
5. The best thing in New Orleans (Dwayne Pride)

The Best thing in New Orleans.   (Dwayne Pride)

Tony hated going through that ship.  He hated that every time something vaguely plague like came to being - he was the go-to guy.  He may act like nothing touches him.  It did.  The plague had to be one of the scariest things he’d gone through.  Even to this day, he was not sure how he made it through.  

He’d been a good agent and got the job done.  As a result, Tony needed a drink and to unwind.  He’d asked a local with a grin about the best place to drink with an open piano.  He loved playing the piano and knew he was good at it.  He just didn’t share this with anyone. It was too personal. It was the last thing he’d shared with his mother.  

The bar he found from the instructions.  It was a run down dive bar.  It hadn’t set out that way.  It had just not seen any renovations in the last fifty years or so, Tony was guessing.  Still, the Old Truetone was still standing.  Tony liked it, it showed the place still had a heart.

He walked in and spied the piano. He whistled in appreciation. There stood as promised, a well kept black piano grand. It was at odds with the rest of the place. Well kept and tidy.


The bartender looked up, “You play?” 

Tony was wistful, “If I get the chance, my apartment is too small. I had to put mine in storage.” He confessed.

The barkeeper gave him a searching look, “You play well and your drinks will be on the house.” Tony couldn’t believe he was that lucky.  He was itching to get his hands on those ivory keys.  He was hoping that as his fingers raced over the keys his stress would disappear.


It worked, he didn’t even look at the clock.  He had a hotel room and would find his way back when he was ready.  He had a ready repertoire of songs stuck in his head.


An hour later, he stops so he can finish his whiskey.  Only he hears clapping from behind him.  Tony whirls around to see Agent Pride. “Hello, Agent Pride, what brings you here?” The agent chuckled, “I have a family connection.”Tony is pointed in the direction of a photo.  It shows a young woman, quite the looker, singing. To the side of the photo, you can see a boy sitting on the speaker. “That you Pride?” “It is, and it is, Dwayne.”  

Tony acquiesced, “Then please call me, Tony.”Dwayne slid alongside the bench. Tony could recognise a fellow player. They say at ease on the piano bench.  Dwayne teased him, “So you think you can keep up, huh?”

Tony laughed and was ready to take up the challenge.  The bar got quite the treat.  The two players challenged each other. They didn’t miss a beat.  They played in perfect sync. It was quite something.  They looked up to see the bar full, whereas it had been almost empty when they started. The applause surprised them and Tony found himself blushing.

Dwayne liked the look on the Agent.  He found himself wondering how far the blush went down his body.  He was divorced not dead.


Tony gave a bow to the crowd and headed to the bar.  He needed a drink.  It was a good job that he was not working again until Monday.  It was part of the deal he’d worked with Vance.  

Dwayne followed him. “So what are you trying to chase away?”Tony shrugged, “Normal demons.  I don’t like thinking about Y-pestis.”Pride nodded, as it more than made sense.  “I’m sorry you had to relive it.”Tony smiled, telling the Agent was being sincere.  “Yep, it sucks. Still, it is not all bad. I got to come to one of my favourite cities.”


Dwayne liked Tony even more.  He loved people who loved the city as much as him.  “Well, you are always welcome here.” 

Tony just smiled again, he wasn’t sure how to respond.  He knew Pride was an old friend of Gibbs, and judging by the wedding band gap in his tan, there was an ex-wife in the mix.  Still, Tony was only too happy to give the Agent a chance to vent.  “So what are you doing here?”“I come here when I want to think,” Dwayne answered him.  


Tony didn’t know why he was doing this. He found himself talking with ease. It was odd. This wasn’t him and yet there was something about Pride that set him at ease.  “And what have you figured out?”

“I’m ready to move on.  I can’t stay holed up in  my office.” The look in his eyes left Tony no illusion in how he wanted to move on.  


Tony raised his glass.  “Well, you have learnt that one quicker than Gibbs.”“He was always a stubborn cuss.”

Tony choked on his drink.  “Jesus, warn a guy.”

Dwayne smirked, “Why? It would spoil my fun.”“You are an evil man,” Tony observed.


Tony recognised the moves. He’d pulled them often enough. The furtive looks, the focus on his lips.  For once, he wasn’t the chaser, he was the chasee.  He had enough liquor in him to be braver but not enough to forget this. “So care to show me the city from your point of view?”

The grin he got made the walk all the more worthwhile.  Tony listened as Pride showed him his favorite places.  It was easy to get caught up in his enthusiasm.  They were walking close enough to keep bumping into each other. Pride had done the circuit back to Tony’s hotel.  Pride grinned at him, “If I make a pass, will Jethro come after me?” Tony found he didn’t much care what Gibbs wanted right now.  “I won’t make life difficult with your friend,” Tony said. Still, he wasn't going to let Gibbs scare away something good.  He finished, “But I hope I can help you move on.” There it was.  The offer. Tony was not offering anything scary or long term.  Dwayne took his hand and followed him into the hotel.



The team still hadn’t figured out why each break Tony disappeared New Orleans.  It turns out, the no pressure thing turned into something a hell of a lot deeper.  


Vance for once was only too happy to ignore the queries and gossiping of McGee and Davids.  If they couldn't figure it out, then they didn't need to know. He cheated as he had the next of kin paperwork.  He and DiNozzo had come to an agreement. He gave him the details and they would split the betting pool. 


With the engagement, it wouldn't be too long.  


Now with Bonus Sequel - Wedding Chimes are ringing!