
Toad Stool

There was a person names Nari, she was just a regular person living her highschool life but she absolutely loves reading about fantasy. But sadly she died to over exhaustion in her school works but she was reincarnated to another world The new world was full of magic and swords just like what she read, she was excited to live her new life. But what's this? She was reincarnated as a frog? Well that won't stop her from living her new fantasy life to the fullest. So Nari starts her journey to learn all types of magic in this new found world she was reincarnated into, what will happen next? Continue reading to find out! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Dungeon Exploration - [ Chapter - 19 ]

After heading off they looked at the location that the Guild Master gave them on the piece of paper and it was actually near the spirit village so Nari thought she should visit them while she was there.

So then Nari, Kameko and the twins started heading towards the direction of the dungeon and while they were walking they met a spirit guard, Kameko and the twins immediately thought they were enemies.

But then Nari called out to the spirit and said, "Hey! It's me again, nice to meet you!", the spirit then turned around and knelt down and said, "It is a pleasure to meet you once again miss Nari.".

Kameko and the twins were surprised and so Kameko asked Nari, "How do you know a spirit?", Nari smiled and then said, "Well I kind of helped their village." and now Kameko was in awe.

He didn't know that Nari went on an adventure by herself but the twins still didn't understand what was going on but when the spirit saw the twins in knelt once again and said, "Children of the nine tailed fox, I greet you.".

Now Nari and Kameko were surprised because both of then didn't know that the spirits knew the nine tailed fox, so Nari asked the spirit, "How do you know the nine tailed fox?", then the spirit stood up first then answered.

He said, "The nine tailed fox is a legendary figure in our village, we befriended her before she died, it was a real honor for meeting her physically but sadly she died.", Nari didn't know this.

But they still needed to continue on their mission so then they said goodbye to the spirit and continued heading towards the dungeon and after a while they found a huge mountain and gates on it.

Then Nari said, "This must be it.", so then Nari, Kameko and the twins went to the gate but then found two guards stationed right beside it and they stopped them from entering.

So they were confused but thought they should show the paper that was given to them by the Guild Master and when they saw it they opened the gates and politely bowed towards them as they didn't talk at all.

Kameko commented as they went in, "They are like british soldiers only does what's necessary and doesn't do anything fun.", Nari giggled a bit but then they continued and started exploring inside.

Then Nari, Kameko and the twins were now inside of the dungeon and it seemed like the upper areas were already explored a bit so they had to walk for a while to find some loot and after a bit of walking they stumbled upon some monsters.

It was just some goblins and orcs which would be hard for normal people but it was just easy for the twins to handle so Nari and Kameko let them deal with it and then Pru and Rei's eyes started burning a blue flame.

Then Pru started casting magic killing almost half of the monsters in front of them and the Rei took out her sword and then it started burning a blue flame as well then with his swordsmanship he killed the rest of the monsters.

So then after that they just walked passed the dead corpses as Nari collected them all into the dimensional fracture spell then after that they continued exploring the dungeon and looking for loot.

After that they were now at the middle levels of the dungeon where not that much of it has been explored so after a bit of walking there they were able to find some treasures now but of course the difficulty increased.

It was a new type of monster that Nari and Kameko hadn't seen before and when Nari appraised jt, it was called a wraith and Nari was a bit curious to see if it releases pure mana or a new type of mana.

So she signaled to Kameko that she would fight the wraiths and so Kameko hols the twins and told them that Nari was going to fight and their eyes shimmered in excitement to see Nari fight.

Then Nari rushed in using enchantment magic and then jumped up and immediately used multi cast which allowed her to cast multiple magic at once which depended on your mana limit.

So then Nari's eyes became white and her aura became white as well and now she was using the an advance spell from the spirits called "Spirit Body" which allows Nari to physically hit any spirit forms.

Nari then smiled and immediately appeared in front of the wraiths then used another spirit spell called, "Spirit Blade." which would summon several blades to attack the caster's enemies.

But it's number of blades increases the more spirit energy a person has but Nari has only absorbed a few pure mana so she didn't have much but the spirit body spell actually temporarily increases the caster's spirit energy.

And Nari found this out through many tests with magic as she tried all of them out and now there were over 30 blades floating beside her and then she pointed at the wraiths as the blades kept piercing all of the wraiths.

So then after a wraith was pierced a few times they would blow up into black dust and release pure mana so Nari was a bit happy about that one but it also dropped another type of mana and it was a new one as well.

It wasn't like the shadow wolves' mana rather it was darker then that so Nari decided to call it "Black Mana", it was a simple name but it definitely fitted the look of the mana and Nari didn't know how to use it yet.

After that Nari checked around to see if they dropped anything good but there was nothing left except black dust that was left after they died so Nari still didn't get a clue on what magic black mana was used for.

But then they continued exploring the dungeon and a bunch of treasures but they weren't that useful to Nari and Kameko but there were some artifacts that could work for the twins so Nari and Kameko got some for them.

For Pru they got him a cape which decreases physical damage by 25% and increases mana by 25%, he also has a hat that increases his magic strength by 30% and finally a book that floats around that allows Pru to cast faster by 45%.

Then Rei got clothes that were comfortable but were even better than the armour of the guards and Rei also got a ring that allowed for one advanced spell to be stored inside for infinite uses if half the mana needed was put inside it.

And so Nari added the dimensional fracture spell inside of it so Rei had a place to store his sword rather than just carrying it anywhere and finally he had a bunch of different swords with many different effects and he stored it in the dimensional fracture spell.