
Tokapi Hell

The story revolves around the tragedy of an entire planet due to an unjust imperial rule. The hero, Zayan, seeks revenge and achieves justice by leading a secret organization, but things begin to go outside his plans and unexpected events emerge.

Iriss22 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

death whistling

Zayan realized that they had become in a spiral, and its end was very dangerous, and the percentage of survival was small, and that death surrounded them from all sides, but he did not fear for himself as much as he feared for his friends, whom he considered as his brothers, not just mere members of his organization.

Night fell and they camped in a small cave and made a fire and began to eat and talk:

Sai: Witch Nazuka, why is Daniel still asleep and hasn't woken up yet?? Is he really okay now?

Witch: Don't worry, he'll get up in the morning and start fighting again.

Sai: Oh, I really can't wait to talk to him and joke with him again.

Zayan: We now do not know what awaits us tomorrow and what is the new trap set by the cursed magicians of the mountain. We are now facing an unknown, but what we do know is that we will fight with all our strength and we will protect each other and be one hand.

Witch: I will also use all my magical powers to protect you. My powers will help you a lot because we are dealing with witches whose spells I can break.

Sai: Didn't you tell us that most of your magical powers were taken from you?

Witch: Yes, but that doesn't mean that I'm out of power now, it's true that most of my powers have been destroyed, but I'm still a legendary witch, and I have the strength and wisdom that enables me to block the attacks of many powerful spells, and I remember many spells that I can use against them.

Sai: You are really skilled and strong. Thank God for putting you on our path to be with us on this journey.

Lucas stared into Sai eyes, saying, "What am I doing here, you bastard?" Doesn't my presence fill your eyes, don't you know that I am the strongest and most skilled fighter in Olikadria?

Sai: I know, I know, but I want to praise her, too, because she deserves it, right? Commander.

Zayan grumbling at them: Stop chattering. We have to sleep now so that we can deal with the trap that awaits us tomorrow.

The sun's rays rose in the morning, and Sai woke up to check on Daniel, but he did not find him in his place.

Sai was terrified and began to wake everyone up, saying to them:

Lucas woke up Daniel is not in his place captain Daniel woke up he is in danger.

Everyone panicked and quickly went out of the cave to start searching for Daniel

They found him doing morning exercises

Daniel put his hands on his waist: right, one, two, three, four, left, one, two, three, four.

Sai, Lucas, and Zayan looked at him speechless in shock.

Sai, his eyes filled with tears, runs towards Daniel:

Brother, I miss you so much. I thought you were heading to heaven, leaving us behind.

Daniel: What, what, do you think that warrior Daniel would end that easily?

Lucas: Didn't I tell you I'd kill you if you died, you bastard

Daniel, while laughing: But I did not die, here I am in front of you, alive and well

Lucas: How come you talk like you weren't about to die yesterday, you're going to drive me crazy.

Zayan: Daniel, we really feared for you, and if the witch Nazuka hadn't helped us save you, we wouldn't have known what would happen with you. You have to take good care of yourself from now on.

Daniel: I didn't know you were so worried about me. I'm sorry I scared you so much

Sai approached Daniel and hugged him: It's okay as long as you're okay.

The witch came out to them: Oh, excuse me, I always interrupt the emotional moments, but now we have to use the time and move forward.

Lucas: We have three days, if we can't cross the road, we'll be locked up here forever.

Zayan: Come on, let's each grab our sword and go through the second trap.

They started walking cautiously, trying to understand what trap they were about to encounter.

Zayan decided to separate some of them into two teams in order to take advantage of the time and try to find a place that they can cross without a trap in it to pass to the next stage, and the witch Nazuka put a magic thread on the wrist of each of them that turns red if something bad happens to the other team and they know that they have fallen into the trap And they come to help.

Zayan: Well, now we are ready to move on. Me, Daniel, and Sai are on the first team, and Lucas and the witch Nazuka are on the second team. You have to be careful and be very careful, as we are dealing with the most evil and deadly magicians, as they use bloody black magic, do you understand?

Lucas: Yes, Commander, we understand.

Sai: Yes, sir, we understand.

Daniel: Yes, Commander, we understood, and we will use all our forces to fight them.

Witch Nazuka: I already know this stuff so you don't have to tell me, they just have to know it.

Daniel: What a beautiful arrogant you are my type.

Lucas: Shut up you idiot, this isn't the time to say that

Daniel: I'm sorry, I forgot. Don't be angry

Zayan: Shhhh stop gossiping, let's separate now and start searching.

