
Tokyo Ghoul: Reborn

When a Guy gets The choice to reincarnate into any world as anything, Why does he choose Tokyo ghoul, especially as one of the most hated things in it?

Aufruhr · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Hanging with Eto Part I

After I had finished my work I decided to head home and rest. I slept all night, got up, took a shower then made breakfast for me and Rize. Where we are currently at. "So, what did you do yesterday?" Rize asked me, stuffing her face with Bacon. "Oh, well Dr. Kanou recruited two people for the Quinx Surgery, and I swore them into the Organization. I also Got some Equipment. Do you know that Koukaku kakukou I had in the fridge? I had that made into a Quinque, which is currently the watch on my wrist. I also had to do storage and had people coat a thin layer on the Osprey's in the last of our "Kakuja Steel", which is a new thing Dr. Kanou had come up with. I Asked the humans in the Organization if they wanted to undergo Quinx Surgery and about half of them did. I then ordered a few hits on Yakuza bases and sent out three Squads per base to clear them out." I said as Rize nodded.

" Oh, Hows that Pipsqueak? Is Itori still trying to convince him to go back to that Coffee shop in the 20th?" Rize asked as I nodded. "Yeah, he still isn't budging, but she was at least able to convince him to swing by her bar." I said as I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. Finishing my food, I pull my phone out to see its Eto. Quickly I answer, as I immediately hear Eto. "Hey David, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today? Im Free and Just recently Published The Black Goat's Egg. So I was wondering If you'd like to go around with me?" She asked, brimming with excitement. Quickly I Reply "Sure, Sen, When and where?" I asked before she immediately replied. "Takizawa Street in an Hour, don't be late!" She said, before hanging up. sighing I get up and put my plate in the sink. Rize looks at me as she finishes her plate.

"Where are you going?" she asks, as she puts her plate in the sink. "A friend invited me out. Im going to pick her up in about an hour, why?" I said as Rize put her finger on her chin. "So If I were to invite you out on a date, you would accept?" She asked as I nodded. "Sure, but unlike them, your paying." I Said, as she exasperatedly looked at me. "Why?!" I deadpanned before looking at her. "Because you are a freeloader. well, you do work at my organization, but you only do that every other two days. everyone else, however, does it every night." I said as she huffed. "Im a woman, I have other things to do!" She said. "Like what? Rubbing it out on my bedsheets? dont think I dont know you pervert." I said as she blushed. "Its nothing like that! your the pervert for saying something like that!!!" she yelled, as she slapped me before running off... sheesh women are sophisticated beings. Now I understand why Japan's birth rates are declining faster than my will to live.

Within 30 minutes I had gotten dressed and waited, just watching tv. Most of the Anime of the world were the same. but a few were different. One of Eto's works was recently turned into an anime, Dear Kafka is actually a pretty good one, at least in my opinion. around 9:30 I left to go pick up Eto and arrived in about 10 minutes just as She got there. Parking, I get out and look at her. Her hair was styled in curls which I was All over, and she wore a Black and White casual dress that kinda went with her hair. All in all, very beautiful.

"Hey there. You look beautiful Sen!" I say, as She replies "Thank you, but call me by my real name, Eto Yoshimura, Sen Takatsuki is merely a pen name." she says, as I nod, finally being able to call her by her real name. "Well, Eto, what do you have in mind?" I ask as she points to a coffee shop down the street. "This coffee shop, its fairly good, how about we go there?" she says, as I nod, "It's a date!" I say, as she giggles and blushes "Do you do this to your entire harem you have going around?" So far only you, Akira and Rize. Also, Harem? really? Im single and ready to mingle!" I say as we head to the Cafe.

After going in, I order my Usual Black and Rize gets a Capichino. we find a table by the window and sip on our coffee before I strike up a conversation. "Ya'know this is nice, Just you, me and mummy guy and Chinese guy watching up from the rooftops on the other side of the street." I say as I point at the two who are staring down at us. Eto shakes her head and glares at the two. "They tend to do that. When I said I was going to hang out with a friend they started questioning my resolve." She said, as I asked. "As the Owl?" I ask, as she nods. "yes, it is tiring, but I make ends meet. sometimes I Spend whole weeks awake just to do it." she says, before sighing. "But this is what we have to do if we want to accomplish our goals. Speaking of, what was up with the theatrics you pulled in the 1st?" she asked as I sighed. "I plan on taking the Washuu's down first, it will decentralize the CCG and make it easier to take it down as a whole. Oh yeah, Stop Looking for Dr. Kunou, I found him and recruited him awhile ago." I said, as Eto sighed. "That makes two people you took that I wanted. Ayato Kirishima and Dr. Kunou!" Eto said, as I sighed. I needed to get Ayato, to make him less of an overbearing ass and try to mend his relationship with his sister and Anteiku. Dr. Kunou needed to be contained or he would eventually kill Rize for her organs.

"Calm down, I got Kunou for a reason. He would've killed one of my Friends for her organs if I didn't do something about it. plus if he's working for me, he is in a way working for you since I am working for the commissions fall. Also, I saw the king the other day, at the CCG. he's got some serious balls being right under there Nose." I say as she nodded, "Arima is a unique Individual. in my years of knowing him he's been both a thorn and a boon. he's a nice guy under that tough guy act." she said, as I nodded. "Yes, Though I don't know how much longer he can go on. he is a Half-Human after all, so he can't live longer than 35. that's six years to take down the CCG. We should be able to, but that's at the Max. then its heart attack time" I said darkly. to which Eto nodded. "Yes, he did, however, state that he would be ok with passing the title to you," Eto said, as I shook my head. "That title is cursed. people who tend to do that almost always end up either Dead or in the Dragon State, which I would rather not do!" I said as Eto raised an Eyebrow. "Dragon?" she questioned, as I sighed. "To put it simply, think of a bunch of Snakes tied together, except with a Diameter of 10 meters and covering the entire city devouring everything and growing infinitely," I said, as Eto nodded. "But, wouldn't that be a good thing, it could wipe the CCG from the face of the earth." she said, as I shook my head again. "Its too big for a human to control. You have at max a week in the form before it devours you, and you are lost forever." I said, as Eto nodded.

"So it's too dangerous to use. Got it." she said, as I Nodded. "Yes, anyways, Only Washuu's are able to achieve it. and only a rare case could you or I achieve it. It'd be nearly impossible though, but not entirely out there." I say, as she nods. "Ok, how about You and I go to the mall after this? There are a few outfits I saw last time that I've been dying to try and buy!" She said, as I blushed a little "Sure, we can do that. as long as we end it off at Helter Skelter" I say, as she nods.

This is Smuggle, here saying that you get a daily shower of Tokyo Ghoul fun. Next chapter Skips to after they go to the mall, In the car driving to Helter Skelter and at Helter Skelter! there is also a mystery place! so stay tuned for that!

Aufruhrcreators' thoughts