
Tokyo Ghoul: Chaos

What difference can someone who just want to have fun and protect their friends make in a multiplayer game with different goals? Well, any unknown piece can easily generate chaos. English is not my first language, it's history is a Google translation. (Tokyo ghoul is the property of Sui ishida)

Grinmy · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


After recovering Shinohara looked at me with the greatest seriousness I've ever seen coming from him.

-What are you thinking Ryo?

-Nothing big, I just want Shinoa as my partner.

-Ryo...she's a ghoul.

-I know, I kind of fought her you know.

Shinohara sighs heavily.

-This is probably not even allowed...

Shinohara starts talking and I smile and interrupt him.

-in truth is...

He stares at me in shock.

-...in the partnership policy he mentions something like...

I take a break.

-...when choosing a partner the investigator may require that it be any individual connected with the CCG who has a level, so to speak, lower than the said investigator, a prisoner and property of the CCG is has a level lower than the mine.

Shinohara looks thoughtful and sighs heavily again.

-I...I don't know...

Shinohara looks dubious.

-...this is something that has never happened before at the CCG...

He stares at me.

-...Ryo, I've already noticed that you have some sympathy for ghouls...

I'm surprised I actually thought I managed to keep this hidden.

-...and I know that not every ghoul is the monster we sell...

Shinohara gives a dry laugh.

-...but this Ryo? A ghoul working with the CCG? Even if this is theoretically allowed....it will never work....are you really going to stay on that path? It can harm you in the future.

"If everything works out, it will be an interesting move that will only bear fruit for the future"

- You know how stubborn I am.

Shinohara sighs in exasperation and shakes his head.

-I'm trying to pass this along as the CCG is already discussing alternative ways to deal with ghouls...

"What kind of ways are they thinking?"

-...so there's a small chance you can get Shiona as a partner...

Shinohara gets up and starts to leave.

-...but one way or another you will have more paperwork to deal with.

He comments and laughs when he sees my horrified look.

"Well... now and just wait for the result..."

I start doing my paperwork.

"...it shouldn't be too much trouble"


I sit at a conference table with four more people present.

"And Eto might not believe it if I told her about it..."

In the room was Marude making a disgusted face at me.

Shinohara obviously, he was my leader.

Arima, yes Arima, for some reason he was at this meeting.

"He doesn't like The big Fucking best in the CCG? Why is he here?"

Arima was staring at me with his neutral face but something tells me he is very interested in our meeting.

"My order isn't even that big..."

I look at the last occupant of the room.

"...actually...having a ghoul working under the CCG and a complete change in the world if it works out"

Yoshitoki Washuu.

Current director of the CCG.

A middle-aged man with black hair and a goatee.

He is looking at me seriously.

-Well, you've made a mess since arrived here Konton-san.

He comments half amused and Marude scoffs.

-Nice to meet you director Washuu...

I bow slightly.

-...and call me Ryo.

He nods and speaks.

-Let's go straight to the point Ryo, why do you want Shiona Matarabi as your partner?

At a palpable tension in the air.

"But why? Ohhh they think I'm a sympathizer...or possible traitor...the latter isn't wrong actually..."

I relax into the chair.

"...but overall my request is really weird, at first it seems like me and Shiona are old friends, they know I was a scrapper once, I don't hate ghouls...they have a point..."

-At first, I only met Shiona at the ghoul restaurant attack...

Washuu looks a little surprised and the tension in the room goes down.

-...and the partner point is just that I find her useful, that's all.

"That I'll tell you at least..."

-Explain Ryo.

Washuu orders truly curious.

-Shiona is an SS-class ghoul, she's already worth more than most investigators...

The only reaction in the room is from Shinohara who looks sad the rest either scoffs (Marude) or remains neutral.

-...and I believe she can be useful for the CCG as a whole, she is a Kakuja or she has already taken more ghouls off the streets than some investigators.

Those present nod and look thoughtful.

After a while of silence Washuu asks.

-And would you trust a ghoul?

"Again, the tension in the air..."

-I trust the person behind the ghoul, we're a little alike...

I am interrupted by Marude speaking rudely.

