Chaos' fragments, is now forced to fight in the tournament to save her little sister Marie from Chaos and his mad angels.

VioletStar1888 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Light and Dark

The hand of dark ripped the galaxy open and hundreds of shadows escaped from it. The shadows consumed the scattered planets and stars and flew towards Chaos. Zadkiel dropped Rosalie and jumped from the moon, shattering it into pieces. He flew towards the shadows at full speed, his flaming wings destroyed asteroids and small planets lightyears away. He pulled his sword out and swung it, the electricity stored in it escaping the steel and forming a wave of destruction. The shadows were consumed by the lightning wave and completely destroyed, the planets they couldn't eat were cut in pieces. Zadkiel saw a shadowy figure get closer to Chaos and pull a blade of darkness from its body to stab him. 

''Get away from him, you bastard!'' Zadkiel's scream echoed throughout the void of space, his rage shaking the realm. Zadkiel flew even faster and blocked the shadow's blade with his own. He grabbed the shadow and stabbed it, letting his electricity run through it and fry it. 

''ALL ANGELS IN ON THIS SIDE OF THE SHATTERED GALAXY! PROTECT CHAOS AT ALL COSTS!''  Zadkiel commanded. He saw flames burst on moons, planets and godly constructs all over that side of the realm. He smiled for a moment, before looking at the hand of darkness and the legion of millions coming his way. 

''You're fools if you think an army like this will get past me.'' Zadkiel said and lit a cigarette. His wings burned even brighter and a mark appeared on his neck. Zadkiel raised his blade and flew towards the army of shadows. 

Meanwhile, in the Sanctum of Serenity. Anna was sitting alone in a field of flowers. She wanted to save Marie but she didn't know how to. She wanted to get rid off Abaddon, but she knew it was impossible. Before she knew it, Anna was tearing out her own hair, leaving blue strands all over the field of flowers. Anna got up and walked around the field of flowers, as if she was looking for an answer. As she walked, Anna felt her feet get wet. She looked down and she that was in a lake. Anna looked back and saw the hils far behind her. Just as Anna turned around and faced the hills, a glimpse of her reflection caught her eye. She looked down and saw it again- her face. 

''Is that...me?'' Anna asked herself. Her hair was longer, almost reaching her shoulders. Her right eye had lost its color, now a faded blue, almost grey. Her face was even paler than before, but this time it was sickly. Anna noticed scars from small cuts and burns on her face and neck, but they disappeared before she could get a closer look. She knelt by the water's edge, reaching out a trembling hand to touch the surface. Ripples spread outward, distorting her image further, but she couldn't look away. 

"What am I becoming?" she whispered, her voice barely audible over the gentle lapping of the water. 

A soft rustle behind her drew Anna's attention. She turned to see Seraphiel standing at the edge of the field, his expression filled with a quiet compassion. "You see the toll of your struggle, Anna. The reflection shows more than just your physical scars." 

Anna clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms. "I need to save my sister, Seraphiel. I can't just give up."

Seraphiel approached her slowly, his presence exuding a calm that contrasted sharply with Anna's turmoil. "I understand, and there may still be a way. But you must understand that it will require more than just your current strength."

Anna looked back at her reflection, then at Seraphiel. "What do I need to do?" 

Seraphiel pointed up and Anna looked at what he was pointing at. The sky in the Sanctum of Serenity cracked and then showed the battle between Zadkiel's angels and the legion of shadows. 

''Help me with this and I'll make sure your sister returns to you safely no matter what.''  Seraphiel said. Anna looked at the legion of shadows, it's numbers growing by the second. She looked away from the battle and back into Seraphiel's eyes. Anna felt at peace the moment her eyes met Serapiel's. 

''How can I help? I don't think I can fight that many at the same time.'' Anna said. Seraphiel then snapped his fingers, creating an hourglass. He gave it to Anna and then he snapped his fingers again. 

''I can give you some time to train.'' He said and then turned the hourglass into a room. 

''This room will disappear in exactly 24 hours. However, I have made time inside the room pass so slowly that a single second is equal to a day. You will not age in there but you will need food. Train in there with your friend until the time comes. You might not be the strongest, but, your support will be beneficial to all of us.'' Seraphiel said. ''In the meantime I will be helping out on the battlefield, but I will know when the room is destroyed. I will bring you to the battlefield when that happens so be ready for anything and everything.''

