
Touhou: I Became a Butler of the Scarlet Devil Mansion

The story of a young man, Shun who is transported to the world of Gensokyo. As he wandered through the unfamiliar landscape, Shun was discovered by Remilia Scarlet, the powerful vampire mistress of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Intrigued by Shun's appearance and potential, Remilia offered him a position as her newest butler. "Young man, Your fate is now sealed." Take Note: I do not own any characters, plot, place, or history besides my own oc and 'fan-fic' plot Routes will have 18+/NSFW Content (Still thinking about it.)

Yamiru · Video Games
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123 Chs

My Own Conscience

Confusion clouded my senses as I awoke in darkness, questioning my surroundings. The memory of killing the old man with my bare hands lingered in my mind. 

My head... I still remember the feeling of killing a person.

Lady Remilia clashed violently with a vision of me.

Wait, why am I fighting her?

I strained to shout, "Lady Remilia! Stop! That's not me!"

Attempting to reach the ethereal battle, I found my limbs heavy, restrained by crimson chains. What the hell is this!? I gritted my teeth, muscles bulging as I futilely tried to break free.

Why am I fighting Lady Remilia? What did I do?! I... need to remember but right now, I have to get out of these stupid chains!

The question still echoed, but I pushed it aside, focusing on the struggle against the chains.

In the distance, a figure resembling me emerged, wielding both the silver youkai blade and the crimson sword. A sinister smile played on his lips as he took a menacing stance. 

That's me... Why is he smiling...? What is he trying to do!? 

As I continued to wrestle against the chains, the malevolent version of me inched closer.

My limbs surged with newfound strength as I finally shattered the chains binding me. I swiveled around, searching for the malevolent version of myself, only to find him vanished.

"Where did he go..."

A surge of killing intent snapped my attention upward. Reacting instinctively, I stepped backward, narrowly avoiding the deadly air slash that cleaved through the space where I stood moments ago.

"Above!" I exclaimed, locking eyes with the sinister doppelgänger as he continued to conjure lethal air slashes. With agility and precision, I danced through the onslaught, evading each deadly arc with calculated moves.


"Stop laughing, you maniac!" I exclaimed, swiftly drawing the crimson crystal and transforming it into a blade.


"Tsk...!" I initiated my spellcard, attempting to conjure the ("Blood Sign: Tendril Chains"). However, to my bewilderment, the same spell was mirrored by the other version of me, and chains materialized from the air.


I was caught off guard by the unexpected synchronization of our abilities.

The chains collided, dissolving into nothingness.

Without hesitation, I assumed a defensive stance, <"Sword Sign: Final Cut">. In a blur, I vanished from my current position and materialized directly in front of my doppelganger.

To my surprise, he only smiled, and it dawned on me that I was now surrounded by a barrage of crimson knives, spears, and arrows.

Instinctively, I raised my weapon, swiftly blocking and parrying the incoming projectiles that whirled around me.

As the flurry of projectiles ceased for a moment, I took a split-second breather, analyzing the situation. 

My doppelgänger remained eerily calm, a chilling smile etched on his face.

"Hehehe... You're quite impressive, Shun," he taunted, his voice a distorted echo that reverberated in the dim expanse.

I narrowed my eyes, "What do you want?" 

"Isn't it obvious?" he sneered. "I'm your true self, your inner darkness, unleashed upon this world, After all... I am you, and you are me."

My grip tightened around the crimson sword as I processed his words. The realization struck me like a lightning bolt—this was a manifestation of the darker aspects I'd been struggling to suppress.

"Enough of your nonsense!" I charged forward, unleashing a swift sequence of strikes with my sword.

He danced effortlessly, dodging and countering my attacks with unnatural grace. As I lunged forward for another assault, he vanished into thin air, reappearing behind me, readying a vicious strike.

Reacting on instinct, I spun around, narrowly parrying the incoming blow. But the force behind his attack sent me skidding backward, my feet digging into the ground.

The doppelgänger's chuckle echoed in the void. "Pathetic. You're still holding back, Shun." *How about you give me your body and I'll take care of Remilia Scarlet and the others~*

"I'll defeat you before that happens!" I surged forward once again, determination etched on my face. I channeled my energy, focusing on the crimson crystal in my hand.

"Dread you are, but within me, I'll quell," I muttered, invoking an ancient incantation that Lady Remilia had taught me, attempting to regain control over my inner turmoil.

My doppelgänger's grin faltered for a fleeting moment, a hint of surprise flashing across his face before he regained his composure.

But before anything more could happen, the illusionary realm began to fracture, distorting and flickering like a dying flame.

I sensed the crumbling realm closing in as I dashed forward, determined not to succumb to the twisted version of myself.

 The doppelgänger mirrored my moves, his smirk widening amidst the chaos enveloping us.

My crimson blade sliced through the air, a symphony of swift strikes, each fueled by a deep resolve to vanquish this dark reflection. Yet, with each collision, the illusory space trembled, its fabric destabilizing.

