
Top Tier Providence System in Chaotic Sword God

This story is about a young man reincarnated in cultivation world. How would the young man survives in this world with law of survival of the fittest? Of course it's his system, perks, golden finger or what you want be called it is. His system is from the will of the omniverse so no Talking system or System that have a emotion or gender. So no fucking simp to system. Reminder: Unlike Han Jue who chose to stay in his Dao Field to get stronger. The MC would chose a adventurous path, so there's an unexpected changes in the system. [A/N: The system of the MC is just like from the Top tier providence. The reward he will get from rerolling is randomized from different cultivation novels.The system is given from the will of the Omniverse means there's a chance that there's a higher world to travel] Worlds: 1. Chaotic Sword God(Original World)

GodOfFanFiction · Others
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12 Chs

Saint's Test (Part 1)

he clicked on the [interpersonal relationships] at the bottom.

After he click the [Interpersonal relationships] he can a see a list of name the he know.

[Bi Yuntian(Mother): Class 3, Radiant Saint Master. She loves you very much. Even if you have a cultivation potential or not she would still love you. Love level: 5 star.]

[Changyang Ba(Father): Peak Great Saint Master. He is very proud of you because of your achievement at such a young age. If you do not have a cultivation potential he will be disappointed and he would not visit you anymore. Love level: 3 star.]

[Changyang Mingyue(Eldest Sister): Saint force layer 6. She loves you very much and like to cuddle you because of how cute you are. Love level: 5 star.]

[Changyang Xiang Tian(Twin Brother): Currently none. He think that you also is a reincarnated because of much you develop and your maturity sometimes, but he still love and care about you because he also reincarnated so he doesn't care to bring the topic up. Love level: 4 star.]

[Changyang Ke(Elder Brother): Saint force layer 1. He hates you because of much attention you receive from your father and everyone. Hatred level: 1 star.]

[Continued to see list]

'I see so this is very useful I can see people around what they think about me and it seems I can only see those who are part of the story not the extra's"

'I should to cultivate my saint force for the saint test that would begin later'

After a moment of contemplating, Longxi begun to start absorbing the Qi of heaven and earth using the Heaven Devouring Battle Law and thanks to the Stainless Pure Lotus the side effect of the cultivation technique are null.

The Qi of the heaven and earth that was absorbing was the Saint Force in the Tian Yuan Continent. Unlike Jian chen who absorb the Qi of heaven and Earth to strengthen his body. He is absorbing the Qi of Heaven and earth but he didn't use it to his chaotic body, he only store it in his body for now because the saint test would begin soon.

In the first place Longxi plan is to collect a sufficient saint force to directly nurture his Innate Chaotic Body and Breakthrough in one go to the 1st layer of the Innate Chaotic Body but he immediately eliminated this idea because it would be to risky to use a lot and dense saint force in one go to nurture his Innate Chaotic Body. So his second plan is to cultivate his innate chaotic body while taking some resources to raise his saint force for show to others.

As far as I know jian chen son in the novel has a innate chaotic body and it took time and a lot of resources to cultivate. But as he breakthrough to the 1st layer of chaotic body his strength reach to saint ruler 5th layer and with battle power of saint ruler 9 layer.

This is the advantage of innate chaotic body it's much more pure and dense chaotic force compared to Jian chen acquired chaotic body. When Jian chen breakthrough to the 1st layer in the chaotic body his strength only reach Saint Ruler 3rd layer.

'So this is the feeling of getting stronger'

After an hour of absorbtion, Longxi feel refreshed and feel a lot stronger compared before, although his chaotic body didn't got stronger his saint force still strong. He thinks that he reached the 10th layer of Saint Force, as he read in the book after the 10th layer they can form their own saint weapon. Longxi can feel that he can make his own saint weapon at anytime now.

But shortly, his mother enter his room, saying, "Long'er Let's go with your brother to the main hallways, it seems like the saint's test would start soon."

"Yes mom, I promise that we would make you proud" Longxi said with determination. Jian chen also look at his mother and nodded saying, "Yes mom we would make you proud"

"Yes, Yes my two cute little child and even if you failed. Mother would still love you both.", Bi yuntian smiled lovingly and patted their head slowly

"Let's go"

Even though the outside hall was vast, the interior of the Changyang main hallways were even larger. Currently there were dozens of people strewn about, among them were a few middle-aged men who were dressed differently that stood out from the rest.

Bi Yuntian led Jian Chen and Longxi to their seats in the front of the hallway. Those who had wanted to sit at the front had to have a high status in the clan, and since Jian Chen was the fourth son and Longxi the fifth son of the clan leader, they had the right to sit at the front. However, their own seat wasn't created yet, so they had to share a single chair with their mother.

The lovable Jian Chen and Longxi sat down on their mother's lap gently and didn't say anything.

In a flash, a line of people came streaming into the hall one by one before stopping in front of their seats. Among the newcomers was Longxi's third aunt carrying her child along.