''But what ifnyou die?'' Anna asked. ''What happens then?'' 

Seraphiel chuckled at the question before tapping on the door of the room twice. ''I highly doubt that will happen. But in case it does, I just made the room bring you there when it's destroyed.'' 

''Where is Becca?'' Anna asked. Seraphiel sighed looked away.''Your friend was...is...a lot. I think I need a moment.'' Seraphiel said and took a deep breath before turning to Anna. 

''Don't eat the glowing mushrooms.'' He said and then snapped his fingers, teleporting Becca into the lake. Becca rose from the water and splashed some at Seraphiel but he just moved to the side and avoided it. 

''What the hell, asshole?! I told you I need some time!'' Becca said and covered her body. Seraphiel sighed and looked up. ''That was 30 minutes ago. I gave you plenty of time. Now just enter that room over there with Anna and don't do anything bad to the glowing mushrooms ever again.'' 

Becca grumbled, shaking the water from her clothes as she waded out of the lake. "This better be worth it." she muttered, glaring at Seraphiel.

Anna, still processing the whirlwind of emotions and revelations, took a deep breath and approached the door of the hourglass room. "We need to train, Becca. There's no other choice."

Becca nodded reluctantly, her irritation giving way to a resigned determination. "Alright, fine. Let's get this over with."

Seraphiel watched them with a mixture of hope and concern. "Remember, Anna, Becca, this training is crucial. You have a unique potential, and together, you can make a difference on the battlefield. Focus on mastering your abilities and supporting each other."

Anna turned to Seraphiel, her expression resolute. "We won't let you down. We'll be ready when the time comes."

With a final nod from Seraphiel, Anna and Becca stepped into the hourglass room. The door closed behind them, and the space inside shimmered with a soft, timeless light. The two were in a white room so large they couldn't see its walls. The room was so tall, that Anna and Becca couldn't see the ceiling, only the clouds. There was a pile of fruits and vegetables next to the door, and a modern kitchen a few meters from it. 

"Well, here we are." Anna said, looking around the room. "Got any ideas on how to start?"

Just as Anna said that, Becca punched her in the face, sending her flying. Anna recovered and landed on the floor, but Becca was already in front of her, boxing gloves on her hands. Anna tried to block Becca's atomic punch, but her hands were disintegrated by the radiation. The glove met Anna's face and it triggered, causing a huge explosion. Becca pulled her hand back and threw a left hook at Anna, sending her tumbling across the floor. Anna tumbled for a few hundred meters before finally regenerating her arms and recovering.

''What the hell are you doing?!'' Anna screamed. Becca dashed towards her and threw a few dozen jabs, forcing Anna to dodge. 

''I'm finishing the fight! That angelic asshole stopped us before I could punch your head off! Now that he isn't here and his powers can't subdue me!'' Becca screamed. Anna dodged her attacks and kicked her away before jumping back to make distance. Becca got up from the ground and dashed towards Anna again. 

''You think you can just end the fight?!" Anna screamed and grabbed Becca by the hair before hitting her with her knee. Becca felt her nose break, but before she could do anything about it, Anna slamemd her into the ground. 

''I will end the damn fight!'' Becca screamed and punched the ground, making a small explosion. Anna jumped back to avoid it, but Becca grabbed her and used her as a meat shield. ''Did you think we'd be all buddy-buddy with each other just because some angel told us to? You're even dumber than I expected.'' 

Becca threw Anna into the air and charged her atomic punch again. ''If you think I'll ever forgive you for turning me into this, you're dead fucking wrong!'' Becca screeched and punched Anna, blowing her to pieces and sending her far away. Becca took her gloves off and absorbed them, before walking back to the pile of food and the kitchen. ''Now I just have to wait for the room to disappear. That will take a while.'' Becca sighed and picked up some veggies. 

''I can work with these, not my favorite food though.'' Becca muttered as she put the veggies in a pan. She left them there and went looking for some meat. After a few minutes of searching, Becca came back with a piece of meat. ''That guy shouldn't have put all the food in a pile, things are too hard to find.'' 

Becca had barely begun cooking when Anna's voice echoed through the vast room. "You really think this is over, Becca?"

