
Tokyo Ghoul: Chaos

What difference can someone who just want to have fun and protect their friends make in a multiplayer game with different goals? Well, any unknown piece can easily generate chaos. English is not my first language, it's history is a Google translation. (Tokyo ghoul is the property of Sui ishida)

Grinmy · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


-What are we doing right here?

Shiona asks.

- Proving that you are a useful asset to the CCG.

I comment then I pack my equipment.

The only real change in my outfit is the gloves I now wear on my hands, the gloves have a slightly smaller version of the fake claws.

The gloves are mainly for me to be able to "maneuver" the threads better, I realized that the fight against Shiona would have been easier if I had more control over my threads.

And the claws were about to give more attack power.

(and style)

-So they shouldn't have given us at least one mission that's possible?

Shiona wore a standard CCG uniform with no armor, she refused to wear armor.

We had a slight argument over this.


- You need armor.

We were on our way to headquarters with Shinohara driving and trying our best to ignore the SS ghoul behind him.

-No, I won't wear armor, I'm a ghoul, I don't need to care about most injuries...

Shiona responds petulantly.

-...and you don't wear armor yourself.

I take offense.

-My fighting style is based on speed and armor would hinder me, yours is based on brutality, you're basically a walking battle tank...

- I'll take that as a compliment.

She says interrupting me.

-...but it was a compliment.

We stared for a while and laughed.

So we started a big discussion about the pros and cons of an armor.

She won the argument when my final argument was:

-but have style!


-But this mission is possible...

Shiona stares at me dryly.

-...its just a little difficult.

She raises an eyebrow and looks at the building in front of us.

-A little?

The building in front of us is an abandoned factory located in the 15th wing near the areas with the most ghoul activity and the building in front of us was where "The New sons" meet.

The new sons are a ghoul group who believe that ghouls with certain kagunes are superior to others.

Yes, they are idiots.

They don't have any criteria to judge their members so they have a significant amount of ghouls.

Apparently one of the known members and an SS.

They are not part of any branch of Aogiri so I saw no need to advise Eto about this mission.

- There shouldn't be anyone that strong in there...but hey! Aren't you the one who likes to fight?

Shiona snorts and responds.

-I love fighting strong opponents! stroooong, those little bushings no!

She takes a short break.

-But I know that with a certain amount these bushings can even knock me down...so I think my fear is fair.

I scoff and respond.

- You're not just a violent woman so... there's a brain in there.

- Do you have any idea of ​​how offensive you, precisely you, say that?

At that moment a cough interrupts our conversation.

<Could you start your mission.....please?>

Shinohara is following the mission but won't act, after all, this is a test.

Shinohara sighs into the comm, he looks really annoyed as I casually converse with Shiona.

He doesn't look at her with anger or disgust, just awkwardness.

"Which is pretty understandable, she's a ghoul and she's working on the CCG"

I look at Shiona and ask.


She nods and lifts a hammer that must be about six feet tall, visibly heavy.

"I'm sure I couldn't lift it"

The hammer head was flat at the front and pointed at the back, it was like a hammer.

It was Shiona's quinque.

Affectionately named "Bone Breaker"

I had commented on how narcissistic she was to give that name.

She asked if I want to test the why of this name.

I logically denied politely.

In fact, the entire context of creating this quinque was interesting.


-I won't have a quinque...

Shiona comments.

-...and disrespectful!

Right now we're at CCG headquarters and I'm sitting at my desk with Shinoa in front of me.

Shinohara is at her table which is next to mine.

And she Juuzou...she is somewhere.

Shinohara is still trying to ignore Shiona's existence.

Shiona is looking intently at the office and looks disappointed.

-its all very...normal...

He comments.

I raise an eyebrow.

-What did you expect?

-I don't know...people constantly talking about their hatred for ghouls, sharpening weapons and training.

I give a big laugh.

-Ghouls are constantly arguing about hunting humans? Or what is your favorite type of meat?

-Not! Ohhh I get your point.

And she laughs too.

Throughout the conversation, people passing by look curiously at Shiona, after all they've never seen her before.

