
Tokyo Ghoul: Chaos

What difference can someone who just want to have fun and protect their friends make in a multiplayer game with different goals? Well, any unknown piece can easily generate chaos. English is not my first language, it's history is a Google translation. (Tokyo ghoul is the property of Sui ishida)

Grinmy · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

health surveillance

Apparently Seidou and his partner were investigating an area ghoul called Gourmet and as the name says he was a gourmet.

Investigators suspected he would be at a restaurant tonight so the center will take the opportunity to deal with the Gourmet and tear down a restaurant.

And of course they asked the Shinohara squad for help, they have two ex-scrappers after all.

So me and my squad are getting ready.

Shinohara is using her basic quinque which is Demon Yamada 1 which looks like a long butcher knife.

Juuzou used a type of flat knife.

Juuzou it was weird.

And my "quinque" so to speak were two flat blades that tapered to the tip and at the base there was a small circle, they were silver in color.

{By reference: Horner from Hollow knight weapon}

I left them in a hem on my back.

My quinque "Needle" as I called them, I made them the same way I made my other needles, but under Mado's watchful eye.

That had been weird.

Another part of my equipment was my needles, my many needles.

Before I was about fifteen, now I must be over fifty and in all sizes from regular to pencil-sized.

I also had two small blades at the base of the shoe.

And the last part of my gear was my pseudo-quinque, quinques by definition use kouhaku ghoul to solidify the RC cells and create a weapon.

I had two black bracelets worn on my wrists, these bracelets each had a kouhaku bag and when I wore it they made a thread that was predicated on my needle, I could use it to pull my body to where the needle is or make the needle come back to me.

In addition to the wire itself being incredibly sharp and resistant.

When I had finished doing my quince the entire CCG was pretty shocked by its versatility.

And according to Mado this would be a new way to create weapons against ghouls.

I heard that even Arima was surprised by how this "quinque" worked.

The attack team consisted of us, Seidou, his partner, and several other investors.

(I would never admit it out loud but they are canon fodder)

But the real attack team was just us.

So on the way there we were discussing attack strategies.

-Let's just enter through the front door of kill anything that moves.

Fala Juuzou playing with his quinque.

Shinohara sighs.

-No Juuzou we have to have a solid strategy before...

-Actually this is a viable idea!

I exclaim interrupting Shinohara who looks betrayed and Juuzou excitedly hugs me.

-Thank you senpai!

-Explain Ryo...

Shinohara says in a defeated way.

-If tonight is a feeding night most of the A-up ghouls will be in the main hall, leaving only those below class A as barracks or lookouts...

Shinohara looks thoughtful and I continue.

-...each one of us can easily deal with these, and so we still have the element of surprise, dealing with the bushings will make way for the rest of the team and the remaining ghouls will be surprised by the amount and then...

I clap a hand.


Shinohara looks thoughtful and then ends up nodding.

-But are you sure this will work?

Juuzou and I stared at him intently.

Shinohara seems to be sweating a little.

- Are you underestimating us?

-No, no.

He responds embarrassed.

I nod my head happily.

-Where will we enter then?

I ask Shinohara.

He seems to think for a while and responds.

-We have three entrances in general, the main, the back and the windows...


I exclaim.


Juuzou exclaims.

Shinohara sighs and starts talking on the communicator with the rest of the team about our plan.

The screams that can be heard show that our plan is not very popular.

"These CCG people are pretty boring"

I think while drawing Juuzou's attention.

-Hey....let's play a game?

Juuzou looks at me carefully.


-Who will kill more ghouls?

Juuzou smiles.

-All right!

Shinohara turns off her communicator.

-Let's prepare.

Juuzou and I waved excitedly.

Shinohara sighs again.


I walked soothingly to the entrance of the ghoul restaurant while humming Glither and gold.

I stop at the entrance.

It has a locked door.

"This will be cool..."

I take out my "Needle" and put it in my hand, activating my bracelets.

They leave a type of red dust that soon becomes a thin red thread, almost invisible to those who don't know what to look for.

This thread soon hooked into the circle at the base of the "Needle".

-And here we go...

I whisper and kick hard at the door that soon opens.

The lobby was like that of a fancy restaurant.

A few waiting chairs, a counter, another smaller door, several paintings, and a dim lighting.

There were only two people at the entrance, a man behind the counter and a woman walking through the other door.

Both freeze when they notice my arrival.

Both look surprised and fearful.

-Good night and here that has a ghoul restaurant?

I ask playfully.

-Uhn...sir you entered the wrong place...

The man at the counter starts talking and I just point to the woman who has her kakugan activated and starting to form her kagune.

