
28. Husband Number 1 (David Rossi)

David Rossi: Husband Number 1



David entered the bar hoping the good liquor would shake off the after effects of the case.  It was a vain hope but it would hopefully soften some of the memories.  If that failed then a good one night stand would be the next best thing.  


He loved this bar in Virginia as it only served top tier whiskey which was definitely the order of the day.  His eyes swept over the patrons a few times but kept heading back to the piano player.  It obviously wasn’t his day job, the type of gun and badge clipped on his belt gave it away so he appeared to belong to one the Alphabet agencies.

David felt himself unwind as he drank from his tumbler and listened. It was worth every penny if he felt even a fraction better.  He didn’t know what was the matter with him tonight - he had no business staring at the young piano player but he couldn’t seem to help himself. He let himself go in his mind once more even if it was more often than not a dark cavernous place.

A body slid onto the stool next to him. “Buy me a drink?”David quirked an eyebrow. “And why would I do that?”Tony leaned in closer.  “Well, you obviously think I’m hot. The badge on your belt tells me you are a Federal  Agent too so I know you won’t ask any stupid questions and I’m told I can carry a conversation.”For the first time in a long time, David found himself laughing at the audacious nature of the man in front of him.  If the man was up to flirting with him then it was only right that he step up his own game.  He thought he was too old but Tony was a grown ass man who knew his own mind.   Dave found himself replying. “Well, you are definitely the best-looking thing in the room.”Tony snorted. “No, that is that piano - it is a thing of beauty.”  His passion and enthusiasm shining out of every pore and he had no idea how alluring it was to those around him.Rossi was sure of one thing.  “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  I am Italian and I will not be dissuaded.”




The couple treated their marriage with a similar conviction.  It worked for the pairing and they understood the other - it wasn’t like they would divorce each other because of the demands of the job.  They did do one thing, they kept their relationship private - not out of shame but because it was their own business and they didn’t want anyone prying into it.

They supported each other and the only time they broke their silence was for Gibbs and Hotchner after they both needed a refuge and a secret to shock them back to reality.  

David marrying Husband Number 1 did the trick for Aaron and for Gibbs, just the fact that Tony was married did it.  




Aaron’s frustrations were getting to a boiling point - the team was fractured from the lies told to keep Prentiss safe.  He wasn’t sure how he could fix this. “What the hell do I do Dave?”


Rossi shrugged. “That is why you get the big bucks, to figure this stuff out.”Aaron’s sardonic look spoke volumes. “I’m asking for ideas.”“Well, why not have a meal and have it out over good food.” Rossi suggested with the hope he didn't quite believe in his voice.

“I don’t cook.”Rossi sighed knowing where this was going. “You want my house ... you have to ask Antoni.”

Aaron smirked. “You saying you’re ready to tell the team?”Rossi snorted. “You’re just hoping my husband will distract the team from their own drama.”Hotch rolled his eyes. “I won’t lie, the thought crossed my mind, plus Jack misses his Uncle Tony.”Rossi shrugged. “I have no objection but it’s not like we can guarantee our schedules and ask the terrorists to behave for Antoni .”

Hotch snorted but knew what Rossi meant because not long before Anthony and David got married Tony finally accepted Morrow’s offer to work for him at Homeland Security.  He was far happier even if he was tested more - he’d once mentioned something about a less toxic working environment. Aaron sighed. “I will text Tony then.”

Dave smirked.  “Of course he will say yes, you have the perfect leverage, Jack.”Hotch smirked because Rossi wasn’t wrong.  The first dinner he’d gone to when Dave and Tony were just dating - Tony had assured him he was bad with kids.  He’d never met Aaron’s son before that night but little Jack had taken one look at the wall of DVD’s and declared he wanted to talk movies with Uncle Toni and Daddy could talk with Uncle Dave in the meanwhile.  The adults all smirked but acquiesced to Jack’s demands.

It was definitely going to be a fun evening.



The house was brimming with energy, it was their home and one Rossi now loved returning to.  He couldn’t believe he’d struck it so lucky with Anthony.  He’d had three wives in his search for love and acceptance and had finally found it with his first and only husband.   Tony would say that to any naysayers to their relationship. “Yeah sure Dave was a serial marrier ... But he was the first and would be the only husband.”

The sauce was cooking and the pasta was ready and best of all, his ring was on his finger where it belonged.

