
Tom Riddle (SI)

Daniel was a ruthless criminal who rose to power on the streets through his cunning and willingness to do anything to survive. Now, in a strange twist of fate, he has awakened in a new life as Tom Riddle - a student with extraordinary magical talents attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Faced with memories of both his dark past and Riddle's looming future, Tom must decide whether he will follow in the sinister footsteps of his predecessor, or forge his own path and channel his exceptional gifts towards a new destiny. Note:- I do not own Harry Potter and the cover picture as well. If the owner of the cover picture wants me to take it down just contact me through the comments section of the story.

_Solomon_ · Book&Literature
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7 Chs

A Dreadful Day

With a sigh, I opened my eyes to dawn's light once more. Meditation granted a sense of ease, but no further insights into these mysterious dreams. It seemed the visions' secrets would remain elusive, at least for now. And so chapter two ends, with Tom no closer to answers about the wondrous city - or himself.



The sun rose over the misty mountains as I made my way to the Great Hall. Inside, the long tables were laden with delicacies - fruits, cheeses, eggs, kippers and kedgeree alongside pots of tea. Taking my usual seat between Lestrange and Avery, I began piling my plate.

"You seem distracted, Tom," noted Lestrange, eying me curiously. Rabastan Lestrange was perhaps my closest friend - not that I was prone to such frivolities as true friendship. 

"It's nothing," I replied, waving away his concern. In truth, the mysteries from my dreams still lingered at the edges of my thoughts. 

Changing the subject, I asked Lestrange, "How goes your Potions essay? I expect Slughorn will be impressed with your analysis of moonstone's properties." 

 "The essay is coming along well enough," replied Lestrange. "Though analyzing moonstone's magical properties proves tricky - there are so many contradictory accounts in our texts. If only I could find a new perspective to help make sense of it all." 

A thought occurred to me. "Have you considered exploring moonstone's role in ancient potionmaking traditions? Many lost civilizations placed great stock in the stone's lunar attributes. If any records of their methods remain, it could offer fresh insight."

Lestrange's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "What an brilliant idea, Tom! I'll be sure to investigate further in the Restricted Section. This could just give my essay the edge it needs - thank you for the suggestion."

Pleased to have sparked Lestrange's interest with my suggestion, I finished my meal and took my leave. As I walked, my thoughts drifted back to the gleaming city from my dreams. The sense of familiarity it had stirred lingered still, mingling with my curiosity over what deeper secrets my abilities might yet reveal. 

Lost in speculation, I almost missed the turn for the dungeons. Shaking myself from my reverie, I hastened down the steps. Potions class was about to start, and perhaps the delicate art of brewing might provide some answers...or at least a temporary escape from my swirling thoughts. 

Stepping into the dimly lit classroom, the familiar scents of bubbling cauldrons greeted me. Students were already gathering at their workstations, pulling out textbooks and ingredients. I took my seat, eager to immerse myself in the lesson - and hoping it might offer insight into the mysteries still unfolding within me.

Professor Slughorn swept into the dimly lit classroom, his booming voice filling the space as he launched into an explanation of our next challenge. We would attempt brewing Mentis Liberum, a potion said to calm trauma and aid in processing difficult emotions. 

Its key task involved carefully balancing the lunar properties of moonstone with the relaxing qualities of lavender and valerian root. As Slughorn listed the preparation steps, I felt a strange sense of familiarity tug at my mind. 

Dividing into pairs, I was partnered with a Hufflepuff student named Graham. We set to work gathering ingredients from the store cupboard. As I carefully crushed the moonstone, its pale light seemed to glow with an inner radiance. 

Graham and I worked diligently, our cauldron emitting hints of rose as the potion simmered. Before long, Slughorn was announcing our time was up. Removing the cauldron from the flame, I peered inside - the shimmering draught had taken on a silvery sheen. Had we succeeded where others failed? There was only one way to know...

"Well done you two!" boomed Slughorn, beaming at our creation. I felt a surge of satisfaction - the potion held promise, and its mysteries were yet unfolding. For now, class was over, but my quest f

or answers was only beginning.

Professor Slughorn ended the class with high praise for our efforts. As my classmates dispersed to enjoy their free period, my mind buzzed with questions. Hoping solitude may provide insight, I made my way to an empty classroom. 

There, I spent hours immersed in spellwork - practicing charms and hexes far beyond the usual curriculum. Each incantation flowed from my wand with uncanny ease, as if I had cast them countless times before. 

By the time I emerged, the sun hung low on the horizon. Making my way to the Great Hall, I sensed an unusual stillness. The atmosphere felt heavy with an unspoken sorrow. Students sat in clusters, speaking in hushed tones. 

I scanned the crowd and found Graham near the edge. Taking a seat beside him, I asked quietly, "What's happened?"

Graham turned to meet my gaze, his face ashen. "It's the Smith family," he began in a trembling voice. "They were attacked by Grindelwald's followers, the Saints. From what I've heard, the aurors were too late...the family didn't make it."

I contemplated his words silently. While the others quaked in fear, I saw only the seeds of a new order being sown. In the rising conflict, opportunities would arise that the narrow-minded could not see. And when the time was right, I would be there to reap the rewards.

For now, I simply finished my meal, and took my leave without comment. There were plans to be made.

As I exited the hall, my mind turned to the events unfolding across Europe. With Dumbledore's attention set to turn to Grindelwald, the political landscape would be in flux. And where there was instability, there were opportunities to be seized...if one acted with vision and purpose.



Thanks for reading the chapter! I hope you liked it and I want to ask for your opinion on as to whether you want me to focus on his school years or end it quickly with tom graduating early and explore other magical societies and build his forces and explore magic....

Let me know your thoughts and opinions...

Have a nice day...