The man sighs.

I soon take aim and throw my "Needle" at the woman's eye which it stabs into her eye and kills her instantly.

-One for the account...

I mumble and turn to the clerk.

-...is that you? What should I do?

The man looks thoughtful but soon activates his kakugan and jumps off the counter trying to kick me.

I gasp and dodge his kick by stepping to the side and doing a "Needle" slashing motion that cuts through the ghoul's legs.

He goes to the ground and tries to drag him away from me.

-You know I wasn't going to kill you...

I move in front of him and with another slashing motion I rip his head off.

-...but now and two to count...

I wipe the blood off the needle.

-How is Juuzou doing?


In a hallway on the second floor of the restaurant a ghoul is running in despair from a white-haired young man chasing him while he laughs.

-You'll be the third!


-Well... let's continue...

I enter through the small door that leads to a long hallway.

I walk down the hall calmly.

With each step I take I get closer to a source of sound than to what appears to be a conversation.

"Wait...this is going to be the main hall?"

At the end of the hallway is another door.

"If it's the main hall I'll go in where there's at least one SS class ghoul and countless others alone..."

I kick the door open again.

"I need a catchphrase right now..."

- Health surveillance this establishment is being closed!!!

I scream when the door falls.


"That was a bad idea..."

There must be at least fifty well-dressed ghouls facing me right now.

Some already have active kagunes.

E  coming towards me.

-You know... I kind of missed the moment of my entry...

I comment as I dodge a punch from one of the closest.

I dodge to the right and decapitate him at the end of the move in a sideways cut.


I place my "Needles" making an X in my chest.

-...could you give me some more time?

I ask tilting my head to the side.

The ghouls look at the decapitated body on the ground and then back to me.

Four attack at the same time.

I sigh and throw one of the "Needles" towards the ceiling.

It hangs there.

One of the closest ghouls tries to pull me away but I cut off his arms and kick him towards another preventing the advance of two ghouls.

Another ghoul used his kagune to wrap his leg and with a thrust he came towards me much faster.

I wait for him to come closer and take a step to the side.

Due to his momentum he passes right by me and at the same time I jump with my right leg and give a high kick towards his head with my left foot.

The blade at the base of my shoe pierces his cheek and with the rest of the momentum it continues tearing part of his face until it reaches his skull.

I take his foot off him when she drops to the ground and go back to my stance.


Silence again.

The ghouls are taking me more seriously now.

I smile.


And they begin to come two, eight, sixteen, a horde of tentacles, armor, wings and a thousand other things.

Seeing this I trigger a mechanism on my bracelets that pulls me towards the "Needle" on the ceiling.

I get pulled in the moment the ghous orda hits where I was.

I throw my other "Needle" into a far corner of the wall.

I shoot "Needle" from the ceiling and start to fall.

Engeunto I fall miro "Needle" down and she already impales an unlucky ghoul.


I shoot "Needle" from the ghoul's body just in time to defend a thin pale green tentacle, swing the same body and activate my gauntlet mechanism again which causes me to head towards the "Needle" on the far wall.

As I am propelled towards the "Needle" I take advantage and decapitate or cut the ghouls on the way.

A head drops.


One arm is cut off.

A kagune is cut.

A ghoul tries to catch me but I spin around and kick him in the middle of the face that hurts him and knocks him backwards.

Another head drops.


I finish my way and stop at the wall.

"Needle" shot

The ghouls come running towards me.

I pull some smaller needles out of my pockets and with both "Needles" in hand I step into the crowd.

"When will they arrive?"

I think as I dodge a big red tail and climb on it to dodge other blows that were coming, the tail goes up and then starts to go down.

As I go down I throw a "Needle" on the ceiling and with the other I cut the tail which starts to fall quickly.

Before I fall fully I use it for support and sprint forward towards the owner of the tail.

With "Needle" I pierce his eye and I keep piercing his entire skull until I feel my hand on his face.

I cut it up and take "Needle" from his corpse.


I throw one of the needles into the eyes of a ghoul next to me, they enter and he falls to the ground.


I feel a movement behind me and with a quick movement I spin "Needle" and pierce his head starting at his chin.

He had his kagune around his arm like a gauntlet.

He goes limp and quickly shoots "Needle" in a spin to defend me from a big thorn?

Yes, I defend myself from a big black thorn that came towards me.

I see a blond haired ghoul who has several thorns sticking out of her back.

She plucks another thorn from her back and looks at me.

I step towards her and throw two needles at her at the same time she throws the thorn.

I roll on the floor to avoid her thorn.

"A before I forget..."

