
Tord: Reincarnated in Another Universe

What would you do as a veteran reincarnator when you find yourself not just in an alternate version or parallel universe? What would you do when you find yourself reincarnating into a universe that you have seen to be well known in the entertainment franchise in your previous life? Would you stay quiet about what you know and let things go as is or would you willingly change things? At that moment, that was Tord's problem once he found himself waking up in one place he never expected nor did he even know truly existed. ____________________________ The use of words "Wife", "Lady" and a few other feminine identifiers doesn't exactly mean that a character is female here. In this story AU, people are fine referring to people depending on the role they usually play and whether the said person they are referring to accepts such identifiers. ___________________________ This story would now be continuing in Archive of Our Own. My Pseud there is MARVEL_DC_HEART_THROBS. P.S- There's now a Discord Server which I made just to discuss anything about this series: https://discord.gg/rVhHZzf

Sephiroth_Naruto · TV
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Yoda and Talk

"Visiting the Crèche, you have," Master Yoda remarked as he sipped his tea while staring at the silvernette that was busy building him a new cleaning droid.

Tord hardly bothered to look up at his former Master while he works on the elder's floor and leaned upon the sofa where Yoda sat upon. With parts strewn about, he reaches for another wire and solders it as he admits, "I am indeed now regularly visiting the Crèche, Master Yoda. That said, whatever rumor or terrible lie they said about me is for you to judge on their credibility. My only intention is to care for the younglings and, perchance, distract myself from a few things that not even meditation can help me."

A thoughtful look then crosses the face of the green elder as he runs a hand through his former Padawan's hair. As subtle as it was, he was able to notice how the younger relaxed and leaned to his touch. For all that his former Padawan did of acting like an adult and being a cold and unfeeling Jedi, Yoda had always been to discern that the silvernette was open to his touches and praises.

He had always been able to notice how, as much the younger man distanced and controlled himself to be so unyielding and beyond the need for help or other people, Tord still kept the light and kindness within himself. He noticed how Tord was just mortal as them when it came to having the need for attachment or the craving of knowing the warmth of another living being.

True, as someone of different species and being one of the remaining two of his kind who have nothing else, Yoda himself thought that attachment was overrated and nothing more but a nuisance. He always had known that it was better to simply follow the will of the Force and Jedi Order's Code. Nonetheless, as time passed by and he spent more and more time with this contradictory of a former Padawan of his, his views began to change.

Attachments are not necessarily that bad.

He was starting to view that boy as his own youngling as weird as it was with the difference in species. But, it hardly mattered when he was able to get someone as complicated and distant as Tord to be more honest and unguarded with him. That, and he may have unintentionally liked to be known more than just being the silvernette's mentor and be like a father to other just for the sake of his now messed up sanity and his wish for the other to smile more brightly without the masks in place.

"Doubt you, I do not. Worried for you, I am. Silencing the rumors and have others look away, I will do, if it makes you happy."

"Thank you, Master."

"Heard also I have from Yulio, more access into the Archives you wish to gain. Learned you are already, yet you wish to understand more. Enlightenment, is it you wish to receive? Or further distraction?"

At the question directed at him Tord did finally glanced up at his former Master as he bit his lip momentarily in hesitation before answering truthfully, "Both. I wish to gain both and have it guide me to a better path."


"I know that I might be over reaching my bounds. But…My mind—The Force isn't being cooperative as it is considering how being restless is now its constant setting…" Tord had trailed as he stared at the windows with a far-away look.

"Allow you access, I shall. Yours to look as you please, every inch of the Archives and its contents. Trust you unconditionally, I do. I sense it too around you, can only be hidden so much, the Force's restlessness."

Green gem-like eyes now met golden flecked greens and for a few seconds the two stared at each other. "Thank you. Even with what is happening, I'll still try my best to be an exemplary Jedi."

"Exemplary Jedi, already you are. Attachments and distractions, I know you need."

A sudden sound of the soldering tool clattering on the ground then rang out as Tord was startled by the other's words. "But the Code��"

"Outweigh the authority, the Force's will do. Matter not the Code, when in your happiness the Force sings."

Silence then permeated the room this time as Tord stared at Master Yoda as if the other grew a second head. The silvernette's green gem-like eyes were wide in surprise and disbelief as the elder openly stated that he would disregard the Code. "Oh my stars…."

An amused laugh then came from Yoda as he stared at his now obviously befuddled former Padawan. "Mmhmm…. Broke you, it seems, finally I did."


Tord knew that his former Master was eccentric at best and a little too loopy at worst. That said, to hear the elder just say such an admission like that made Tord.exe stop and do a long manual reboot. The time it took him for to reorder himself, it seemed, took long enough since by the time he was already willing to move again, his youngest lineage brother had finally returned from the classes he had and was staring at him in concern.

The conversation that followed that moment was just awkward as hell since Master Yoda had that amused look on his face while Yan was being relentless on asking him what was the matter. Getting away from the duo had been an exhausting mental endeavor. Even the regular mandated yearly psyche evals he has is a lot easier than dealing with avoiding his concerned younger brother and his grinning former Master.

So, here he now was.

Making do with evasion tactics and doing his best to make Yan forget about the event. That, and he was now doing a countdown for the raven's knighting while busying himself with numerous things like missions, the Crèche, Archive research and experiments. When a certain issue came up.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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