
Tom+ EDD

fanfiction21 · Others
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Tom X Edd pt 4

then edd pushes tom and throw him into a dry wall .tom said owwwww my lower adamin.edd said who cares and pickes him up and throws tom on the bed.tom riped edd clothes off.edd said oh tom plz stop~ and gets a nose bleed.tom said oh edd fuuuuuccckkkkk me daddy~.edd said oh fuck tom~~~ and get a 12 in boner and sticks it up toms ass.tom said oh yess daddy ngh~~~ and moans.edd got harder and said your nice.tom said thanks~~~ thats my shit.edd said what an gets his dick out.tom said edd why did you stop.edd said you have shit up there.tom said ohhhhh well that a hurshy kiss.edd grabed it and ate it and said it taste like cotten n candy.tom said oh thats because i have a cotten candy machen up my ass.ed said wow.