
Toad Stool

There was a person names Nari, she was just a regular person living her highschool life but she absolutely loves reading about fantasy. But sadly she died to over exhaustion in her school works but she was reincarnated to another world The new world was full of magic and swords just like what she read, she was excited to live her new life. But what's this? She was reincarnated as a frog? Well that won't stop her from living her new fantasy life to the fullest. So Nari starts her journey to learn all types of magic in this new found world she was reincarnated into, what will happen next? Continue reading to find out! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Fox Training - [ Chapter - 18 ]

So then Nari and Kameko took the reward and left and when they checked inside the bag that the receptionist gave them, there were so many gold coins they were in awe how many there were.

The Guild Master didn't lie about the reward being good and after that Nari, Kameko and the twins went back to the house and Kameko got an idea and told Nari, "Nari, how about we train the twins?".

Nari actually liked that idea since the twins needed a way to protect themselves as Nari and Kameko couldn't protect them 24/7 and so it was decided that Nari would teach the twins magic and Kameko was physical training.

So then the training started and the first training for the twins was magic training with Nari so then Nari brought out the basic book in mana and magic and at the start of the training Pru was able to get the hang of it.

Pru was able to cast some of the basic magic and was able to do the mana breathing technique right off the bat but Rei on the other hand was slower at learning it but he also was able to learn magic.

Then next was physical training with Kameko and at the start of the training Pru was a bit rather thin and weak for starting so he had to train his muscles but Rei was already able to get the hang of using a sword.

Rei was able to learn the foundation of swordsmanship very quickly and it seemed like the twins had totally different talents but Nari and Kameko still wanted to train then in both since it wouldn't hurt to try.

And do the first month of training for them, Pru was able to reach the second ring very quickly with the guidance of Nari and Rei reached the first ring and Pru was able to use what it seemed like to be Nine Tailed Magic.

Since whenever he tried casting magic blue flames in his eyes would appear and the magic he casts would have some of the flame in it and it would give the magic he casted an extra boost in it's effects.

Then Rei's physical training was doing well which when he actually uses a sword his eyes has a blue flames in them as well and he was able to reach the second level of aura in the month.

However Pru wasn't that good at the physical training but with Kameko he was at least able to reach the first level of aura but Rei was able to combine his blue flame with his swordsmanship and even Kameko's swordsmanship.

Then after the first month Nari and Kameko wanted to test the results of their training and Nari also wanted to try and start training the star wolf as well and so they headed to a more dense part of the forest.

Where more stronger monsters were and where not many people go to so it would be almost impossible that someone might see the star wolf with them and so after they got there Nari lured some monsters to then.

Then Nari and Kameko watched over Rei and Pru as they fought some shadow wolves and goblins, Pru started casting his magic and his eyes started burning. a blue flame and something new happened.

Blue flames started to appear around him and then he casted a spell similar to inferno but it was color blue and it's heat was even more intense than how the spell was intended and some of the monster immediately burnt into ashes.

Rei then took out his sword and his eyes started burning a blue flame as well and then his sword started burning a blue flame as well and then he started slashing and dashing the rest of the monsters.

Whenever he cut something it would leave a blue flame that would devour the object he hit and he could remove it if he wanted to, Nari and Kameko was very impressed at their progress and the star wolf didn't even get chance to do anything.

So then Nari and Kameko were rrally happy at their progress but Nari also wanted to test out star wolf's strength so then Nari lured in some more monster for the star wolf to fight.

Then after a bunch of goblins and lizard men were gathered, Nari told the star wolf to kill all of them so then the the star wolf jumped up and then roared and then the ground started to shake from how loud it was.

And then it's fur started to rise up and a white aura mixed in with some black was now covering it's whole body then it dashed forward killing most of the monsters then it started scratching the some of the monsters.

Then to finish of the rest of the monsters the star wolf then started burning a black and white flame then dashed even faster than before and it was instantly killing the rest of the monsters left.

Nari was really impressed by the strength of the star wolf and they would've had trouble with it if it wasn't already injured when they found it because of the fight with the nine tailed fox.

So then after that Nari and Kameko brought the twins and the star wolf back to the house and Nari created some rooms for the three of them and Nari decided that the twins would share a room together.

And Nari created an area for the star wolf to live in and she also increased the size of the farm because now there were more mouths to feed and after that they continued the training for the twins and the star wolf.

After a week of training Nari and Kameko decided that they would bring the twins along on their next mission and so they went back to the guild to check out if there were any good missions for them.

Then when they went inside they were greeted by the Guild Master and then he said, "Thank you for clearing the star wolf, I have another mission for you, it pays well and you can get some treasures from it as well.".

So then Nari asked, "What is the mission?", then the Guild Master smiled as he brought out the papers for the mission and then said, "The mission is that you have to scout this newly found dungeon and you get to keep everything you get inside.".

Then he continued and said, "But you can give some of the treasures you find to the guild and you will be provided with extra points to rise the ranks faster.", Nari and Kameko took the mission and accepted it then went off with the twins.