
Tord: Reincarnated in Another Universe

What would you do as a veteran reincarnator when you find yourself not just in an alternate version or parallel universe? What would you do when you find yourself reincarnating into a universe that you have seen to be well known in the entertainment franchise in your previous life? Would you stay quiet about what you know and let things go as is or would you willingly change things? At that moment, that was Tord's problem once he found himself waking up in one place he never expected nor did he even know truly existed. ____________________________ The use of words "Wife", "Lady" and a few other feminine identifiers doesn't exactly mean that a character is female here. In this story AU, people are fine referring to people depending on the role they usually play and whether the said person they are referring to accepts such identifiers. ___________________________ This story would now be continuing in Archive of Our Own. My Pseud there is MARVEL_DC_HEART_THROBS. P.S- There's now a Discord Server which I made just to discuss anything about this series: https://discord.gg/rVhHZzf

Sephiroth_Naruto · TV
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77 Chs

Friends and Visions

It was one thing to know the head of the Temple Security and the current era's best lightsaber master. And it was another thing when the said 'Battlemaster' turned out to be a younger brother of yours.

Cin was nagging Tord a lot these days. The champagne blonde kept telling him to finally choose a saber specialization since the last tournament of Jedi Knights and Masters again made the silvernette the target of the usual unwelcome critique. That even if he ended up winning the tourney— Cin wasn't part of the competition since he was to be the judge and overseer of the event— people would still try look for whatever flaw that he had.

From being called as a 'Two-faced Jedi' to someone who was indecisive for not having a specialization in the saber arts, Tord was fine with just riding things out. That being said, it looked like the Cin was having none of that. His second younger brother was all too keen to stop such complaints and make it 'all better' which Tord knows would need a miracle to happen.

"You know, you really now need to pick a specialization, brother."

"I have no need for a saber specialization, Cin. What matters is that my methods allow me to win and that my unpredictability is an asset that I would rather not be taken from."


Turning towards his companion that was continuously stalking him, green gem-like eyes coldly bore into dark blues. "I will pick my specialization when the time is right, Jedi Drallig. I have already seen that in the future that a more light aligned and milder version of Juuyo would be developed soon. When that happens, those in my generation and older can finally be quiet about my interests in Form VII since an iteration would appear and not single me out for having such a preference."

A dissatisfied frown now found its way in the other's face and Tord used the man's momentary distraction to distance himself from his annoying adoptive sibling.

"Look, I get your point that you're bitter that the specialization of Form VII that you wish to undertake is being constantly frowned upon and not even properly acknowledged. That said, you could choose something else when in front of them. You don't really need to cycle through or mix different styles in combat." The younger man called out and continued, "Besides, I understand that you have your Force visions, Tord. But, wouldn't it be better to just let things as is as of the moment and focus on the present?"

"It is as what you said, Jedi Drallig," Tord rebutted harsher this time— to make a point that the other should now back off— as his idiot of a sibling was being persistent and following him again. "It is combat. Being unpredictable is a great asset in a fight and it's not like any of our actual enemies would tell us Jedi what kind specialization or mastery do they have. And about the Force visions and having knowledge about the future, what I do and believe about it is none of your concern if you would be like the rest and continue to criticize me."

"But Master Yoda—"

"Enough. Master Yoda already knows enough about what I do and he approves of it. Out of all people, I would have at least expected for you to support me too. But it looks like only Master Yoda and Yan-Yan are the only ones who care about me. It seems that Yan-Yan is now the only brother that I have on my side," Tord interjected harshly as he used to Force to stall the taller male and finally leave the Temple grounds in peace.


And just as he mentioned to Cin Drallig years ago in the corridors of the Temple, what he stated finally happened. Form VII's new iteration had been finally made by— and as he had known from the original canon—Mace Windu which he had the great fortune to have met in the Crèche as a boy and had the opportunity to influence as he grew up.

With the man, now currently his friend and ally, Tord was thankful for the fact that he decided long ago to involve himself with the Crèche and younglings within it. As such Tord was slowly able to positively influence those of the younger generations and have those that he wanted to be connected with willing enough to side with him.

A number of Yan Dooku's disciples were close enough with him to be considered family and a few of the Key players that would be needed in the future Council was now basically on his side and were his friends even with the huge age gap that's present. At least in the current time period he was hardly really that lonely anymore and he actually has friends. Which in Master Yoda's perspective, as the elder once said, is a great improvement to him than just merely choosing to interact with those within his same lineage.

"Someone's busy plotting something in Lalaland again," a teasing voice sounded out which had Tord muse on whether he should throw his crepes at Qui-Gon or simply ignore the child.

