
Toad Stool

There was a person names Nari, she was just a regular person living her highschool life but she absolutely loves reading about fantasy. But sadly she died to over exhaustion in her school works but she was reincarnated to another world The new world was full of magic and swords just like what she read, she was excited to live her new life. But what's this? She was reincarnated as a frog? Well that won't stop her from living her new fantasy life to the fullest. So Nari starts her journey to learn all types of magic in this new found world she was reincarnated into, what will happen next? Continue reading to find out! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Manipulation Magic - [ Chapter - 30 ]

The drawing showed a war between sirens and mermaids, the mermaids seemed to be singing but the sirens were controlling some of the mermaids to attack the others so it looked like each of them had their own magic.

Then Nari realized that the writings on the wall could be a spell so then she thought of using it but kt was just translated to english so Nari couldn't cast the spell because when she read it before it confused her.

Since it said, "Manipulation", "Control" and "Memories" but she thought it was just random words but she thought it could be spells now after seeing the sirens use magic like manipulation and other stuff.

She thought it was now spells but she needed a book unlike her translation magic the spirit spell book and goblin spell book had their pronunciation written inside of it so that's why she was able to cast it by thinking it.

So then they continued to look around until Kameko said, "Come on, Nari we need a break." as he said leaning on the wall and then suddenly a dark blue light started shining behind him.

Nari then asked, "What did you do?", Kameko said, "I'm not sure." and then the wall started opening and then it was a huge blue portal and Nari thought it could be safe but she wanted to test of it was safe.

Then she created a flying eye using the spell, "Searcher" from the spirit spell book and then checked inside of the portal and when she did, the eye was underwater and then she saw a shadowy figure move then the connection was cut off.

She then told this to Kameko and so they prepared themselves to go inside and then Nari went in first and she set up a barrier spell to protect her, Kameko and the twins from the shadowy figure.

The shadowy figure looked like it was going to hit them until Kameko passed through and then they heard a girl voice asking, "Kameko?" then both of them were surprised and then the shadowy figure revealed themselves.

So then they all saw it was a siren talking and the Kameko asked, "Do I know you?" then she smiled and said "Let me return these to you now." then suddenly little yellow lights went through the barrier.

When Nari saw this she was surprised and asked, "How did it go through the barrier?" the siren smiled and then said, "Your spell blocks any harmful attack and my spell isn't doing any harm." then the yellow lights touched Kameko's head.

His eyes started glowing and then he went back to normal and it seemed like he remembered something and then he asked, "Lia?", the siren then smiled and said, "So you remember me now?".

Kameko chuckled and said, "Of course I do." then Nari was still confused at this whole scenario as they started to hug each other and so she then asked, "Kameko would you like to introduce her to me?".

He then said to Nari, "This is Lia, she was a siren I met before when I was mapping the areas near our house and I stumbled upon the ruins before but to protect their home they had to remove my memories.".

Then after that Nari started checking out what mana was special about Lia since there should be a siren mana and after a while of looking the mana was purple but she knew she couldn't hurt any sirens.

So she started looking to see if there was anything else that had the mana and after a while of looking there was a coral that had the purple mana and Nari decided to name it, "Manipulation Mana.".

After that Nari then asked Lia, "Hey, what's that coral over there?" she said as she pointed at the coral that had the purple coral and then Lia said, "We call that control corals because it controls fish to make food for themselves.".

Nari then went closer to the coral and then picked it up and ate some and when Lia saw this she shouted, "Don't do that! Your going to be controlled by the co-" but she stopped because Nari wasn't affected by it.

She actually absorbed the mana from it so it's magic power was now gone and so she now had some manipulation mana with her and so she took some into the dimensional fracture and ate a bunch more.

Lia was shocked that she was completely fine and then she asked, "Why are you eating that?" and then Nari looked at her and asked, "Can you show me a simple manipulation spell?", when she said that Lia was confused.

But she did it anyway and used a bunch of her spells to show it to Nari and then Nari was able to hear loads of names of the spell and so she wrote it down in her mind notes just like the other spells.

Then Nari thought of casting the spell and then pointed it at one of the big fish and she used the spell, "Manipulus" which controlled the big fish and now her view was cut in half and then she said, "Woah!".

Lia and Kameko were confused but then the fish that Nari was controlling she put it closer to the twins and then Kameko was about to attack it then Nari said, "Don't! I'm controlling it.".

And then she showed them that she was controlling it and the twins were extremely happy playing with it and then Nari said, "This is really cool!" Lia was extremely shocked that she could cast that spell.

So then Lia asked, "Where did you learn to cast that spell?", Nari looked surprised and said, "You did!" and then she continued playing with the twins with the fish she was controlling.

Lia was in absolute shock but then Kameko went up to her and said, "Sorry about that, Nari likes to learn all types of magic and she isn't limited to species magic and whenever she's shown the magic she can quickly use it.".