
39. Tony goes to Eureka (Jack Carter)

Jack Carter was a US Marshall and proud of his job. He was very good at it, even if he had to use his skills to track down his hellion of a daughter. Still, the car was fixed and they were now on their way back to LA from the strange town they’d ended up, Eureka.  He wasn’t quite sure how he’d explain it to his fiance.“What’s that sigh for?”Jack rolled his eyes. “I was wondering how to even try and explain this weekend to Tony.”Zoe brightened. “I like him, he’s good for you Dad. You don’t have such a stick up your ass anymore.”Jack wanted to wince at such a phrase but it was meant to be positive, he thinks.  “Okay, I will take it.  So you’re not angry at me for getting engaged?”He was trying to gently figure out what caused this latest bout of running away.  He had no doubt that Abby, his ex-wife, would blame him but he was no longer trying to carry the weight of the divorce on his shoulders.  Tony had made him see that just because he liked his job - it didn’t make him a bad person.

“Oh my god! You’re getting all gooey, you’re thinking about him aren’t you?” Zoe said more of a demand than a question.

Jack smiled and it was gooey but he didn’t care. “Yeah, I am.  He was very understanding when I said I couldn’t come to Washington to see him as you had run away from your mom’s.  He offered to get on a plane to help you know.”

Zoe flushed with guilt because she was aware of how little free time Tony got. “I’m sorry. Do you think I can call him?”

Jack knew Washington was three hours ahead. “Sure thing but don’t be bratty if he’s busy with a case.”




Tony was sitting down on his couch grateful for the chance to close his eyes.  The case had been hellish and he’d really hoped Jack would have been able to see him but Zoe came first and that was how it should be.  His phone rang and he checked the display. “Hey, hellion. What’s up, I’m guessing your Dad found you.”

Zoe said something in a rush. “I am soooo soorrry. I forgot Dad was going to see you.”Tony’s heart expanded because that was typical Zoe, she wanted to be brash and angry but her heart was too big.  He was usually terrible with kids but he understood Zoe and she never made him feel awkward. “It’s okay Zoe, you will always come first for both of us. We’ve discussed this before and you know this.”And it was true. Tony hated being stuck in Washington when Zoe was upset. Zoe cringed at the gentle rebuke. “Still, I’m sorry. Next trip you should be with us, Tony. We miss you.”Tony chuckled, knowing what that sly tone meant. “You’ve just pulled up at your mom’s, right?”

Zoe was chirpy. “I have no idea what you mean.  It’s not my fault mom’s boyfriend is not as hot as you. I better see you the next time you fly down to LA.”Tony’s heart warmed hearing Zoe hear that and he wanted her to know they were okay. “Bye hellion and you know we’re going shopping for your wedding outfit next time.”

Zoe hung up and got out of the car. “Bye, Dad. See you next weekend for the wedding shopping.” She added practically sneering at her mother as she barged past.Jack was speechless because wow, she was mad at her mom and wasn’t too sure why.  He could guess - this type of overt favouritism. “So ... You’ve talked about redefining the custody agreement?”Abby flushed which was a huge tell. “I ... Don’t know what you want me to say. You are marrying another man who lives in Washington, I won’t lose Zoe.”

Jack rolled his eyes as this was a familiar problem, for a therapist, Abby was crap at communicating with him at least.  “Abby, Tony and I are figuring out options but it looks like we’re settling in LA.  Tony adores Zoe and as you can hear, it is a two-way street.”

Abby snorted. “And yet she hates Lucas.”Jack honestly had no advice to give his ex-wife on her boyfriend.  He was just amazed that Tony had come into his life and chosen to be with him.  Jack was not a stupid man, and both he and Tony made sure their schedules and jobs fit around their relationship instead of the other way around. His job was hard and took a lot of his time and he knew Abby hated it.  He didn’t know what to say, he had tried with Abby, god he did, for Zoe’s sake, but she was not Very Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo.  Tony was special to him and five years later they were as strong as ever even if they weren’t out at work for safety reasons.  


Jack was back in his LA office and catching up on his paperwork, trying to put his strange weekend behind him.  It didn’t matter what branch of law enforcement you were in - the paperwork was always a killer.  The clacking of heels on the floor made him look up to see who his visitor was and he could admit he was mildly surprised.