"Leave him be," Plo-Koon said before drinking his tea.

"He's probably just thinking of a new invention or recipe he has yet to make," Kit Fisto joked while eating the sushi that was on his plate.

An amused snort then came from a far-off direction as Mace finally finished the Katas that he was doing and joined them at their table. "Seriously, Kit. Sometimes I can't believe that you have food a lot in your mind and belly and yet still be hungry."

"Hey, I'm still a growing boy," indignantly remarked the Nautolan.

"Guys, enough," Tord tiredly pleaded as he pinched the bridge of his nose and hated the fact that the Council as of the moment was constantly sending him to off planet missions left and right.

"The missions tiring you out?" Plo queried with concern which the silvernette easily dismissed with a smile.

"I'm fine. Being a Council member while still having missions and other hobbies and commitments can be a bit tiring. Nonetheless, it's worth it."

"I heard that your visions are getting worse," Qui-Gon shared to the room as his lazuli blue eyes tried to pierce exhausted gem greens.

Tord has unconsciously flinched at his younger brother's young Padawan and sighed in admittance. "Fine. It's the visions. They are getting more frequent and some are more brutal than the previous. Which in turn give quite the dreadful Force and emotional feedback."

At such, the heaviness of concern could be felt within the Force and those around the silvernette as worried looks seemed to be exchanged between them.

Kit prodded, "Have you tried for a mind healer?"

Tord confesses as he leaned forward and poked at his snacks, "I already did; went through enough of them and even began studying about the methods and what entailed mind healing just so I could deal with the problem myself.

Master Yoda himself said that it couldn't be stopped since it is the Force who gives it. The only thing that could be done now is to find how to alleviate the effects it has in my psyche and sleep patterns."

"So, it was you," Mace hesitated for a bit for continuing, "I heard from my former Master that for the past few years the Jedi Temple had been receiving direct and accurate prophecies or Force visions.

A huge number of them had been quite rather helpful and significant in dealing with negotiations or conflict resolution problems. Which was why, whoever it was that supposedly giving the visions to the Council was now being taken seriously and considered as an oracle of sorts."

Frowning at being referred to as an 'oracle' Tord shoved an entire crepe in his mouth and swallowed it down with iced lemon tea. "I hate being referred to as 'Oracle.' I would rather prefer the term of being a 'clairvoyant' and, yes, Mace. I am the one supplying the Council the visions which I usually see at night.

If anything, I never expected to have these regularly enough now as I age through the years. I mean, back then it was only once or twice a year showing an insignificant event that would happen in the Temple.

Now? The visions are erratic and show possible futures which pertain significant value. Which unfortunately for me means dealing whatever fall-out the visions have and coordinating with those who were willing to listen."

"Hmm…That's interesting," Plo remarked as he then shared what he knows about the gossip, "Being newly knighted, I was able to hear that because of the forewarnings that the Jedi Order have been giving a number of disasters had been averted. The warnings were said to directly come from our Temple here in Coruscant. As such, our Temple is gaining a moniker as 'Temple of Prophecies' since the past millennium this had been the first instance it had happened."

Smiling slightly at how the others were trying alleviate the heavy mood, Tord gave the best Yoda impression that he could do as reminder at how his own former Master viewed visions. "Be careful you must, when sensing the future, you are. Always in motion, the future is. By attempting to counter the future you see, set in motion worse one, you could. Remain mindful of happenings, you must. But let visions cloud your mind, you must not."

Entertained laughter and chuckles now rang out the private garden which held their meeting. Hidden among the secret rooms of the Temple no one else knew of the group's little gathering.


Tord definitely refers to the younger Yan Dooku as Yan-yan since has the privilege to do so being the "elder brother" in their lineage. That, and Tord is about 22 years older than the raven.

Then, about the private garden mentioned, it is pretty much possible that the Jedi has a number of secret or hidden rooms since it already existed for so long. I mean, it's basically cannon that underneath the Jedi Temple in Coruscant is a Sith Altar.

So, why can't someone from the previous Jedi Grandmasters and Heads not make a secret room for themselves? Like, this private garden is something I made up as a remnant from the previous generations. That said, even left behind and forgotten, with Tord reading through the contents of the Archives he was able to find the said Forgotten Garden and restructure & renovate it to suit his needs.

As such, the said place had become his own private sanctuary that's full of nature yet hidden from the unwanted attention of the other Jedi in the Temple. That, and the said place had also become one of their secret hide outs where Tord and the rest of his friends can relax.


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