
Tokapi Hell

The story revolves around the tragedy of an entire planet due to an unjust imperial rule. The hero, Zayan, seeks revenge and achieves justice by leading a secret organization, but things begin to go outside his plans and unexpected events emerge.

Iriss22 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Monster Taito

Daniel and Sai returned to their senses after the hallucinations caused by that whistling left them

Daniel, in a state of shock and astonishment, threw his sword, which was stained with the blood of Zayan, saying: What the hell happened, blood from this on my sword?

Sai: I don't know, I don't remember anything except that my head was going to explode from hearing the whistling, after which my mind stopped completely.

Lucas: You two bastards, you almost killed us, except for that, you stabbed the leader in the back, and he tried to protect you and repel your blows to him without even hurting you.

Daniel, with signs of extreme sadness: Does this mean that the blood on my sword is the commander's blood?

Sai: Don't blame yourself, we weren't aware of what we were doing and the captain knows that.

Lucas: Since the whistling faded away, this means that the leader succeeded in killing that demon, but why didn't he appear until now, and the witch Nazuka, where did she go? .

Sai: Daniel stabbed him badly but I don't know how much of an effect it has on him now.

Lucas: Come on, we have to hurry up and find the captain right away.

They started running as fast as they could to find their injured leader in order to save him, but suddenly they stopped running in amazement at the scene in front of them.

Sai: Oh my God, what is this?

Lucas: I can't believe my eyes. Is this our leader or a non-human creature masquerading as himself?

Daniel: Is this real or an illusion made by this damned forest..

Zayan was standing holding in his hand the head of that demon who killed him, and his entire body was stained with blood due to his back wound, and his face was stained with the blood of Satan, breathing very quickly, and a halo of light radiating from him as if it were the halo of the sun disk, after which his body fell to the ground from the severity of fatigue and bleeding.

The witch Nazuka said to herself: Who the hell are you? I can't tell who you are.

Lucas and the others rushed to Zayan to help him get up and check on him.

Daniel put zayan's head on his thigh and started shouting loudly at the witch: Please do something and help him get up like you did for me before, don't let him die like this.

Witch: Get away from him, let me see if I can help him or not.

The witch approached Zayan and looked at his wound, but his body inside was not like a normal human body.

His body does not belong to humans, witches, or even demons. She did not know what she would say to his friends. She raised her head, grabbed her sword, and cut the palm of her hand to drip some blood on the wound to put some spells on it that could help him heal his wound.

She began casting incantations by muttering and raising her voice little by little, but what happened was completely unexpected because zayan's body refused to let her blood enter it, and when she began to say the incantation in a loud voice, energy was released from zayan's body, which pushed the witch with great force back away from his body.

Lucas: What's going on?

Daniel: Oh, she seems to have passed out.

Daniel hurried to the witch to check on her condition. She was unconscious from the intensity of the thrust she was subjected to.

Daniel: Witch Nazuka, can you hear me? wake up please are you ok??

Sai: Guys, the captain has regained consciousness. Come quickly.

Lucas ran quickly towards Zayan: Thank God you woke up, but what was strange was that you did not respond to the witch's spell, even that your body formed a mysterious force that violently pushed the witch back and passed out.

Zayan speaks in a soft voice: What happened to her now, is she okay?

Lucas: Daniel, how is the witch? Is she awake?

Daniel: Yes, she woke up and is fine now.

Zayan: I feel relieved that she was not injured.

Lucas: But, Commander, your body is still bleeding and your wound has not healed.

Sai: We have to do something, before it's too late. I'm confused and out of my mind.

Zayan: Don't worry guys, I'll be fine, just help me get up and wash a little bit of blood so we can walk to the third trap and get over it.

Sai: We have to get out of this damned jungle first.

Zian leaned on Lucas and Sai's shoulders and started walking out of the woods. Daniel also put the witch on his back because she couldn't walk from the force of the blow she suffered.

While they were walking out of the forest, they began to feel strange vibrations in the ground and strong feet hitting them.

Lucas: What is that sound you hear right?

Sai: Yeah, and it looks like something wants to get close to us

Witch Nazuka: I feel bad energy. It seems that the third trap is heading towards us.

Zayan: Damn, I haven't even showered yet.