Becca turned around, swinging the knife she held. Anna stepped back to dodge the blade, but the knife grazed her neck. Becca pulled the blade back and tried to stab Anna. Anna saw the balde coming, but she got an idea and didn't move away. Becca stabbed Anna in the shoulder but Anna grabbed the frying pan and smashed it in Becca's face. 

''FUCK!'' Becca screamed and punched Anna in the face. Becca grabbed the pan and caught the vegetables from the air. ''You almost ruined it!'' 

''You almost killed me!'' Anna screamed and kicked Becca in the throat. Becca stumbled back and Anna grabbed her again. Anna tried to smash Becca's face into the stove, but Becca managed to overpower her and threw her to the ground.

''You're responsible for all of this!'' Becca said and got on top of Anna and started punching her. Anna tried to block the punches, but it didn't work. Anna's vision blurred, blood trickling from her nose and mouth, but she refused to give in. "I know! I know I'm responsible! But I'm also the only one who can fix it!'' 

Becca's punches got even stronger and she started cracking Anna's skull with her punches. She threw her hardest punch at Anna and made a hole in the ground. Becca stopped punching Anna and fell to the ground next to her, trying to catch her breath.  

Anna's head throbbed with pain, her vision swimming. She coughed, spitting out blood as she struggled to stay conscious. Despite the agony, she forced herself to speak. "Becca... you have every right to hate me. But... if we keep fighting each other, we're playing right into the shadows' hands."

Becca lay next to Anna, panting heavily. Her fists were trembling, blood dripping from her knuckles. "You think... you think I care about what the shadows want?" she spat, though her voice was hoarse with exhaustion.

''No but I do! I care about saving Marie and if that means helping the angels...I'll do it.'' Anna said. 

Becca clenched her fists, her rage simmering. "I can't just forgive you, Anna. I can't forget what you did to me."

"I don't expect you to," Anna replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "But right now, we have to survive. And we can't do that if we're tearing each other apart."

Becca closed her eyes, taking deep breaths to calm herself. "So what do you suggest? We just put everything aside and train together like nothing happened?"

''No. But we need to focus on what's coming. We have to get stronger so we can stop the shadows from taking over the literal corpse of God.'' Anna said, wincing as she sat up.

Becca opened her eyes and looked at Anna, the anger in her gaze tempered by a reluctant understanding. "Fine!" she said finally, sitting up as well. "But this isn't over. We settle this once the battle is done."

''Fine by me.'' Anna said, offering a hand to Becca. Becca hesitated for a moment before taking it, pulling herself up. "Alright, let's start training. I need to be stronger if I'm going to make you pay."

Anna nodded, grateful for the small truce. "Let's make sure we survive first."

''Now let's get to eating the damn food, I am starving!'' Becca said and went back to the kitchen. Anna followed her and the two started cooking together, as if they were firends. 

Meanwhile, Seraphiel was watching the battle between the angels and the legion of shadows. Zadkiel slashed through a couple thousand with his sword and sent lightning to push the rest back where they came from. The shadows started eating the lightning to push forward, only for Zadkiel to duck, revealing Rosalie and her true weapon. 

''This is, Requiem.''  Rosalie said and swung her scythe towards the shadows, turning them into glass and shattering them into nothingness. 

''Good one, Rosie.'' Zadkiel said and threw a cigarette at the shadows, destroying a few. Rosalie smiled and twirled her scythe. 

''Thanks, boss.''  Rosalie said and prepaed for the next wave with her vines. Zadkiel's eyes scanned the battlefield, assessing the situation. The last surviving shadow grew bigger and bigger, until it was the size of a planet. It blew itself up, creating trillions of shadow soldiers that flew towards Chaos. 

Back in the hourglass room, Anna and Becca prepared their meal in tense silence. The aroma of cooking vegetables and sizzling meat filled the air, a stark contrast to the chaos outside.

As they ate, Becca couldn't help but glare at Anna between bites. "Don't think for a second this changes anything," she muttered.

"I know." Anna replied quietly, focusing on her food. "But we need our strength."

''Do you think there's a bed in here?'' Becca asked, chewing on the meat. Anna glanced around the vast, surreal space of the hourglass room. The kitchen they had found was well-equipped, but there hadn't been any sign of beds or other living accommodations. "I haven't seen one." she replied, taking a bite of her own meal. "But this room seems to have everything we need. Maybe if we look around, we can find something." 