I hear a cry of pain and see that one of the needles has pierced her eye, but it hasn't gone in anymore.


I step toward her again as she takes the needle out of her eye.

Before I make it to her, I'm stopped by a kick.

A ghoul kicks me and I feel the impact start to roll back and avoid the full force of the blow.

"I almost broke a bone..."

I stand up and look at the ghoul who attacked me and is coming towards me his kagune and what looks like two spider legs sticking out of her back.

I quickly look around and see that there aren't any other ghouls very close, some are approaching but not a risk now.

The only risk is the spider lord and the thorn woman who is throwing another thorn in the direction line.


I don't see the thorn in time and it ends up making a cut on my arm.


My pain seems to encourage the spider lord who comes even faster towards me.

I soon advance towards the spider mr in a "Needle" lunge motion but keep an eye on the woman who is pulling two more thorns out of her back.

The spider lord positions his kagune so that it will pierce my chest as soon as I hit him.

Before I hit him I drop to the ground and throw "Needle" towards the woman who looks too surprised to dodge.

"Needle" pierces her neck from outside and she lets her thorns fall to the ground.

I use my gauntlet to pull myself toward the "Needle" in a woman's throat and start to go.

But first with a needle I pierce the man's ankle.

In the direction of the woman I prepare a kick that, upon arriving, throws her head back, taking "Needle" from her neck and knocking the woman to the ground.

Quickly I pierce the eye of the woman killing her.


I activate the pull of the "Needle" from the ceiling and start being pulled back towards you and on the way back I decapitate the spider lord.


I go to the ceiling and grab hold of her "Needle" to get a better look at the room.

In the part where I was fighting so far there were no tables, the tables were all arranged in a circular fashion around a raised stage.

And there wasn't just the entrance that I used looking down on either, there are four or five more.

I noticed that most of the ghouls were trying to get away, but some of them didn't even realize the chaos that was happening, they were looking at the stage.

"Today is a show"

I look at the stage and almost fall off the ceiling.

Two people fighting, I mean, there's one person trying to kill the other while the other dodges.

The most aggressive is a big fat man.

And what deviates is a familiar young man with black hair.

"Fuck Kaneki"

Kaneki was at a Ghoul restaurant.

As a dish to be served.

On the day of a CCG invasion.

"Then I'm the suicide..."

I think and sigh.

I aim the other "Needle" at the big man on stage and play.

"Needle" crosses the hall and pierces the man's chest.

I activate the mechanism and start going to the stage.

Kaneki and the other ghouls who were looking at the stage are surprised by this turn of events.

Kaneki sees me coming and asks confused.

-Ryo? What are you doing here?

I arrive and land on the big man's body.

"Does he count as death? Or is he a scrapper?"

I stare at the body with a pause.

"Nah...he's a Scrapper who was doing an exhibition for them..."


Kaneki asks shyly.

I smile at him and move closer.

When I reach the right distance I punch him in the stomach.

He chokes.

-What the fuck are you doing here, you idiot?!

I ask screaming.

Kaneki looks offended.

-Hey! It's not my fault...

He looks thoughtful.

-...where's Tsukiyama-san?

"This must be a gourmet..."

-Kaneki, no, it doesn't matter you have to leave now...

A ghoul comes up on stage and I throw "Needle" in his belly.

I activate the mechanism and get pulled over to him and decapitate him.


I go back to kaneki who stares at me in shock.

-...you still don't understand? This is a ghoul restaurant!!!

Kaneki looks in shock.

-Do you know what a ghoul restaurant is?

Kaneki nods his head.

-Okay, and where am I working now?

Kankei Pale.

- You've gotta run away now! there's an entire attack division coming here

-but....but what about you?

Kaneki points to the ghouls who are coming onto the stage.

I smile and put myself in a posture of pure attack.

One "Needle" in lunge position resting on the belly and the other "Needle" nearby in cutting position.

-I take care of them...

Kaneki seems afraid to run away.

-...you have to go Kaneki! If you stay the least it will happen and you'll be studied like a lab rat in the cochlea!

-...sorry...please stay alive Ryo....

Kaneki mutters before running away.

"I intend Kaneki"

I advance towards one of the ghouls that will just arrive on stage.

He had a kind of moth wing like kagune and used it to defend his head and neck as he attacked me with a kick.

With a lunge I pierce his belly and throw myself to the right, dodging the kick.

At the end of my movement I cut off the leg with "Needle".

He loses balance and falls to the ground I take "Needle" from his belly and go to his back and put the "Needles" in the shape of scissors and cut his neck.

His head drops.


