
Toad Stool

There was a person names Nari, she was just a regular person living her highschool life but she absolutely loves reading about fantasy. But sadly she died to over exhaustion in her school works but she was reincarnated to another world The new world was full of magic and swords just like what she read, she was excited to live her new life. But what's this? She was reincarnated as a frog? Well that won't stop her from living her new fantasy life to the fullest. So Nari starts her journey to learn all types of magic in this new found world she was reincarnated into, what will happen next? Continue reading to find out! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Ancient Nature Magic - [ Chapter - 27 ]

So then after putting on her clothes, Raych then changed her size again to fit Nari's current size and then she said, "Ok then let's start the training!" when she said that Nari knew she needed the lime green mana around her.

Then she tried looking around to see if there was anything that had the same mana and after a while of looking Nari found some plants that had the same mana as Raych and this made her curious.

She then asked Raych, "What are these?" she asked while she was looking and pointing at the plant and then Raych turned around and said, "Oh, that's the plants I eat everyday, you should try some.".

Nari thought about it and then tried one and then saw that a bit if the mana was being absorbed but not as much as an animal but the taste of the plant was very bitter but Nari pretended to like it.

When seeing that Raych then said, "Wow, your the first person other than me to like that plant other people say that it's too bitter for them." she said as she continued walking and then Nari said, "Maybe it's because we are both animals.".

After hearing that it actually made Raych think about it and then she said, "Yeah! Maybe your right." so then after that Nari asked, "So can I have some of the plants some times?" Raych smiled and said, "Of course!".

So then Nari ate a bunch of the plants and then put loads into the dimensional fracture since she planned on growing them in the tree but she didn't want them to die yet so she also put some soil inside.

And watered it and also tried out one of her newset advance spell called "Mini Sun" which would be used as an attack move but Nari decided to use it as a source of light for the plants to stay healthy.

While she was doing this Raych was already far from her and so she shouted, "Hurry up, hun! We're nearly there!" so then Nari started running to Raych ane then she saw that there was a huge lake.

The place had so much of the lime green mana and so Nari decided to call the mana "Ancient Nature Mana" since that was the magic she thought was involved with the mana and then from the lake, rocks started coming out.

It came out like a path to the middle of the lake then Raych said, "This is Ancient Nature Magic! We talk to nature to listen our needs and what's best is that ancient nature magic isn't restricted of a simple spell.".

She continued and said, "As long as nature can do it, you can do whatever you want even the most complicated thing although there are magic far stronger than this one, ancient nature magic is one of the strongest.".

As she said that flowers and fines started appearing out of the water and then said, "See? You can do anything possible with ancient nature magic! Even the nearly impossible! If there is a chance you can do it!".

Nari was amazed at the ancient nature magic and then Raych wanted to test Nari so then she asked saying, "So hun, try controlling the vines with nature!", so then Nari tried doing what Raych said with the ancient nature mana.

When she did this the vines slowly started to move and when Raych saw this her eyes widened but then Nari stopped cause it looked like she didn't have that much ancient nature mana with her.

Raych saw that she was really using ancient nature magic and as she was about to praise Nari, she then said, "I'm sorry, that's all I could do." when Raycy heard this she was immediately confused.

Nari was underestimating herself and it was because of how she lived in her previous life where she had to become the best and whatever she did felt like it wasn't enough and so she kept pushing herself.

Learning for her is starting the basics immediately so she didn't see that little movement as something important but then Raych went up to her and then said, "Hun! You did well! Not that many people can do that on their first time.".

She continued and said, "I didn't even teach you what to do and I just told you to do it and you were able to! That's amazing!" as she said that Nari smiled a bit and then Raych smiled back at her.

So then they continued walking through the lake and then they saw a mountain at the end of the lake but then Raych raised both of her hands and started waving them at the mountain.

Then suddenly the mountian started opening and a cave appeared and then Raych said, "This is my home! This is the place where you will learn to properly use the ancient nature mana!" and so they walked in.

Nari looked around in amazement and she thought she could use this in their house since they were in a dense forest she could also use the ancient nature magic as a way to protect them from invaders.

But then Raych stopped at an open cave where light was coming through and there was a little lake inside the cave and there were also loads of vines and plants on the walls of the cave then Raych turned around.

She then said, "This is the exact place you'll learn to use the ancient nature magic mana because it has all of the elements of nature plus there is something about this place that makes learning ancient nature magic faster.".

And Nari saw what she said was right since the little opening had a dense amount of ancient nature mana inside of it but it looked like it was coming from the wall but she didn't want to say anything because it might raise up some questions.

So then Nari went into the middle of the cave and started practicing the magic and Raych was right being inside of the dense mana of the ancient nature mana did help strengthen the mana and mana flow.