
19. Caffeine is Serious Business (Eliot Spencer)

Serious Business is Caffeine

Tony was on a coffee run.  Gibb’s level of bastardry (Yes, it was a word) had reached new levels of epicness this morning and Tony had no idea why. If he found the person, Tony would personally eviscerate them.  There was only one thing that would settle Gibbs, one way to soothe the savage beast.  Caffeine. The solution to most ills when it came to Leroy Jethro Gibbs.

He was minding his own business when two suits raced past him.  They were in pursuit of a harried woman and Tony’s suspicious radar kicked up into high gear.  Now, Tony was not stupid - he was well aware that there was no criminal look.  Still, when he looked at the petite brunette she didn’t scream dangerous.  

She already had two rescuers so he stood back to evaluate the situation.  He didn’t think it would go sideways but he had easy access to his gun nonetheless.  Tony had to shake his head at the terrible conmen. There was no way that those suits were Federal Agents.  You didn’t need to be the son of a conman to know it, you would just need eyes.

The one guy who was holding the chased woman close took the lead.   “Now you see you made two mistakes. First - you flashed ya fake ass FBI badges.  And second,”Tony found himself wanting to find out what the second point was.

“Second thing ... you spilt his coffee.”Tony found himself following in the direction he pointed.  The guy looked pissed, covered in coffee and had steam out coming out of his ears.  He was aware coffee was a serious business due to his time dealing with Gibbs.  Still,  the level of pain he delivered to the scumbags was extreme. It spoke of special training on a Gibb’s level.

Tony watched the guy move and his eyes may have zeroed in on the guy’s ass.  It was a nice ass, worthy of watching.  

The one goon had the cheek of asking Tony for help.  Tony decided to act, “You see, I am a real Federal Agent so I think I am going to arrest you.”

Both goons were in pain having been schooled, “And you are not going to arrest my attackers.”Tony knew the commenter would be smart enough to listen to what he was saying.  “Nah, I saw you chase this poor woman and these two rescuers are real life heroes. Plus, you scalded your attacker first and he reacted in self-defense.”“This is a conspiracy.”Tony chuckled because it was always someone else’s fault. It was never their fault for being a dumbass criminal.  “No, the conspiracy is you dumbasses trying to make me late for work.”Tony handed his coffee, not Gibbs’ to the cute guy.  He felt sorry for him as coffee was sacred to some people.  “Here you are.”The guy looked startled and appreciative, “Are you sure, Agent ...?”

“Anthony DiNozzo and yeah, I am.”

Elliot managed a smile and Tony could see what a complicated guy he was.  Tony found himself wanting to peel back his layers as well as his clothes.  He could guess him being law enforcement would make him leery but he hoped he could talk some more.  

“I’m Eliot.”The way the friend looked shocked made Tony think he’d actually got his real name.  Huh.  So maybe he had more of a chance than he thought.   Tony kept it light and friendly, “So if you are still in the city tonight can we grab a coffee together?”The mate started to speak, “Now I don...”Eliot shook his head, “Hardison I don’t care. I am doing something for me.” Looking back to Tony “I would love to go out for a coffee.  Let’s just never talk shop.”Tony had to laugh, “Yeah I can agree to that. I think we’ll have more fun and talk more freely if we do.”Eliot smirked and Tony was in trouble.  “Sounds good.”****

It was more than good.  Tony and Eliot would steal time whenever they were in the same city.  Tony didn’t let anyone hurt Eliot, or use his past against him.  Overall, Tony liked Nate, Eliot’s boss.  Until there was one time where he traded on Eliot’s guilt over his mercenary past.

Tony railed on him so hard that much to the surprise of the Leverage team - Nate apologised.  Eliot never asked Tony for help with their cases but Tony would bitch about things he could.  Eliot tried to never interfere in Tony’s work.  They had an agreement that worked, to love each other but not to talk about work.  It made sense considering their love of each other and their professions not exactly meshing.

Eliot managed to abide by the agreement until the Military At Home case.  Tony had come home heartbroken with a sore throat.  The story came tumbling out and Eliot didn’t think. He reacted.

“Nate, it’s me.  We have a new target and it’ll be a fun challenge - they need to pay but I can’t kill them. Tony would never forgive me.”

But that is another story.