"Hey... fourth brother, fifth brother today is the day you take the Saint Test. You have to work hard so you don't let your second sister down." Changyang Mingyue's pretty face smiled at Longxi and Jian Chen as she spoke in a soft but enthusiastic voice. Although she was soft spoken, everyone in the hall had clearly heard who and what she was talking about.

"Ming Yue!" Her mother looked at her sharply as she spoke with soft rebuke.

"Don't worry eldest sister, this little brother of yours would make you proud and become stronger to protect you in the future", Longxi said in a firm and determine tone but on the surface it would only look him childish and cute because of his baby face.

Changyang Mingyue laughed and stuck her tongue out at Mother. Without any further words she got down from her mother and ran to her fifth brother and cuddled with him saying, "How cute!! right make sure to protect your elder sister in the future ok?"

"Umm, eheheh~~" Longxi smile happily.

Bi yuntian and his third aunt could only smiled at their interaction.

"Yue'er come here the test would start soon." His aunt said to Mingyue.

Then she peacefully sat down right next to her mother's side as her bright eyes blinked rapidly as she sized up the other people in the hall.

Soon enough, everybody in the hall were all seated while they all looked at Jian Chen and Longxi from time to time with looks of expectations shown clearly on their faces. The reason why many people were gathered was due to Jian Chen and Longxi's Saint Test.

If it was any other child of the clan, then there would not had been such a massive turnout for the Saint Test. But Jian Chen and Longxi wasn't a regular child with no status; Both Jian chen and Longxi was the child to the clan leader of the Changyang clan as well as having an innate talent blessed by the heavens. The whole clan had practically placed all of their expectations on this twin child, hence why when it was Jian Chen and Longxi's turn to undergo the Saint Test, every clan member would be there.

After all, Jian Chen and Longxi had many different achievements under his belt, and the Saint Test would be another important milestone for them.

When everyone had settled down, Longxi father Changyang Ba stepped towards the middle of the hall and sat down on the throne that signified his status as the clan leader with a great blade right next to him.

Changyang Ba's eyes stopped on Jian Chen and Longxi for only a second but Jian Chen and Longxi could see the faintest of smiles on it. Immediately afterwards, a voice spoke out, signifying the start of Jian Chen and Longxi's Saint Test.

"De Shu, I'm sorry to have you take control of the Saint Test ceremony." Changyang Ba said politely towards the elder.

The elder looked to be around 60 to 70 years old white haired man who wore gray clothing. Although his face was full of wrinkles, his eyes were bright and filled with excitement.

The old man laughed, "The clan leader is too modest." Walking towards the center now, he carried a smile on his face as he looked at Jian Chen before calling out in a friendly tone, "Fourth Master you would be the first to test, if you please?"

Bi Yuntian looked at Jian Chen with a great look of affection and whispered, "Xiang'er, please go to where De Shu is standing so he can test for your Saint Force."

"Okay!" Jian Chen said lightly. The clever child got off of his seat and with his small paces, he slowly approached to where the Elder De stood.

Without further ado, De Shu lifted his right hand where a small silver ring began to glow with a dazzling white light. Waving it over, the smallest of trembles could be heard coming from the ground before slowly increasing in sound. Right where there was nothing in front of them, a white stone half a meter large suddenly appeared. It was clear to see that the white stone had been polished countless of times; the entire rectangular shaped rock, the width and thickness was both at a meter long.

Looking at the newly emerged white stone, Longxi's eyes blinked in surprise, he had felt quite curious about this stone but he can see that Jian chen took an interest in the De Shu's right hand. Jian chen stared intensely at the ring on De Shu's middle finger, it was the ring he had seen from the books.

The Space Ring was made from rare but special materials, and could store items within the space of the ring. The smallest object it could store was a meter cubed, while the biggest object it could store was a hundred meters cubed. One could store and take out any inanimate object as they pleased. This was an item that was so expensive in the Tian Yuan continent that the common person would not be able to afford it.

"Fourth master, please place a hand on the Saint Stone." De Shu smiled.

The Saint Stone is a special rock that could measure the amount of Saint Force within a person's body. Within the large Tian Yuan continent, there are many different items that could measure one's personal strength. The Saint Stone used colors to represent a person's strength–Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, and Purple.

Having the stone flash red meant that the person was still below a Saint in strength while an orange color meant that the person was at the same level as a Saint. The yellow color represents a Great Saint and blue meant the person was an Earth Saint Master. Lastly, a purple color represented a Heaven Saint Master. Any rank higher than the Heaven Saint Master like a Saint Ruler, Saint King, and Saint Emperor could not be ranked by the Saint Stone.

When Jian Chen placed his hand on the Saint Rock, De Shu extended his own arm to activate the Saint Rock through seemingly magical means.

Everyone waited patiently for the result of the saint's test of the fourth Master of the Changyang Clan.

(To be Continued)