''Sure we can go look for a bed later. And a bathroom, I realy need to get the glowing mushrooms out of me.'' Becca said. Anna remembered Seraphiel mentioning something about Becca and the mushrooms. ''What did you do to the glowing mushrooms?'' Anna asked. 

Becca slowly looked up from her plate and smiled at Anna. She didn't say a thing, she just looked at Anna with a shit-eating grin. After a long while, Becca went back to eating. Anna stood there, eyes wide and a shocked expression on her face. 

''You...didn't.'' Anna mumbled. 

Becca's grin widened, and she gave a small, mischievous shrug. "Oh, I did." she said, her voice dripping with satisfaction. "Those mushrooms are... interesting, to say the least."

''You're awful.'' Anna said. 

''Does it matter what I use?'' Becca asked, annoyed.

''You're so gross.'' Anna said. 

Becca chuckled, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Hey, you're the one who wanted to know." she teased, taking another bite of her food. "Besides, it's not like you're any better."

''At least I don't use mushrooms for it!'' Anna exclaimed and slammed her hand on the table. 

Becca shrugged, unfazed by Anna's reaction. "To each their own, I guess." she replied, smirking. "But hey, you never know until you try." Anna shook her head, a mixture of disbelief and exasperation evident on her face. "I'll pass, thanks." she said firmly. "I have better things to do than experiment with glowing mushrooms."

Becca chuckled, raising an eyebrow. "Suit yourself." she said, taking another bite of her meal. "But don't knock it 'til you've tried it." 

Anna rolled her eyes, choosing to ignore Becca's teasing as she focused on finishing her own food. When she finished, she got up from the ground and put her plate away. 

''You said you wanted to find a bathroom, right? Let's go find it.'' Anna said. 

Becca nodded, setting her empty plate aside and standing up. "Yeah, sounds like a plan." she replied, wiping her hands on her pants. "Lead the way, then."

Anna walked toward the other end of the room, scanning the area for any signs of a bathroom. After about 15 minutes of searching, she spotted a door tucked away in a corner. "I think that might be it" she said, pointing toward the door.

Becca followed Anna's gaze and nodded in agreement. "Looks promising." she remarked, stepping forward to open the door. As it swung open, they were greeted by the sight of a small, but surprisingly clean bathroom.

Anna stepped inside, relieved to see that the facilities were in decent condition. "Looks like we lucked out." she said, glancing around the room. Becca nodded, stepping into the bathroom as well. "Definitely better than nothing." she agreed. 

''Now fuck off, I have mushrooms to take care of!'' Becca said and slammed the door. Anna stood outside the bathroom, shaking her head in exasperation. "I'll be right outside." she called through the door. "Just... hurry up."

As she waited, Anna leaned against the wall, reflecting on the strange turn of events that had brought her and Becca to this point. Minutes later, the bathroom door swung open, and Becca emerged, looking slightly more relieved. "All set." she said with a smirk. "Now, what's next on the agenda?" 

''Training. We find a place to sleep later.'' Anna said. Becca smirked and threw a punch. Anna blocked it and slammed Becca against the wall. Becca jumped from the wall and kicked Anna in the face. Anna took the hit and jumped towards Becca, throwing a left hook. Becca ducked and Anna hit the wall, cracking it a bit. 

''Is it just me or are we a bit weak right now?'' Becca asked and sweeped Anna off her feet. Anna fell to the ground with a loud thud, but then she rolled away like a little morph ball. 

''I'm pretty sure it's just us holding back.'' Anna said and jumped up, recovering from the fall. 

''Let's stop it holding back then!'' Becca said and ran away. Anna followed her and the two exchanged combos until they were far away from the bathroom. Anna threw a fireball at Becca, but she dodged it and threw a lightning-powered punch. Anna dodged the punch and tried to kick Becca, but she saw a tiny grain of uranium and jumped back to avoid it. 

''Hey, Anna! Catch this.'' Becca said and made a baseball sized ball of uranium. Anna tried to avoid it, but Becca snapped her fingers and the ball exploded, making a mushroom cloud and a giant crater. 

''You're gonna pay for that!'' Anna said and climbed out of the crater. She summoned her dagger and dashed towards Becca. 

''When I said don't hold back, I didn't mean pull out the big knife!'' Becca said and started dodging Anna's strikes. ''You threw a nuke at me!" Anna screamed and contined slashing at Becca. 