-She eats and kills humans.

-humans do the same and sometimes even worse.

I respond mockingly and keep talking.

-I base my decisions on having fun and she is based on fighting, and as long as she has opponents to fight I know she will remain Loyal, we would make a great attacking team after all my value to the CCG I have already proven.

Washuu nods and this time Arima asks.

-And how do you intend to deal with the other investigators? Or do you think they will embrace your idea?

"I didn't really consider it..."

I smile.

-They wouldn't know!

I exclaim.


Shinohara sighs.

Marude stares at me in disbelief.

Washuu looks surprised.

And Arima well...

"Is it possible for his face to make an expression?"

-Only the Shinohara squad knows Shiona's face and name, besides of course the cochlea team but it always remains there, so as a security measure it can be doped with RC suppressors when it remains at headquarters as a security measure and as they are of duos that make up most small investigations I would be able to keep "secret" that Shiona and a ghoul for some time...

I say my speech moving my legs.

-...there will be no intrigues in the office this way.

Everyone nods in agreement and Marude speaks.

-But would that be fair to the others? Not knowing that there's a ghoul in your midst?

He asks more with the intention of hindering me than actually concern for others.

-And it wouldn't be fair...

I reply playfully and he glares at me like he wants a better explanation.

I ignore him and stare at Washuu who looks thoughtful.

- You speak as if you were going to have permission.

Arima comments.

I smile.

-I know I will, otherwise we wouldn't have even started this meeting, I know the Director is thinking about the pros and cons of my idea and I'm just waiting for the decision.

I comment casually and the room goes silent.

And it stays for a while.

Until Washuu clears his throat and speaks.

-Arima stay, the rest can leave, tomorrow you will receive the answer Ryo.

I leave the room smiling.


-What do you think about this Arima?

-...we were already thinking about the Quinx project...the current situation is not that different.

Washuu sighs.

-Ryo...that boy is weird like you said...he's strong...and he also seems to be hiding something, and is it really safe to give this permission to him?

- You know as much as I do that Aogiri is a real threat, and Ryo was right, a single SS class is worth more than most rank 3.

Washuu looks thoughtful.

-Aogiri, have they done something big recently?

-No...but that's where the problem lies, they're getting ready, and I don't know how much I'm going to put up with...

Arima comments and Washuu adopts a serious expression.

-The CGG needs to get stronger...but Ryo is already weird and added a ghoul? I really don't feel comfortable...

Washuu sighs and rubs his forehead.

-...still the CHAOS.

-He hasn't done anything since that video, I don't think he's currently a problem...


Washuu yells and Arima raises an eyebrow millimeters.

Washuu cough.

-I'm sorry, I still have to answer daily calls because of that.

Arima nods.

-And about Ryo, in fact he's not the most trusted CCG investigator but he's helpful, he proved that in his, important to note, first field mission, not even I did that well...and you know my situation.

Arima faces washuu, who waves and picks up a document, starting to write on it.

-And finally, if he proves to be a traitor...

Arima straightens his glasses.

-...well, they will be at the heart of the CCG.


-I admit i liar in the meeting room...

I comment to Shinohara.

-...I wasn't really sure this could work.

Shinohara looks at me in disbelief and then laughs.

-Ahhh Ryo only you to bluff with the CCG director...but you got what you wanted...

He holds up a paper.

And the document signed by Director Washuu and Arima that allows the removal of an SS class ghoul for partnership purposes.

The day after the meeting I arrive at the CCG with the news that my idea has been approved by the board and I will be the first investigator to partner with a ghoul.

This will be more of a test than anything else, only Marude and Shinohara know who Shinoa is.

But it's not exactly a secret either.

She will have to go under RC suppressors whenever she is at headquarters and will only be able to activate her kagune in the field.

Central said she will take care of her food, but she will still be able to freely devour ghouls on field missions.

So here I am.

Back to the cochlea and descending with Shinohara to the SS class cells.

After a while we reach the big door and enter, Misaka waits for us with a neutral face but I feel her hatred directed at me.

-Your target and other ghouls are on their free period...come sign your papers to get her out of here...

