
22. Lie to the Master (Cal Lightman)

Tony wasn’t quite sure what was going on but the Feebs were adamant that he should come into the office. This operation he was going under for was vital and he needed to be at his best. It was high risk but Tony didn’t care as it would get him away from the three deranged amigos. He knew his time was up at NCIS but he was using this joint operation as a way to exit the agency with grace.

Tony couldn't believe how McGee, David and Abby liked to rewrite history. On top of that he could see Jenny was trying to set him up for something stupid and risky. Her moves were coming straight out of Psych 101. The Director had isolated her target (Tony), then shown affection and concern. This was all to get him to agree to some action or give over some information. Tony could be honest and say that he had done it himself on more than one occasion in the past.

Fornell was sitting opposite him. “You know you don’t have to do this.”

Tony smirked. “I am doing it for me. If I let them keep chipping away at me then I will forget who I am in the end."

It was then that the newcomer walked in. “Cal Lightman. So let’s get this show on the road.”

Tony could see Tobias frown, not liking the interruption. Tony viewed it with different eyes. Tony could guess this was the Feebs final test to see if he was ready for the operation.

The man was intelligent and Tony could see the mischief in his eyes. This Lightman character made a living at judging people by their expressions and Tony did something similar when undercover. It was as the old saying goes, like recognises like.

Tony took the newbie’s attention off Fornell. “Can we help you?”

“So who am I judging?”

Tony snickered. “”I think that would be me but I wasn’t informed there would be a pop-quiz.”


Lightman looked at him. “Now you are going to be fun.”


Tony smile turned from smug to flirtatious in a second. “I can be a lot of fun”


Tobias rolled his eyes. “I think now’s the time for me to make my retreat.”


Tony rolled his eyes. “I heard what you said Tobias.  I want to do this for myself and then I will sign whatever contract you want.”




After Fornell left it was just the two of them in the room and whoever wanted to observe from the other side. This was going to be a doozy so Tony had no doubt there would be more than a few voyeurs.


“So Dr. Lightman, what will we discuss first?”


The visitors head angled to the side as if he was contemplating a great mystery. “You know about me?”


Tony slouched in his chair, projecting an aura of surety. “In my line of work, it pays to keep up with the literature about how to lie better.”


Cal chuckled as he found himself liking the man in front of him. He had spent so long studying people’s expressions that he forgot the people in the equation. His friend, Gillian, told him it was a serious fault and the ex-wife would agree with her. No, not this guy, the Agent did everything to make you focus on him but only the way he wanted you to.


Take for example just how he was sitting on his chair.  The Agent was model worthy attractive so he slouched on the chair so you appreciated his body. Oh, yeah he was good. The time Cal spent ogling the body meant DiNozzo had some time to get his body and thoughts under control and as a result, Cal had lost the element of surprise but he could adapt.


Lightman smirked. “Well played.”


Tony nodded his head, so much of people’s interactions were non-verbal. “Thank you. So who am I today, Tony or Martin?”


Cal could admit to a certain amount of fascination with the Agent in front of him. Cal had to ask. “Are Tony and Martin two people?”


Tony shrugged not quite sure how he could explain it.  He did the best he could, knowing what was at stake. “Tony is a Federal Agent about to transfer to the FBI.  Martin is a high-level escort about to be making a play for the Mob Boss of Washington.”


Cal liked the bold way he threw out the fact so he wasn’t ashamed by the idea. Good that would be his first tell in the job. “So being a gay lover is no issue?”


Tony leaned forward. “I will be whoever I need you me to be.” He said it with just the right nuance to be seductive rather than a cliche.


Cal smirked. “So you sell the dream but how will that get him interested?”


Tony smirked right back and seriously, no Federal Agent had the right to be that attractive. Now, Cal was glad that none of his team were here or they would be enjoying this way too much.


DiNozzo rolled his eyes as he all but purred. “Oh, I am not for sale right now. I am going to be skittish as I have just had a bad encounter.”


“Oh?” Lightman could play along as this was the most entertained he’d been in years.


