
The Salt Mines

The inmates arrive at the salt mine. The buildings that aren't outright destroyed are falling apart. "Wait why are there no guards here?" asked what looks like a pink magical girl "there were guards on the train" "Fine by me" said another inmate with animal heads around their waist, mucus covering their body and gills as he begins to leave the premises. "I wouldn't do that if I were you" stated a fat guy with gears coming out of his belly and a machine head. "Come on they sent us here you know this place is rigged to shit" added a spikey haired inmate. "No, it isn't" said the fat guy "I simply cannot let you leave" "Bro, what the fuck, your in here just like us" stated the spikey haired inmate grabbing him. "Sort of" replied the fat guy. "So, your our warden, huh?" replied the animal head guy. "Sort of" replied the fat guy. "Is this guy gonna start making sense?" said a muscular woman picking her nose.

"Since I don't have a working tool, it's best to just lay low for now and look for an opening to escape" thought Zemeki "Fuck it man, from now on yall work for me" said the spikey haired inmate.

"Let's see where this goes" thought Zemeki "besides in a magic fight you generally want to be the last one to reveal your hand, I might learn something"

"Hey if you can beat this guy up and get us out of here by all means" said the animal head guy moving his arms to present fat guy. "Look, you don't want to do this" said the fat guy. "No, I think I really do" said the spikey guy. "Fight!, Fight!, Fight!, Fight!" cheered the volunteer inmate.

The spikey inmate punches the fat inmate, who falls backward and coughs up blood. "This is our warden?" asked the magical girl inmate. The fat guy begins to slowly get up. "Trust me, your going to be" Spikey Guy turns around, but fat guy falls backward again and coughs more. "sorry" Fat Guy rolls over and begins vomiting. "Ew, come on gross" said the spikey guy. Fat guy points to the vomit to reveal bread that's perfectly in tact. "There is no food for miles" said the fat guy. "You will all starve before you reach civilization" He vomits some more. "Zaheer's guy's have analyzed all of you, I know, I was there" Zemeki and the muscular woman begin pocketing the bread.

The spikey inmate begins laughing. "That's what you think, I don't think you got the brief on me. Mark 1, siphon rounds" he pulls out a revolver and spins the chamber dramatically "Wait, you have your tool!?!" asked everyone (but fat guy) surprised. "Your saying you don't have yours?" asked spikey pleased with himself. "No, I do I just thought I was the only one" said a few inmates. "Ok, I have a way better reason to be surprised" thought Zemeki "Mine is always teleporting to me now, and is for the most part non-functional" Spikey guy turns to see fat guy running away. Spikey aims his gun. But then it begins turning upwards to his jaw. "Like I said analyzed. The sooner you get to work the sooner you can all leave" Fat guy rolls away behind a building and begins vomiting drones out of sight. The drones scatter out occupying crevices in the broken buildings one of them skitters back toward the group. "Your mining gear will be inside the mine, let me show you" "What's the matter too scared to face me?" said spikey. "I have my own mission to worry about, you worry about yours" They make it to the mine and put on their gear.

"So introductions, I'm Ramui" said the volunteer. "Domaskis" replied the animal head guy. "Zemeki" "An" said the muscular woman. "Mogus" stated an inmate who was quite until now. "Elate" stated the magical girl. "Psht... Clobin I guess" replied spikey "Baka" added Elate. "and I am Keem" added fat guy's drone.