The doppelgänger effortlessly deflected my blows, his movements a symphony of malevolent grace. "You can't win, Shun," he sneered, his voice echoing with chills.

I clenched my jaw, refusing to bow to his taunts.

 "I won't give in!"

"No, you already lost."

In a bewildering moment, a sword pierced through my chest, shattering my concentration. Confusion clouded my mind. 


What happened? Where did the sword come from?

"See? I warned you to surrender."

"I... won't... give up!"

I gasped for breath but suddenly, a barrage of phantom swords struck me, driving through my body like nails piercing flesh, causing searing pain to surge through me.

The realm quivered violently as if echoing my agony. The doppelgänger's sinister laughter resonated, the space distorting around us.

The illusory scene vanished, replaced by an ethereal void. The sensation of falling engulfed me, dragging me into an abyss of uncertainty.

A sense of despair gripped my soul as darkness enveloped my consciousness.

 found myself in an empty, chilling void, the silence deafening. Memories of Lady Remilia echoed in my mind, her voice a distant yet comforting presence in this desolate space.

"Shun... From now on, you are my butler..."

Her words cut through the emptiness, bringing a faint warmth to my hand.

Lady Remilia.

As the silence enveloped me, questions surfaced, each one pricking at my consciousness.

Why this undying loyalty toward Lady Remilia?

The answer emerged from within as if it had always been there, waiting to be acknowledged.

"Because she's more than a mistress to me... She's my lover."

A surge of warmth emanated from my hand, growing more intense with each passing moment.

I had failed to protect her before. But this time, I vowed to shield her at all costs...

In the swirling chaos of our confrontation, the doppelganger attempted to seize control of my body. His hand descended, poised to engulf me, but my swift retaliation cut through his intentions, stepping back away.

He recoiled, gritting his teeth, his hand regenerating as he stared at me with frustration.

Meanwhile, I rose from the ground, reclaiming my crimson sword from where it had fallen.

As I opened my eyes, I noticed ominous red lines appearing on the doppelganger's neck. "It burns," I murmured, a searing pain emanating from my right eye.

I assumed a stance and lunged forward, aiming to slash his neck. He blocked my strike, but an unexpected surge of strength coursed through me, breaking the sword and allowing me to cut into his neck.

A mixture of surprise and rage contorted his face as my blade found its mark.

The doppelganger staggered backward, clutching his bleeding neck. His eyes, filled with anger and disbelief, met mine.

"It's not possible... you're supposed to be..." he rasped, his words barely audible over the chaos surrounding us.

"I'm supposed to be what?" I retorted, my voice carrying a tinge of defiance.

His response was a vicious lunge, aiming for my heart. I barely dodged his attack, feeling the wind of his passing strike as it missed me by inches.

And then he vanished, dissolving into crimson mist.

I won... huh... Just like that.

Meanwhile, on Remilia's side.

The mindless version of Shun, fueled by chaos, clashed relentlessly against Lady Remilia.

Each strike sent shockwaves through the ship, flames dancing in response to their combat. Rain intensified, turning into a torrential downpour that failed to quench the fiery clashes.

Remilia, agile and fierce, parried and countered every assault, but the mindless Shun seemed relentless, driven by some unknown force. 

As each blow landed, the ship trembled, and the chaotic energy resonated in the air.

The mindless Shun laughed, mingling with the roars of the flames and the pouring rain.

"Shun... Why are you doing this?" Remilia demanded, her crimson eyes focused on her assailant.

No response came. The mindless Shun pressed the attack, a whirlwind of violence amidst the storm. Remilia, determined to end this, summoned her spear wreathed in flames, meeting each strike with precision.

Shun took a defensive stance but then dropped his swords as he stood still.

"He stopped?" Remilia panted after battling the mindless version of Shun, causing chaos around the ship. Flames flickered around them, rain pouring harder.

"Lady Remilia..." Shun's voice echoed.

Remilia's eyes widened as she immediately rushed to his side, "Shun, are you okay!"

But instead, Shun silenced her with a kiss. The moment held a mixture of surprise and relief, the rain intensifying around them, washing away the residue of the chaotic battle.

The world seemed to pause for that fleeting moment as Shun's lips met Remilia's. 

There was an inexplicable connection in that unexpected touch, a fusion of emotions tangled within the intensity of the rain.

For Remilia, it was a moment of shock, her heart pounding wildly within her chest. Her crimson eyes widened in surprise, momentarily stunned by Shun's sudden action.

The rain poured harder, almost as if the sky was cleansing the aftermath of the battle, washing away the lingering residue of chaos. The flames that once roared in the heat of combat now dwindled into smoldering embers.

"I'm sorry Lady Remilia."

"No, Don't worry about me, I'll give you a punishment later but for now..."

Let's go home... Back to Gensokyo.

Late Happy New Year Everyone! Sakuya's Route is on the way!

If its confusing, I'll let you all know.

Yamirucreators' thoughts