
Toad Stool

There was a person names Nari, she was just a regular person living her highschool life but she absolutely loves reading about fantasy. But sadly she died to over exhaustion in her school works but she was reincarnated to another world The new world was full of magic and swords just like what she read, she was excited to live her new life. But what's this? She was reincarnated as a frog? Well that won't stop her from living her new fantasy life to the fullest. So Nari starts her journey to learn all types of magic in this new found world she was reincarnated into, what will happen next? Continue reading to find out! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Siren's Seas - [ Chapter - 29 ]

After doing that she released a bit more of her blood lust so that the guards and mercenaries he brought to them could feel it and they immediately saw the huge gap in their strength and some even fainted.

Then she let all of them go and then the baron immediately got up and shouted, "Get them! They dare attack the baron?!?" but none of them moved a muscle and when the baron saw this he started hitting them.

One of his men stood up and then hit the baron on the back of his neck and then he passed out then he bowed to Nari then said, "Thank you for sparing us, I deeply apologize for the actions of the baron.".

Nari let them go since at least one of them apologized and Nari saw the person as sensible in their group and so after that they went back into the tree to make some changes since Nari could do more things now.

So then Nari started creating better rooms and she also upgraded the old rooms as well, the tree's entrance was now changed because Nari was able to make like an elevator and she changed the entrance a bit as well.

And after that she just made a few adjustments to the rooms and it was all done, she was really happy about the changes because it made a few things a bit more efficient but she had even more plans.

But then Kameko went up to Nari and asked, "Hey, I want to stretch my muscles, can we go explore?" and when he asked this the twins seemed to want it too while Asteria actually looked like he wanted it.

Then Nari sighed and said, "Fine." and then they started looking for what they could try and search for and looked through all of the maps to see if there was anything interesting recorded by Kameko.

After looking for a while they found that Kameko wrote down a place where sirens lived although he wrote that there he doesn't remember going there ever so he was confused but they decided to go anyway.

Nari then started casting the long distance teleportation spell and then they were suddenly transported to a beach and then they saw that it was absolutely beautiful and the twins wanted to swim in the water.

The twins then tried to run towards the sea but then Nari brought them back and then said, "You need proper swimming clothes." so then Nari tried creation magic for the first time and started creating some swimming clothes.

So then after creating the swimsuits Nari gave the clothes to them and then told them to go change behind the rock and then Nari just changed the form of her current clothes to a swimsuit.

Nari also helped changed the form of Kameko's clothes into a swimsuit since both of their clothes were a good source of protection so Nari thought of adding some magic circles to the twin's clothes.

But then at the sea a big splash appeared and so Nari activated her appraisal spell and started searching at it and then saw it was a shark and since it wasn't anything out of the ordinary so she let it be.

She didn't do anything about it since she knew the twins wouldn't get hurt by it and the shark would be the one who was most likely to try and run away from the twins and then after that the twins came running out.

When the twins saw the shark they quickly ran into the water to go to it and when the shark saw them it felt threatened and tried attacking Rei but of course she just swatted it away and they kept running towards it.

Kameko actually felt sorry for it since the twins just kept chasing it until Pru used magic to restrict it and to keep it from running away from them and then they just started playing with it.

After that Nari set up a new spell near the beach, it was called "Watcher" it would leave a floating eye there that Nari could look into any time she wanted to because she didn't think that the twins wanted to explore.

So then Nari went up to them then asked, "Do you two want to explore with us?" the twins then looked at each other and started thinking and after a while they decided that they wanted to follow Nari.

Nari thought they actually just wanted to stay and play on the beach but she was pretty happy about it and so then they headed down the sea and left Asteria to watch the place.

Then they started heading down under the sea and Nari used a spell called, "Water Breathing" to allow them to breath and after using it and they were also able to see better underwater which was a really good bonus.

They then started looking underwater but it was incredibly dark so Nari used a light spell and Pru did it as well as Nari explored with Rei and Kameko explored with Pru so it would be more efficient.

Kameko found a huge ruin after a while of searching and so he contacted Nari with the devices they had and so Nari and Rei started heading over to their location and then they also saw the huge ruin.

After they found it there were writings on the walls so she activated her multi language spell and then started reading it and although she could now read it, she still wasn't sure what language it was.

So then they started looking around the ruins and found that there were blue little orbs on the wall and it had a new mana that Nari didn't have so she went closer to one of it and looked at it closely.

The aura looked like it was fire but it was called and it had the same color as the moon so she decided to call it "Moonlight Mana" since it looked very much like the moon and then she threw it on the ground.

It shattered and then Nari started absorbing the mana but she still didn't know what the mana does so then the kept looking around the place as Nari gathered even more orbs but then they found a huge drawing.