“Hello, Dr Blake. What can I do for you today?”“I’m here about your job promotion.” She handed him an official DOD piece of paper pulled from her briefcase. “Congratulations.”Jack frowned because he had no idea that he was up for a job promotion.  He didn’t want or need one.  He was happy in his life, he had Tony, Zoe any time he was allowed and his job gave him the challenges to keep himself from getting bored.  “Er, I wasn’t aware I needed one.”Dr Blake shrugged. “As you are aware, we need a new sheriff, you are highly qualified and handled the town’s eccentricities just fine.”

Carter looked up in disbelief. “And are you equipped to handle my daughter and fiance when I tell them I am being dragged into the middle of nowhere?”

Alison rolled her eyes, she had been disappointed by the what the background check had found but she had a plan.  “Well, the lawyers in town will get your custody agreement reviewed to allow for your new circumstances.”Jack wouldn’t hold out hope but that would be amazing. “And Tony? What is your plan for Tony?”Alison shrugged. “He has the clearance level already high enough to know although his file suggested that he would refuse a job offer.  The DOD are interested in him as an agent but have never seen a way to get him. In fact, he will need to sign confidentiality forms but you can tell him about Eureka.”Jack rolled his eyes. “Email me the offer and we’ll have a chat.”“You would do that for the DOD?” She asked surprised, he hardly seemed enthusiastic himself.Carter snorted. “No, I would do it for my future marriage that you seem determined to ruin before we even start.”

Alison shrugged because her superiors had sent her the details about Agent DiNozzo saying they were keen to have him work for them but that he’d always refused all offers to leave NCIS in the past. This would be quite the coup if it worked out and she wouldn’t have to lift a finger. “I’ll email it to you and I look forward to seeing you next Monday.”Jack snorted. “No, I want the lawyer’s number today. My ex-wife seems to think the custody arrangement needs to be revisited and I’m not going anywhere until the situation with Zoe is sorted out.”


Jack didn’t bother to wait for the offer - he was on the phone immediately to Tony. “Can you talk?”“For you always, just let me go somewhere quiet.” Tony said concerned because Jack never phoned him when he was at work and there was something in his voice that set off alarm bells.  “It’s not, Zoe, is it?”It was that type of question that made Jack love Tony a little more. “No, our little hellion went back to Abby as quiet as a mouse proclaiming she wanted to have another fun weekend but insisted that you needed to be with us next time. I agreed.”

Tony chuckled just knowing how well that would have gone.  “Glad to hear it. So what has you freaked?”Jack sucked in a breath hating that he had to have this conversation on a phone.  “I’ve been promoted.” He knew he sounded morose considering it was supposed to be a promotion but he couldn’t be positive about it until he’d spoke to Tony.

“Oookkaaaay! Should I not be congratulating you because you sound like this is the worst thing to happen to you.” Tony responded trying to understand the situation.

Jack sighed. “In our little adventure this weekend we crashed into this crazy scientific town. What I am telling you is way classified but the DOD says you have the clearance so who am I to argue?”Tony was rubbing his face trying to piece together what he was being told. “Hang on. I’m going into an empty conference room.  Put me on video.”Jack was so glad that his lover was good at predicting what he needed and also thankful, yet again, that they’d organised a secure line between their two phones.  “Boy am I glad to see your face.”“Always happier to see you.” Tony responded.  He would have said a hell of a lot more but despite his larger-than-life persona, he was actually pretty quiet about his private life.  “So what’s wrong with the promotion?”

Jack pouted. “Well for starters it is in the middle of nowhere, Oregon. They are crazy stupid despite having a bucket load of IQ points. Oh, and I have no choice about the reassignment.”

Tony frowned, understanding what was going on.  Gibbs had just come back from his siesta and there was no reason to stay.  He was considering what his options were that would put him in LA. “Okay, so I was going to take a job in LA to be closer to you and Zoe. Is there any job in Oregon for me? I could be one of your deputies. You know I don’t mind being under you.” Tony finished in a sly tone trying to raise Jack’s spirits.

Jack won’t lie that parts of him stirred at that suggestion. “Funny you should mention that the DOD liaison mentioned her agency wanted to offer you a job but had never found the right incentive.”Tony snorted because no, none of the agencies offered had ever found the right incentive.  The DOD just might have found it, though, his fiance. “Yeah, sending you to Mayberry would do it. Send me the details and I’ll look it over and make the calls.”“We’re moving to Oregon?” Jack said, not sure how it was this easy.

Tony grinned, eyes a little damp. “Yeah Jack, we’re moving to Eureka. I am not letting my fiance move without me.”

