
Torn Between Twin Brothers

She was promised to one and deeply in love with the other, leaving her torn between the twin brothers. [MATURE CONTENT R18] If you had read ‘The Billionaire Contracted Wife and I accidentally married a CEO.’ It's their children’s story. You do not have to read the parent’s story, but if you want to know all the characters, It's up to you... Ava is the daughter of Ann and Jeff, ‘I accidentally married a CEO.’ The twins, James and Ashton, are the sons of Tanaga ang Ashley ‘The Billionaire’s contracted wife.’ Journey with me and find out what happens in the end... **** If you want to chat with me and have some questions. Join me at Discord. Link below: https://discord.gg/CwtEzBG Instagram: @Ajzheny If you want to donate, you can do it at: https://ko-fi.com/ajzhen I own the cover.

AJZHEN · Urban
Not enough ratings
122 Chs


Standing behind her, James put both of his hands on her shoulders, "It's getting late. I think it's time for you to leave. Let me take you back to the villa." Although he knew that Ava had a bodyguard waiting for her outside, he offered to take her back. 

Ava nodded in agreement without uttering a word. Instead, she looked at Prince Edmund, who was dumbfounded, unable to look her in the eye, "I'll be going ahead, as big brother James said, it's late already, and I shouldn't be staying out too late. I'll see you around." She then let James usher her away while his two hands were still on her shoulders.

Prince Edward made a 'tsk, tsk, tsk,' sound and shook his head before following Ava and James out the door. Prince Edmund stood rooted to the ground, unable to move after that. He couldn't believe that Ava heard every single word he said. Now, he needed to figure out how to apologize to her, or he would not be able to face her when they attend Imperial College.