
Alex's and Breanna's Story

Breanna met Alex when she was about to turn fifteen years-old. Bryce wanted to play video games with her and spend time with her. They had finally stopped arguing about everything and were actually getting along. Bryce had asked her to play more than once and Breanna usually said no. His gaming friends knew her as the yelling sister and she didn't really want to deal with that. Breanna was curious, though. There was one gaming friend that Bryce played with and he was always defeating Bryce in a game. It annoyed Bryce so much that he would end up yelling. Breanna wanted to know who that was and so she finally agreed to play with him. She played games with her brother for a few hours, but she was so bad at playing that she thought about getting off several times. Breanna's coordination wasn't the best due to wearing glasses, but she enjoyed playing games.

When Bryce finally got off, Breanna stayed on and played Forza with the guy that constantly defeated her brother in games. She knew him as Naruto. Eventually, she gave him her Facebook and they started talking. For the first time in a long time, she felt like someone was actually listening to her. She connected with someone on a deeper level and she didn't want to lose that. A few months later, she bought her own gaming console and she was in a relationship with someone she met online. Their relationship started off smoothly, as do most, but it started to become rocky. They both had trauma in their lives that continued to resurface and neither of them knew how to deal with it. When they first got into the relationship, Breanna had begun eating again. Her father had brought up a bowl of ramen to her room while she played games, one of her favorites with all the fixings on top, and he had seen her smile. When he came back up to check on her, the bowl was cleaned of all food. When she looked at him, he was smirking and he took her bowl and left. Later he told her that he was happy that she was finally eating again and that, that was the first time he had seen her smile in a year.

Breanna was a few months from turning sixteen when she saw Alex for the first time in person. Her father had agreed to let her take a trip to Indiana for a week and she was so excited it made her nauseous. It was summer break, the first week of July. Breanna was on the plane for four hours and when she landed, she was so nervous that she wanted to hide. Her father's one rule was that she couldn't have sex. She agreed because she thought that there was no way that she would. Needless to say, it happened. During the trip, Breanna was happy. For the most part, at least. She was taller than Alex, which didn't surprise her, and she was thicker. She was about forty pounds underweight, but somehow Alex was skinnier. That was the first time Breanna wore shorts and no jacket near people that weren't her family. She felt free and she didn't want that to change.

Breanna and Alex broke up several times during their three years together. One of the reasons they got back together was that Breanna was afraid of being alone. She didn't want to go through life without someone else to ask if she is doing it right. So, they would break up and get back together. When they went to Myrtle Beach, Breanna was hopeful that things would work out. Alex tried his best to treat her well when they were together, but the stress of long distance always wore them thin. Breanna ended things completely after their trip to Myrtle Beach. While they stayed friends, they agreed that they could no longer date. Breanna's family did not like Alex and Alex's family did not like Breanna. So, they just stayed friends.