
Toad Stool

There was a person names Nari, she was just a regular person living her highschool life but she absolutely loves reading about fantasy. But sadly she died to over exhaustion in her school works but she was reincarnated to another world The new world was full of magic and swords just like what she read, she was excited to live her new life. But what's this? She was reincarnated as a frog? Well that won't stop her from living her new fantasy life to the fullest. So Nari starts her journey to learn all types of magic in this new found world she was reincarnated into, what will happen next? Continue reading to find out! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Queen Of The Hill - [ Chapter - 26 ]

So now Nari and Kameko went home completing what they wanted to do but Nari couldn't help but think that the Duke might have a ulterior motive but anyway Nari used the long distance teleport again.

And they were transported back to their house since that was the location Nari chose to be teleported at and it was easier since she already set a beacon there and that really helped her teleportation spell to choose a location.

So then after that Kameko went inside to practice his swordsmanship again since he didn't think that much into the Duke since Nari said it herself that the Duke's pureness percentage would allow him to hold the holy sword.

Then the twins ran inside to play with Asteria since to them Asteria was just a dog and they also fed him some food as well and while this was happening Nari was trying to think what could the Duke actually want.

But then she remembered about the dragon egg so her focused was changed a bit but she still continued to think about it and then she brought out the dragon egg our of the dimensional fracture and then used her appraisal spell.

Nari was searching through the description but nothing important came up it just said it was a fire dragon egg but nothing else and she wondered if there was a better spell than the appraisal spell.

She started looking through the books that she got to see if there were any better versions of the appraisal spell but after a while of looking nothing came up and then she searched the goblin's magic and spirit magic.

But still nothing came up, she was very frustrated by this since nothing was coming up but then she remembered she can get another race's magic if she met them and took some of their mana.

Then Nari opened the book that tells about the different races and the type of magic they use and sdter a while of reading it said the elves were known for their brilliant minds so Nari thought they could have a good appraisal spell.

So then she she quickly headed to Kameko who was now training with the holy sword and then she asked, "Do you have an elven village in any of the maps you have made?", then Kameko stopped.

He then ran over to a bin filled with maps then started looking for it and after finding he then took it and gave it to Nari and said, "Whenever you do this you get stronger by a lot so get stronger, kay? We might have a fight with the baron.".

Nari didn't think that Kameko actually thought that far ahead and she sgreed to what he said since a baron is still a noble and the baron's territory is literally beside them so it will definitely become dangerous.

So then she quickly left the tree and started heading towards the elven village and she decided that she would try and transform back into her frog for since she read that elves disliked humans for their artificial ways.

Then Nari started transforming back into a frog for the first time and a white light shined in her then a smoke appeared and now she was back as a frog and her clothes were now on the floor.

She quickly put all of her clothes into the dimensional fracture and changed the form of the wand to fit her size and form and the robe also changed into a size that fit her as well and she didn't think it could do that.

And Nari was pretty happy about that and Nari looked at the map again and used her teleportation spell again to teleport just a bit away from the village since she could be seen as an enemy if she goes too close.

After teleporting near the village she continued heading towards the village and after getting there, she was met with a huge wall made out of stone bricks while it was covered in vines and plants.

So she walked around it until she saw that there was a gate but at the gate there were a few elves guarding the gate but when they saw her they didn't think much of it and thought she was just a big frog.

But then Nari then went up to them and asked, "Can I go inside of the village? I want to try and learn elven magic.", when the elves heard this they laughed and then one of them went closer to Nari.

Then he said, "If you want to learn magic, try ancient nature magic from the Hill Queen, our elven magic is too complicated for you if you don't learn that first.", Nari actually didn't think he was underestimating her.

Since he sounded very sincere when he said this and he didn't even laugh when she asked the question before so then she asked, "So where do I find the Hill Queen?" then he started talking to the other elves.

He then went closer again then said, "She is on the far Eastside of the village, she will be able to teach you her ancient nature magic if you can.", then Nari said, "Thanks." as she left heading towards where they said she was.

After going to the place where they said she was, it was a big open field since the forest ended but she didn't understand since nothing was there and so she was starting to think that the elves were lying to her.

But then suddenly a bunny popped out and it was huge and then it looked down and then asked, "What can I do for ya, hun?", Nari was in awe, the bunny's mana was covered in a lime green mana she hasn't seen before.

And her mana was intense and there were so much of it but then she snapped back to normal then she said, "I would like to learn the ancient nature magic." and then when she said this the bunny turned smaller to her size.

Then the bunny went up to her and said, "Hello, I'm Raych and I'll be teaching you the ancient nature magic but it will be hard since I'm used to teaching people with the bodies of a human, elf or anything similar to that.".

When she said this Nari then said, "That won't be a problem." she said as she jumped up transforming back into her human form and asked, "So can you teach me?", Raych giggled a bit then said, "Sure, hun.".

And then she continued and said, "But please wear some clothes first.", and then Nari noticed that she didn't have any clothes on and her face turned bright red and she started wearing her clothes again.