Another ghoul on stage tries to attack me but is crushed by a big thick black tail that appears to have several teeth or bones sticking out white.

His kagune was a rinkaku that looked like a big jagged club.

-You know... you're quite skilled...

Comments a female voice.

The ghoul who owns this rinkaku is a tall, visibly muscular woman with short, spiky black hair and her eyes are green.

She is about two heads taller than me.

-Okay, now I'm intimidated.

I speak dryly.

She laughs and shakes her tail to get the crushed remains of the ghoul out of there.

-He is mine!

She yells at the ghouls who are approaching the stage.

Some stop and sit as if to see a show.

-Wow, even in this situation they still stop to perform their fetishes... that's almost admirable.

I comment and the woman laughs.

-I really find these lazy cowards unpleasant...

I shoot him an odd look as he sees it and responds.

-...Hey! It was just my first time here I hate these lazy gourmets!

-...Then why did you come?

-I wanted a little excitement, adrenaline you know and I thought I could get it here...

She comments.

-Well you got it right? After all, the CCG is invading today.

We both started to laugh.

-I've always found gourmets too lazy, they don't even get dirty...

I mumble and the woman looks curious.

-I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself and you'll be a fun opponent to say the least, so you deserve respect.

I smile brightly and bow to the woman.

-I'm Ryo Konton, an ex-scrapper known as Dancer.

The woman seems surprised both by my respect and my presentation.

She smile.

- You are interesting...

She also bows to me.

-...I'm Shinoa Matarabi, ghoul SS known as Breaking Bones.

-I can see why this nickname...

I comment looking at the pâté that was once a ghoul.

She laughs.

-...but it's amazing ein, my first field mission and I meet an SS.

We both laughed.

-Walk with me for a dance, beautiful lady?

I ask already in an attacking posture.

Shinoa smiles and lifts her tail.

We ran towards each other.

I throw a "Needle" at her and she fends off with her tail.

"Needle" attaches to the tail that comes towards me.

I wait until her attack approaches and dodge by leaning forward and running towards Shinoi in a lunge motion.

But before I throw two needles in her direction she takes one in her hand and the other seems to pierce her throat making her choke.

I reach up and pierce her belly and before I make any other move I see out of the corner of my eye the tail coming back and then I run to the right left "Needle" in Shinoa's belly.

I hear the noise of things breaking and after getting a safe distance away I see that it was the part of the stage I was on.

-Well... the first blood is mine.

I comment amusingly.

In our first match I came out unscathed and she already had two injuries.

- You are indeed skilled...

She puts her syrup back on.

-...but now he's lost his weapons.

I smile and reach out, a string pulling "Needle" from her belly.


I ask laughing.

Shiona looks very excited.


She uses her tail as a boost and quickly advances towards me.

I trigger the bracelet mechanism and get pulled to "Needle" in her tail.

She comes towards me with her mouth open and arms outstretched.

I walk towards her holding "Needle" like a sword and with other needles in the other hand.

As we advance, I hear more screams and gunfire.

A relieved sigh.

"The backup has arrived"

Turning my attention back to Shinoa, midway through I lean to the side and when I get close with a quick move I cut her arm and dodge her blow.

As I pass by her I grab the "Needle" in her tail and with the same scissors movement as before I cut part of her and walk away.

Shinoa is staring at me with her kakugan active and sighing heavily as her arm regenerates.

-...you...you are strong...

She smile.

-...I'll have to use my trump card...

I raise an eyebrow.

Her kagune crumbles into RC cell phone dust and begins to change.

"No, no, no you just gotta be kidding...."

She roar.


Shinohara still couldn't believe that the almost suicidal plan had worked.

Her squad actually had a higher strength level than the rest of the team but the number of unknown ghouls for them to face alone made him nervous.

But he still decided to show faith in Ryo and Juuzou.

Shinohara feels very sorry for Juuzou and tries to help him even if he is...

You judged too much.

And Ryo is a stranger, he doesn't seem to have traumas as an ex-scrapper even though some of his actions are very strange.

He's generally nice, a great fighter and a lot smarter than he looks.

That 'quinque' he created shows that.

(Shinohara wouldn't admit it but something in his instincts screamed that Ryo wasn't to be trusted)

Shinohara then accepted, he entered through the back door and killed all the ghouls on the way to the main hall and was the first to arrive.

The first thing he saw was at least ten dead ghouls.

"Looks like Ryo was the first to arrive..."

Then Shinohara starts looking for Ryo and sees him struggling on stage and some ghouls watching.

Shinohara makes a face.

"Gourmets are really nasty"

And then Shinohara moves forward, cutting several ghouls in half.

