
Toaru Majutsu no Index: Infinity

The day he was born was the day everyone went down in the ranking.

Dawei · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Day with the Boys

"Jan ken pon!" Accelerator begrudgingly put his hand out as rock when everyone else put paper.


Accelerator was lying on a couch when a notification was heard on his phone, it was Gojo inviting him to hang out with the other Level 5 boys. Last Order came bouncing up to the couch when she heard the sound and asked "Who is it? Who is it? What do they want?" After finding out that Accelerator had (friends?) she pushed him out the door and threatened to disconnect the electrode from it's battery via Misaka Network.


Accelerator had lost in a game of rock paper scissors. The reason for his misfortune? He had to drink a one litre bottle of soda without stopping. The rest were filming this as Gojo had predicted that a little something would go down.

Accelerator stared at this mountain of dew. To Accelerator it looked like a tiny person compared to a mountain. He had to scale that mountain and drink all of it. Reluctantly Accelerator's hands gripped the bottle and tipped it into his mouth.

Gojo and the other two were cheering him on and agitating him by saying "Your the first ranked right? You can obviously handle a bit of soda!" Accelerator was battling against the giant soda mountain in his mindscape and started chugging harder to show them that he was not weak.

*Gack* Accelerator started choking on the soda as he had tried to down it in one go. The medics were called and Accelerator was moved into hospital.

And then there were three.


Kakine had to suffer the punishment of drinking 20 cans of black unsweetened coffee under 20 minutes, the 20/20 challenge. Gunha and Gojo got the timer ready before "CHUG CHUG CHUG" Kakine could be seen downing a can within 30 seconds before the bitterness gave him a shiver "CHUG CHUG CHUG"

Kakine was on his 18th can and could be seen constantly shivering from the bitter aftertaste. Taking on last sip he made it to his 19th can before passing out from caffeine overdose, not even his wings could save him from the bitterness.

And then there were two

Gunha was hoping with all his might that he would not lose.


Gunha was closing his eyes and he put out a rock whereas Gojo put out a paper.

Gunha's face drained out as he said it himself "I lack the GUTS! to eat this" Gunha was pointing at the cooked intestines. However he seemed to have enough guts to keep his promise. Gunha took one bite before passing out in fear. The ambulance was already there as they thought that it would be a waste to come back for them so why not wait until they're all wasted.

Then there was one left.


Gojo sat on the chair outside, waiting for the others to wake up. Gunha was the first as he simply passed out, Kakine was next and Accelerator woke up last. Gojo burst into the room with a cake in his hands saying "I got a banoffee cake to commemorate!" All the boys perked up after hearing the word cake and Accelerator included as it had coffee, which he desperately needed after the soda incident.

Gunha was the first as he started his thanks "Thanks for the cake Gojo"

Gojo looked confused "No no no this cake is to commemorate my win!" The others looked at him as if he was a piece of shit. Gojo seeing this quickly ran away and jumped out of the window. The others simply left enough cash on their beds before jumping out to give chase.

That day many people saw three Level 5's giving chase to another Level 5.


Gojo eventually escaped and hid away in his apartment while sighing and thinking of a way to please them. He came up with another idea why not just give them their favourite things? Gojo quickly dashed to the Everything Market (C) grabbing as many cases of black coffee he could he chucked them into the cart before making his way and swiping many bottles of soda into cart. Just before he exited he found it, the present for Gunha, a yellow jump-suit with a gold buckle, red gloves, red boots and a cape fastened by two big buttons.


Gojo quickly made it back to his apartment only to find Accelerator exiting from the door next to his. Accelerator gave a creepy sadistic smile before Gojo threw the bags of coffee cans into his apartment and left with a "SORRY"

Accelerator went to see what the bag was and decided to forgive and forget.


Gojo arrived at Guha's school dorm and placed the suit near his bed with a note attached "Sorry"

Gunha felt something comfortable on his bed and snuggled it.


Kakine was in his hideout until he heard a noise and went to check it out, only to find a massive bag of soda bottles of variety. He looked around the bag for any traps before seeing the note "Sorry"

Kakine smiled and brought the bag inside before tasting one of the bottles "WTF how did he get his hands on these limited edition sodas?"


Gojo decided to visit some another person before sleeping. He walked out and locked the door before vanishing and reappearing at the Tokiwadai dorms. He counted the rooms before jumping onto the window and leaving a gift on the window sill. He knocked twice before vanishing only leaving behind a note.

Misaka was about to go to sleep until she heard a knock on her window. Opening the curtains she spotted a gift wrapped present with a note saying "Gift for Misaka-chan. Saw you pondering at the shop so got you something better! From Gojo" Opening the gift she saw the Ultra Rare Rainbow Striped Gekota, the better version of the Rainbow Gekota as the UR Rainbow Gekota shines in the day and glows in the dark. Upon seeing the sender, her face became a tomato and steam started rising.


Gojo was sleeping soundly now that he had sorted out his problems.

"ZzzzZzzzzzzZZzzzz" *creak* the door to Gojo's apartment opened as three figure surrounded his bed.

"He's sleeping quite soundly despite us breaking in."

"Doesn't matter does it?"

"I'm gonna have a lot of fun."

The three figures closed in on Gojo before he opened his eyes and screamed.

Gunha, Kakine and Accelerator pounced on him before being blasted away by "Red".


Accelerator: "Why the hell are you referencing that stupid show?"