Arms surrounded him. “So are you ready for tonight?”Rossi leant back into the firm chest of his husband. “I’m ready for there to be fewer secrets between the team to let them see what they really need to focus on.”

Tony chuckled. “And when they realise that you are married?”Rossi smirked. “Well, they may shut up long enough to listen, plus, I get the envy for having the hottest spouse.”“Flatterer.”

Rossi shook his head turning around to get a proper kiss. “The truth.”

There was the first knock at the door and Tony recognised the sound - it was his favourite little nephew.  “I’ll get the door - you start organising the drinks.”

Tony opened the door and his knees were attacked. “Uncle ‘Toni.”Tony had to smile, Jack always tried to say his name the way Dave did.  Dave was the only one who called him Antoni and got away with it but Jack was too cute to say no to. “Hey Jack. So tell me what movies have you watched to quiz me about since we last saw each other?”With his magic question asked, Jack was off telling Tony all about the Cars movies and this other movie about a brave princess.  “Now that is cool. I like archery as much as the next person so I guess we’ll have to organise a play date with some bows and arrows.”Jack’s face lit up. “Daddy will you let me learn with Uncle Toni?”Hotchner grinned. “If he says yes then I have no objection but you know Uncle Toni is very busy so it may be very difficult.”

“I know but he is still cool to hang with.”Rossi chuckled. “You are not wrong little man.”


Tony smirked as another knock was heard. “So how about me and Jack go and finish the food and you can get the team some wine and get them talking.”Rossi snorted because everyone thought that Tony was the nice one but he was way more devious than most knew.  He had a standing offer to take over a Mob family when he was done having his “rebellion”. Tony had apparently hoped when he’d married Dave it would be the end of the overtures (being made from prison mind you) but no - they got worse.  “You are a devious man.”Tony smirked. “And proud of it ... Now go and greet our next arrival.”

Rossi opened the door to see Emily and JJ.  “Ladies come in ... we have quite the meal prepared for you.  I tell you, you are in for a treat.”“Close the door Dave it’s getting cold.” Tony shouted from his place in the kitchen, which was hidden by the door.  Jack’s giggle filtered across the room as well putting a smile on everyone’s face.David smirked but then hid it with great restraint.  He could see the frowns and curious looks on the women’s faces.  He took their coats, wedding band where it should be on his finger.   “Well, you heard the man ... and I am on strict instructions to give you wine.”Emily grinned. “Well, I like the guy already.”“Wait until he feeds you.” Dave replied with a grin.

Emily saw a man standing over the grill, explaining something to little Jack, who was at a safe distance.  It was so cute that words could not define it.  Little Jack was repeating back the Italian as best as he could.   The guy could cook, was good with kids and drop dead gorgeous.   Emily found herself saying an Italian phrase that came to mind.   “ Uomo carino.”Tony pouted.  “Non abbastanza, splendido uomo”

David chuckled. “Emily, don’t tease my husband and you are wrong he is not pretty, he is gorgeous just like he says. ”“Damn, all the hot gorgeous ones are always taken, gay or married.”JJ added in a light tone. “Or all three in the case of ...”Tony stepped forward. “Anthony DiNozzo.”  And shook their hands.

Emily knew that name. “You mean, Assistant Director of Homeland Security?”

Little Jack shook his head. “You are Uncle Toni.”“Yes, I am and let’s check on the yummy pasta while Uncle Dave gossips.”


Jack wasn’t quite sure what he meant but trusted Tony enough to follow him.  In reality the boy loved to watch Tony cook as he always got to taste the food as they went along.  Aaron was sure that Jack would end up a chef with the influence of his Uncles.

JJ and Emily watched the scene and you could almost see their hearts melt.  Emily couldn’t help but grin.  “I can’t wait for Penny to meet your very delightful husband.”

Dave just handed his friend some red wine.  “So that is what you are looking forward to most?”

JJ shook her head.  “Reid will confound us all and you will probably break Morgan but that will be amusing to watch.”

Dave shook his head laughing because everyone assumed that JJ was the nice one and Emily was the evil one.  He knew better.  “If you say so, so you don’t have a problem with this?”

JJ shook her head. “It’s your personal life and you’re not obliged to say anything until you feel comfortable enough to share it with the team.”


Emily sighed.  “I agree with you but you know that when people are stressed they behave unpredictably and with all the tension on the team at the moment …. “

Tony twisted around with a frown. “There will be no tension in our home, this is a refuge from crazy and anyone who can’t get with that program will be out on their ear.”

