
7. Power of Sports (Leon Vance)

Power of sports (Leon Vance)


Leon was no stranger to death.  He had seen more than a few deaths during his career.  It wasn’t supposed to be this hard.  His wife, Jackie, was dead because of a crazed terrorist.  He wanted revenge, he wanted so many things.


What he wanted more than most was Jackie to be alive. Grief was a dangerous and all too consuming emotion.


He’d sanctioned the mission for Ziva if he'd been thinking straight - He would have never done it.


“Can I help you Agent DiNozzo?”


Vance was getting tired of seeing sympathetic looks.  He didn't pity.  He needed a time machine. Failing that, he would accept working himself to exhaustion. He noted there was no look of pity on DiNozzo's face. It made him like the guy that bit more.


“I would like to see Jared.  He sent an email asking about basketball. I didn't want to step on anyone’s toes.” DiNozzo looked at his shoes unwilling to do something that would persuade the Director to say no.  Jared had reached out to him, that one time he had been on protection duty.  He didn't want to let the boy down especially so given the loss of his mother.


Vance nodded his head and spoke up, “I think Jared would welcome the distraction.”


Tony nodded, “Thanks,  I will stay out of your way, Director. I know you’re not fond of me.”Vance winced as he couldn’t deny it.  He did ask one thing, it was bugging him.  “Why haven’t you gone with Agent Davids?”


Tony froze and for once there was quick no reply.  He took a measured breath and spoke with a quiet conviction.  “I am a cop first and I swore an oath to protect the law. Ziva’s mission is necessary for her but not one I can support.”Vance knew he was teetering on the edge.  He’d been wanting revenge. It was this quiet measured response that stopped him short. He said nothing because DiNozzo wouldn’t know how to handle his truth.


He got in  contact with SecNav, he needed to take more time off.  He had to be there for his kids.  He needed to get his head on right. When things calmed down he would thank DiNozzo for helping him screw his head on straight.



Vance had found DiNozzo to be good company.  He had stayed out of the way, choosing to focus on the kids.  He'd found out that DiNozzo had many things in common with his children.  DiNozzo had shared stories of his own mother who had also died when he was a child.  


It may have started off with Jared asking for help with his game but little Kayla refused to be left out.  She had wanted to play soccer at school.  DiNozzo had shrugged and offered to help her, which is what had led to the scene Leon was watching. 

DiNozzo had stripped off his suit jacket and was running around the pitch.  He was chased by both Jared and Kayla, whose task was to get the ball off him.   It was a fun scene, and Leon smiled at the open joy.  There had been too little joy.  He still missed Jackie but was seeing he had to drag himself back into life. After all, his children deserved nothing less.  

It was that day that saw a turning point in his relationship with Tony.  After dinner, which he’d insisted the Agent stay for. He’d offered him a beer.  He’d seen the look of shock. It had been just a moment but Tony had taken the drink and not made a big deal about the gesture.

It set a new pattern for their interactions.  Once a week, Tony would come by when they were on downtime. He would play with Jared and Kayla. He showed them his repertoire of tricks in whatever sport they were curious on.  He’d heard all about Tony’s athleticism but to see it was better.  Leon was a widower, not dead.  He could appreciate a stunning man or woman. You would have to be dead not to see that Tony was attractive.


After sports came food and conversation.  It later on turned into watching sports on his large Tv.


Leon was never fond of trite statements but it was nice. Tony had let him dictate the path of their friendship, never demanding anything.  Leon was a lucky man that Tony was the forgiving sort.

If the day after the realisation, he looked up the fraternisation regs once more. Well, that was between him and the archivist.



A year later, and nothing had changed.  Tony was still a fixture in his children’s life, they called him, Uncle Tony.  Leon had kept expecting Tony to tell him about another woman but there was no one.  If he was secretly pleased, then that was between him and his conscience.

Jared raced into his home office. “Dad, dad, can I call Tony, please?

Well, that was new. Leon looked at his son brimming with excitement and he wanted to know why.  “Sure thing, do I get to know why?”

“I made the senior team.”

Now Leon would always be proud of his kids no matter what. Still, Jared had managed quite the feat.  He was a junior and managed to make the senior team.  Now, he understood why Jared wanted to talk to Tony.