''Yeah but you didn't die! This knife can kill me!'' Becca screamed and dodged the slashes. ''I hope it does!'' Anna replied and continued attacking. 

After a few minutes of nonstop slashes and stabs, Anna calmed down and made the dagger disappear. Becca let out an audible sigh of relief and sat down on the ground to rest from all the dodging. 

''Hey! We don't get to rest, we have much more training to do!'' Anna said and attacked Becca again. Becca dodged the kick and flipped away, ending her flip with a handstand. She smirked at Anna's attempt to hit her, before doing another flip just to show off. 

''How's that for training?'' Becca said, annoying Anna. ''Dodge this!'' Anna yelled and threw a fireball at Becca. Becca waited for the fireball to get very close to her, only to sidestep it. Anna saw that and started shooting small fireballs at Becca like a machine gun, forcing her to actually try to dodge. Becca ducked and weaved through the fireballs until she got close to Anna and threw a punch at her. Anna blocked the attack and threw a kick to retaliate, but Becca jumped over her and kicked her in the face.

The kick sent Anna sliding across the white floor until she summoned her dagger and stabbed it into the ground to stop herself. Becca saw that from the air and decided to make a weapon to attack Anna with. She tried to make something that was not radioactive, but she couldn't. When Becca looked back in Anna's direction, she saw a fireball heading towards her. Becca got a bit angry and kicked the fireball towards Anna. 

''Good, she fell for it.'' Anna said and absorbed the fireball. She ran around Becca and fired small fireballs at her, until she got mad and blew them away.

''Fire mark, activate.'' Anna said and a mark appeared on Becca's leg. ''What the fuck is that?'' Becca asked. 

''I've been trying to get this one to work since before I met you. The fireball marks you and it gives me the power to do this!'' Anna said and a chain of fire appeared in her hand. She pulled on the chain, pulling Becca out of the air and making her crash down. 

''So you have a chain now? Unfair.'' Becca said and tried to get the chain off her leg. ''Shut up, you have nukes.'' Anna said swung Becca around. Becca treid to break the chain, but the floor rose up and made a maze of walls, causing her to crash into them before she coould free herself. Anna was shocked by the maze of walls and and dropped the chain. 

''What is going on?!'' Anna screamed and jumped on top of one of the walls to look for Becca. ''I think the room is reshaping itself to make us fight harder.'' Becca yelled from somewhere inside the maze. 

''Let's work together and destroy it then!''  Anna suggested. ''Pull me with the chain and I'll explode the walls!'' Becca yelled. Without saying a single word, Anna picked up the chain and pulled it as hard as she could. Becca, who was on the other side of the maze, was flung towards Anna, which made her extremely angry. She started creating uranium and when she got close to the wall, she punched it with an uranium knuckleduster, creating a small explosion and destroying the wall. 

''Pull me again!'' Becca said and hit the chain, signaling to Anna to pull the chain. ''GET READY!'' Anna yelled and pulled on the chain again. Becca flew towards the walls with a crazy grin on her face and charged her knuckleduster to destroy all the walls around her. She threw a punch so strong, that the explosion was sent forward, destroying fifteen walls. 

(OST Self-Embodiment of Perfection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_v-8Cch2kWg)

The maze started shifting around and the walls grew bigger and bigeer, to the point where they blocked out the light in the room. Becca's link to Anna was broken along with the chain, when the walls reached the sky. Becca fell towards the ground, the floor under her disappearing and turning into a bottomless pit. 

Meanwhile, on Anna side, things were just as bad. She was raised to the sky along with the wall she was standing on. Suddenly, walls started to grow around Anna, trapping her in a cage above the clouds. 

''Well 𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕥. How do I get out of here?''  Anna muttered. She then looked down and saw the clouds under her. ''I'm pretty high up, I wonder if I can still oull it off.'' Anna said and snapped her fingers. 

''Retrun, Crimson!'' Anna said. Just a second later, she heard a sonic boom and a moment later she saw her dagger cut through the clouds and walls to reach her. Anna reached through the bars of the cage to grab the dagger, but the bars moved closer and crushed her hand. Anna pulled her hand back before the cage closed around it completely. 