Rossi grinned.  “What he said.”

Emily giggled and JJ added. “Oh, please can I record it?”Dave shook his head. “You will just have to settle for being first-hand witnesses.”

The knock at the door signalled their next arrival.  Dave headed to let the new arrivals in. “I got it - you focus on the sauce?”

Penny greeted Dave. “Did I just hear you hand off cooking duties to someone else? Just who is this person?”Tony figured that had to be a sign that he should introduce himself.  “Hello, that would be me, Tony DiNozzo.”

Penny blushed.  “Hello, white chocolate hunk and just why are you delighting me?”Tony smiled widely and pointed to Dave. “I’m that one’s husband and he asked me to cook whilst he talks some sense into the team.”Penny looked toward the ceiling and threw her hands up as she shouted. “Hallelujah.”

Dave handed her a glass. “Was that addressed to Tony or the plan?”Penny had an impish grin. “Both. You always did have impeccable taste.”  She waited for a second. “You won’t have long to wait. Junior G-Man and Morgan are parking.”

Tony and Dave shared a smirk and it spoke of affection and an understanding that you see in couples who understand each other inside out.  Aaron decided to add his own bit of fun.  “Don’t break Morgan too badly I need him functioning for work.”Tony smirked. “Too bad I don’t work for your agency.”“And why not, aside from the whole married reason?” JJ asked.   She kind of wished that Tony did work for them - He was a media relations dream.


Tony shrugged. “Well, after the second time you lot tried to arrest me for murder I just went off the idea, you know?”Tony could tell by their looks that they thought he was being sarcastic.   If only they knew.   Tony knew he couldn’t judge a whole agency’s actions by one agent but it was hard. It sucked having to take the moral high road.

The knock signalled that the last members of Dave’s team were finally here.  Tony could sympathize with strained team dynamics and he’d reminded Dave earlier of just what the consequences could be.

Tony grinned. “I will get this one.”Tony opened the door and bowed.  “Hello, Dr. Reid and Agent Morgan.”

The two agents shared a look as if to say did they know what was going on.  Tony wasn’t one to hide. “Oh, it’s not a secret all will be revealed tonight - for now welcome to our home.”Tony turned his back as heard Morgan whisper to Reid. “ Our home?”


Reid shrugged. “We will find out if we go inside.”

Morgan could only agree and saw the whole team was there including Hotch’s son.  The women were all relaxed drinking wine and commenting on hot Italians.  Derek watched Reid stiffen seeing JJ and he wanted to hit something.  He hoped this dinner was going to be used to try and air a few issues.

Penny breezed through the awkward questions that seemed to be on the tip of everyone’s tongue.  “My chocolate hunk you are finally here.  Have you met Dave’s gorgeous Italian Stallion?”

Reid wanted to sigh because it seemed there were more secrets.  Emily pouted. “Yeah, Dave has been keeping Tony hidden from all of us.”Reid wanted to laugh at the irony. This was one secret he was ahead of the game with.  “I wouldn’t say that. I found Dr. DiNozzo’s lecture to be quite insightful.”

Emily pouted. “Funny, Gorgeous, Smart and good with kids ... I kind of really hate you, Rossi.”

Morgan had caught the other part of Reid’s comment.  “You know DiNozzo? ... I thought he was Homeland Security?”Dave chuckled. “Ah, so a secret and gossip can get us all to talk to each other.”Tony chuckled. “Oh come on, all office workspaces work on gossip ... you know this.  Now let’s all sit-down and eat, I cooked and it shouldn't be wasted.”

Aaron watched with a bemused smile as all of his team followed the Assistant Director’s demand.  He could guess that was one of the reasons why Morrow had stolen him for Homeland Security.  “Damn, that is a neat trick.”Tony smirked. “You too Hotch.”

The team missed Hotchner sticking his tongue out in response or they would have been too shocked to eat.  Dave sat everyone down being a polite host and making sure all cutlery was ready.  Tony came in with the bowl of prepared Carbonara and with a flourish added it to everyone’s plate.    Jack giggled when his favourite macaroni and cheese was slid in front of him.  “Thank you, Uncle Toni .”

Tony grinned right back.  “You are welcome kiddo.”

The team groaned in appreciation at the good food.  JJ especially. “Damn if you get bored at Homeland you should open up a restaurant.”