Tony nodded and he looked confident in his own skin.  The movements of his limbs were just a little more fluid when he spoke in character.

“I may be a hooker but I have limits and one of his friends is going to have a bad date with me.”


“How will it end?” Lightman would never admit but he was spellbound because the guy was that good. He was a master of micro-expressions but Tony wasn’t giving him a hint. Cal found himself hoping the operation was short as he wanted to get to know the Agent better. For most people, the idea of a partner being able to lie to them was a turn-off but for Cal it was a turn-on.


Tony leaned further forward, whispering in Cal's ear.  Cal wouldn't deny that he found himself shivering at Tony's breath on his skin.  Tony answered him. “With the Mob boss wanting to make amends so his interests stay safe.”


Cal Lightman was known to be abrasive and difficult to work with but today he was perfectly polite. “I have no doubt you will get your man and I hope it is a short operation for all involved.”

“What? Why?” Tony found himself not wanting their little conversation to be over.


“Well I can’t date you whilst you are dating a mob boss as Martin, can I?”


Tony’s smile was handsome but that was the false smile, this one was a supernova. “I would like that and I will come to you when it’s safe.”




Six months later, Tony found himself striding through the doors of the Lightman Group. He was free and clear and installed as the Lead Agent for the Washington DC office. He’d gotten the Mob boss and it turned out he didn’t have to sleep with the idiot which was a bonus. Spinelli may have had money but what he made up in money he lacked in class.


He strolled up to the office receptionist. “I need to make an appointment with Dr. Foster.”


The receptionist smiled seeing the new visitor. “Er, How can we help you at the Lightman Group today?”


Tony took in a deep breath as he could have sworn he’d just said why. “I need to speak to Dr. Foster regarding the contract with the FBI.”






Now he had got their attention and he saw Cal hover in his doorway. It was the first time they’d seen each other since their interview but Tony could see the mischief in his eyes. Lightman was pouting, no doubt because Tony was speaking to Gillian first and not him.


Dr. Gillian Foster was the long time best friend of Dr. Lightman. “How may I help you, Agent ...”


Tony shook her hand. “It’s Special Agent in Charge Anthony DiNozzo and it's a pleasure.  What I need to do today is renegotiate the contract with the FBI.”


Gillian frowned because as far as she was aware there were no scandals between Cal and the FBI recently. “Let’s come into my office and we can discuss the reasons why.”


Tony was all suave charm and Gillian could hear the receptionist swoon in her chair.  Tony decided to reassure her.  “Oh, make no mistake - I don’t doubt your uses as an Agency, it’s just there is a conflict of interest brewing.”


Gillian prided herself on knowing where trouble is brewing before it occurs.  This time, it did not happen. “Oh, I see.”


Cal walked up and slid closer to Tony, “This is Tony and he is an FBI agent and you know what? He can lie to me.” Gillian snickered now understanding the fascination for her best friend. She knew this was one courtship that would be fun to watch unfold. All she could say is. “Not what you usually look for in a partner but I can see how that might be useful.”


Tony shrugged, “You wouldn’t even believe our first meeting.”

“Well I wish you happiness and I’ll save you some time. I will make sure that I handle the FBI cases personally.”


Tony bowed. “Thank you. So what time should I pick you up?”


Gillian rolled her eyes. “Why not go now? He will be unbearable because he is too excited.”




The next year the graduating class of young agents had one memorable class.  There was a guest lecture by Dr. Cal Lightman and SAC Anthony DiNozzo.  The lecture was fascinating and scary especially when Dr. Lightman threw a cup at the wall.  There was a reason for him doing it -There was a question about fake surprise versus real surprises.


Tony rolled his eyes at the antics. “Don’t look surprised, if it lasts longer than a second it’s fake.”


The point was made and also the response on the senior agent’s part showed great restraint and experience.  There was no over-reaction but Tony being Tony had to add a sarcastic. “What was I supposed to pull my gun?”

The new agents listened in amazement as the pair argued their way through the lecture.  


What had made their eyes pop out was what happened at the end of the lecture.  Once it ended, the couple  left hand in hand with matching gold bands on their ring fingers.