
To Love Ru : The Reincarnator Journey

Riyuo is a child born in the Shinomiya Family, a family that has a lot of power. He then remembers his past that he was the last weeb ninja assassin in his previous world. Using his knowledge, he will do everything he want. *this fanfic is just for fun,don't take it seriously oke.* *this is my first novel, and English is not my first language. So sorry about my bad english, i hope you can still enjoy it.* *i did not own picture, anime, and characters.*

LunaKindred · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 5: Training and Bath*

I decided to not taking Kaguya in harem. So it would be oyakodon Ai and Nao from 'Kaguya-sama love is war'. I am not sure with Nayotake, maybe secret lover?





I'm now around 8 years old. Now that I could walk on my own, I've been leaving the house more often. I remember when Mom first took us out to the city when she comes home, I really couldn't believe the way our city looked or rather this world.

There are not only humans but also demi-humans here and there. I thought I was in the world of 'Kaguya-sama love is war' but it turns out to be a damn crossover world.

Kaguya also seems to be surprised by the sight of the demi-human, well that's only natural since she never leaves the house, my cute little sister is a protected girl so she doesn't know much about the outside world. When I saw my mother I asked her-

"Mom, what's with them? Why do those people have horns and long ears? Ah look, some have cat ears too"

My mom chuckled seeing me excited.

"They are the demi-human race, or so-called "demi" exists in this world. It seemed like humans clashed with them in the past, but now humans made peace and coexisted with the demi-human race." Or so I heard from my mother.

Back to this time, I'm currently in the garden behind my house with a boken in my hand. At first I wanted a ninjato but Nao refused my request.

"Young master, if I may ask what will you do with ninjato for?"

"I want to practice swordsmanship"

"No young master, it's too dangerous to use a real sword at your age"

I also used my cuteness but it didn't work either because she said it was too dangerous. So I can only sigh and ask for boken.

By the way right now Nao is sitting in a gazebo watching me. She is a good woman, to be honest she is my type. An independent woman who is calm and smart, but also firm and loving, and more importantly an obedient person. A waifu material.

I put my boken on the ground and start doing warm-up or saitama training to be precise. 100x push-ups, 100x sit ups, 100x squat.

It's very easy for me to do sit ups and squats but doing 100 push ups is quite tiring with a child's body even though I've done it in the past. I took a 10 minute break after doing 3 sets of moves with Nao pouring me a cup of tea.

After the break I continued to run around the park for 10 laps, I will do 100 laps in the future but for now 10 is enough.

After finishing running, I took my boken and put on a stance and started swinging it. Starting from 100x vertical swing, 100x horizontal swing, and 100x diagonal swing from both sides.

After finishing the training I was lying on the ground gasping for air. Then Nao came towards me then sat down and raised my head giving a lap pillow.

"Nao, how long have I been training?"

"It was almost 2 hours young master"

"Is that so? I want to sleep for 10 minutes, wake me up later"

"Yes, young master"

I then closed my eyes and started thinking about plans for the future. This world is a crossover world and I don't know what's in it. I'll find out later, traveling around Japan doesn't seem like a bad plan either. The problem is whether my mother gave me permission or not.

I wonder if this world has magic, after all there are fantasy races like elves here, if there really is magic here humans should be able to use magic but I haven't seen it so I'll add it to my list later.

When I was compiling the plan list suddenly Nao called me.

"Young master, it's about time"

Hearing that I opened my eyes and stood up. "Thank you Nao, please prepare a bath because I feel so dirty and sweaty"

"Understood, young master"




In the bathroom

I took off my dirty clothes and put them in the clothes basket. Of course Nao also came because I ordered her.

With Nao following behind me, I sat on the bench then Nao turned the faucet and started cleaning my body.

I saw Nao was cleaning my body from the reflection of the shower mirror. Her beautiful body with soft breasts and buttocks, I can't wait to eat her in the future, but before that-


"Yes, young master?"

"You look worried, want to tell me?"

"Thank you young master, but not to worry. It's not something big"

Hmm, looks like this woman still won't open up to me, I'll push her a bit then.

"Nao, what am I to you? Don't you believe me?" I said it in a slightly depressed tone.

"N-no young master, how can I who am a servant dare to distrust my master, you are my dearest master Riyuo-sama"

Heh, looks like my training has started showing results.

"Ho, you haven't called me by my name in a long time, my dear servant. Can you really not tell me your problem? It is my duty as your master to help you solve your problem right"

"Thank you young master, I was just worried about you. You are only 8 years old but instead of enjoying your life, you train hard at a young age"

"Well, I just don't want to be weak. You see, my mother, you, Kaguya, and Ai are my important person. If I'm weak how can I protect you girls?"


I can see her blue eyes shaking after hearing my words.

"Sit down Nao, I'll clean you up as well"

"Yes, Riyuo-sama" her answer following my orders.

I had full view of her sexy back as I made sure to scrub it, my hands went up and down her smooth back, I even massaged her collars, eliciting a moan from her.


"Turn around Nao I will clean your front too"

She turned around and I started 'cleaning' her body with soap covering my hands. I kneaded her tits in every way I could think of.


I looked at Nao who had her eyes closed, sensing my gaze she opened her eyes and I put on the most innocent smile I could.

"Nao, this is where the milk comes out right? It must be dirty because of my mouth."

"Uhh.. ahn.. I-it's not dirty.. ahn.. because of your m-mouth, masterr"

"Is that so?"

I said, as I pinched her nipples and pulled it. I even rubbed the tip for her, I made sure to put in a lot of effort in cleaning these lovely buds.

I also made sure to scrub her stomach, as she might get suspicious on why I'm so fixated at her tits. After the stomach though I went back up, flicked her nipples with my fingers. I even pressed it with my thumb, moving it up and down like it was a joystick. Lastly I pretended that her tits were a gaming console as I grabbed one in each hand and started pressing her nipples, while kneading it as well.

"Ahnn.. Riyuo-samaaa~❤️" Ah, she's cum. Nao seemed to be having a great time. Now before she thinks of anything, I put on a pleading face-

"Nao, I'm sorry for worrying you, okay? Please forgive me" then I kissed her in the lips, to say that I really am sorry, and started rinsing the soap off.

It wasn't a passionate kiss, just an innocent kiss that showed love and affection.

"Was it good, Nao?" I innocently asked

"Uhh, yes... Riyuo-sama" She answered with cloudy eyes. Just one more step and this wife material will be mine.

After that we soaked in the bath with me leaning between Nao's breasts.

After finished, I then dried myself, put on my bathrobe and walked out of the bathroom like nothing happened.

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