
50. The Right Choice (Seeley Booth)

Angela didn’t get why Booth and Brennan were not a thing. I mean there was great chemistry between them but nothing ever seemed to happen. She just didn’t get it.  No matter how much you looked or expected it never went past flirtatious friendship. Take for instance today.

There was some dinner Booth was expected at but he was delaying leaving due to the case. It was silly really because until Brennan had done an analysis there was no point hanging around as all he would do was drive the scientists mad. Her friend obviously agreed with Ange’s assessment too.

“Booth. You will be late.” Tempe was reminding her friend, she hated when people were tardy.Seeley rolled his eyes at his work partner. She nagged more than his actual partner! He was polite enough to say. “It’s okay. Fed too, remember?”Angela could see Temperance's frown suggesting that her best friend did definitely not understand but didn’t care to unravel the mystery. “Who is Fed two?”Seely cracked up at the joke. “Sorry, it’s just Ton’ would have made more than one movie reference at that comment.” Tempe’s face suggested that she couldn’t care less about why in the slightest. He rolled his eyes. “I’m going - we know the drill.”

Angela perked up, wondering if there was some new gossip about her favourite sniper. “Toni? Is Booth seeing a new girl?”

Brennan looked up from her bones. She looked torn on what to say which was not like her friend. “You should ask Seeley.”

“Why?” Angela asked out of curiosity. “What do you know? Come on Bren’ - you can tell me.”

Brennan shrugged her off. “Sorry, Ange. I have work I need to get done.”


Seeley met his date and kissed him with a grin. “I am so glad you made it.”Tony rolled his eyes. “Shouldn’t I be saying that to you considering this is your agency dinner?”“You know you love me.” Seeley said with a charming grin hoping to deflect from his lateness. 

Tony snorted. “No, it is Parker I adore, you are just an attractive bonus.” 

Seeley should be offended but he kind of loved the fact that Tony loved Parker so much. His son had had a rough few years especially when his mom died. It was thanks to Parker that Tony and Seeley had met in the zoo when Parker had got lost. “I’ll take it.”

Tony rolled his eyes, grabbed Seeley’s hand and they walked into the awards dinner. They kept up a polite conversation if that can be the word for it. Seeley would have loved to take his gun out and shoot the Agent, Ron Sacks, for rudeness but he had no intention of going back to therapy.

“You’re awfully brave being Federal Agents and out.” Sacks said straight to their faces.

Seeley’s hand curled into a fist until Tony put his hand over his and answered for both of them. “Not at all, Seeley is a sniper and a Ranger. There aren’t many I know who could hurt him. And me? I just beat a genetically engineered version of the plague so bigotry doesn’t scare me. Besides, I learned long ago to ignore small-minded morons.” 

Seeley chuckled as the sour expression on Sacks’ face was far more satisfying. Still, he couldn’t resist adding his own bit. “He doesn’t say that working under Agent Gibbs has meant he knows as much about sniping and being a bastard too.”

“You’re quite the lethal pair.” Sacks observed with judgement in his voice, Seeley was sure of it.

The only response Seeley and Tony had were a pair of feral grins. “Thank you for noticing.”

It turns out, Sacks was unequal to their stares and left in a hurry. Seeley smirked. “I love you.” 

Tony grinned. “I know.”

“I can’t believe you just Han’ed me.”

Tony snorted. “That’s what you get for dating a movie buff.”

“And I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Seeley confessed and he wouldn’t. They’d been gradually getting more and more invested in the relationship, taking it slowly and carefully because even though they each had a whole host of issues, they both wanted to make this work. The plague incident had scared Booth, he was a protector but he couldn't fight the infectious bacteria. Plus, the secrecy they had both agreed upon had hurt them both equally when Booth wasn’t told about his hospital stay.


Tony whirled around to see Fornell and Seeley saw the grin. “You said my name right! I’m touched.”

Fornell smirked. “Are you joining the right side?”

Tony shrugged. “I’m thinking about it.” 

Now Fornell was intrigued because even though he’d made regular offers ever since Tony joined NCIS, he’d never expected him to say yes after being turned down so many times. “We’ll be waiting, and I will be cackling. Why now?”

Tony knew this wasn’t the time or the place. This was an awards dinner and he wanted Seeley to celebrate. “I don’t like some of the recent hiring practices. Wait, no that’s not it. My ethics can’t abide the choices so I am evaluating my options.”

Fornell was grinning, which Seeley could freely admit was a state that freaked him out just a little. “Is that so? Well, let me have a chat with my boss and we will see what happens.” 

His piece said, he left the couple alone. Seeley was running the conversation through his mind. “I didn’t know you’re a friend of the AD.”

Tony snorted. “No, I am a source of wind up material to his friend, Leroy Jethro Gibbs.”

Seeley snorted. “Leroy Jethro? Damn, no wonder he acts like a bastard.

Tony laughed at Seeley’s face but dragged him over to the bar. “Come on, let’s not think about my drama.”

Seeley nodded but he intended on making sure that they did have a conversation. “Okay, if you’re sure.”

Tony was more than sure.


Fornell was never the type to waste time. His boss was there and he needed to strike while the iron was hot. “You should go and have a word with Booth’s date.”Charlie, who had been the head of the FBI for four years, looked quizzically at one of his assistant directors. He’d never really seen Fornell be gleeful unless he was causing mischief. The FBI director found himself asking, “Why would I do that?”

“You mean you wouldn’t want to have a persuasive chat with Anthony DiNozzo, who for the first time is questioning his place at NCIS.”

