
42. Southern Charm (Eric Northman)

Vampires were now a thing, Tony didn’t care who or what you were but if you broke the law you were gone. Of course, with the introduction of vampires into society, there had been many headaches, not least how you could arrest them and interview them.  

That and the allure of the mysterious had created a new ‘groupie’ - the fangbangers as they were charmingly called. They were the people who went to hang around vampire bars with the sole purpose of getting bitten. Tony personally didn’t understand the appeal but as long as they were all adults and consenting then he was okay with it.

What was not okay was going AWOL and then hanging around damn Fangtasia hoping to become a vampire toy. If that was the sailor’s aim then he should never have made a promise to the US Navy.

The sad part was, Tony had attracted more attention from the vampires since entering the bar than the idiot runaway. He was polite and turned them down nicely and so far it was okay. He was just waiting for a time where he could get them on their own.

“What is a nice Federal Agent like you doing in my bar?”Tony turned around to almost run straight smack into a very strong nordic chest. The owner of the strong chest was even more delightful. Tony was reminded of a Viking, then again, the guy could have been a Viking. He saw no reason to lie. “Hunting a sailor who can’t keep his promise to the US Navy.”The vampire sighed as that was not the answer he was looking for. “Pity.”Tony found himself asking. “Why?”The vampire smirked and damn, that was quite a smile. “I’d hoped you were hunting alternative prey.”

Tony chuckled. “Sorry to disappoint.”The vampire tilted his head like he was contemplating something fascinating. Tony didn’t know what he was trying to figure out. If Tony was honest, he didn’t care - he just needed to find Lieutenant Daniels and he would be on his way.

“I’m Eric Northman, owner of this bar and if there is anything that I can do for you, please ask.”

Tony want to shiver at the way the guy said anything - It was like a promise of the best dirty sex. He was impressed but still on a mission. “All I need is Lieutenant Daniels and I’ll be on my way.”Eric pouted at him. “Well, that doesn’t sound like an incentive, something that would get you to leave.”

Tony laughed because yep, the vampire was flirting with him. He noticed the bartender, the fierce lady was now staring at him in fascination also. He wasn’t sure he wanted to ask why he was fascinating. “What if you’re not my type?”

The question definitely amused the vampire. “I have found in all my years I’m everyone’s type, even nuns and people who loudly proclaimed they were a Kinsey Zero.”

Tony had to admit to himself that such confident arrogance was sexy and impressive. He could imagine with his confidence and overt sexuality he’d managed to seduce many people.Tony smirked and it was a little wicked. “Well, you just implied that you have been around the block a few times. Now I don’t judge but I do like to feel special.”The bartender slid a club soda toward him. “Oh, you are already a real special snowflake. I don’t think Eric has had anyone say no to him in two hundred years.”

Tony shrugged. “It’ll be good for his ego then, we all need to hear no every now and again. It keeps us humble.”Pam chuckled. “I like you so much, human, I am going to bring you your soldier.”


Now Eric looked astonished. “Now, I’m impressed because my childe, Pam, doesn’t like many people, or do humans favours.”

It was something that Tony had no answer for because really, what do you say as a reply? He was also smart enough to know that no matter how good an agent he was, he didn’t have the strength to fight a vampire.

The staring match was broken by the sailor being dropped at Tony’s feet. “Here you go, precious .”

Tony grinned brightly. “Lieutenant Daniels.”

Pam sneered at the sailor. “He is not at all charming or pretty like you are sweetie.”

Tony blushed and cuffed the guy. “NCIS is much obliged for your assistance, thank you, ma’am, sir.”

Pam smiled and Tony had to smirk at the way Daniels actually shivered and then he wrinkled his nose at the smell of urine. Not cool. He would have to sit in the car with that smell back to Baton Rouge.


“So not only are you a deserter but you can’t even control your bladder? Nice.”


Pam snorted. “Some humans like the allure of us and then realise they are bone deep terrified of us.”


Tony smiled wickedly. “Only a fool wouldn’t be terrified but you are good people and only an idiot lets themselves get burned by a flame just because it looks pretty.”

Pam actually had a real smile which Tony guessed didn’t happen. You could tell it was real as it lasted a whole second. “You are smart as well as beautiful, now Eric will never get you out of his head.”


Tony smirked. “Good.” And with his last word he left the bar. He may have put a little bit of extra sway into his hips but if he did there was no one to contradict him.


Back in Baton Rouge, Gibbs was waiting on the steps. “You found him?”

Tony rolled his eyes. “It wouldn’t be the first time, Gibbs. I’m your SFA, not a probie.”

Tony didn’t know why he had snarked back but there was something in Gibb’s tone that just pissed him off.  “I know that DiNozzo but David and McGee are turning up empty on their errand ... I figured it would be one of those days.”“Yeah well, like I said, I have more experience than both of them combined, no matter what they believe.” Tony felt lighter for saying it. He saw the odd look from Gibbs but his boss didn’t say a damn thing. It was probably for the best as whatever he did say would no doubt come out the wrong way.

Tony just walked around his car to open the door to get the guy out of the back seat of the car. “Here’s little Lieutenant Daniels. He was trying to play with big boys in a vamp bar in Bon Temps. We can interview him but can we please make him change his damn pants.”