''New plan. Spin, Crimson!'' Anna commanded. The blade started spinning like a buzzsaw and after ten or so seconds, it cut through the walls around Anna and landed in her hand. ''That's more like it!'' Anna said and started slashing the floor under her. Anna fell through the floor, but not before unleashing a hurricane of slashes to destroy the cage and the walls around it. She continued slashing through the pillar-like walls as she fell down, until she got distracted by the medium clouds. Anna then remembered that she could destroy more of the maze with her fireballs so she summoned a few. 

''Fire, Crimson!'' She said and the fireballs flew in different directions, destroying walls and pillars as they did. Anna finally saw the ground after falling for so long, so she stabbed her knife into a wall and slid down to safety. 

''Gather, Fire!'' Anna said and the fireballs came to her. ''Grow, Fire!'' She commanded and the fireballs grew twice their size. ''Bigger.'' Anna said and the fireballs grew twice as big as they just were. ''Perfect.'' Anna said and then pointed at the wall in front of her. ''Destroy.'' Anna commanded and the three dozen fireballs flew through the wall, melting it instantly. Anna ponted her finger at another wall and the fireballs destroyed it, growing bigger in the process.

Meanwhile, Becca was stuck in a wall. She had to punch through a wall to stop herself from falling into the pit, but her attack as too strong and now she was stuck. 

''Fuck! I can't pull my hand out!'' Becca screamed in hopes that Anna would hear her. Then Becca looked back at the wall, her anger building up. ''If only I could make a weapon to destroy you! You'd be fucking dead!'' Becca yelled at the wall, mad at the fact she could not create weapons with one hand. 

''Wait a minute! I have legs!'' Becca said and took her boots off. ''If I can make a weapon with my hands, I can absolutely make a weapon with my feet.'' She said and started charging up. After a few seconds, Becca started creating a construct of uranium with her feet, and used her free hand to shape it into a shank. ''All done.'' Becca said and stabbed the shank into the all. She carved out pieces of the wall to make the hole bigger and pull her hand out. After a few minutes she was close to getting her hand out of the wall but then she realized something.

''I could've just used my feet to jump off the wall and make wings for myself...'' She muttered and stabbed the shank into the wall, activating it. The shank exploded and destroyed the wall, which sent Becca flying back into another wall. Before she could crash into it however, Becca deployed her radiation wings and flew out of the trap. She soared above the clouds and saw the pillars reaching high above her.

''I should get rid off these things.'' Becca said and started making another weapon. She made a giant shuriken and threw it at the pillars, slicing them both and making them fall from the sky. The shuriken exploded and the fireball of radiation it made turned the pillars into dust. 

(Ost over)

Becca then saw a bunch of big fireballs destroying the walls under her and smiled. She flew down and landed on a wall, before shouting. ''Stop shooting, dumbass! I am here!'' Anna heard the shout and immediately stopped her fireballs. ''I finally found you!'' Anna exclaimed and ran towards Becca. 

''Yeah whatever, let's get out of here before the maze gets bigger.'' Becca said and picked Anna up. The two flew away from the maze and landed next to the pile of veggies. 

''So what happened to your boots?'' Anna asked. Becca looked down and realized she didn't have them on but she quickly came up with a reason. 

''I put bombs in them and dropped them in the maze to destroy it.'' She said and snapped her fingers. Anna looked at the direction of the maze and saw a small mushroom cloud. The explosion was actually caused by the knuckleduster Becca dropped after she shanked the wall, but that was something only Becca knew. 

''Good thing you never kicked me with those.'' Anna said and looked at Becca's feet, noticing her pink Hello Kitty socks. 

''Stop looking at my socks!'' Becca yelled and threw a punch at Anna. Anna dodged it and looked away. 

''What kind of socks are those anyway? I've never seen anyone wear something like that.'' Anna commented. Becca sighed and calmed down a bit, then she started explaining. 

''I bought these from a shitty mall back in 2007." Becca said, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "It was the only thing I could afford at the time, and they've somehow lasted through everything."

Anna chuckled, still glancing at the socks. "Well, they do add a bit of personality," she teased.

Becca rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, just keep it to yourself." she said, shaking her head.

''Alright alright, I'll stop.'' Anna said. She then gestured to the pile of food. ''What do you want to eat?'' She asked. 

Becca looked at the pile of food, her expression softening a bit as she considered Anna's question. "Honestly, after all that, I could go for something simple." she said. "Maybe just some roasted veggies."

Anna nodded and began gathering some of the vegetables, preparing to cook them. ''We did alright for day one in here. I think we have step it tomorrow however.'' She said. 

