
Tokyo Ghoul: Chaos

What difference can someone who just want to have fun and protect their friends make in a multiplayer game with different goals? Well, any unknown piece can easily generate chaos. English is not my first language, it's history is a Google translation. (Tokyo ghoul is the property of Sui ishida)

Grinmy · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


Eto was on a normal day.

She had approached this morning, tried to write a book.

She wrote a page and dozed off.

Sometimes she remembered her encounter with Ryo.

And the times he slept at her house.

(She would never admit that she kept seeing his sleeping face and even more that she thought he was cute)

It was always fun to talk to Ryo when he showed up, he was always very sincere.

At least with her.

Eto smiles.

Then in the middle of the night she felt Ryo's approaching, but it also smelled like many other ghouls mixed together.

Ryo soon opens his door and enters.

"Looks like he was in an operation..."

Eto thinks looking at Ryo.

Ryo was wearing a black version of the CCG uniform.

Eto still remembers his fight with the CCG to be able to wear this uniform.

Ryo is annoyingly stubborn about some things.

But the uniform is torn to shreds and covered in blood.

He's still wearing his gear ie "Needles" as he calls it and that cool bracelet.

"He looked like a kid with a new toy when he showed me..."

Eto smiles slightly at the memory.

He crawls in through the house.

-Hard night?

I ask casually.

-I had...my first field operation today...

Ryo lies down on my couch.

Messing him with blood.

I raise an eyebrow but see he's really tired and let it go.

-...it was a ghoul restaurant I killed a dozen or more I think...

"That's quite impressive"

-...then I found an interesting ghoul...

Eto frowns.

"Why does this bother me?"

-...she was an SS class...hahahaha....

He laughs tiredly.

-...On my first mission!!!

Eto gives a light laugh.

-Your luck is really something...

-...and the best part, she was a half-kakuja, I let her live...she managed to stay under control using her kakuja...

-I keep myself in control of my Kakuja....

I grumble.

I feel Ryo staring at me.

- You are a Kakuja? Who are you anyway?

"He still hasn't researched me?"

I smile.

-I'm Sen takatsuki and I'm Eto.

Ryo scoffs under his breath.

-...I'm still going to research what the CCG knows about aogiri...

-Why did you save the ghoul?

I ask more rudely and more concerned than I intended.

"Again...why does this bother me?"

-...for two reasons...the first and one more hypothesis...and if she has a method of controlling her kakuja...

- Again, I control my kakuja.

He sighs.

- You and a half-ghoul, maybe that will affect something... and if she has a method you can have an army of kakuja that aren't just crazy animals...

"This is really good..."

I pout and Ryo continues.

-...and the second, which is the main one...I'll ask to be taken with her when they arrest her in the cochlea...

Eto is surprised.

-...so I'll...be able to get...Some of the information...you want...

Ryo is silent.


I hear a snoring noise and see Ryo falling asleep.

I smile slightly.

-I won't tease you today...

I say softly.

I stroke his hair a little and go back to writing my book.

Just the faint noise of breathing and a pencil writing.

"...Again...that's even nice..."



A prison made for ghouls intending to study, gather information, and gather material for quinques.

She is in the 23rd ward.

A place that is already difficult for ghouls to reach.

Ten years ago there was an attack on him and since then no other has been successful.

The ghouls inside are constantly weakened with RC suppressors, which virtually prevent them from activating their kagunes and greatly diminishing their other advantages.

Shiona would be arrested today and Shinohara would take her, but after leaving Eto's house I ran to the CCG and asked to go with him.

He wouldn't let me go.

He said that I had to take care of Juuzou.

I sat down across from him pouting.

And I stayed like that for about ten minutes until he gave up and decided to take me with him.

Just as an observation Shiona was already with him at these times.

She was in handcuffs, a sort of muzzle and I was pretty sure she was already high on RC suppressants.

She was staring at me with a strange look and muttering something like "how did I lose to him?" But she still laughed at me.

She looked calm, not like someone who's going to be trapped and probably tortured to death.

After my tantrum I overheard Shinohara asking Amon to take care of Juuzou for a while.

I've never seen him look so terrified.

I took some photos.

And then me, Shinohara and Shinoa started going to the cochlea.

We went in a kind of van with Shinoa in the back.