He hears gunfire and realizes the squad has arrived.

"Well...I hope the Gourmet is here"

At that moment a scream cuts the air.


"Kakuja? Oh no!"

I look at the stage again and see that the ghoul fighting Ryo has changed.

"....oh no....Ryo"

I run towards the stage but am stopped by ghouls attacking me.

"Please be alright...."

My thoughts are interrupted by a laugh.



Shinohara sighs.


"Kakuja is a ghoul who cannibalized other ghouls and increased their power at the expense of his sanity, which becomes fragile...."

I look at the form Shiona is in now.

Her syrup changed to several tiny tentacles with a tooth on the tip.

And now on her right arm that I had cut off earlier now had a clump of meat with a mouth at the end and on Shinoa's face there was half a sort of beak in her mouth.

Her posture is a little stooped.

-Oh and a half-kakuja....

-Why do you look so disappointed?

Shinoa asks hoarsely.

I am surprised.

-Aren't you supposed to be in some kind of homicidal frenzy right now?

She laughs.

-I can control my kakuja up to a point.

"Ok...this is useful...would Eto like this information?"

I sigh.

-On my first field mission I encounter a half-kakuja....

I say looking at the ceiling dramatically.

She laughs.

-Are we going to the last dance of the night?

She nods and steps towards me with her arm/mouth outstretched and tentacles pointed forward.

I throw a "Needle" to the side and make both bracelets produce more yarn.

I toss another "Needle" behind Shinoa and advance with two small needles in each hand.

Shinoa continues to advance and in a moment her arm seems to stretch and her mouth almost bites me, but I dodge slipping on the floor and throwing a needle into her throat.

The needle hits but she ignores her tentacle as they try to stick me in the ground and I roll to the side and dodge.

I jump up and kick Shinoa's leg, tearing a piece from the blade in the sole, and run to the nearby "Needle".

I reach the "Needle" and then make a cutting movement to the right, as the mouth was approaching me.

"Needle" cuts to a certain point and then gets stuck.


The mouth tries to bite me, but I stick a needle through the top and force it down, pinning my mouth to the floor for a moment.

I quickly unhook "Needle" from my arm and run backwards, avoiding the tentacles attacking me.

And as a counterattack, I cut off some of the tentacles.

I start running around Shinoa making a circle and going back to where I was at the beginning, picking up "Needle" back from the ground and running in a circle again.

All the way Shiona attacks me with her arm and her tentacles, I always parry and deflect her arm but I receive tentacle strikes from her making light cuts to my body.

I stop a long way from Shiona offending her and she starts running towards me.

I smile and activate the mechanism causing the strands to quickly return to my bracelet.

The threads rip Shinoa into two of hers, her torso falls in front of me and her legs are left behind.

I pierce her shoulder with "Needle".

-This quinque of mine has one more use....

I comment and click and a button.

My bracelet starts an electrical discharge that is conducted through the "Needle" to Shinoa.

Shiona starts to tremble and foam at the mouth until her kakuja deactivates and she is lying limp but alive.

I sit down beside her half body which is slowly regenerating.

-...that was fun....

I say panting.

-Because...you...don't...kill me...

She mutters weakly.

I see Shinohara approaching the stage.

- You're more useful than you think...

I take a ghoul arm that has fallen nearby and put it in her mouth.

She looks surprised but starts eating.

-Ryo! Are you okay?

Shinohara asks worried but looks at me strangely when he sees I'm feeding a ghoul.

-....I'm tired...

Shinohara smiles.


Juuzou comes running to the stage.

I look around and see that most of the ghouls have died or fled.

"I hope kaneki made it out"

-...now I feel even more tired...

Shinohara laughs and I hear Shinoa laughing too.

-I think this marks the end of the operation...

I mumble and Shinohara nods.


[Operation: Gourmet Hunt]

Numbers of ghouls:

Total: 67

45 B class

18 A class

2 S class

2 SS Class

ghoul casualties: 55

ghoul escapes: 11

(Including Gourmet Target itself)

Capture: 1

(SS Class Ghoul: Bone Breaker)

Number of investigators:

Shinohara Squadron

(Shinohara, Juuzou and Ryo)

Seidou takizawa

Kousuke Houji

30 rank 3 investigators

Investigators' discharges: 7

Disappearance of investigators: 2


[Final Note: Rank 3 Investigator Ryo konton will be promoted to Rank 2 due to his excellent actions and capture of an SS class]

This was incredibly labor intensive (and the third time I've written this chapter!) But thanks for reading and let me know what you think. All reviews are good.

Grinmycreators' thoughts