Zayan: Let us go from the right and you from the left.

Lucas: Yes sir

Zayan's team started walking, and in front of them was a path leading to a dense forest full of red maple trees.

The forest was very attractive and beautiful, the beauty and charm of the maple trees and their distinctive red color made the team get distracted from their original mission and enjoy the beauty of the nature of this forest.

Daniel: Wow, this is not the first time I see a forest of this strangeness and beauty. It fascinates the eye.

Sai: You're right, it's a masterpiece of nature.

Zayan: We must not be distracted and keep our focus on the goal, do not touch anything, we have to be careful that anything can be a trap.

Sai: Commander, I hear whistling in my ear, it's very annoying.

Daniel: So am I, it's getting more and more.

Zayan: Damn, what have we fallen into now.

Daniel: Commander, don't you hear that voice too? I'm going crazy, my mind is going to explode.

Zayan: You have to resist this sound, and let's hurry out of this forest, because it is the trap.

Zayan: Sai, what is wrong with you when you are standing and not moving, and why are your eyes empty like this?

Zayan felt that someone was standing behind him and stabbed him with a sword. He quickly turned around and saw that it was Daniel.

Zayan looked at Daniel, his eyes filled with shock and sadness: Daniel? When you do this, what happens to you?

His eyes were as empty as Sai's eyes. Zayan knew that something was controlling them.

Zayan: It must be that whistling. It completely took their mind. What am I going to do now? I can't fight them. They are my brothers. Will I simply let them kill me like this? Lucas where are you come and hurry I need you...

The thread wrapped around the wrist of Lucas and the witch Nazuka began to turn red. They knew that something bad had befallen their friends. They quickly went to find where they were to help them, while Zayan was trying to block the attacks of his friends, trying not to hurt them and bring them back to their senses.

Zayan: Guys, listen to me. You must wake up. I am your leader. Zayan. This is a trap made by the magicians to trap us. Stop fighting me.

Sai and Daniel didn't listen to what Zayan was telling them because they were so enchanted by hearing that whistle

Sai and Daniel continued to try to attack Zayan, as if they had turned into a deadly killing machine that had no spirit.

Zayan said to himself: Damn, Lucas wasn't so late.

Lucas and the witch Nazuka arrived in the forest, and as soon as they entered, she knew that this was the trap, causing Lucas

Saying: This is the forest whistling death quickly cut off something from your clothes and put it in your ears immediately.

Lucas quickly carried out what the witch Nazuka told him to do, after putting a piece of cloth in his ears.

Lucas: Now tell me, what do you mean by Death Whistling Forest?

Witch Nazuka: It is a forest spread in cursed places, such as the path of the witches, this forest is teeming with red maple trees and emits a sharp whistling full of hallucinations controlled by a demon located on the branch of one of these trees. This whistling leads to insanity for everyone who hears it, and the person kills everyone around him. Finally killing himself.

Lucas: If you weren't affected by that voice?

Witch Nazuka: Because I am a witch of the White Flame and we are protected from these witchcraft, we are not human.

Lucas we are late for the captain we have to hurry.

When Lucas and the witch arrived at Zayan place, they saw how Sai and Daniel were fighting him like wild beasts attacking him, wanting to kill him by any means, and Xian repelled them while he was bleeding heavily from his back.

Lucas looks angry and sad, saying to the witch:

What do we do now, how will we stop them?

Witch Nazuka: We have to kill the demon who is here because he is the reason for that whistling.

Lucas: How are we going to kill him?

Witch Nazuka: We can't kill him. Zayan must do that because he was the one who entered the forest first. These are the laws of that magic, and that's how that demon dies.

Lucas: Well we have to distract Sai and Daniel until the leader kills that demon.

Lucas and the witch hurried to support Zayan, telling him about the secret of that demon.

Zayan: Well, I will kill him, but how will I see him.

Witch: You have a symbol similar to the one I have, so that you can be stronger than me in many stages. All you have to do now is watch the trees and focus your sense of sight, and you will see it, I am sure of that.

Zayan: But I've never done that before.

Witch: You can only trust what you have.

Zayan started running towards the branches of the big trees, carrying his sword, relying on his sense of sight

Zayan: Come on, come on, I can do it, I can see it

He turned to his right and saw that demon standing on the trunk of a maple tree carrying an iron whistle through which he was making sounds of death whistling. Zayan ran towards him, then jumped to the trunk of the tree and beheaded him.
