
Torn Love

Jacob falls in love with his nurse Darci. His ex-girlfriend Maya reappears in his life to have him back and Darci is unwilling to let him go.

Gloria_Samuel_1410 · Teen
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Jacob crashes into an accident

Chapter 2

<span style="font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.66667;">Jacob walked away from the bridge, approaching his car. Ry felt confused and was walking towards him, "where are you going?" He yelled.</span>

Jacob ignored him and walked to his car. He pulled the door open, got in, and shut the door. Ry followed him, he banged on the window yelling, "Jacob! Jacob!"

Jacob started the car engine, and he drove past him.

Jacob felt a tinge of sadness in his bones recollecting January 25th his birthday two years ago when he arrived at Maya's condominium at around 2:09 pm.

Jacob was seething in rage, he increased the car's speed limit, and the car drove as fast as the breeze.

He recollected feeling curious and anxious about Maya not being at his party. When he arrived at the entrances, he was surprised to spot the doors opened, he walked in and he didn't find Maya in the living room."Maya!" He called, he didn't hear a response, and he walked upstairs approaching her king-sized bedroom. The door was slightly opened and he sighted Maya kissing his best friend Raul. Sorrow and shock gripped his heart firmly, his chest tightened, he tried to breathe. Tears like a cascade poured out of his eyes, streaming down his jowls, and he stormed out.

The noisy honking of a vehicle driving towards his car banged loudly in his ears, and he jolted out of his thoughts realizing that he was going to hit the car. He stepped on the brakes immediately, and he swerved his car from the truck. His car carelessly swiveled from the road heading towards a huge tree by a forest. Jacob's heart drummed loudly against his ears and was repeatedly stepping on the brakes, but the brakes were out of control, and the car crashed against the tree.

It was 11:45 pm. Bea, Jacob's mother was wearing a white silk gown and was approaching her king-sized bed to lie beside Henry, her husband when her phone bussed. She walked to the bedside table, stretched her hand to her phone, and picked up the call.

"Hello, son?"

"Am I speaking with Bea Alonzo?"

"Yes, why are you with my son's phone?"

Bea could hear a loud siren in the background and some voices.

"I'm a nurse. Your son is in a bad condition, he met with an accident."

Bea felt astounded, and gasped loudly, "where...which hospital is he?" She panicked, tears started building in her eyes.

Henry felt quite confused wondering why Bea seemed anxious, and he sat upon the bed.

"Saint Kelvin's Hospital." Replied the nurse, and Bea immediately hung up.

She turned to Henry, "Henry, we need to hurry right now, Jacob is in a critical condition."

"What!" Henry exclaimed, he threw his blanket off him, and he slipped into his pair of shoes and scurried to his wardrobe. He widely opened the wardrobe sorting out a shirt and Bea was sorting out for a nice dress in her wardrobe.

Jacob was prep-up on a stretcher bathed in blood. An oxygen mask was cast on his face. The paramedics pulled the stretcher with him from the ambulance, and people were giving way as Jacob was getting rushed inside the hospital. He was brought to the I.C.U.

At around 12:30 that night, Bea and Henry arrived at the hospital. They seemed restive and anxious. They approached the information desk, three nurses were at the desk.

"My name's Bea, and this is my husband, Henry. Our son Jacob was brought here."

"He's the one who had a terrible accident?" asked one of the nurses.

Bea nodded, "yes nurse."

"He's in the I.C.U."

"Where is the I.C.U?" Henry asked.

"At the fifth floor."

Bea and Henry approached there. They reached the I.C.U and sat down in the reception room. Tears poured out of Bea's eyes, "Jacob...." Her voice was cracking.

Henry wrapped his arm across Bea's shoulders and pulled her to his chest consoling her.

After fifty minutes, the doors of the I.C.U opened, and the doctor walked out. Henry and Bea immediately sprang up to their feet, and they approached him.

"Doctor, how is my son?" Bea looked into his eyes.

"He sustained several injuries."

Bea gasped and whimpered, "is he going to be alright?"


Bea sighed, and smiled wildly, "yes, thank God!"

Henry's cheeks dissolved into a cheerful smile.

"But, his left leg is going to be numb temporarily."

Bea shook her head muttering, "no-no doc. Not my Jacob."

"His paralysis is only temporary, and, his right arm..."

"What is it about his arm?" Bea curiously asked.

"His right arm is dislocated, so he'll have to wear a sling always till he recovers."

"Can I see my son?"

"Sure you may. He's out of the coma. He can be discharged anytime soon. Excuse me." The doctor walked away.

Jacob was moved from the I.C.U to award.

Bea and Henry stepped into Jacob's ward wearing a blue apron, a nose mask, a blue hairnet, and a pair of hand gloves.

Tears uncontrollably fell from Bea's eyes seeing Jacob's leg wrapped up, and gashes of bruises on his hands and face.

Jacob feebly turned his head and looked at Bea, the sorrowful look she had made him feel bad, he shed tears.