Shinohara shifts uncomfortably but doesn't say anything.

-But coming back, I know it's disrespect...

Shinohara stares at me blankly and I look at him and raise an eyebrow to answer.

-Kagunes are organs, body parts, how would you feel if someone ripped your arm off and used it to hit you?

Shinohara looks thoughtful frowning, Shiona nods in agreement.

-Exactly! I don't want to desecrate a body like this...

I look at her strangely.

- You and a Kakuja...

-Yes it is?

-...how do kakuja get their kakuja?

She stops and thinks for a while and then has a real face of shock.

I hear Shinohara laughing lightly.

-Finally, with five minutes you will get stronger.

It cheers her up.

-I want a hammer!!!

I hear Shinohara sigh in the background.

Shiona and I started designing her hammer, she wanted something simple as she hated the flashy weapons investigators used.

So the project turned into a simple warhammer.

I asked Mado to do it.

That man was strange, but he was a genius in the matter of kagunes and quinques.

And a day later he had the hammer ready.

Shiona and I went together to get it.

Mado kept looking at Shiona strangely.

-Ryo, I made the quince you asked for but I don't think it's possible to be wielded...

He is interrupted by Shiona picking up and swinging the hammer easily.

She smile.

-Ta Ryo... I admit that this quinque is a good one...

Mado's eyes are so wide they look like they might fall off his face.

He approaches Shiona quickly and...

And the smell?

"Ok....he's a real pervert then"

Shiona looks confused and I pull her out of the room.

-...eee thanks...I think...

Before I leave I hear Mado mutter

-...no...no...it's not possible....nor would he do that...they wouldn't let him do that...

He sighs.

-...I want to retire...


-So... what's our plan?

Shiona asks lying from the memories.


I start walking towards the entrance to the building.

- Rip and tear to the last!

She stares at me dryly.

-Serious? Doom?

-Hey! Don't blame me, it sounded cool at least.

I sigh.

-I'll write down in my notebook that ghouls play video games...

She laughs.


Again we are interrupted by an exasperated Shinohara.

-Let's just go in and kill everything, we're an extermination team after all.

I stop at the door.

-But let's do it with style at least...Shiona, I choose you...

I point to the wall.

-Use break!

She looks at me in disbelief but sighs and steps towards the wall with her hammer and breaks it.

I hold the "Needles" one in each hand and already activate the threads.

Now with the wall broken I see several ghouls standing and arguing calmly, they weren't wearing masks and as our arrival stares at us.

At first they seem confused by Shinoa but seeing the uniform they adopt a battle stance and attack first.

"The gourmets were more skillful"

And I advance.

With the "Needles" in hand I already decapitate the two closest ghouls.


I throw a needle into the eye of one farther away that pierces it.


Dodging a kick that came from my right and with a cut upwards, I cut the leg that unbalances the ghoul.

On the ground I, claws in my hand, rip your neck from outside.


A tentacle comes towards me and I pull myself towards the needle I had previously thrown and decapitate an unsuspecting one on the way.


I take the needle from the ghoul's neck and shake it.

In a moment I look for Shiona to see how she is.

Well, she sure is fine.

On the side she was on there was a big red spot on the floor with some bones in it.

"Someone already turned pasta"

And at least three more bodies on the floor where their upper body is missing leaving only their legs on the floor.

And at that moment Shinoa was defending with the hammer while breaking the skull of a ghoul with his hands.

She hadn't even activated her kagune yet.

"We arrived in about two minutes and there are already at least eight dead ghouls..."

I make an X with the "Needles" in my chest and step into a crowd of ghouls who look confused and terrified, but still activate their kagunes and start attacking.

"...I think the CCG will like this"

I dodge some tentacles and other jabs and with an X I cut the nearest ghoul into four pieces, my smiling may have quite scared some ghouls that try to run away instead of attacking.


I throw both "Needles" to the right and left and they both hit some ghouls in the neck.


I use the wires as support and kick an approaching ghoul with a sword wrapped around his arm that tries to attack me, my kick hits his chin and due to the blade in the sole kills him.