''Where are we going to sleep?'' Becca asked. Anna remembered the lack of a bed in this room and started thinking about their options. ''I don't know. We can go looking for a bed and bring it here, but that might waste a day of our time. But then again, if we sleep on the floor we won't get a good rest and that will be bad for our training.'' Anna said and continued chopping the veggies. 

''I'll go looking for a bed while you're cooking. I'll be back before dinner gets cold.'' Becca said. ''Fine, just don't start flying here, your radiation will turn the our supplies into mush.'' Anna said. Becca nodded and walked away. When Becca was far away from Anna and the food, she spread her wings and flew up into the sky, before boosting herself with and exlposion. When Becca reached the clouds, she stopped flying and looked at the ground under her to find a bed.

''Nothing in here? That's a shame.'' Becca said and used her powers to make her vision even better. She flew up higher and scanned the ground again, but to no avail. ''Damn.'' Becca said and flew away, searching for a bed. 

Meanwhile, the angels were struggling to fight off the legion of shadows. With the help of Seraphiel and a few others, the angels had created a barrier around Chaos. The hundreds of trillions of shadows formed into a single giant, who grabbed a few stars and consumed them, growing larger in the process. 

''Somebody stop this bastard before he grows too big!''  Zadkiel screamed at his men. 

"I'll handle it." Rosalie said and twirled her scythe. She launched herself into the air, her wings spreading wide as she charged at the giant shadow. The giant threw shadow blasts at Rosalie, but she flew around them and under the giant's forearm. 

''Eclipse Cleaver!'' The scythe glowed with a dark, ominous light as Rosalie swung it with all her might. The blade cleaved through the shadow giant's arm, causing it to roar in pain and fury. The severed arm disintegrated into smaller shadows, which scattered and reformed, but the giant had been momentarily halted. 

"Keep attacking!"  Zadkiel commanded, his voice booming across the battlefield. He raised his sword, channeling divine lightning energy into it. "We must weaken it before it consumes more stars!" 

''ATTACK!'' One of the angels, a red haired man, screamed. He charged towards the severed arm of the shadow giant. The shadows, all quadrillion of them, flew towards the angel, their shadow blades and tendrils all pointed at him. 

''DIVINE IMPACT!'' The angel's hammer glowed gold and he swung his hammer in a swiping motion. When the weapon hit the army of shadows, it sent out a blast, which destroyed all one quadrillion of them. The angel flew towards the stunned giant's other hand and swung his hammer again in an attempt to destroy it. 

''𝔾𝕠𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦, 𝕗𝕠𝕠𝕝!'' The giant's chest opened to reveal a red eye the size of a star. The red haired angel recognized the attack and flew out of the eye's sight. 

''Everybody hide!'' Zadkiel commanded and flew behind a moon. Most of the angels managed to hide behind asteroids and nearby planets, but a few were too slow. 

''𝓒𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓪𝓲𝓷! 𝓣𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼!'' Screamed one of the angels when she realized she was not going to make it before the eye could shoot. She threw her weapon, a giant scimitar with on a chain, towards Zadkiel. 

''ℙ𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕙!'' The red eye blasted everything in it's sight, turning planets, stars and angels to dust. The moon Zadkiel was hiding behind was also destroyed, but he didn't care. He just lost one of his comrades and he was pissed. 

''You won't get the chance to use that attack again!'' Zadkiel screamed and flew towards the giant. He swung the scimitar and threw it towards the giant. The giant shot shadow blasts towards Zadkiel, but he pulled the scimitar back towards himself and blocked the blasts. She spun the blade even faster and threw it aorund the giant's body. The chains wrapped around the giant's body and started burning him, but he turned into shadowy tendrils and tried to snap the chains into pieces. 

''Die!'' Zadkiel screamed and pulled the chains, pulling the giant towards him. Zadkiel pulled his sword out and slashed at the giant's body, damaging it more and more. The giant tried to punch Zadkiel but he pulled the chains and blocked the punch with them. Before the giant could realize, he was sliced into pieces. 

''BURN!'' Zadkiel screamed and the chains released a purple flame, which destroyed the giant's pieces and killed all the shadows in it. 

''Good job, boss!'' Rosalie screamed and gave Zadkiel a thumbs up. 

