

The next day in the cafeteria. "I found a body by the lavoratory" stated Domaskis "Mogus is dead". "This is bad any one of us could be next" said Elate. "Yes, this is quite troublesome" said Keem pouring some tea. "that's definitely something you should figure out" he drops the liquid into his robot mouth. "It was you man" stated Clobin accusing Keem. "No, it wasn't" replied Keem "My mission is to collect data but also to keep you alive if at all possible" "Like I buy that, your with them" "I can see why you might think that, but if the pharaoh wanted you dead don't you think it would have already happened, and if I wanted you dead I would have remained hidden and waited for you all to starve. You may be on to something however, the killer very well may be among us" "But I thought Mogus was dead" replied An. "I need some more tea" said Keem

It's getting dark and Domaskis left and is now on the roof of a building. "I'll keep watch for the night, try to find out if anyone's sus" he thought. He holds up a shark head to the sky "I call to you, as you have called to me, I beseech Zein, bringer of purpose and Zein life, imbue me with this power" Lightning strikes the head turning it into a mask that Domaskis wears.

This is what's referred to as divine magic. Divine magic involves summoning a manifested tool, dust magic works in a very similar way. In order to summon the tool it may involve a ritual, like holding a head, in addition to a prayer to your patron god. Zein sometimes refered to as the god of monsters is a nature god that created life in defiance of Nias'sha the original nature god. Since Nias'sha is largely hated, Zein is embraced as a welcome alternative even if the creature's he creates are far more dangerous. Zein is also the god of the Zein-Spawn, sentient beings like humans, but with gills and a mucus membrane. Zein-Spawn like Domaskis have shorter lifespans than humans but develop more specialized skills, when these develop it is believed to be a form of communion with their god.

Domaskis' body morphs gaining the feature's of a monstrous hammer head shark. He detects something. "I've got ya" he said. Domaskis goes to find Zemeki and Elate in the dorms. "I think I may have found the killer" he said "Hi" said Ramui who seeming appeared out of nowhere. "Keep your voice's down" replied Domaskis "Let's just tail the suspect and try to reveal them to the group" "Ooo" said Ramui poking his hammerhead nose. Domaskis growls "that's a sensitive organ stop that". They approach the suspect and it appears to be An.

An starts saying something and they listen in behind a wall. "Oh boy, I sure do love murder" she says licking a bloody knife, walking toward the mine. "Not the same size as the Mogus wound but sus none the less" thought Zemeki The group tails her there still listening in. "Now where did I hide... the bodies?" she says. On cue An turns toward the group when she says the word bodies. "Shit, did she spot us?" thought Domaskis. She makes her way closer to the group but then reaches out to grabs 2 skeletons out of one of the lockers lining the inside of the cave. She sits down with them and presses there heads together like they are making out. "They're long dead" stated Domaskis and Zemeki nods. Screams are heard in the distance.

The group now joined by An goes to investigate. "I'll continue to keep an eye on An" whispered Zemeki "We don't know where that blood came from and their could be multiple killers" They run down the hill to find Clobin sliced in half and above the body a skeleton covered in black ooze. "Oh, I see, that's what they wanted" stated Keem observing the skeleton through his drone. "All who stand in my way shall fall" states the skeleton. The skeleton rushes Zemeki completely ignoring Domaskis and Ramui.

"Is this it, just 5 more seconds and I would have at least had my quilt to protect me" thought Zemeki. However Ramui grabbed the blade. "Are you with Heirokeep? "I'm with myself" he replied "In the spirit of cooperation I will reveal my abilities. Firstly perpetual energy, I will not grow old, get tired or hungry, I will always remain in my peek condition" "Fool, you don't keep your previous abilities upon switching to a new one, besides that ability does nothing against this" replied the skeleton swinging his sword at Ramui. "Act 2..." Ramui's head gets cut clean off. "That doesn't apply if it's an innate" said Ramui.

Innates, you've seen them before, Innates are the abilities a tool has on once equipped and are always active. Like the Quilt's shape changing and stickiness. Higher Grade tools like the ones professional assassins use have innates and 3-4 regular abilities. The higher the grade the more abilities and innates a tool can have, but the more likely it is for something to go wrong, breaking, malfunctions, etc.

Ramui headbutts the skeleton with his head having seemingly reappeared on his head. "This is called Act 2 Sonnet, my tool can form contracts with anyone or anything able to comprehend my ability," The skeleton begins slicing Ramui to pieces all over and each blow is returned while any damage disappears. "when a certain condition is met for example" The skeleton dashes behind Ramui, sheaths his sword and blood erupts from Ramui, but then it doesn't. "decapitation, anything someone could already do upon signing the contract will happen, for example a headbutt" "fine, if you don't tell me where the pharaoh is I'll kill your friends" spoke the skeleton as he rushes An. "Act 1, Haiku" The skeleton pivots and is now heading back toward Ramui. Ramui ducks but the skeleton is able to grab his mask. "Finally once the war is won, I can return home, to my family. I have your tool, if you take me to the pharaoh I will spare your life" "Act 3..." "Ye your bluffing I stole your tool" "Epic" The skeleton disappears dropping the mask which Ramui puts back on.

"Their is something you should all know" states Keem. He seems sort of morose in his message but it is hard to tell with the whole cyborg thing.