On the way Shinohara asked me why I wanted to go to the cochlea so much.

"Oh and just to give the necessary information for an invasion to a terrorist ghoul leader!"

A (large) part of me really wanted to answer that.

But I just replied that I was curious and wanted to see what it was like.

Shinohara sighed.

And then we arrive at the cochlea I get out of the car jumping around and Shinohara goes to get Shinoa.

The first thing I saw was high walls and then Shinohara arrived with Shinoa.

-That doesn't seem so safe...


-...or big.

Shinoa also nods and Shinohara smirks.

- Shall we go in then?

And then we go to the entrance, pass a guard who gives Shinoa a disgusted look, and enter.

We walk along an open path until we reach a building in the middle of the place.

It is a circular building with a single entrance.

At the entrance was a tall man who had long blond hair but was bald on the forehead.

I almost laughed seeing him.

He was a little funny.

-Researcher Shinohara...

He starts saying coldly and looking at me and Shiona.

-...and guest.

He ignores Shiona's existence, which gets angry.

- Director Misaka.

Greets Shinohara with mild respect.

Kyouji Misaka

Current director of the cochlea.

A former torturer, a cruel and diligent man with his work.

Misaka without saying another word starts walking into the building and we follow him.

I stand next to Shiona and Shinohara follows Misaka closely.

Going forward to a ramp that starts to descend and next to the ramp a small wall.

I look down at the wall.


Shiona looks curious and comes to look too.

-Holy crap!

she exclaims.

There was a gigantic, extremely deep hole so deep that the hole on top of our head that let the sunlight in didn't illuminate all the way.

Shinohara chuckles at our reactions.

-Still find it sticky and with little security?

-We take great pride in our safety, since the incident ten years ago there has never been an escape or invasion...

Misaka speaks with pride in her voice and without turning around.

-...we start at level zero where we are, and go down, at each level the threat level of the detainees increases going from class A, which are the ghouls with the least use for the CCG...

We started to go down and after a while we went straight through a big door with an A on top.

-...even the SSS class, and our current security system was impeccable, investigators are constantly walking around here...

At that moment, some investigators pass by with quinques.

-...and all that with the airborne RC cell dispersal system in case of crisis.

"Thanks for giving me useful information for a break-in"

I think and whisper to Shiona.

-Will if I raise my hand he will answer my question?

She laughs amusedly and I see Shinohara looking at me confused.

I raise my hand like a student.

Shinohara sighs.

-What was Ryo.

-How are the ghouls alive? Or do you throw human bodies for them to eat?

Shiona looks interested and Shinohara slightly horrified by the casualness of my question.

-We have a stew.

Reply Misaka.

I stare at him and wait for a better explanation.

He just keeps walking.

I make a pout and Shiona laughs again.

Shinohara gives me another weird look and goes back to following Misaka closely and they both start the conversation quietly.

-Hey you shouldn't be a little...I don't know sad? Angry? Desperate?

I take a break.

-...I've asked you something like that before...

Shiona laughs and responds.

-Yes, you asked a similar question yesterday...

She pauses.

-...and why should I be feeling like that? I live to fight, you beat me, I just don't understand why you spared my life...

She stares at me.

-...well...it was fun fighting you...kind of a lot of fun and I mostly have one question...

I stare back.

-...how do you control your kakuja?

She responds confused.

-Why would that interest you? A and I have an even more important question for you...because you smell like gho...


I interrupt her by humming loudly.

-Want to speak louder that I have connections with an unknown ghoul while we are in the bowels of the cochlea?

I ask in a whisper and I feel her smirk.

-And why should I not scream that now?

"The main question"

-Because I want you.


-...you're not my type...sorry...

She responds as smoothly as possible.

I slap my palm to my face.

-...not in that sense you idiot.

She looks offended.

-You're strong, you have at least an interesting motivation and still manage to control your kakuja in one way or another, you can be a good ally.

I respond resolutely and look thoughtful.

-Two things... what is your real intention with this possible alliance?

-It depends on the way I proceed, but one way or another you will fight strong opponents...

I smile at her who looks excited.

I'm starting to think of ways to get Shiona out of the cochlea after we're out of here.

"The most obvious would be to wait for Eto to invade and rescue her...but that's no fun..."

-And how do you intend to use me? You know, I'm kind of going to get arrested now.