''We're not done yet! We have to close the portal before it's too la-'' Zadkiel was shot through the chest by a beam of shadows. Zadkiel fell on a passing asteroid and the figure behind him was revealed.

''That man! Kill him!'' Rosalie screamed. The angels were too stunned to attack the figure as it form changed from a man to a dragon and then to a woman. Then the figure started growing hands and legs by the billions and grabbed its face as it turned into hundreds of thousands of them. The thing started pulling its eyes out and they floated up aorund its faces and formed into a halo. as that happened, the thing grew 7000 pairs of giant wings and covered its body with them. 

''What the hell?'' Rosalie muttered as the wings of the thing bubbled up and sprouted eyes and mouths. The mouths opened and started spewing out hundreds of eyeballs. The eyes turned into hands and grabbed the wings and started ripping them up. The feathers of the thing turned into tiny creatures before burning up and turning into red smoke. As the smoke covered the monster, its billions of voices screamed out in pain. 

''Commander Rosalie, what do we do?'' One of the angels asked and took her helmet off to see if the thing in front of her was actually real. Rosalie stopped the angel and put her helmet back on, the angel's cyan hair was poking out of her helmet's holes. 

''Don't take it off. I have a bad feeling about that smoke.'' Rosalie said and pointed at the smoke, which had formed a sphere around the creature. 

''Why don't we attack that thing?'' The angel asked and reajusted her helmet. 

''If we get close it will kill us. I can feel its bloodlust from here. A single step and we're all dead.'' Rosalie said. 

The red smoke had hardened and turned into a small moon. After a few moments, the shell cracked and two hands ripped through it. A figure covered in blood came out of the egg and looked towards Rosalie with its red eyes, making her fall to the ground. 

''Commander!'' The cyan angel exclaimed and helped Rosalie to her feet. Rosalie looked at her with a terrified expression on her face. She was so afraid that her eyes had turned completely white. Rosalie's face had contorted into a smile, but her heartbeat was so fast that the cyan angel could hear it. Rosalie put her trembling hand on the angel's shoulder and repeated the same sentence over and over.

''We're dead.'' Rosalie said and started pulling her hair out. 

𝐻𝒶𝓁𝒻 𝑔𝑜𝒹 𝓌𝑒𝒶𝓀𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈. աɛ աɨʟʟ ȶǟӄɛ ƈǟʀɛ օʄ ȶɦɛʍ. ᗯE ᗩᖇE TᕼE ᕼIᔕ ᖴᗩᐯOᖇITE ᗩᖴTEᖇ ᗩᒪᒪ.'' The figure said and absorbed the blood that was on its body. 

''We are loved and you are not.'' The figure said and started walking on the pieces of rock floating through space, making them form stairs. 

''𝐵𝓊𝓉 𝒷𝑒 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒻𝓇𝒶𝒾𝒹'' The monster said and continued walking, each step turning it more human.

"For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will end you." The figure said and continued walking towards the angels. 

''Stay back, monster!'' The cyan angel shouted and threw a knife at the figure. 

''𝐀 𝐤𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐈. 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝.''  The figure said and the knife fell to the ground. As the figure finally reached the last step, its figure was revealed. 

''I am God.'' She said as her purple hair grew longer and longer, before spilling all over the ground like a purple sea. As the sea of purple consumed the marble platform, the eyes of God glowed red and stared into the souls of all angels on that side of the broken galaxy. The figure of God raised her hand and put it on her bare chest, right where her heart was. She dug her fingers into her body and ripped her heart out.

''All of you, die.'' She said and poked through her heart with her finger, making all the angels' hearts explode. 

When the angels fell, the barrier around Chaos broke and God's emotionless face changed into one with a small smile. She walked slowly on the void of space, every step creating a shadow giant behind her. As God finally reached Chaos' throne, she stopped moving and looked at the remains of the former creator of the infinite universe. 

''You look so disappointing.'' She said to the sleeping black silhouette of Chaos. After God said that, she made a few more steps towards Chaos' body and her body grew to the size of a universe, the same as Chaos. She leaned forward and looked into Chaos' empty eyes before she raised her hand and prepared to kill him permanently. 

''I won't regret killing you.'' She said and threw a punch aimed at Chaos' heart.

To be contnued. 

Btw sometimes I write Abaddon as Abbadon and you will see it a lot. Both are ways his name is written in the story from now on so I don't have to fix my errors.

VioletStar1888creators' thoughts