Tony chuckled. “Nah, I would open up a Jazz bar.”All saw the small smile on Dave’s face and guessed it was something special to the couple.  It was odd to consider two people that they had assumed would be so obviously heterosexual.  It was a good lesson for the profilers - they may be the ones to study human behaviours but they could still fall prey to assumptions about stereotypes.  JJ giggled. “Well, we would all come there to enjoy it.”The thing was with the money between the couple if they really wanted to do it they could.  The only trouble was as much the couple may crave the idea of peace and relaxation, their desire to protect those who can’t be far greater than any whims.  “Nah, I work to keep the terrorists away.”Derek and all the team raised a glass as that was a worthy reason as any.  “So apart from being married to Rossi, how do you know the boy-wonder?”

Tony shrugged.  “It’s like he said, we spoke when I gave a guest lecture on cross-discipline uses of investigative skills.”

Derek raised a glass as it was nice for someone to recognises the uses a skilled cop can bring to a Federal case.  “Here, here. What force did you start on?”

Tony grinned. “I did stints in Baltimore, Philly, and Peoria before joining NCIS.”


Derek’s mind was racing because he knew the name of DiNozzo but for his time as a cop and not as a Federal Agent.  “Wait are you the same DiNozzo who went Mob hunting in Philly and took down Little Nicky?”

Tony shuddered at the idea of just what happened when anyone called Nicodemus Scarfo that particular nickname. “If you knew the name then you would know that he disliked intensely anyone who calls him Little .  He takes it personally.”

Everyone was eager to hear the story and Tony shared it.   He wanted Reid to see that sometimes lies and deception were necessary to keep those close safe, no matter how much you want to tell them the truth.  “I went undercover for two years as Anthony Sabella, a bastard son of the original boss before all the turf wars.”“That was bold.” Emily observed, no stranger to crazy undercover missions.

Tony shrugged. “I was young and dumb and thought it would be an adventure.”Dave chuckled. “You haven’t told them the best bit.”“Hey, don’t look at me - I thought when I married you the crazy bastard would stop demanding I take over the business.” Tony said as he finished his pasta to see most of the team looking at him in shock.  Tony just rolled his eyes and tried to make them understand.  He was planning on subtle but sometimes taking a sledgehammer to a problem was just more effective. “Look, you deal with sickening crimes and I do not envy you but undercover is different.  You suppress yourself and your life, you have to pretend to be someone else. You lie to those closest to you and it isn’t because you don’t care - it is because you have no choice for their safety.  They want to get involved or to save you and it kills you but you know if you don’t they could be killed and it would be your fault.”The whole team stared at him wide-eyed including Dave.  He knew Tony was a passionate man, it was one of the reasons he’d married the guy.  Dave could see that Reid was absorbing all of what Tony had said.  


Reid looked to Emily. “Is it true?”Emily nodded.  “I have no desire to repeat the experience ever again.  I don’t know how you did it.”Tony shrugged because he couldn't explain what was a natural skill. He did his best at lectures and when he guest lectured at the training facility.  “I did it to bring about the end of a bad guy who needed to be taken off the streets.  So I put every part of me away, rose up the ranks until I was a son.   And then I took him out, the irony is that he doesn’t hold it against me and wishes I would stop rebelling and take up the mantle as the leader like I was born to do.”

JJ couldn’t hide her silence. “I was asked to search the media outlets for signs Emily’s cover was compromised.  I wouldn’t have broken the cover to risk her life.”Reid put his fork down.  “I know this rationally but I am struggling.”Tony settled it.  “You can be mad, it is allowed but don’t let it ruin the team. You have something special at the BAU.  Talk about your issues, don’t them fester as it can lead to an untenable situation because your team is like a family and you can’t afford dysfunction when the stakes are so high.”Dave clutched Tony’s hand knowing what he was talking about.  He was furious that anyone backing up Tony would ever dare to turn off his radio but at the same time, he couldn’t be too sorry or Tony would never have been in the bar the day they met.

“We’ll deal. Now let’s focus on lighter things like dessert. Tony’s tiramisu is to die for but you better not be driving. Jack, I made your favourite dessert for you to eat.”“Yay!” Jack shouted and the team was hard pressed not to say the same.

Dessert was served and the mood around the table was contemplative but felt lighter somehow. Garcia was the one to sum up the evening and everyone’s thoughts.“Rossi you truly do have the number One husband - don’t mess it up.”

“No intention of it, he is my first and only husband.”