
Touhou: I Became a Butler of the Scarlet Devil Mansion

The story of a young man, Shun who is transported to the world of Gensokyo. As he wandered through the unfamiliar landscape, Shun was discovered by Remilia Scarlet, the powerful vampire mistress of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Intrigued by Shun's appearance and potential, Remilia offered him a position as her newest butler. "Young man, Your fate is now sealed." Take Note: I do not own any characters, plot, place, or history besides my own oc and 'fan-fic' plot Routes will have 18+/NSFW Content (Still thinking about it.)

Yamiru · Video Games
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123 Chs

Thirst for Blood

I could barely hear their conversation as I lay there, struggling to stay conscious. The words, faint yet menacing, sliced through the chaos.

"Sir, What should we do with this body?" one of them inquired, the tone laced with a chilling readiness to carry out orders.

"Ha? Isn't it obvious? Throw it in the sea," the Old man commanded with cold indifference.

"Yes, Sir."

Their callous conversation jolted me slightly, fueling a flicker of determination within my fading consciousness.

As the minutes passed, my senses gradually returned. The pain was sharp, igniting a searing fire in my body. The injuries were severe, but I had to move. 

 I had to stop them. With gritted teeth and every ounce of willpower, I pushed myself off the ground, my muscles protesting with agony.

The scent... it was faint, but I caught a trace of it. The Old man. He was close. Gritting my teeth against the pain, I steadied myself.

In my dazed state, I sensed their realization as they spotted me moving. Their voices merged into a chorus of alarm.

"The body! It's alive!"

Their surprise only fueled my resolve. Despite the searing pain and the fog clouding my thoughts, I retaliated, swiftly neutralizing their threats.

"Impossible! We sprayed him didn't we!?"

"A monster!"

Their panicked chatter grated on my ears. I couldn't bear their voices any longer. With swift, decisive strikes, I silenced them before they could utter another word.

The skirmish had taken its toll, intensifying the agonizing ache in my body. But I had to press forward. The scent of the Old man lingered, growing stronger.

Struggling to keep my balance, I made my way to the trembling figure left standing, fear etched into every line of his face. I closed the distance, seizing him by the collar with a firm grip.

"Where is the old man? Lead me to him," I demanded, my voice a hoarse whisper amidst the chaos.


His terror was palpable, his stammering failing to form coherent words.

With little patience left in me, I tightened my hold, pressing further for a response. But just as he attempted to speak, an abrupt force knocked us off our feet. The old man, unexpectedly wielding a firearm, interrupted our tense exchange.

"Time's up, boy," he snarled, aiming his weapon at me.

I acted swiftly, my body reacting on instinct. Dodging the bullet, I lunged at him, aiming to incapacitate him and finally end this relentless pursuit.

The old man's twisted amusement was evident in his words, a dark grin etched across his face as he taunted me.

"Hehehe, What a monster you are... Have you seen yourself in the mirror yet?" he sneered.

"Have you seen yourself in hell, old man?" I retorted sharply, my voice laced with determination.

But before I could close the distance between us, he forcefully shoved me backward, jolting me off balance. My footing wavered, but I managed to steady myself, refusing to fall.

With a mocking laugh, the old man bolted, attempting to flee. I dashed after him, driven by a singular purpose - to end his existence.

"Old man... I'm here to kill you... Not to play games," I growled, frustration mounting as the chase continued.

Suddenly, a metallic object rolled to a stop near my feet. Instinctively recognizing the danger, I leaped back as a grenade rolled out.

The deafening blast of the grenade reverberated through the air, engulfing the surroundings in a thick cloud of smoke. Blinded by the billowing haze, I strained to see through the murky chaos.

"I can't see," I muttered, frustration and irritation seeping into my voice. Squinting through the smoke, I attempted to track the old man's scent, but the acrid stench of weed and marijuana clouded my senses.

"Is this perhaps one of your works, Old man?" I called out, my tone laced with a mix of anger and disdain as I coughed, the fumes filling my lungs. I focused, trying to dispel the disorientation the smoke was causing.

Desperate to pierce through the veil of smoke, I searched for any movement or sound that might reveal the old man's whereabouts. Though it's not that hard since my sense are stronger than I thought

I cautiously navigated through the smoke, my senses on high alert for any hint of the old man's presence. As the thick haze began to thin out, I glimpsed movement from the corner of my eye. Reacting swiftly, I lunged toward the shadowy figure, only to grab a coat hanging on a metal stand.

"Where are you, old man?"

I cautiously navigated through the smoke, my senses on high alert for any hint of the old man's presence. As the thick haze began to thin out, I glimpsed movement from the corner of my eye. Reacting swiftly, I lunged toward the shadowy figure, only to grab a coat hanging on a metal stand.

"Where are you, old man?!"

A sudden clatter from behind caught my attention. Wheeling around, I saw the old man, his silhouette emerging from the dissipating smoke. He held a smoking gun in his hand.

"You're persistent, boy," he sneered, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. "But you're out of your depth."

Before I could react, he aimed and fired another round of bullets. Reacting instinctively, I evaded the shots, dodging behind a stack of crates for cover.

"You'll pay for what you've done," I shouted.

The old man chuckled, his voice echoing in response. "I'd like to see you try, Shun!"

"Yeah." As I came out from behind the crate, I felt a predatory hunger gnawing at me. The old man's lifeless form was left strewn about after the short and violent confrontation.

"Hehe... Hehe..." A twisted satisfaction played on my lips as I summoned a fireball, reducing the corpse to ashes. 

The rain began to pour, washing away the remnants of the encounter.

What's this feeling, I wonder? A feeling of satisfaction yet not enough...

Just then, I heard footsteps behind me, and as I turned around, It was Lady Remilia who is standing before me.

"Are you done?"

"Milady... I'm... hungry."

"Haahh... So you overdid it."

Overdid it? What does she mean?

"As a mistress, It is my responsibility to turn you like this," she sighed, revealing her flaming spear with a snap of her fingers, aiming it at me. "Now come."



My voice took on a primal tone, as my hunger intensifying.

As I stepped closer, the rain poured down, mingling with the burning aura of Lady Remilia's spear. The world seemed to blur, and the scent of blood and rain hung heavy in the air.