
Touch Your Heart With Love

Tiara trapped in a contract marriage with a president of a well-known company for the sake of the good name of the company and father's wishes. He is a cold and hard to predict man. no one dared to raise their head in front of him. "Miss, are you sure you won't back down? There's still 1 minute to think again." Yohan just smiled with a piece of marriage contract paper on the table. " No, I won't back down." Tiara said firmly although in her heart she is afraid and hates the man who is in front of her and will be her husband after this. Tiara's heart never turned away from her lover, even though she had been betrayed. "Brakk..." The door was pushed loudly until it opened. ."Honey.... Come back to me. I still love you." Jonathan said that he didn't want to lose his lover" Tsk! Are you sure you want to go back to that traitor?" Yohan said sarcastically while laughing grinning. Tiara was still silent looking at the two men in front of her. his heart is indecisive to choose between a betraying ex-lover, or a perverted president director who is annoying? *Can the president heal Tiara's wounded heart and conquer her heart?

Imroatul_hasanah · Urban
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15 Chs

9. Nice coincidence

But unfortunately, the beautiful woman was not at all touched by Jonathan's words. What Tara needed was money and wealth, fame and flattery. Not a crappy seduction from a poor man like Jonathan at this time. Seduction and love will not make Tara full and happy.

"Enough! You'd better get out of my sight now, or I will scream and call the hospital security officers to throw you out of my sight. But if you don't go too then I will report your actions to the authorities / police. trying to kill me." Tara said that she was starting to feel bored and tired of being around Jonathan so the best way to make this man leave and disappear from his sight was to threaten him with a prison sentence on charges of attempted murder against Tara.

Hearing Tara's words, Jonathan finally chose to back off and leave the beautiful woman alone rather than having to deal with the police. Jonathan had enough problems, he didn't want to add any more problems.



The president and assistant Steve had just arrived at the city N airport. Already moving quickly to the hotel they had previously booked. The president wanted all his affairs in this city to be finished so that he could return to S city as soon as possible. Leaving his pregnant wife made him feel uneasy. although Yohan has provided medical facilities for Tiara whenever needed. But all of that will not make Yohan satisfied or just calm down.

"Steve, please arrange a meeting with Mr Alexander. Tell them we're in town." Yohan said he asked Steve's assistant to speed up the schedule of meetings with clients in this N city. John the sooner the better.

"But president, we've just arrived in this city. Don't you feel tired and want it to rest first?" said Steve's assistant whose eyes were too sleepy to work at this time, plus Steve's assistant was also tired. after they had traveled a long way that took tens of hours on a plane to arrive at this N city. Of course, Steve's assistant himself needs a break, although only 2 to 3 hours is enough. Working with sleepy eyes and a tired body, will not produce maximum results.

"Are you tired? When we get to the hotel you can rest first. I will prepare everything needed." Yohan said to Steve's assistant. Yohan also felt tired but to finish his business affairs faster. A president is willing to work more than usual.

"How can I rest, if the president is working?" Steve's assistant said in his heart. Steve's assistant cannot sleep well and make himself comfortable when his type is working hard and ignoring his fatigue.

Yohan is still busy with his laptop. Glancing at Steve's assistant who had been secretly looking at the president of the money seriously working in the car. Yohan could more or less guess what his assistant was thinking.

"Don't think anything weird. You should rest. If you're tired everything goes to the root of the mess." The president convinced Steve's assistant to do as he said.

"Okay, president." Steve's assistant replied who started leaning his body on the back of the car seat and tried to close his eyes for a moment to rest. His sleepy eyes and tired body made it easier for him to fall asleep than usual.

Yohan, who saw that Steve's assistant was already sleeping soundly beside him, just smiled. "You bastard Steve, I've only been asleep for a few minutes." said Yohan who continued to return to his work which was a little more complete.

After a 1-hour drive from the airport to the hotel. Finally, the assistant president arrived at the destination hotel as well. Yohan woke Steve up to go in and rest in the hotel.

"Steve, do you want to come with this taxi driver home?" Said dang president who tapped Steve's shoulder.

The assistant of this place was a little surprised to hear the president's voice and also a tap on his shoulder so that Steve's assistant immediately woke up.

"Master, we have arrived." said the taxi driver got out of his car, and took the suitcase in the back trunk to be moved to the hotel lobby.

Steve's assistant paid the taxi driver wages while Yohan continued his footsteps and sat on the sofa in the hotel lobby while waiting for his assistant to take care of the room they would occupy at the hotel reception.

After the sip assistant finished getting the room key for both of them. The hotel maid took the two suitcases to be escorted to their respective rooms.

Arriving at Yohan's room, he only ordered Steve's assistant not to disturb him for the next 2 to 3 hours. This is done by a president director so that his assistant has enough time to rest. Let Steve's assistant know what to do in the next 2 to 3 hours. Sleeping, walking, or just relaxing is Steve's assistant's business, while Yohan will choose to soak his body in warm water in the bathroom and rest for a while.

After they arrived at their respective rooms, the first thing his wife did was to inform Tiara that they had both arrived in town safe and well.

"Hello, honey. Are you asleep?"

"Not yet, honey. I'm still waiting to hear from you. Are you guys in town now?" The upside-down tiara asked her husband.

"Okay, Steve's assistant and I just got to the hotel. How are you doing there? Oh, yeah. Did the little you come?" said Yohan who started asking about doctor Glen to Tiara.

"Yes. It was only a few minutes after you left. Honey, you are really mean. I saw doctor Glenn running when he saw your car still parked in the yard. He must have thought you hadn't left and immediately ran inside, when he arrived in this house." Tiara said who conveyed about the arrival of doctor Glen to Yohan. so that her husband would no longer be angry with his best friend who had no intention of breaking the promise they made or deliberately not coming on time.