-I'll decide when to leave here...

Shiona looks at me in disbelief.

-My freedom is in the hands of a person who doesn't even have a plan?

-Yes... in my defense you being alive now is already a surprise, I did not intend any of the events that happen from yesterday to today.

She looks thoughtful and nods.

-Fair...but hey, why don't you hate me?

I look at her confused.

-Why should I hate you? I was the one who cut you in half, electrified you and trapped you... shouldn't you be the one to hate me?

She shakes her head.

-I've already said, I live to fight and I believe that only those who are about to die can take lives, I've already killed many so I would easily accept my death...I being alive now is already a gift, just saddened for being being imprisoned...that way I can't fight anymore.

- Is your whole life really based on fighting strong opponents?

I ask curiously.


She exclaims excitedly.

- You are wei...

-Who went to fight a kakuja alone because it would be fun?

she asks dryly.

I remain silent.

-eeee...looks like we're both weird.

And then we both started laughing.

Throughout the conversation Shinohara sent strange looks and the other investigators who passed would stare in shock or disgust at how I was conversing so casually with a ghoul.

As if we were friends.

And so we kept going down and I talked to Shinoa all the way, we are incredibly similar in terms of doing extremely stupid things to satisfy our cravings.

Apparently she was just going to attack the ghouls at the restaurant yesterday if nothing interesting was going to happen, all in the name of a new fight, she said.

But it all ends and in the end we arrive at a giant door with SS written on top.

Misaka pulls Shiona inside and I start following them until I'm stopped by Shinohara.

-From here only jailers can enter.

I look at him doubtfully.

-Only the jailers know the cells where the ghouls are.

"Makes sense"

I stand beside Shinohara.


Shinohara starts talking seriously.

-...you were promoted the day after yesterday...

I am surprised.

-...then you can choose a partner as an investigator...

And then he starts a speech about the importance of a partner, to help fight the ghouls, someone you'd trust with your own life without a second thought and stuff.

In the middle of the speech I have an idea.

If it works, it will be the most fun idea I've ever had.

I excuse myself from Shinohara and say I need to make a call.

He tells me to go back to level zero and wait for him as we've already finished escorting Shinoa and now we should head back to headquarters.

And do the paperwork.



After going up and reaching level zero I wandered around the area.

I pick up the phone.

[Cute Writer]

I start calling.

She soon answers.

-This is rare, you answer me quickly.

I comment and she scoffs.

-Did you call because you missed me?

- It's not just to say that I already have some information about the cochlea that might be useful...

I hear Eto choke.

I take a selfie with the entrance building in the background and send it to her.

-...and also to consult you about a new plan of mine...

And then I start telling her my intentions.

When I'm done she just stays silent before answering.

-...are you retarded?

-like I know you like to have fun...

-but...but this?

-and just crazy...

-nor should it give any real benefit...

-don't do that...just don't

She is silent again.

-Don't worry, I'll check some things if it works out will be good in the long run...just trust me.

I hang up on Eto's face.

"This is going to be really fun..."


Shinohara had been feeling weird since going to the cochlea.

First, Ryo's insistence on going along.

After the ghoul Shiona, she hadn't made any expressions or said anything since she was captured and all it took was Ryo to arrive and she laughed a little.

And then all the way up to level 3 he could hear them talking and laughing like old friends and it made him a little uncomfortable.

And then they went back to headquarters and Ryo went running to read about the CCG's policies on partnerships.

And for some reason he felt nervous, like the day before a big operation.

Shinohara started to do the paperwork and after a while he saw Ryo approaching smiling.

And then Shinohara pales.

He knows Ryo well enough to know he has types of smiles.

The normal that is kept constantly on his face.

The one of sadistic fun he uses when he's going to piss someone off.

The excited smile he wears in fights.

And the smile he wore now.

A bright animated smile that seems to light up the room.

The problem with this is that he only wears that smile when he does or is going to do something fun.

The concept of fun for Ryo is something I would put on the same level of danger as an SSS rank ghoul.

He comes humming towards me and I feel pitying glances from some of the investigators present.


He stops in front of me.

-...I decided who will be my partner~

"Whew...it can't be that bad..."

-Who Ryo?

His smile widens.

-Shinoa Matarabi!

Ryo exclaims.

Shinohara gasps and almost falls out of her chair.