
Toad Stool

There was a person names Nari, she was just a regular person living her highschool life but she absolutely loves reading about fantasy. But sadly she died to over exhaustion in her school works but she was reincarnated to another world The new world was full of magic and swords just like what she read, she was excited to live her new life. But what's this? She was reincarnated as a frog? Well that won't stop her from living her new fantasy life to the fullest. So Nari starts her journey to learn all types of magic in this new found world she was reincarnated into, what will happen next? Continue reading to find out! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Moving Day - [ Chapter - 9 ]

Nari ran out of the house using the two spells hidden and shadow to hide herself and her aura to check what was happening and then he heard a person's voice say, "Well it's a monkey isn't it?".

Then Nari peaked around to hear more of what they were saying and she used the spell she read in the book that the goblin shaman gave her and it was called "Heighten Senses" which was stronger than the magic that humans learn.

After using the spell she could hear them more clearly now and then he heard another person say, "But it can use aura, the goblin villahe was already pillaged and we can't earn our money that was so we sell this rare variant.".

Then Nari started hearing Kameko complaining but it seemed like they couldn't understand him so then she used one of the advanced spells she learned called, "Multi Language" to speak any human language.

She then shouted, "How dare you come into this sacred forest!" she then used the spell "Intimidation" and "Weakening" on the hunters and mercenaries and then they started to feel a lot more weak and scared.

After that Nari noticed they had a mage with them and she recognized the spell she was chanting, it was the removal spell that would clear the spells that she casted so she then casted the spell "Silence" on all of the mages.

Then she said, "You dare remove the spells I casted? You are not fast enough.", then the person that looked like the leader of their little group then shouted, "What do you want?" and then there was silence.

After a bit of silence Nari then shouted, "I WANT YOU TO LEAVE THE FOREST AND LEAVE ALL THE CREATURES IN THIS FOREST ALONE!", she said while using multi cast and stacking the intimidation and weakning spells.

Some of their part members fell from exhaustion because they were using too much energy to fight off the intimidation and their strength was a lot weaker than before so they ran out of strength very fast.

Then the leader shouted again, "OK OK, We will leave and let go of the monkey, may we know your name?", Nari was surprised they agreed so fast but was still on guard against them so she just came up with something.

She then said, "I am the Guardian Of This Forest, Nali." then the leader bowed and said, "Thank you for letting us go, O Guardian Nali." then they left while carrying their members and they let go Kameko as well.

Then Kameko started laughing after they left then he shouted, "NALI? NALI? THAT'S THE BEST YOU COULD DO???" then he continued laughing and then Nari came up to him then said, "Hey, I saved you.".

Kameko wiped away his tears from laughing so much and then said, "Yeah, yeah, sorry and thanks for saving me." Nari then said, "It's okay, you helped me a couple of times as well, I was just returning the favor.".

Then after that there was an awkward silence so then Kameko said, "O-Okay, um, I'll just go now, thanks again", he said as he ran back to his home and after getting back he decided to move to another place.

So then because he wanted to bring everything in the cave with him, he went back to Nari's house then knocked on the tree then Nati cane out a little later then he asked, "Um... Can you help me move?".

Nari sighed as she went down and then she said, "Sure." and then after that Kameko started jumping in joy then she asked, "So where are you going to live?" after she asked that Kameko looked confused about it.

Then she shouted, "YOU ASKED ME TO HELP YOU MOVE BUT YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE A HOUSE TO MOVE INTO???", Kameko chuckled then said quietly, "Yeah...", she sighed even louder and was a bit annoyed.

They then went to his house to get his things but then Kameko got an idea while they were walking over there and so he said while they were walking, "How about we live together and we could move into a bigger house?".

After hearing the idea Nari actually thought it wasn't a bad idea since she was running out of room for her things in the tree and she could use the change and she was also feeling a little lonely being by herself.

So then Nari tried out the new spell she learned from the book from the goblin shaman and from the advance magic book as she tried combining the two magic spells into one they were called, "Dimensional Room" and "Space Fracture".

After combining the two their attributes combined into each other and Nari decided to call it Dimensional Fracture since they were both from those two spells and Nari put her things inside as well as Kameko's things.

So then they started loooking for a tree, cave or any place they could stay in and it should be absolutely huge so they could fit their stuff and have a lot of extra space as well even after adding their things in.

Then after a while of searching around Nari remembered she had a spell that could help her, it was called "Measurement" it could measure anything perfectly and so it could help them find what they were looking for.

And after a while of looking with the spell they found a tree that was very narrow and so Kameko asked, "How is that going to fit both of us and our things?" then she showed him what was inside of it.

It was a hole going downard into a humongous cave and there was definitely enough space for both of them and their things, so then Nari brought everything out then she started creating a staircase for them to get in and out.

Then Kameko started moving the things around and they both started making the place look better, Nari also set up a few magic circles for light, water, heat and other necessary things that they would need.

She also made some walls and created organized rooms for everything and Kameko moved all the furniture to the place that Nari told him to as she continued to build the cave into a house.

So then at the end of the day Nari and Kameko was able to create a really beautiful home for them to live in and they were extremely happy and then Kameko went into his room and jumped onto his bed and took a nap.

Then Nari went into the library they made and started reading the books again to learn some more magic spells and she also tested them to the room connected to the library and she made it the testing area.