
32. Hot Under the Collar (Neal Caffrey)

Tony wondered just what the hell was going on.  He’d been called to the New York branch of the FBI on request by the Deputy Director of the FBI.  Morrow, his boss, had told him that he was going and he would be a credit to the agency and take advantage of the situation.

Tony had smiled, nodded and was relieved to the get the hell away from Vivian Blackadder.  Gibbs had not been so happy but he left Gibbs and Morrow to thrash out the details and he went to prepare.“Where the hell are you going?”Tony smiled sweetly. “New York. I’m being loaned out to your old agency.”Vivian frowned. “Whatever for?”Tony shrugged knowing for some reason the situation bothered her.  He didn’t care if it did to be honest as she had nothing to do with his life.   “No idea but I can’t wait to find out.”&*&*&*&*&*&*&New York hadn’t changed since the last time he was in the Big Apple.  The Federal Building was part of Federal Plaza and Tony walked into the lobby.   “I’m Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo. NCIS, I have a 10:30 meeting with SAC Peter Burke.”


The security guard nodded and phoned the White Collar crime division to confirm and having got the confirmation brought him through and had an intern take him to the required floor.  Tony was met as soon as the lift opened by the Agent in question.“Nice to meet ya, Peter Burke. If you will follow me.”Tony shook the proffered hand. “Please to meet you, Anthony DiNozzo.”Tony was showed into a standard conference room and was introduced to the team of White Collar.  He listened and observed all of them as if this was where the team had their meetings then there was something was very wrong.

He’d taken a place - so someone wasn’t there.  “So why have I been asked here?”Burke laid it all out for him.  There was a final member to the white collar team and it was a doozy.  A world-renowned art thief was a smart addition to the team.  “Keller has walked into the operation and is making life very difficult for Neal especially as he has come in working for Vincent Adler.”Tony listened to all the pieces of information.  They needed to extract Caffrey that much was obvious but it was how to do it safely that was being debated. “So your man is alive?”Diana Berrigan, Burke’s second, explained. “Oh he is alive and he is transmitting. It is clear that Keller and Adler are toying with him.”Tony could sympathise because he had been stuck in a few situations similar.  “Is he good enough to adapt to a situation and roll with it?”Burke nodded. “Neal would have never been caught if his girlfriend hadn’t messed with his head.”

Tony could hear the pride and worry in the Agent’s voice.  Tony had an idea forming in his head, the FBI probably wouldn’t like it but they would have to go with it.   “Is he homophobic at all?”Burke shook his head. “Not at all, Diana would have killed him ... He appreciates beauty in all forms.”Tony snorted. “Well in that case I need to call an old friend, and the FBI will have to leave him alone as you were stupid enough to let him get out the first time.”Peter quirked an eyebrow as he was curious but not following the conversation.  Tony sucked in a breath and settled his mind, he always needed all of his wits to talk to Don Salvatore Mancuso.  You had to respect a Mafia boss who you sent to jail and they still respected you and in fact pushed through an adult adoption for you.  Tony had been perplexed at the time because he’d been expecting death threats not an adoption.  You see the Mafia boss felt that Tony’s ability to ‘dethrone’ him even if only temporarily showed he had the right ruthlessness to lead the family.  He was allowed his childish rebellion of joining NCIS as it didn’t interfere with Mancuso business interests.  Tony had done his best to explain it wasn’t a rebellion but the Head of the Family would just smile and say something condescending.  Tony gave up using reason and tried to be as disgraceful as possible but so far everything was tolerated.

“Hey put father on the phone.” Tony said.

The Agents were all staring but Tony ignored them.  “Luca you will put the father on, or, I am going to come over to Long Island and beat you stupid before dropping your carcass in the river ... if you are lucky.”The team shivered as they believed every word coming out of the Agent’s mouth.  He said it quietly but it was all the more menacing because of it - Just what was the Director thinking?Tony smirked when a new voice could be heard. “Hello, you can do something for me but you will like it.  You remember Vincent Adler? Do the Mancuso’s still have a vendetta? Well he is back in New York and he has something of mine.”Tony shook his head. “No, he has my lover Neal Caffrey and I intend to retrieve him.”

Tony smiled. “You know I am gay and it has never been a problem.  You should be pleased as Neal is a high class world Art Thief.”

The Agents were torn between horrified fascination and reaching for the cuffs  They were not sure what was going on but they knew one thing - Adler and Keller had bitten off more than they could chew.  

Tony finished the call and seeing the looks of shock said.  “What?”Burke pinched his nose.  “Did you just arrange for a Mob boss to help you collect Neal?”Tony smirked. “Well I had him sent to prison and as punishment ... He adopted me.  It is all very confusing and gives my bosses a headache but what can you do? It is usually an annoyance that I can do without but it does become useful on occasion.”Diana laughed. “You just called Salvatore Mancuso father, and he is going to help you get Neal back?”

Tony nodded.  “That is exactly what I am going to do.  You see to deal with a bastard like Adler you need to find a bigger one. Please, tell me if you know someone else that could fit the bill.  I am listening.”

Peter shook his head. “No, the director said that you were the best in the business and would find a solution. It is unorthodox but I can see it working.  There is also a part of me that is intrigued when you and Neal meet.”


A day later and Tony was waltzing into the apartment where Neal was being forced to stay.  Vincent Adler was standing there smarmily and he didn’t like the way he was staring at Neal - like he was a possession.  “Charmed to meet you.”Tony put on his polite smile. “Charmed.”

So they had got the polite falsehoods out of the way - now was when they did serious business.  He had two of the Mancuso enforcers with him.  He had to, as father had insisted and he wasn’t going to turn away well trained back-up.