Gibbs smirked seeing DiNozzo’s look of disgust and he did have to sympathise with him having to put up with that smell on the drive. “Why’d he pee his pants?”“This lovely, snarky vampire decided I was a precious thing. I’m not sure why, and I didn’t ask. She dropped him at my feet.”

Gibbs shook his head. “So your charm even works on vampires now DiNozzo?”

Tony wasn’t quite how sure how to answer that because when he did, his mind flashed back to the delectable Nordic Vampire he left behind. “Something like that, let’s not go into it.”

Gibbs quirked an eyebrow. “Okay.”


McGee was annoyed that they had been unable to chase down any information about the drug ring. There should have been something at the base but they had got nada, just paper cuts, and a snarkier attitude from being exhausted. They knew it wouldn’t be an excuse that Gibbs would accept but not even the great Jethro Gibbs could defy reality.

Ziva huffed, glad to be back at their temporary headquarters. “Do not look so glum. It is not as though Tony will have succeeded either.”McGee did brighten at that because Gibbs seemed to always be more upset when Tony didn’t succeed. Tim never once stopped to think it was because he was held to a higher standard. “You’re right.”As they walked through the doors, they bumped into Agent McCarron who was the local Agent in Charge. “Hey, do you know where Agent Gibbs is?”

McCarron snorted. “Yeah, he and DiNozzo are interrogating the runaway sailor to try and crack the drug ring.”“Wait! DiNozzo found him?”McCarron frowned not liking the junior agent's attitude. “Yeah, he did. He must have been scary doing it as the sailor peed his pants.”

McGee and Ziva shared a look and headed quickly to the observation room to try to at least listen in on the interrogation, they needed to know how Tony had got the better of them.



“So why did you run?”The Lieutenant made a pitiful face and Gibbs hated him before he even spoke. “It’s not like that. I didn’t want to run drugs. The vampires were a way to escape.”Tony sighed. “So you tried to be a drug dealer and then decided to see what it was like on the other side of the street?”Gibbs didn’t say anything because he was listening with just as much disbelief. “Well, it’s understandable. He wasn’t a very good drug dealer. Too scared.”Tony snorted. “But boss, he wasn’t a good blood junkie either.”“IT’S YOUR FAULT!” Daniels spat at Tony.

Tony rolled his eyes because wow, way to absolve yourself of any guilt. “And just how is it my fault? I was only there to track your stupid ass down.”

“You had the King’s attention from the moment you walked in.” Daniels was still glowering at him.

“You mean, Eric?”

Daniels scoffed. “You had a thousand-year-old vampire, a genuine Viking fawning over you and you rejected him.”

Tony did snort. “Despite what many think. I don’t make serious decisions based on sex. I was doing a job and that was all that mattered.”“You even had Pam, the meanest Vampire do your biding.” Daniels whined at him.

Tony smirked. “She liked that I told her master no. You, she wasn’t too keen on so she was more than too happy to drop you at my feet. You are going to tell me everything you know ... Or, I am going to invite her down here to ask questions on my behalf.”

Gibbs really needed to meet this vampire because just her name was enough to break the whole damn drug ring wide apart. He didn’t even know she liked being a redhead when the mood suited her.  

Gibbs and DiNozzo left the interrogation room late into the day, so much so that night had fallen.  Tim and Ziva were waiting for them. “So you now have vampire groupies?”

Tony smirked. “Careful Ziva, you sound jealous.”

She sneered. “No Vampire can compete with my talents.”

Tony shrugged because he was in no mood to pander to her ego and she wouldn’t like his answer if he told her the truth.


Tim was wide-eyed. “You had a female vampire do your bidding?”Tony rolled his eyes. “ McDuffus , Vampires are people too, just way more anaemic. And no, Pam did what she wanted. I was just fortunate enough to have amused her into doing what I needed.”Tim was still broken on the idea that Tony had met two vampires who seemed to like him, for more than just his blood. Tony seeing the broken glaze rolled his eyes. “Boss, can I go back to the hotel because the bigotry is starting to really offend me.”Gibbs shrugged. “You broke the case so sure thing.”Tony got up to leave and he could hear McGee and David follow him. He didn’t doubt that they had more they wanted to say. It would be tiresome but he could endure. As he got out into as fresh air as this city could manage, a man literally landed right by his feet.


“Hello again, Eric. Although, I am reliably informed I should have called you my King.” Tony said, realising that yep, he was flirting with the male vampire.

“I won’t object to that title but I was here to ask you to dinner.”

Tony smiled. “Sure thing, providing you drink from a bottle on the first date.”Eric snorted. “Pity as I have no doubt your blood is divine.”Tony fluttered his eyelashes. “I bet you say that you all the girls.”

Eric shook his head. “I have not had to work this hard for a date in two centuries.”Tony turned back to see Tim and Ziva staring at him in shock. It was not an attractive look. “Don’t wait up, I don’t know when I’ll be back.”Tony then had the best exit possible as he was flown away by the nordic blonde vampire. Tim looked to his teammate. “He will be back, right?”Ziva shrugged as she had no idea. “As what? Is the more relevant question.”