
Toshiro Hitsugaya's New Path

One day, a kid from Earth was rewatching his favourite anime, Bleach, during a lockdown thanks to a virus. While watching Episode 24, the episode where his favourite character, Toshiro, was first seen in the anime, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest and grabbed the of his heart and became light headed, falling onto the floor, and eventually, dying. Never in his life however did he think he would live after dying, "I guess some people don't die when they are killed, well, die in my case" the words he spoke came from an all-too-familiar voice. That's right: He was in Toshiro Hitsugaya's body. In excitement, the first thing he did and ever wanted to do was grasp his zanpakuto and shout: "Sit upon the frosted heavens, HYORINMARU ... huh?" Tags/Warnings/Explanations: - Not gonna be perfect in any way, whether it's timeline (on point), explanations, etc. - Stronger Toshiro: Stronger in what way? You'll see. - WARNING: 2 Zanpakuto's, but with a valid explanation imo. - Romance? Unsure. - Strongest in the bleach world? Most likely not, because many characters are way too broken to have a valid excuse of Toshiro being stronger. For example, I can't just give MC a time-space zanpakuto because that wouldn't make sense... actually-

Rizzler007 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: "People-" DON'T "-die when they are killed (dead)"

-MC PoV, 1st person, temporary 4th wall break-

Well... rather than being 'KILLED' per se, the quote in my case should rather be: "People die when they are dead", because like, I wasn't killed, you know?

My name is **** *** (Irrelevant), I was 13... or 14, I don't remember, before I died in my room suddenly to a heart attack, I think.

To be honest, I'm still kind of out of it because I can't believe I seriously died out of nowhere while watching my favourite anime - not "cartoon" - Bleach.

And I'm also pissed because I was in the middle of getting re-introduced to my favourite character in the show, and probably all of anime: Toshiro Hitsugaya.

Why I like him? Well, to be honest, like most fans I don't really have a reason for my liking of him, I just saw him and instantly thought "cool", and after seeing his zanpakuto: Hyorinmaru, it made me like him even more.

I mean, come on, how could I not? It's a literal Ice dragon. First, Ice was my 2nd favourite magical element, after lightning and excluding broken shit like Space-Time - My favourite superpower. Second, dragons are just cool as fuck no matter what they're from.

Anyway, Although I died, I think I'm still alive? Somehow.

Well, I wouldn't say I was REALLY alive since I don't have a body or anything, I can just feel my soul drifting, kinda like it's getting pulled into something.

- Author PoV, 3rd person -

"Haa...Haa..." A short, spiky white-haired boy was panting heavily with his eyelids threatening to shut as he weakly tried to walk over to his bed after finally completing all his paperwork as a captain.

This was the Captain of squad 10 of the Gotei 13, Toshiro Hitsugaya.

'I should've rested and let Rangiku do the paperwork... actually, nevermind, bad idea' He thought, suddenly thinking about how he, a shinigami, somehow managed to suddenly catch a severe cold ever since yesterday.

It was as if someone was targeting Toshiro, after all, a Shinigami shouldn't be able to catch something like a cold, especially him, the literal user of the strongest ice zanpakuto.

Toshiro's vision was blurring and his eyelids were switching between open and closed like a light switch. His body tumbled to the floor, protruding a loud *THUMP!*

'Haa....Haa... Is this the end...? Hyorinmaru.. can you hear me...?' There was no response.

'Hahaha... what a shitty way to go... I really didn't wanna do like this... What about Momo? I can't leave her alone... Or Rangiku, she's way too irresponsible to be left alone... or... actually, not that I think about it... those two are the only one's I was really close to in the end huh? How rough...' His muscles were too weak to keep his eyes open.

Seconds later, the breathing and heart rate of Toshiro had stopped. It was official:

Toshiro Hitsugaya, Captain of Squad 10, was now dead.




As if he was brought back from the dead, the supposedly-dead ice captains' eyes snapped open, revealing his dazzling turquoise eyes.

"*Yawnnnnn~*... that was a lon-" Toshiro(?) spoke, but not before cutting himself off with a shocked pikachu face.

"...Oh...My...GODDDD!" He shouted, but fortunately not loud enough to alert anyone.

'I'm in Toshiro's body I'm in Toshiro's body I'm in Toshiro's bodyI'm in Toshiro's bodyI'm in Toshiro's bodyI'm in Toshiro's body I'm-' He repeated about a hundred times, fanboying for a short amount of time before getting serious.

"...Heh" He smirked Anya style, putting his arm over his shoulder and grabbing the hilt of a sword, unsheathing a blade

"Sit upon the frosted heavens, HYORINMARU!" ...




"Uhm... Hyorinmaru!?" He muttered, not before swinging and posing with the sword randomly.

'Well, that's not working at all... weird' Thinking of an idea, the new Toshiro got down in a jinzen position: Meditation pose with his sword on his lap.

Closing his eyes and wishing to communicate with Hyorinmaru, he attempted to enter Toshiro's inner world, however, every time he felt like he was even beginning to get closer, it was as if something cut off their line of communication.

After 10 minutes, he gave up and stood up, not wanting to give up and having no other options (...probably) he left the office of him and Rangiku, his lieutenant.

"*Sigh*... What's the problem?" He muttered in complaint.

"TAICHOUUU~!!! (Captain)" Suddenly, he heard a loud, feminine, easy going voice shout from behind along with loud footsteps, as if the woman was running.

*BOING~!* As if a trampoline had hit the back of his head, Toshiro's body defied the laws of physics as he comedically got sent flying by a pair of mountai- I mean, breasts, hitting the back of his head.

"Whoopsie~ My bad taichou, my breasts are just too big, sometimes they're an issue you know?... actually, that's a lie, I love my big breasts, and I know the guys do too"

Toshiro looked up to see a woman with long and wavy blond hair, blue eyes, full lips, and a beauty mark located under the right side of her mouth crossing her arms under her breasts, pushing them up as she puffed.

Unknowingly, as if it was natural, a vein popped out of Toshiro's forehead as he replied with a "just watch where you're going next time, Matsumoto"

'Jesus, her breasts look bigger in real life and up close'

He stood up and brushed off some dust he picked up from the floor, earning a questioning look from Rangiku.

Bending over slightly and raising the front of Toshiro's hair with a hand, Rangiku connected their forehead together and asked, "Are you alright, Taichou? You didn't drink last night did you? Or was it your cold? But you look fine now..." She kept on muttering endlessly in a joking tone, but was worrying on the inside.

Stepping back, Toshiro went away from Rangiku, causing her to comically fall over on her front and complain

"Ugh~ My breasts are so fucking heavy, if only I had a strong, dependable man to hold them for me" She said getting up, stretching her back causing a cracking sound to come out, "Ah~ that was good"

'I wonder what it feels like...' Toshiro thought, catching a quick glimpse at Rangiku's heavy load as he may or may not have imagined squishing them like marshmallows. His thoughts however came to a stop when he had a short and quick headache.

"Also... while I'm here taichou" Rangiku started seriously, catching Toshiro's interest

"Why are you not controlling your reiatsu? It's kinda goin' all over the place you know?"


Author's notes: It might be weird seeing 'Toshiro', but if there's one thing I don't like about transmigration stories like this one, its author who keeps switching up names, or doing "???/***" every time, etc.

If you couldn't by the ending and throughout this chapter, yes, as of right now, "Toshiro" can't use Toshiro's powers currently.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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