I spin in midair and do the "Needles" back to my hand and take my foot off the ghoul in front of me.

I give a sigh and head towards the other ghouls.


"Fighting like this is really fun"

Thinks Shiona crushing another ghoul with her "Bonebreaker".

"Having an equipment and not using the RC cells....Ryo was right..."

Shiona dodges a kick.

And counter attacks by smashing it with his hammer.


It's been a little while since we met and my whole life has been a mess ever since.

(As if it were normal before)

She was the first to see his invasion of the hall and seeing that he was just one investigator against dozens of ghouls she already branded him as an idiot.

(Even if she knew she would do the same thing, after all, her intention right there was to fight)

And then she saw him struggle.

Don't fight.

A fight is when two opponents face each other with both having a chance of victory.

What followed with him was a massacre.

Just that, a one-sided massacre.

And then he went out on stage, talked to the weakling who was there before and just waited for an attack.

So he went and challenged him.

And he lost, it was one of the best fights she's ever had, and all that was left was to wait for him to die.

That never arrived, she left her alive and sent her to cochlea.

(She resented this at first, she couldn't fight anymore!)

And then they talked on the way and he said he was going to get her out of there.

She didn't believe it.

And then he arrived the next day with a permit for her to work with him at the CCG.

A part of him thought it an affront that she was going to work with the ghoul's enemies.

And then she remembered that she is a Kakuja.

And she accepted, the CCG was an extremly normal place and it seemed like most people didn't know what she was, there was Shinohara who knew and was trying to ignore her and there was that pervert that smelled her.

She wondered why it wasn't public knowledge that she was a ghoul.

And answer is simple.

Ryo's sense of humor.

He probably finds it amusing for a ghoul to be in the CCG and no one else to know.

Shiona sighs and feels a pain in her stomach.

A red tentacle pierced it.

She holds the syrup in her hand and crushes its owner.

She steps forward and rips off a ghoul's arm and starts eating.

She makes a slight face.

"I can't get used to this taste"

Shiona feels her regeneration activate in the hole in her belly.

She looks to where Ryo is.


Ryo was on top of a mountain of ghoul bodies he must have been at least fifteen, he was gasping visibly tired but still advancing, killing and retreating.

He had no injuries.

I smile.

"It was a good decision..."

I go to him for help.

I jump and arrive crushing a ghoul that was in front of him.

He stares at me.

- Did you just steal my kill?

I stare at him in disbelief.


Shinohara was worried.

Ryo's plan worked.

Shiona was now his partner.

It only worked because the CCG was desperate to build on its own forces.

Ryo is already a good investigator.

The best actually, as not even Arima killed as many ghouls on his first mission.

And as Ryo himself said, they would make a good extermination team.

So headquarters ran this test for them.

The new sons aren't really strong but there are a lot of them and today, according to intelligence, there would be a whole battalion of them in the building.

And an amount Shinohara wouldn't go without preparation.

And if the casual conversation from before is anything.

Ryo was unprepared.

But Shinohara's biggest fear was whether the ghoul could be trusted or not.

Again, Ryo was very casual with her, they actually chatted like old friends.

Shinohara pays attention to the communicator to listen for any conversation.

<Did you just steal my kill?>


<are you an idiot?>

<no! Why?>

<this is not a game!>


<So let's make one?>


<What kind?>

<Who kills the most?>

Shinohara sighs.


-...I think...that...Our mission is a success...

I comment and Shiona responds amusingly.

-What does that reveal to you?

We are in a mountain of bodies, blood flows like a sea.

It looks like an island in the middle of an ocean, only macabre.

Shiona was eating with one arm.

- There was no one strong here, I think they were all A, maybe one S

She comments.

I stretch and go to the door.

-Yes, but I think this will already prove its usefulness in general... shall we?

She nods and starts to follow me outside.

"I'm so tired...and still so much to do...."

I groan inwardly.

-Who won our game?

Shiona asks.

-I killed 37.

Shiona lowers her head and mumbles.


I start to laugh.

Shiona tries to hit me all the way to the car.