Jack smiled. “Good, because I gotta tell you that I wasn’t keen on leaving you behind either. And how did you know I was talking about Eureka?”Tony grinned. “ Very special agent remember? Together was the agreement we made. True partners and I stand by it.”“Me too, Stallion.” Jack signed off with. “We’ll talk later and start to make plans.”Tony didn’t care where he was. “I love you and we’ll talk later.”Tony heard the door open as he signed off and then there was a sneer. “Another of your bombos?”

Tony was leaving and he didn’t realise the weight that would take off his shoulders. Gibbs was back so the MCRT had a leader, the two junior agents thought they were above him and he was done caring.  Jack actually cared about him and he was looking forward to settling in Eureka with him.  It was crazy and Tony never thought he’d be willing to risk his heart like he had with Wendy but here he was.  

“Jack wouldn’t like to be called a bimbo, Ziva and please show some respect - that is my fiance you’re talking about.”Oh, Tony would treasure the shocked look on her face forever. It was just that precious. “What’s the matter - cat got your tongue?”

She forgot why she had even come. “You, you are not gay! You are in love with me.”Tony snorted in disbelief because after all the crap she had pulled during Gibbs’ siesta - he didn’t even like her, let alone love her.  She was very obtuse or, just preferred to rewrite history to suit her whims.  He wasn’t too sure which it was but the brutal truth was, he didn’t care either. “No, Ziva, I do not. I have a fiance, one that I have been with since not long after I was made SFA.  You don’t hold a candle to Jack and you never will. Now if you excuse me, there are some things I need to organise.”“What are they?” Ziva demanded like she had a right to know.Tony called back sweetly. “None of your business.”

She called out. “Gibbs wants you to stock the truck.”

Tony snorted in disbelief and he was done playing Gibbs’ games. “The probie does that job. Always has. So intimidate McGee into it if you don’t want to do it.”She shrugged. “I will tell Gibbs and you know he will not like it.”Tony stopped and turned around so she could see his face to know it was serious. “Ziva, you are not hearing me ... I. Don’t. Care.  I figured out my priorities and NCIS no longer ranks as my top one. Now, if you’ll excuse me - I have a lot I need to get done.”

Tony didn’t go to Director Shepard directly because he wanted to have all his ducks in a row in order to leave. So he went to autopsy. “Hey Ducky?”“Hello, young Anthony, is everything alright?”Tony smiled. “You know what ... Everything is great.  I am finally taking that leap of faith you said I should.”Ducky was sad but relieved all at the same time.  Anthony had a few years ago shared the secret of his true relationship and the fact that his lover was a man.  Ducky had been glad the man had someone and would often over tea share stories of his breaks with Jack and his daughter.  “I see. So what do you need?”Tony smiled sheepishly. “A quiet room so I can talk with the DOD before I talk with the Director.”Ducky would do so much more but he was happy to acquiesce to that agreement.  “I am sorry Jethro hasn’t seen the forest for the trees.”Now to anyone else the idiom may be lost - not Tony. He remembered his mother saying things like that to him and he would always laugh and ask what he meant. Tony knew Ducky felt bad for how he acted when Gibbs was away. Tony knew it was anger at Gibbs and as Ducky had apologised - he never held a grudge.  He needed Ducky to know that. “Duck, I never held it against you. You lost your good friend too.”Ducky patted his shoulder. “I know you don’t which makes it worse somehow. Go and make your phone call. I shall distract Gibbs if he comes looking for you.”

Tony nodded in thanks and took a deep breath as he dialled. “Hello, this is Agent Anthony DiNozzo, I was told to call this office.”“Ah, Yes. So what made you take the offer?”Tony saw no reason in hiding anymore and wanted to start their new life with their relationship out in the open so he explained everything. After a brief conversation and some negotiation, he walked out of the office in a daze.  The army would be informing Director Shepard that as of midday today - Anthony DiNozzo would be transferred to the Department of Defence.  He wasn’t sure what to think but he now also had a promotion - They wanted Dr Blake to transfer back to being one of the working scientists and so the DOD needed a liaison that was stationed at egghead central looking after their interests.  He couldn’t wait to tell Jack - he knew what he would say. “You are one of the eggheads too, Dr DiNozzo, but I love you anyway.”

Ducky looked up from his paperwork. “Everything sorted?”Tony grinned but there was a difference - this was a true smile. “Yeah, Ducky. It is great, I’ll be leaving Washington by the end of the week though.”Ducky held his hand out. “I wish you luck and happiness, Anthony. And do remember an old man once in awhile.”