Jared hadn’t lost any of his excitement as he chatted to Tony.  He looked up, “Can Uncle Tony come to the game? He may have a case but he said to ask you first Dad.”


Leon found himself unwilling to say no.  If there was any way he could help Tony, he would abuse his position.  He would do a lot to keep that smile on his son's face.



Tony was at headquarters, he’d slogged through his paperwork the night before.  He’d even traded his favour with Balboa for his team to be the one on call.  He kept getting inquisitive looks from Gibbs.


“You got a hot date or something?” Tony looked up from his paperwork, “I’m not following boss.”Yes, he was following.  The only defense he had was ignorance.  He just hoped he could fool Gibb’s infamous gut.  


“You have an air of happiness. So what’s her name?”Tony shrugged,  “I’m  not sure if I follow.  I am going to watch a basketball game.”Truth. Misdirect.  He couldn’t say why those words had set off his emotions.  A date, christ it had been way too long since he’d been on one of those.  In fact, he’d blown off the last one to teach Kayla how to swing a baseball.  He’d been calling her little slugger ever since.  The smile on her face and the laughter made it well worth it.

“A basketball game?” Tony nodded, “I realised how long it has been since I saw a game.  I thought it would take the opportunity to see a game.”


 Gibbs wouldn’t get it out of Tony if he was unwilling to share.  His agent was too good for that, he’d watched Tony run rings around the head of Mossad after all.   “Is that why all my paperwork is complete early?”

Tony nodded, handing over the last of it with a flourish. “Bye probie, Bye probish. Have fun.”

Gibbs had no reason to keep him and let him go.  Still, there was something niggling his senses. Tony had calmed down a lot in the last year and he couldn’t the last date he’d spoken about.  He didn’t think Tony had not dated at all. Tony just cared more about whoever it was.  They were worth more to him than idle gossip.  


Later that evening, he watched Vance come down the steps.  Gibbs was the last one in the office.  Vance came over to him, “You going home?” 

“Paperwork needs doing.”Vance sighed, as he was too stubborn to listen.  He just said, “Well, I have a game to get to. Jared is playing.”

Gibbs' head shot up, connecting dots.  Nah, they didn’t add up.  There was no way Tony was going to Jared’s game was there?




Vance knew his protection detail were close.  The handy thing about Tony watching the game meant they didn't have to stand so close. Tony was always armed and so was he.

Tony had handed him a drink as soon as he sat down.  It was soda as it was a high school game.  


"Thanks, so how did Gibbs take you leaving on time."

Tony smirked, "He asked me about my date."Vance didn't freeze.  He'd been looking for an opening to test the waters.  "Well, I think I can do better than my kid's basketball game." Kayla giggled at the look of shock on Tony's face. "Daddy, you broke Uncle Tony."


Leon hugged her close, "Nah slugger. I just gave him something to think about."Kayla wasn't too convinced. She was protective of Tony, he'd helped her get onto the soccer team. "Are you sure?"It was Tony that dug him out of his hole, "Yeah Kayla your Dad just let me figure something out."  Leon discovered a few things that basketball match.  Tony had the sweetest shyest smile he'd ever seen.  He didn't know Tony had it in him.  He liked the fact he was seeing a different side to his mercurial agent.  


****Tony had the car ride to get his thoughts together.  He liked Leon at home. The man was a good family man.  He was aware of what his kids had sacrificed for his job and did his best to make up for it.  

Tony had locked his attraction up in a box that said, Director do not touch.   He realised tonight that it didn't have to be.  They could keep work and their personal life's separate. They'd proved that over the last year as no one at NCIS even had a clue about their friendship.  Could he do this?   They wouldn't be the only ones affected if it went wrong. 


The car pulled up and the kids raced inside eager to get food and movies.


Vance hung back, his protection detail taking their usual places.  He was nervous and eager.  He hadn't felt like this in a long.  Tony tugged his hand to get his attention.  He saw those expressive green eyes and let himself fall.


The kiss was soft and full of promise.  Tony sighed as he broke the kiss.   He wanted more, so much more but he wouldn't rush it.  "So are you going to show me a real date?"Vance chuckled, "Yeah, I will show you style." Tony waltzed off, "Promises, promises."  Tony may have put a bit more swagger in his step to emphasise his ass.  


The future was looking bright.


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