Now Charlie was paying attention, his old friend had spoken with such fondness about the agent he’d taken the time to look into the agent. To say he liked was he saw was an understatement. “In that case, I’ll definitely make sure I wander over for a chat.” 

Seeing the Agent in question, the FBI Director decided to see them immediately. After all, now was the perfect time to strike. “Hello, Agent Booth it is good to see you, and Agent DiNozzo, it is good to see you here also.”

Tony smiled. “I wasn’t sure if I would be welcome working for a different agency.”“Who says that has to be the case?”Tony shook his head. “Has Toby already told you I am unhappy.”“Something about hiring practices.” 

Tony chuckled. “Well, we have a Mossad Agent on the MCRT and I seem to be the only one to have a problem with it.”

Charlie blinked and even Seeley was shocked. “Are you kidding me?”

Tony sighed. “I really wish I was but I hate keeping my mouth shut in the face of stupidity.”

Charlie smiled but there was no warmth to it. “I like you so I will raise the question with the president at our next briefing.”

Tony grinned. “That would be appreciated, Sir. Thank you.” 

“Don’t thank me, enjoy your evening and then come in for an interview.”

Seeley had to tamper down on his own excitement, he hoped Tony said yes. Still, Tony would have to make the decision on his own. He didn’t have to wait long, Tony shook his boss’ hand and simply said. “I’m looking forward to it.”


Seeley looked into his lover’s eyes trying to gauge how he felt. He did love Tony but he was under no illusion about how much Tony hid from the world. Seeley expected to see turmoil and that was not the case.


Tony chuckled seeing his lover’s face. “Look, I am not talking about my drama. I want to watch you collect your reward and then, I want to go home with you and cook pancakes for you and Parker in the morning."

Seeley wondered how he got so lucky but he wasn’t stupid enough to refuse such an offer. “Sounds like a plan.” 


The next morning Tony awoke to an excited squeal. He opened his eyes to a very excited child and he could feel his own matching grin appear on his face. Seeley grunted not quite being the same morning owl he was. Tony chuckled. “Morning Parker. What do you say to pancakes?”

“Is Daddy to still asleep?”

Tony was not sure how anyone could be - but he was still sleeping. “Yeah, but I bet as soon as he smells the pancakes and coffee he will be with us.”

“That’s cool.”

Parker didn’t follow Seeley in his looks but in his attitude and character, he was like a mini-me. It was so adorable, Tony wanted to coo but didn’t, knowing that Parker would scowl. Parker sat on the breakfast stool happily talking about all the things that he wanted to do when they were all free. Tony listened intently to him and made a mental note aiming to make sure every one of those goals was fulfilled.

“So how are my two favourite people in the world?” A fond voice asked breaking up their conversation.

Tony offered him his cup of coffee with a kiss as payment. “We’re talking about the zoo, football in the park and dinner at Chuck E Cheese.”His grin got wider. “Is that so. Sounds like you have a day all planned out Parker.”Parker nodded happily. “Can we, as long as you and Tony are not catching bad guys.”Seeley adored his son, in fact, he’d been the central and defining point of all decisions made for the last several years. And yet Parker never begrudged his job even when Seeley hated it. 


 The next day Seeley was at the Smithsonian and all of Brennan’s team noticed his unease. “What’s up?”

“Sorry?” Booth pretended not to know what Angela was asking.

“You appear to be restless and unsettled.” Zach observed.

And that brought Booth up short. If Brennan’s assistant was picking upon his social cues then he must be pretty obvious. “It’s nothing bad, I just hate the unknown.” 

“We all know that big guy.”Booth rolled his eyes at Angela because he was aware that he wore his heart on his sleeve. “It’ll be sorted soon.”

Tempe just frowned at him knowing that he had the opportunity to tell her if he wished but she wouldn’t push him.

All of the Smithsonian team turned at once upon hearing the throaty chuckle. The man was a registered visitor and was wearing a Federal badge.

Angela looked him up and down. “Now this is a Federal Agent who knows how to dress. No offense, Booth.

“Why would you say no offense if by your speech you cause offense.” Zach asked causing Hodgins and Booth to laugh at the disgruntled look on Angela’s face. 

“I don’t know buddy and talking about teases ... what happened?”

Tony grinned. “As soon as my notice is served I will be a special investigator for the director.”

Booth punched the air with joy. “Oh thank god you are going to be away from those douches.”

“Douches?” Tempe asked.

“Who’s the hottie?” Was Ange’s question at the same time.

Tony grinned. “I am his, or to the wider world, Agent Anthony DiNozzo. And now I will be one of the Feebs... I can’t believe you convinced me to join.”Seeley had a crooked grin. “I think that was Parker asking you if you would you protect Daddy at work.”

Tony leaned in for a kiss uncaring of the group watching on. “Well, what can I say? I told you I adored your kid.”

Seeley smirked. “Our kid, or did he not ask if he could call you, Pops?”

“He did.”

“So... you’re together?”Tony was standing proudly by Booth’s side. “That’s right. Now, I would happily chat with all of you for the rest of the day but I really need to go and shove my resignation up my soon-to-be-ex-boss’ ass.”Ange was miffed because with that, the pair walked out. “You can’t just leave it there.” She called after them.

Actually the pair could leave and did. The reactions at NCIS were positively precious. Seeley had always made a point of supporting Fornell whenever he went over to NCIS and did exactly the same for Tony. Tony, well, he knew what Seeley was doing but he didn't care - he was moving on and delighted in proving everyone wrong in the best way. Living a happy and satisfying life.