
To Rewrite Destiny

"Even the gods will be forced to bow in our presence." --- In a world with enhanced technology and a strange power source known as 'Arcana', as well as those who utilize it, Arcanists, Blake Parker is a 30-year-old thug with lots of regrets. By some coincidence, he goes back in time to 15 years ago, right before he differentiated into a class. Blake is determined to change his future and protect those he cares about, but destiny is not so easily changed. --- None of the art belongs to me, if you are the artist and you want me to remove it please contact me.

AikazZ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


"You stupid piece of shit!" A man yelled at the top of his lungs. It was obvious that he was very upset. He was a sleazy-looking fat man. He was short too but was wearing a designer suit that could go for about 300,000 credits at least and a designer watch which was about 600,000C1

He was Gideon Blackwell, a level 5 Sentinel, and Baron-tier dungeon owner as well as the leader of the Shadow Syndicate. A well-known organization that would do any crime imaginable for the right price. Drugs, murder, prostitution, and even human trafficking. Nothing was off the table.

In front of him, Blake Parker, a Level 6 Berserker, stood silently with his head down and his hands behind his back. Once again, he managed to piss off this chubby man who just so happened to be his boss.

"Why the fuck would you do something like that?! Are you fucking crazy?!"

He had just taken a few thousand credits to pay for some drinks and play a few games, it wasn't that serious, Blake believed. 'I bet he wouldn't even notice it was missing if it wasn't for that bitch.' He thought to himself.

"You think just because you can do your job well, you can pull shit like this and get away with it?!"

"Listen well you little shit, the next you pull something like this, your ass is getting kicked out! Do you understand me?!"

"Yes sir." Blake responded, slightly annoyed.

"Now get out!"

Blake left the luxurious office and walked down the hallway until the large door couldn't be seen. He slammed his hand on the wall, causing large cracks to appear.

"Fucking pig!" He yelled in contempt "I made most of that fucking money anyway! What's wrong if I use some of it, huh?!" He cursed.

As Blake was throwing his tantrum, an unwelcome visitor decided to make their appearance.

"Hey, Blake~ I heard you got called to the boss' office. I hope he didn't yell at you too badly~" A gentle and sweet high-pitched voice called out to him, just hearing it made his mood even worse.

"Fuck off Lily." He didn't even wanna look at her much less talk to her. After all, even though she was the one who told him exactly where Gideon kept his money, she went ahead and snitched on him to the boss and got him in trouble. It pissed him off just thinking about it. 

Everyone in the Syndicate knew about Lily Foster but Blake knew her the best. That's because they were lovers. They were dating for a few months before Lily introduced Blake to Gideon and the Syndicate when she heard he was going through financial troubles.

Soon he found out Lily and Gideon were dating behind his back and he was furious. Unfortunately, it was too late by then, he already owed Gideon a ton of money so he couldn't back out.

"Hmm~? Well, I know you must have much money on you so, here!" She threw 350 credits on the floor as she giggled "Spend it on whatever you like." Then she left.

Blake clenched his fist and yelled furiously in a loud voice "You bitch! Do you think I'm broke to need a measly 350 credits?! Is that what you think of me?! Huh?!"


Blake trudged along the dark alley, his right hand on the wall and a half-empty beer bottle in his left. He spent all the money Lily gave him on alcohol. Usually, he'd spend some of his money fooling around with girls but today he just wasn't feeling it.

He continued to drunkenly walk as he tripped and collided with the cold hard ground, his beer bottle shattering upon impact.

Instead of getting he lay there, in the silence. There was only one thing going through his mind at the moment 'How did I reach here?'

Was it when Lily took him to Gideon? Or maybe it was the moment he met her?

It might've been the day his old home was attacked and his little sister died.

Perhaps it was when he couldn't get into an Arcanist academy. Or when he stopped studying for school.

It might've been when he and his little sister moved in with their greedy relatives.

It could've been the day his parents died and left them alone to fend for themselves when he was only 8 years old.

Or maybe it was before all of that. Maybe it was the day he was born. Maybe this was the life he was always meant to have.

Unconsciously, tears began falling from his eyes "Shit..." He tried wiping them off as quickly as possible but they kept on falling. Like the shield of harsh words he had been keeping up for years had finally fallen.

"Dammit..." he cursed under his breath. He covered his eyes with his hands. Lacking the energy to get up, he continued to lie on the floor. 

He wished he could've gotten another chance. A chance to fix everything. 

He would've studied hard in school, and become an Arcanist like he'd always dreamed of.

He'd be able to protect his beloved little sister and send her to college.

He'd get a girlfriend who would love him unconditionally, he'd treat her properly and love her for the rest of her life.

He'd do everything right.

"But life doesn't work that way..." He rolled over on his arm "...you fuck up once and then it's over..."

He closed his eyes and eventually fell into a deep sleep. It was the first time in years he had felt so comfortable and safe.


"BEEP! BEEP!" Blake was awoken by the annoying sound of his alarm clock. He shifted in his bed, annoyed. He slammed his hand on the clock and turned it off.

He was about to go straight back to bed when he remembered something 'I don't have an alarm clock in my room anymore.'

He instantly shot up and scanned the room. As far as Blake could remember, he had fallen asleep in an alley and he knows for sure not a single person he knew would go out of their way to pick him up.

He guessed that it might've been one of the Shadow Syndicate's many enemies. Although he was just a measly and replaceable grunt to the Syndicate, he was quite famous in the underground. He had a knack for killing.

There are numerous people who would do anything to put Blake in his grave, and even more, begging to put even the smallest scratch on the Syndicate.

Situations like this happen quite often to Blake, but never any with such nice treatment. That made him even more suspicious.

As Blake looked around, he finally realized where he was.

'T-there's no way...' It was a place he could never forget, no matter how much he wanted to. 

It was the room he had since the day he was taken in by his aunt and uncle, the room he stayed in until the day he turned 17.

"There's no way this place could still be here-" Blake said out loud. He paused in surprise, his voice changed completely. It was higher and more upbeat, almost like how it was when he was younger.

'Suddenly appearing in my old room; the strange difference in my voice...could I have gone back in time?' 

Just as quickly as he thought that, Blake shook his head and quickly shooed those thoughts. Even though he wanted to fix everything, wasn't it too delusional to come up with something like that?

"WHOOSH!" Suddenly a strange red translucent screen appeared.

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