Bea and Henry advanced to Jacob and stood beside him.

"Jacob," Bea muttered staring into his eyes. She held his hand which lied like a log of wood.

Henry tried to fight back the tears building in his eyes. He felt awful.

"Mum. Am I going to be alright?" His voice sounded weak.

Bea felt jittery, she nodded and said, "yes son. You will be okay."

"Don't lie to me mum. Be honest to me, I wanna hear the truth. If I'm okay, why can't I move my left leg and my other arm? I can't move my neck either, it hurts a lot."

Bea whimpered, "sorry son, sorry. I wish I can take the pain away, I hate seeing you in this state."

"So I'm not okay." Jacob bitterly furrowed his eyebrows gulping down his tears.

Henry softly said to him, "your mum and I are gonna hire an expert private nurse for you so you can recover quickly."

"I don't wanna stay here. I don't wanna stay here any minute longer, take me out of here, take me out of here, I don't wanna stay here..." He was hysterical, Bea leaned forth wrapping him in her arms patting him on his back, "it's okay son.."

"I don't want to stay here mum, I don't want to..... I don't...." Jacob shed tears on her neck like an inconsolable child.

The rain quietly stopped. Darci reached her home. It's a one-story edifice. From the exterior, the outmoded fences, and porticoes seemed unappealing. The building is quite spacious.

Darci weakly pulled the door open, she quietly shut the door meticulously so no pitch will be stimulated and she turned from the door noticing her foster mother Roella sleeping uncomfortably on the sofa. Her right arm was stretched out, and her neck bent on the headrest.

Darci felt awful seeing the tired look on her face and was urged to lie to her in her room.

"Mama!" She exhaled.

The floor was getting wet as her dress was dripping. Staring at Roella, her eyes drooped. She turned around to leave and limped

to her bedroom. It was quite small but comfortable. The bed was sitting in the middle of the room, the mattress strawberry colored, and the pillows velvety.

Darci trudged towards the wardrobe and pulled out her pink towel from the hanger drying herself up.

She switched from her clothes to a warm fluffy nightdress and returned to the living room.

She stood leaning by the entrance door staring at Roella with smiles tilting the corners of her cheeks.

She limped towards the sofa and sat beside Roella. She parted the strands of hair off Roella's face and held her hand.

"I'm sorry. I'm sure you waited throughout the night for me to come home. You're always thinking of me."

Tears rolled from her eyes streaming down her jowls as she reminisced when she was six years old roaming on the streets.

It was a scorchingly hot Tuesday afternoon, Darci was standing by the intersection of a city mall at the lane ransacking a pile of bins tossing aside disposed of garbages like a squirrel digging up a hole. The bin was exuding a foul odor and her raggedy gown was getting soiled by the dirty stains around the bin. Spatters of mud stayed on her face and strands of her hair

Darci did not care much, her tummy was aching terribly, but she couldn't find even a snack.

Roella was dropping off a bus after visiting the supermarket. She was holding a sack of fresh vegetables and fruits wearing a pair of britches, a cheap pair of shoes, and a pink scarf was wrapped on her head.

The street appeared busy and occupied. A fleet of flashy cars drove by.

Roella was approaching the sidewalk to flag down a taxi when she spotted Darci. She stood staring at her feeling flummoxed wondering why a young child was tackling the bin.

She approached her and dropped the sack.

"Little girl." She said softly.

Darci moved aside from the bin and turned to her furrowing her eyebrows as the streaks of the sunstroke her face.

"What're you doing with a bin? Don't you know you can catch an infection?" Roella angrily said.

"I just wanna eat something. Please let me be." Darci's voice sounded feeble.

"No kid, it's unhealthy. Ew!" Roella covered her nose. "You stink like the bin. Where is your family? Why are you all by yourself?"

Darci was to hurt to speak. Roella held her hand. "Come with me, you need a clean and thorough bath."

Darcy got anxious, pulled her hand from her grip, and screamed, "No, I wanna eat. I wanna stay here, maybe I'll find something even if it's just a piece of donut." She sobbed.

Roella dipped her hand into her sack and pulled out a fresh plumpy mango and handed it to her.

Darcy's lips curved into a smile. "So yummy! I love mangoes." Darci said energetically.

Roella chuckled. "Let's go."

Darci jolted out of her thoughts and caressed Roella's hand.

"Thank you momma for saving me that day. I wish I had the chance to save Vida as you saved me."

Darci wiped the tears on her jowls gently with her thumbs and sniffed. She sprang to her feet and walked to Neo her foster dad's bedroom. She looked at him sleeping in his bed with his walking stick lying beside him. He looked old, with creases on his face. His hair was grey likewise his beards. He has innocuous pair of eyes that can melt the coldest hearts.

Darci motioned towards him, snuggled him softly, and moved from his arms. "Poppa, I'll always be grateful to you and momma for raising me."