Tony took the hand but pulled him into a hug. “Of course I will, I can’t wait to bring Zoe to visit you.”Jimmy came out from his books. “What changed your mind?”Tony grinned. “Jack did. I was going to leave once Gibbs looked a little stronger but I figured I was moving to LA and joining the FBI. Oh well, small adjustment but it looks like it’ll work out even better. I’m so happy right now Autopsy Gremlin.”Jimmy took Tony’s hand that was offered in a handshake.  “I’ll miss you, Tony. Keep in touch.”


Tony had made his way to Global Dynamics, in a burst of irony - he actually arrived in town before Jack and headed straight for his new office.  An excitable scientist, Fargo, greeted him. He was the new assistant to the Director, who was also newly arrived.

Tony knew who that was from the files, Dr Nathan Stark, Nobel Prize winner.  “Dr Stark, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I am the new DOD liaison, Agent Anthony DiNozzo.”

Stark frowned. “What happened to Alison?”Tony shrugged. “Well, that is something you will have to ask her. I am not getting involved between you and your ex, Doctor Stark.”

Stark looked at him and Tony had no doubt that many may wilt under that glare, not Tony, though.  Tony waited him out to make whatever opinion he cared to. “How does a DOD agent afford Zegna?”

Tony was amused by the Director for now. “Good investments.”

Stark snorted. “Touche. We should continue this conversation in my office.”

Tony heard two voices bickering.  He didn’t glare at the woman but she had no right to be looking at Jack in that way.  “Hey, Sheriff Carter, fancy meeting you here.”Jack smirked but rather than take a hint - the conversation soon derailed. Jack actually shared an eye-roll with Tony because, wow, talk about hypocrisy.  They had spent two hours in a video-conference with a relationship auditor and someone didn’t see this being a problem?

“You didn’t tell me you were moving back to Eureka!” Blake said in shock.  Tony and Jack were standing by looking awkward.  This was exactly why he had said to Stark that he had no intention of getting involved between them.

“Same house, same job, moved already. I meant to call.” Stark replied in a tone of voice that suggested he had no intention of doing any of those things.

Tony and Jack got bored of the tension being so thick that you could cut it with a knife.  “So Jack and I will go and get lunch, figure out where we’re living and when we get back ... You can have talked this out so we can all work together.”Jack grinned. “This is why I love you ... Let’s go stud.”

At that, Stark broke the starefest with his ex and looked over. “You’re together?”Tony grinned, crooked and in-love. “Yeah, five years nearly and still going strong.  We were getting ready to marry before our sudden promotions but we’ll adjust.”

~*~Jack was a good sheriff - he managed to get out of egghead central before he kissed Tony senselessly.  Tony loved just how good he was at that and his body was humming just from the kiss. “Damn, I wanted to do that as soon as I saw you in Stark’s office.”Jack chuckled. “I can’t believe we’re finally in the same place.”

Tony grabbed his hand. “Let’s go eat.”They found this cafe, where the chef was good as advertised.  Jack was talking animatedly, retelling his first adventure in Eureka. Tony was smiling as he ate his own cannoli.  “So where are we living exactly?”Jack winced. “Well, I asked and according to Fargo, there is only one available house. I’ve seen it ... It’s a repurposed nuclear bunker that has been turned into the first state of the art computer controlled habitat.”Tony shrugged it off, although, he was sure he’d watched one too many movies where this was the start. “As long as the system isn’t called Hal 9000 ... I’m not too nervous.”

Jack smirked. “You should see the movie screen. It’s a whole wall.”Tony pouted, his fiance knew his weak-point. “Yeah, and it’ll be great for football games.”“That too,” Carter responded without missing a beat.

Any further conversations were stopped when two things happened at once.  A plume of smoke appeared over Tony’s new place of work and ... a ghost-like man appeared in the middle of the cafe. The couple sighed before Jack said. “You got GD and I’ll take this?”“Sure thing, let me know our new address at some point and I’ll see you tonight.” Tony finished, pecking Jack on the lips before racing off tonight.

“You betcha.”

The couple would soon learn to expect the unexpected - including Zoe arriving with her bags refusing to leave.  They didn’t care because no matter what crazy event happened to occur on any given day Jack and Tony were in the same town, waking up in the same bed and could actually call each other husband.

That was a gift they would put up with a lot for.


 Now with a sequel short: A Surprise Arrival