
Tokyo Ghoul: Peace

So I don't want to reveal to much of the plot just read the first chapter to the end and you'll mostly understand. Just to let all you horny boy's know this isn't Yuri it's just normal m/f okay.

waryfishy · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

The Kamii University

It was already past twelve when Izanami exited her second lecture and turned to Hairu, "So, where should we eat?"

The shorter girl dipped her head in a nearly unnoticeable bow, "I've taken the liberty of making food for us if that is to your liking."

Izanami gave a small smile and looked around to see if anybody was close, "That sounds delicious, but before I come join you, I have to make a quick call."

Hairu's eyes narrowed in displeasure, but after seeing Izanami's puppy dog eyes she finally relented, "Alright fine, but I'll only give you five minutes, if you're not back by then, I'll drag you to HQ myself." She then turned and began heading for the main building, "I'll be at the Japanese literature building."

Izanami waved to her before quickly finding a more isolated spot.

She soon found one right next to the old dormitories, and stepping into the shadow cast by the building, placed the phone to her ear.

For a few seconds, it rang and Izanami was growing impatient until, [Wow, what an unexpected call, I didn't think you'd contact me during the day.]

The voice was flowing with sarcasm, but a slight bit of joy was still noticeable.

[Shut up, just come pick me up after school.] she said, rolling her eyes.

The man chuckled, [As you say, Washuu-sama.]

Izanami's eyes narrowed dangerously, [Be quiet, Hairu is with me and she won't leave me alone, wait for me to escape and then pick me up.]

Hanging up she headed towards the building for Japanese literature.

As she neared, Izanami saw Hairu waving goodbye to a pair of boys.

"Who are they?" she asked, placing both hands on Hairu's shoulders.

The shorter girl jumped in surprise, and for a second her combat instincts kicked in.

She was strong, inhumanly so, but her power was nothing compared to Izanami, who easily kept her from standing up.

It was then that Hairu noticed who was holding her finally relaxed, "Hideyoshi Nagachika and Ken Kaneki."

Izanami sighed and sat down, "Hideyoshi, I've heard of him, he seems quite popular."

She felt her mouth begin to water as Hairu pulled the bento out of her bag.

Inside the multilayered box was one piece of blood-red meat and a handful of Yakitori.

Pushing the meat over to Izanami, Hairu gave her a fork, "Be careful no one sees what you're eating."

Izanami nodded a slice of meat already partially in her mouth.

Much later, after their last lecture had finished, Izanami, still packing her bag, was approached by a beautiful blond girl.

Her eyes widened slightly, as she recognised the girl as Yua Shiraishi, a fellow student and the medicine department, and one of the most popular girls on campus.

Hairu frowned and grabbed Izanami by the shoulder, "Please don't do anything stupid."

The tomboy ignored her and just stared at the woman before her.

"Hello, I'm Yua Shiraishi, it's nice to meet you two." the junior said bowing.

"Ihei-san," she looked at Izanami, "could I speak with you for a moment?"

"Sure," Izanami said standing up, her bag in hand.

She then glanced back at Hairu, "I'll see you at the gate."

This was the perfect opportunity, Hairu wouldn't go with her because she didn't want to embarrass the girl, leaving Izanami to do whatever she wanted.

They soon stopped as they reached the Japanese literature building, and Izanami lent against the wall.

"Alright, what do you want, Shiraishi-san?"

The shorter girl smiled and took a step towards Izanami, leaving only about a foot between them, "Will you go out with me?"

Izanami's mouth opened, as she was about to reject her like all the others she had before, but then she remembered that Hairu wasn't there to police her, and she smiled.


Yua's smile widened and she jumped up into the air, "Alright what do you wanna do first."

It was then that the door next to them swung open and one of the boys from earlier walked out, Ken Kaneki.

For a second their eyes locked before the boy looked away and rushed off.

"Weirdo." Yua said, looking at his retreating back.

Glancing down at her phone, Izanami frowned, "I need to go, my sister's asking for me."

The woman frowned, "Alright, but you better take me on a date tomorrow.

Izanami nodded, "Yeah sure." and without another word left for the front gates.

As she arrived there she saw that Hairu was talking on the phone and barely paying attention to her surroundings.

So without further ado, Izanami ran past the gate, without being noticed.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

I'm back

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)