She kissed him on his forehead, picked up a blanket from the bed, and exited the room. She returned to the living room and advanced to Roella covering her up gently with the blanket. She kissed her on her cheek and exited to her bedroom.

It was a hot and luminous dawning after two days. Bea arrived at her home with Henry and Jacob. Jacob was discharged from the hospital.

They got to the entrances from their Benz jeep. Jacob was getting pushed gently in his wheelchair inside the spacious living room. Jacob's face was firm. He was wearing a sling, his neck was wrapped around with a soft drape.

Henry and Bea proceeded inside the living room walking behind Jacob.

"Jacob!" Bea called.

The maid wheeling Jacob halted.

"Jacob, I will serve you shrimps and carrots. You love that a lot." Bea smiled.

"I'm not hungry."

Bea and Henry looked at each other wondering what to do. The maid continued wheeling Jacob towards his king-sized bedroom. She nudged the door open and wheeled Jacob inside the room.

"You can leave."

The maid nodded. She walked out of the room and shut the door.

Bea turned to Henry, her eyelids drooped, tears welled up in her eyes, ''Henry, I'm anxious about Jacob. I know he is traumatized, I don't want him to fall into depression, I wish that accident did not happen."

Henry held her arms and he looked into her eyes, "don't worry, he will recover."

"It will be hard and painful for me to see him in that wheelchair."

Henry pulled her into a hug consoling her.

Jacob wheeled himself to his wardrobe, he widely opened the wardrobe and pulled out a photograph of Maya from his box. He held the photograph tightly glaring at it. He hurled the photograph at the floor, and it broke, the shards spilled over the floor.

"This is all your fault! You broke my heart, and now I am in this condition because of you. I wish I died instead of feeling this discomfort." He screamed at the top of his lungs. He stared at Maya's picture lying on the floor, an image of Maya grinning flashed through his mind, and he pulled out his legs to pick it up. Standing up from the wheelchair, he fell on the floor and he groaned loudly wriggling in excruciating pain.

Bea arrived at his bedroom. She thought of persuading him to have some meal.

Bea clasped the doorknob and pulled it open. She stepped in.

"Jacob I..." She paused feeling astonished seeing shards of glass lying on the floor. She looked away and spotted Jacob lying on the floor moaning. She panicked and scurried to him. "Jacob!" She yelled and knelt beside him. She held his head and laid his back on her thighs.

Tears poured out of her eyes, "Jacob. Jacob..." She leaned her chin on his hair, her tears were dropping on his hair.

Bea spotted Maya's picture lying across the floor and she imagined he was thinking about her.

Darci sprang up from her seat at the dining table wiping her lips softly with a napkin. She left a morsel of pasta on her plate and she moved from her seat towards Neo. She kissed him on his cheek, "I'm leaving now dad."

Neo sipped his glass of water and nodded, "okay dear."

Darci advanced to Roella and embraced her. She moved from her arms grinning wildly, "bye mum."

"Your body is quite hot. Are you sure you can go to work? Why not rest at home."

"No mum I'll be alright." Darci grabbed her handbag from her seat and walked away from the table heading to the living room and approaching outside.

Jacob was brought to his bed, he was held by the male servants. The maid swept up the shards on the floor.

Jacob sat up on the bed staring blankly, tears were building in his eyes.

Bea sat beside him, she stared into his eyes, and tears were filling her eyes.

"Jacob, I saw Maya's picture lying on the floor."

Jacob sniffed trying to fight back the tears.

"Do you still love her? Are you reminded of her which is why you had the accident?"

Tears uncontrollably rolled out of Jacob's eyes, he brushed his cheeks glaring tightly. Bea sat closer to him, held his arm, and looked into her eyes, "Son, I want you to know that I'm here for you if you feel lonely, " she sniffed, "I love you so much, son." She hugged him, Jacob stayed stiff.

It was 9:06 am. Darci arrived at Saint Kelvin's hospital where she works over four years as a nurse. Most of the patients and doctors admire her greatly because of how industrious she works. A young 8-year-old boy who is asthmatic and used to be a patient of the hospital, nicknamed her Angel because she was always attentive to him in his ward and provided him his nebulizer when he struggled to breathe.

Darci was walking through the hallway heading to the Senior Doctor, Sana's office. She exchanged pleasantries with a few nurses passing by.

Darci reached Sana's office, and she knocked on the door. She heard a response and gently pushed the door open and walked in.

Sana looked at her walking in.

"Doctor Sana, I was informed that you want to see me."

"Sure, have a seat."

Two leather chairs sat across Sana's table. Darci moved toward a leather chair, sat down, and sighed.

Sana pulled her glasses from her face, "Darci, I am posting you on a medical mission for a month."

"Medical mission?" Darci reiterated.

Sana nodded, "you will continue your services at Alonzo's mansion. I am entrusting the care of Jacob Alonzo to you since you are very efficient."

"Alright, Sana." Darci sighed.