
Toad Stool

There was a person names Nari, she was just a regular person living her highschool life but she absolutely loves reading about fantasy. But sadly she died to over exhaustion in her school works but she was reincarnated to another world The new world was full of magic and swords just like what she read, she was excited to live her new life. But what's this? She was reincarnated as a frog? Well that won't stop her from living her new fantasy life to the fullest. So Nari starts her journey to learn all types of magic in this new found world she was reincarnated into, what will happen next? Continue reading to find out! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Spirit War - [ Chapter - 10 ]

So then Nari trained her magic and her mana so that she could become even stronger and learn more magic, she was extremely happy during that time because she was living the dream that she always wanted.

Then she heard Kameko swinging his sword, so Nari thought he must be awake so she went to check on his training and to see how does he train because she was a bit curious about the sword as well.

After going inside Kameko's training room, she felt a rumble then she saw Kameko swinging his sword with aura and it was an excessive amount in each swing so then she asked, "How do you have so much mana?!?".

Kameko was a bit surprised by Nari's entrance and then he chuckled then said, "I'm just following the guide of the book and it says I'm still a newbie so yeah, it's a bit weak, I know.", Nari was shocked by this.

The book was telling him he was still considered a child from the amount of mana he had and what made Kameko believe the book even more was Nari since her magic was undoubtedly strong and he wasn't even close to her.

But Kameko's aura would be at a level that some people couldn't even dream of and the book was telling him that it wasn't even strong so Nari was really scared at how strong he could become because if that was weak, she wondered how strong he would become.

Nari decided after a while of thinking not to tell him since it might go over his head and his ego will undoubtedly become massive and she just said, "Ok then good luck." and then he did and continued training.

Then after that she went out of the room and she started to get hungry and went into their pantry that they made with cooling circle so that it would stay fresh like a refrigerator but they only had fruits and vegetables.

So Nari decided she should bring down some small animals for them to eat and kill and so she checked her mind notes about any good small animals with fast breathing and then remembered the horned rabbits and iron rams.

They were small animal but they breed quickly so that was good for them and so Nari first made a huge room for them and created a little garden next to the room and added a water circle and a light circle for indoor gardening and their food.

So then Nari wanted to learn familiar magic next since she needed to tame the horned rabbits and iron rams so she then wanted to steal another book from the boy's house and so she went back over there.

After going over there, she looked over to the bookshelves again but then she found there was nothing on familiar magic in the bookshelves so Nari went back to their house.

Then Nari immediately went to Kameko then asked, "Hey you made a map of the nearby village, right? Is there a library in the village?", Kameko was surprised by her sudden entry but he answered, "Yeah.".

And he pointed at the pile of maps that he was making and so Nari quickly rushed over there and took one of the maps of the village and quickly ran to the village and she hid herself and her aura so that she won't be seen.

Then she quickly followed the map to the library but then she heard some familiar voices talking and one of them said, "So you think the guardian is a spirit?" then another person said, "Yeah! They are strong with magic.".

So then the person continued and said, "But if we kill the spirit we will definitely get good loot, we just need to hire someone strong to kill them." then someone asked, "Do you mean like the Spirit Hunter?".

Nari was confused but she realized they were talking about her and then the leader's voice spoke, "Yeah... We are going to hire the Spirit Hunter to help us and we should take out any future threats like the nearby spirit village.".

Then they all started laughing, Nari was immediately worried because the house they chose was a little bit close to her old house and they could come and attack them there and it would become a mess.

But then she remembered that spirits protect the forest they are located in, so she thought if she warned them of the attack they could be able to help protect the forest from them and so she quickly ran back.

So then Nari went back and asked Kameko, "Do you know where the village of the spirits is?", Kameko was confused again and he said "Yeah, but I only have one map of it, it's on the drawer.".

Then she quickly took it out and then ran towards the spirit village and the moment she stepped foot into their territory she felt like there was a huge flor of mana going into her body and she felt like she could breakthrough.

She decided to do that first so she could become stronger and then she was able to form the sixth circle around her heart and she was extremely happy about it but when she did that a blast of mana residue went into the forest.

So the spirits felt the breakthrough and went to her, there were many white see through people and then one of them asked, "Why are you here young soul?", she was surprised but then answered, "I come here to warn you.".

They asked, "To warn us of what?", she answered quickly and said, "Humans are coming to hunt you down and they are bringing a person called the Spirit Hunter." they had a surprised look at their face.

Then they said, "Quickly come with us." then she started floating and they went to their village and she was amazed by it all and she could see a pure white mana coming from them and then she realized the mana she received.

It was a spirit's mana, so she was extremely happy that she might be able to learn their magic from them but then she was brought into a room with a spirit that looked very old but very powerful at the same time.

The spirit bowed and knelt then said, "Village Head, the Spirit Hunter is coming to attack the village." the eyes widened by the old spirit then said, "Prepare for war, do not underestimate humans, they can grow to powerful beings if left untouched.".