Daniel: Is this what matters to you now? You are almost out of blood now. If something happens to you, I will never forgive myself.

Sai directed his words to Daniel: Shut up, you idiot, this is not the time for you to talk.

Daniel: Oh my God, I hope it's not something I'm thinking.

Zayan: What are you thinking of?

Daniel: I've been hearing a lot about the legend of the monster Taito.

Lucas: What is this?

The witch Nazuka with a faint and weak voice: It is a deadly beast resulting from the gathering of a black nether curse and its creation by the most powerful cursed witches and forming it in the form of a crushing beast that kills all who pass before it except the witches who live in this mountain.

Zayan: And why did they create a monster like this? I don't think it's just to protect this mountain.

Witch Nazuka: It seems the Emperor has something he wants to do in the future, but no one knows what it is.

Lucas: The steps are starting to get closer. What will we do? We are in a situation where we cannot fight. The leader and the witch are injured.

Sai: We have to find a weak point in him, that's the only way we can overcome him.

Daniel: But what will happen to the commander? Will he be able to hold out until the end of the fight? His situation is getting worse

Zayan: Do you underestimate someone like me, little one? Don't you know that I am the leader and I have to bear all the hardships and come back alive no matter what

Daniel: Forgive me, but I only said that out of concern for you. .

Zayan, speaking with difficulty because of his injury: Well, let's make a quick plan, Sai, do you have ideas?

Sai: We have to distract him first so that he cannot determine his target (which is us) and eliminate us, and in order to try to find a weak point through which we can kill him or bypass him to cross. Lucas and I will try everything we can to distract him and distract him, and the witch Nazuka has to discover the weakness that exists He, Daniel, and the Commander will deliver the final blow to him after the witch discovers his weak point.

Zayan: Does anyone of you want to add something to Sai's words? Well, everyone seems to agree on this.

Zayan: Does anyone of you want to add something to Sai's words? Well, everyone seems to agree on this.

Daniel: Commander, are you sure you'll be okay?

Zayan: Don't worry, you have to trust your leader and his abilities

Zayan: This is the monster has approached you all prepare.

The monster Taito came heading towards them, wanting to shed blood with all his might. It was very huge and a giant, very black with red eyes, as if he was emerging from the bottom of hell.

Sai: He's so terrifying, I wish I didn't see him in my dreams.

Lucas: Remind me when we're done with him to kill you too because of your wit.

Zayan: Let's start implementing the plan now.

Lucas and Sai began to hit the monster's feet several times in order to distract it from the rest of the members for a bit.

But his powers were indomitable, and their blows to him did not affect him. He bent down to eliminate them, and Zayan felt that his friends were in mortal danger, so he ordered Daniel to join Sai and Lucas and disperse the beast by using the witch's sword because it is stronger than their swords, and there are spells in it that will affect and weaken that beast .

Daniel went towards the beast and stabbed him in the thigh. The beast felt the pain of that stab and cried out a very loud cry that shook the mountain sky.

Witch Nazuka: Come on, zayan's, it's your turn now, the monster is in a state of weakness and distraction, it's the right time to eliminate him. 

Zayan: Well, I will try to do it.

Zayan ran, carrying his sword, heading towards the beast

Thinking only of how to put the sword into his heart, he jumped onto the top of the tree trunk so that he could reach the monster's body, and finally jumped on it.

Zayan raised his sword and approached the beast's heart, aiming it at him and wanting to stab him.

But the beast spoke to zayan, saying to him: Wait, do not kill me, I will let you pass the road and enter the top of the mountain without facing the fourth trap.

Zayan: How are you going to do that?

Monster: There is another path that takes you to the top of the mountain, bypassing the fourth trap.

Zayan: How can I believe you?

Beast: I have never been afraid of anyone before because my powers are indomitable, but you are the only one who can kill me and turn me into ashes.

Zayan: Well, I will let you and I will not kill you.

Zayan came down from the beast and told his friends about the conversation that was between them.

Zayan directed his words to the beast: Come on, tell me about that way.

Monster: You have to go from that direction, towards the right, and you will find a river on your way. You have to follow the path of the river, and at the end of it, you will be the top of this mountain.

Then that monster vanished away from them.