Tony sat down on the chair with the natural born arrogance you would expect of a Mafia prince because despite never talking about it, he could easily be one.  This case was evidence in point that Mancuso hadn’t give up the hope that he would be the next Head of the Family.  

“So what can I do for the Mancuso family today?” Adler asked sitting back, honestly, this guy was a walking talking cliche. He was one white cat away from being a Bond Villain.  

“Well I was just telling Peter and Clint here, how I wanted my Neal back.”  Tony said it with a smile but it could create an iceberg for all the warmth in it.  

Neal had to use all of his skills not to freeze but he took the cue he was given.  This guy was sent by Peter and if to get out of the room he was this guy’s lover, well, it was hardly going to be a hardship.  The man was suave, confident, clearly intelligent, and understood good suits. Plus he was extremely hot. Neal itched to paint him if he was being honest to himself.  It was a good sign that he was something like art and not just how he was going to survive.

Neal smiled. “It is so good to see you baby.”

Tony smirked. “You still need to give me my birthday gift ... You promised to paint me.”

Adler could see the chemistry between the pair.  He had no idea that Antoni had come back to the fold and it was well known in criminal circles that he was the most ruthless of the sons.  He had to be as he was adopted and heir apparent.  There were rumours that he was the reason Salvatore Mancuso had spent time in prison so when he’d been released all had watched what would happen.  “Your father is not too happy with me.”Antoni smiled but it was all teeth.  “You know it is not my father you have to worry about.” Turning to one of his shadows he asked  “What did I tell you yesterday when I asked you to put father on the phone?”His guard repeated dutifully. “You would beat me stupid before dropping my carcass in the river ... if I was lucky.”

Tony snorted.  “Well I didn’t add concrete shoes or use the Don’s favoured method ... He likes to shoot your knees out and then drop you in the river in concrete boots.”Neal was watching the verbal foreplay going back and forth.  He had never seen Adler scared of anyone but this new player scared him.  It wasn’t surprising considering it was Antoni Mancuso sitting in front of him.  Neal was a bit confused as to why Peter would sent a Mafia prince in after him but beggars could not be choosers.  Neal felt brave enough to slide over to Antoni and risk hugging him.

“I just want to get out of here and celebrate your birthday like we promised.” It was said in a tone that suggested everything that was dirty and oh so right in the world.  

Adler’s eyes glazed a little at even the hint, so much so that Tony really wanted to punch the guy on the principle of the matter. He had to remind himself that as soon as they were free and clear the FBI would swoop in on the bastard.  Salvatore was not too happy until Tony had explained that Adler would be placed in a prison with several of his more dangerous enemies.   “Neal and I had some unfinished business to discuss.”Tony stood up, gently tugging on Neal’s hand to get him to stand at the same time.  “Consider all unfinished business null and void and be grateful that I persuaded Don Mancuso that I should retrieve my lover.”

Adler pouted. “I am not sure he is you know, because for lovers your reunion has been very chaste.”Tony upgraded punching to any excuse to shoot the bastard.  Still he could play the game and use the shock to extricate him and Neal quickly.  He pulled Neal quickly and with a smirk and a challenging glint planted his lips on Neal’s.  It was necessary but Neal was used to taking advantage of even the smallest opening and gave it his all.  He left little biting kisses against Antoni’s lips and moaned when his mouth was invaded by a questing tongue.  Neal was more turned on than he had ever been in his life.

Tony reluctantly broke the kiss and turned back to Adler and Keller.  “That will have to be enough for your voyeuristic tendencies and now we will be leaving and anyone who tries to stop us will be put down my by fathers guards.  I am done playing games.”Neal was pulled through the door and down the elevator and waited for the penny to drop.  The thing was, no one stopped them, and Keller despite glaring at them didn’t follow. He was safe and free and noted there were two cars waiting for them on street level.  The first held an infamous figure who stepped out of his car.  “Your Neal is safe.”Tony nodded. “He is thanks to you and I have him on tenterhooks and that is before the police raid.”Salvatore smiled. “Well I have business to attend to and you will come to family dinner with Neal next Sunday ... I don’t think that is too much to ask for.”Tony hated the idea as he always tried to keep the family at a distance as it was kind of everything he wanted when it came to family.  The law breaking was the sticking point and it hadn’t gone unnoticed that since he came out of prison Salvatore seemed to be making an effort to civilise the family.  Tony couldn’t say no because without his help and name, the operation to retrieve Neal would have been far riskier and dangerous.

“We’ll arrange something.” Tony agreed.

Neal watched the Don leave and then Tony led him to another car where much to his surprise Peter and Diana were there with recording equipment.  His grin was back. “Oh boy am I glad to see you.”Peter hugged him and Diana just smirked at him.  “So how did you find meeting Agent DiNozzo?”Neal blinked in shock trying to reconcile what he’d just witnessed with the information he’d learnt.  “You are not FBI because they would have a fit at your familial connections.”Tony snickered. “Actually they keep trying to recruit me. I have yet to say yes and they seem willing to overlook them.  It helps that I was the one to send Pops to jail and it wasn’t my fault that the incompetent prosecutor didn’t put him away for life.”Neal snorted. “Well thank you for my life and it is a pleasure to meet you, Agent DiNozzo.”Tony smirked.  “We’ve kissed I think you can call me Tony and after the debrief we really should grab a coffee or two.”Neal was reeling with how quickly things were moving but the Agent in front of him fascinated him and he wanted to strip back every layer both physically and in terms of character and learn everything about this intriguing man.

Neal would still be trying twenty years later but he loved every minute.