
Touch Your Heart With Love

Tiara trapped in a contract marriage with a president of a well-known company for the sake of the good name of the company and father's wishes. He is a cold and hard to predict man. no one dared to raise their head in front of him. "Miss, are you sure you won't back down? There's still 1 minute to think again." Yohan just smiled with a piece of marriage contract paper on the table. " No, I won't back down." Tiara said firmly although in her heart she is afraid and hates the man who is in front of her and will be her husband after this. Tiara's heart never turned away from her lover, even though she had been betrayed. "Brakk..." The door was pushed loudly until it opened. ."Honey.... Come back to me. I still love you." Jonathan said that he didn't want to lose his lover" Tsk! Are you sure you want to go back to that traitor?" Yohan said sarcastically while laughing grinning. Tiara was still silent looking at the two men in front of her. his heart is indecisive to choose between a betraying ex-lover, or a perverted president director who is annoying? *Can the president heal Tiara's wounded heart and conquer her heart?

Imroatul_hasanah · Urban
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15 Chs

8. My head is so dizzy.

Sonya, who had just entered Tara's room, saw her eldest daughter lying weakly on the patient's bed. Sonya walked over and sat beside tara. Then Sonya gently stroked Tara's hair, like a mother who loves her child so much. No matter what Tara is, in Sonya's eyes, Tara is still her daughter. Sonya's treatment of the tiara was a mistake, she didn't want to repeat the same mistake.

Tara seemed to have come to her senses and once looked around the clean white room.

"Ohh... My head is so dizzy. Jonathan is a damn thing, he choked me almost to death." Tara said in her heart. Tara still remembers very well what happened before this beautiful woman fainted. she had a big fight with her boyfriend.

"Mama..." said Tara who was surprised to see Sonya sitting beside her smiling. Tara was thinking, how could her mother be near her at this time. Could this be Jonathan's doing? Tara glanced at Jonathan who was grinning. "Shit! Could it be that he told mom I was...?? No! That can't be happening... I'm not ready to be a mother right now, let alone Jonathan's wife." The contents of Tara's mind are confused and worried that her mother and papa will find out that this beautiful woman is pregnant with Jonathan's child. It could be, at that time Tara will be expelled from Jiang's residence. Just like the fate of the tiara at that time. Tara won't let that happen, especially since Tara has just been promoted to director in place of her papa. Haven't enjoyed it yet, how could Tara be willing to lose all her dreams.

"Honey, are you awake? What happened to you." Sonya asked Tara.

"Oh, it's just anemia. I've been so busy lately that I haven't had enough rest." Tara replied to her mother. With Tara's answer, her mother is already satisfied. That means Jonathan hasn't told Sonya about Tara's pregnancy.

"Then you should get some rest. Do you want to eat? Let mama buy it for you." Sonya asked Tara again. While Sonya has been in the hospital to take care of her husband, it's possible that her daughter is not eating regularly. Even in Jiang's residence, many servants are ready to cook whatever Tara wants. But tara is not one to be easily satisfied or served.

"No mom. Jonathan already bought food for me. Isn't that right, dear?" Said Tara who looked sharply at Jonathan. It was as if she was giving the Handsome man an order to follow Tara's game. If Jonathan wants to do things. So this beautiful woman also will not hesitate to teach Jonathan a lesson so that Jonathan feels deterred. Moreover, the man had almost harmed Tara by strangling her until this beautiful woman lost consciousness.

"Tara is right Auntie. Tara had breakfast with me earlier." Jonathan replied, who immediately nodded his head and agreed with Tara's words to convince the beautiful woman's mother that what everyone said was the truth.

"Okay then you better get some rest. Mama will go to your papa's room. If you need anything, you can call mama." Sonya said to Tara as she stood up from her seat. Then walked up to Jonathan and patted the youngest self on the shoulder while whispering in Jonathan's ear.

"Auntie will leave Tara. Please take good care of her. If you need anything, you can look for me in the next room." Sonya said who deliberately left tara to her lover.

"Relax Auntie, with pleasure." Jonathan said with a smile.

After that, Sonya walked out of the intermediate room to return to her husband's room. It's not that Sonya doesn't want to look after Tara but by her side, Jonathan is already there while her husband is alone in his room with no one to look after him at all. After all, it's also not severe, it's just anemia. After getting proper treatment from the doctor, her daughter will also recover quickly and be able to go home soon.

After Sonya left the room. Tara immediately got out of bed and removed all the medical equipment attached to her body including the needle that the doctor had just placed in her hand.

Tara feels she will die anytime. if still around Jonathan who could go crazy at any time and didn't care if she lived or died. It would be nice if the currents kept tara from Jonathan for a while.

"Honey, where are you going? Do you think you can just run away from me?" Jonathan said as he held his hands in front of Tara to close the door.

"That's none of your business. Get your hands off me quickly." Tara said, getting angry and emotional.

"Unfortunately I will not let you go. Especially now that you are pregnant with my child. Don't worry, honey. I will be responsible for marrying you." Jonathan said with a sly smile at Tara.

Jonathan held Tara's chin which looked very irritated and angry with her even though Tara didn't say anything at that time. Come to think of it, when Jonathan was still rich this beautiful woman refused to marry him especially now that Jonathan has nothing. maybe tara thinks this handsome man in front of her will only be a burden in her life later.

"Tch! Who would want to marry a poor man like him. I'd rather live alone with or without this baby, rather than having to live with a parasitic man like him." Tara said in her heart who looked at Jonathan with disdain and laziness.

Tara didn't answer any of Jonathan's words and just threw the man's hand away from her face. Then Tara just walked away leaving Jonathan who was still trying to chase her.

"Honey... Come on! Don't be mad at me. I really didn't mean to do that. I had absolutely no intention of hurting you. It's just that my mind went crazy when I found out you were pregnant. mine." said Jonathan, who kept begging Tara to forgive him, and to accept him back as his lover and father-to-be.