Shinohara follows Misaka to sign things.

He is responsible here.

I follow the long corridors seeing some locked doors.

"Must be the cells..."

I hear a lot of screams and moans coming from them.

A few bumps and a few scratches.


I keep following and arrive at a door with blocks in front.

-What do you have there?

I ask pointing to me the door.

The guards look at each other then answer me.

-The place where ghouls spend their free time...


I open the door and walk in, ignoring the guards.

I walk down another hallway that comes to a sort of a long, big mess hall that's totally white and stupidly clear.

- Wow, it hurts the eyes...

I say aloud what catches the attention of the three in the room.

There were some round tables also white throughout the room, Shiona was lying on one of the tables visibly bored.

An old man sitting quietly at the far end of the room.

And another man sitting on the floor drinking something from a bamboo cup? And with your eyes closed.

"Why is he shirtless?"



I scream her name causing the man on the floor to open his eyes and stare at me curiously.

-Why are you here?

Shiona asks approaching.

-Didn't I say I was going to get you out of here?

I ask playfully and she looks surprised.


she asks and the other occupants look equally curious.

I hand the permission document to her and she starts reading.

-You are The Dancer?

Ask me the old man.

I stare at him.

He's really old, with short light hair and a neatly trimmed beard.

-Yes! It is me! But how does the infamous Donato Porpora know about me?

He gives a light laugh.

-Of course I know the best scrapper from an old friend of mine...

He pauses and asks me.

-...how is The Janitor doing?

I narrow my eyes.

"This guy is a monster among monsters, and he's still trying to tease me..."

I smile.

Donato Porpora, The Priest.

One of the most cruel and sadistic ghouls in history, yet a great informant for the CCG.

"One more point that the CCG is rotten, this monster is alive..."

He ran an orphanage, only he fed off the children.

-I don't know...in our last meeting he was hot-headed, you know? With so much gasilne in it...

I give a laugh, which Donato accompanies.

-...but I hope he's enjoying his stay in hell, what do you think Father?

I finish smiling.

He smiles softly.

-We both know he wouldn't die with that alone...

-Ahhhh Father ..... you spoiled my confession!!!

I scream pouting.

He laughs a little.

"What a freak...he's been judging me throughout the entire conversation..."

I turn my gaze to Shiona.

-Are you illiterate or something? Reading so far.

"Speaking of judging...that guy over there is very strong...and he's also judging me..."

The other man is big, burly and very muscular he looks about the same age as Donato, he has long black hair and a mustache.

His whole being screams strength.

-Hey! I know how to read and just that this whole document is nonsense!!!

Shiona exclaims offended and the two men look even more curious.

-How did you manage to make the CCG accept me to be his partner!!!

Donato is very surprised and the man sitting on the floor takes the glass from his hand and puts it on the floor calmly but he is also surprised.

-Apparently I'm a promise as an investigator so they decided to give me a certain stewardship...

At that moment out of the corner of my eye I see the man sitting up and running towards me.

He tries to hit me with axe kick, which is due to throwing me to the side, then he makes a palm attack that I deflect, throwing myself to the ground.

On the ground he tries to measure another kick, I dodge it by rolling to the side and get up quickly.

He does another Axe kick which I jump to dodge, I land on top of his leg and jump towards his face, kneeing his nose which knocks him backwards.

His nose bleeds and he wipes it off.

He looks at me and speaks.

-Matasaka Kamishiro.

I understand he was testing me as a warrior.

-Ryo Konton.

I bow slightly, he nods and goes to sit in the corner again.

I hear Donato clapping his hands.

-Dancer is really magnificent.

-And how do you know about myself?

He just smiles and ignores me.

I turn to Shinoa.

-So Shiona, do you accept to work with me at the CCG to hunt ghouls? You will be at the center of the biggest and most dangerous fights anyway, after all, we are in the middle of it all.

I ask her smiling.

She looks thoughtful and stares at me.

-Will I be able to fight...?

- Very!

She smile.

-Then I accept!

I smile and start to leave the room.

Shiona accompanies me.

"Wait...Kamishiro? Kamishiro....Rize!"