
Tokyo Ghoul: Peace

So I don't want to reveal to much of the plot just read the first chapter to the end and you'll mostly understand. Just to let all you horny boy's know this isn't Yuri it's just normal m/f okay.

waryfishy · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

The Assistant

Stepping out of the alley, Izanami yawned, why did she stupidly choose to personally save her subordinates when she knew that she had multiple Uni lectures later today.

She sighed as she saw a pitch-black armoured SUV pull up next to her.


She took a step back, her arms raised warily before the young woman that slowly stepped out of the car.

"How many times have I asked you not to go off on your own!" the woman asked, walking towards Izanami, her white coat flapping around her.

Izanami glanced away, "Um…" the woman's overly gentle smile always creeped her out but again her father had assigned the woman as her assistant.

"Um isn't an answer, I can only fulfil my duty when you allow me to join you. Please promise me that you won't go out on your own anymore.", the woman said sweetly, her eyes turning to crescent moons.

Sighing, Izanami twisted both her gauntlets causing them to collapse into two small golden cases about the size of a phone.

"Alright, I promise."

The woman smiled, "Thank you, now please we have to go or we'll be late."

As Izanami stepped into the car she found a neatly folded pile of clothes.

She smiled as the woman got into the driver's seat, "Thank you, Hairu-chan."

"You're welcome, but you better get changed on the way, you don't want the other student to find out about us, do you?"

Izanami shook her head and instantly began changing.

It was quite awkward for her to put on her casual clothes but in the end, she managed it just before they pulled into the 20th ward.

A white t-shirt, ripped jeans, doc. Martins, a baseball jacket and a pair of glasses, really finished off the tomboy vibes everybody thought she gave off with her extremely short unkempt black hair.

The thing was that most people she met still thought she was a boy, since her chest was so petite. She had tried all she could to have it grow at least a little bit, but it was as if God himself didn't want it to happen.

"Hairu please stop, I'll walk from here," Izanami said slinging her bag over her shoulder.

"No." her assistant said firmly.

"Hairuuuuu… come on, we're in the 20th, it's one of the safest wards." Izanami wined, leaning back in the seat.

"I said no, you already violated the rules once today, I'll be accompanying you everywhere," Hairu said, giving Izanami a sweet smile through the rearview mirror.

Groaning, Izanami rolls her eyes, and places her forehead on the cool window.

Her nose twitched and the smell of ghouls entered it, causing her eyes to lock onto a small cafe they were passing.

"Hairu, any news about Rize?"

Turning a corner, she shook her head, "No, only that she's becoming more reckless."

They turned another corner, "Are you sure you wish to continue with your search, your father might find out."

Izanami's eyes narrowed, "You know perfectly well what my answer will be."

Hairu nodded, "Yes, I just wanted to be sure."

They soon pulled up to Kamii University, one of the best Universities in Tokyo.

Stepping out of the SUV Izanami took in a breath of fresh air, "Now to escape."

But just as she was about to run off a hand clamped onto her shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going?" Hairu asked her in a sweet voice.

Sweat ran down Izanami's face and she nervously smiled back, "Nowhere."

Hairu's smile brightened, "Excellent, now let's go, we're already late."


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

My god Hairu's death was so sad in the original story I just can't not include her here. She's such a sweet angel.

I did change her slightly to make her more like a mother figure but still

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)