
Supergirl ~ Trinity ~ Part Three


J'onn staggered back as an uppercut from Purity knocked him off balance, then Cisco flung his hands out, shooting his blasts at her. Caitlin hit her from behind. Purity gritted her teeth, standing her ground, then flung her head back and screamed up into the sky.

Jesse looked up, surprised by the direction, and blanched when she saw Purity had another goal in mind. "Dad!" she called. "Look out!"


Jesse's warning was lost as the cruiser rocked, making Evelyn yelp as she fell back onto one of the beds, William crashing into the wall. "You two OK?" Felicity called worriedly.

"Yeah!" William managed to call, Evelyn giving her a quick thumbs up.

"What was that?" Harry scowled.

"Main thrusters are damaged," Querl answered.

"How did that happen?" Lucy demanded.

"Some sort of soundwave interference."

Winn groaned. "Purity."

"Of course," Max rolled his eyes.

"It's fine, we have secondary thrusters," Querl waved the concern off.

The cruiser rocked again, sparks flying and the power flickering, and Harry groaned, closing his eyes. "We just lost those, too, didn't we?"

"Actually, to be more precise, they just blew up," Querl cleared his throat, standing from the pilot's chair. "Excuse me a moment."

The group watched him hurry to a nearby panel, and Lena shook her head. "We don't have a moment to waste," she said, walking over to the chair.

"Whoa," Felicity blinked, looking at her as Evelyn helped William up. "You sure about that?"

"You remember who my copilot during the Nazi invasion was, right?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

Lena grinned smugly and tapped on the chair, two holographic circles with schematics popping up in front of her. As she tapped on them, Querl stood up from his work and immediately glared. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm helping," Lena answered shortly, not looking up from what she was doing.

"No, no, that's not how that works," Querl began as he walked over.

The circles Lena was working with blazed scarlet, and Max smirked. "I think it is."

Querl blinked in surprise. "Yes . . . that's how that works."

"I know," Lena smirked. "Pull up six thousand feet and vent the engines."

Querl gave her an incredulous look, and Harry chuckled. "I'd listen to her."

Querl cleared his throat and turned to do just that, and Evelyn looked at William with wide eyes. "She's

"I know," William grinned proudly.

Lena turned to give them a smug wink, then turned back to continue working on the cruiser.


Kara punched Reign across the face, and the Kryptonian faltered for a second before snarling angrily. "You are weak!"

She threw a punch towards Kara, and Kara caught her arm, gritting her teeth and trying to hold her back. Reign flew forward and grabbed Kara, flying them backwards. Kara yelped as she was shoved into one of the rocky walls and dropped, Reign storming towards her. She scrambled to her feet as quickly as she could, jabbing towards Reign's stomach. The Worldkiller caught her arm with her own, forcing Kara's upwards and punching with her other fist. Kara brought her other forearm to block it, and the next few punches went the same way, each Kryptonian blocking the other.

Until one of Reign's hands curled into a fist and punched upwards, clobbering Kara right in the jaw. Kara retched as she was propelled end over end through the air, landing with a thud on the ground, all the air leaving her in a whoosh.

Reign smirked as she strutted forward, but her boots couldn't cover the three sets of running footsteps behind Kara. She heard a startled noise, then three bright red projectiles soared over her head towards Reign. When they hit the Worldkiller, Kara had to duck her head and cover her eyes, the flares of scarlet energy hurt her vision. She could hear Reign's pained grunt and the thud of her body hitting the ground, and when she looked back up, she saw Reign wincing on the ground.

She got to her feet and turned to see Dig staring at the gun he held in shock, Slade and Alex looking at her. "Little one?" Slade asked in concern.

"I've got this," Kara waved them off. "Check on the others."

Alex nodded, then looked at her gun in surprise. "Red sun bullets . . . "

"Winn outdid himself," Slade remarked, sounding impressed.

"Thank you, Telle," Dig whistled, and the three of them turned and ran back towards the others.


Barry sped after Jesse when Purity punched her away, then the Worldkiller ducked as Caitlin skated down the ice slide above her, firing icicles at her. Purity sneered and smacked them out of midair, shattering them into some pieces that Cisco was forced to either duck under or blast to destroy them. J'onn charged her from behind, knocking her off balance, then the two speedsters rammed into her from the side, making Purity double over.

Across the Fortress, Pestilence lashed out with a clawed hand at Laurel, who just narrowly dodged. Malcolm fired an arrow in response, which Pestilence grabbed out of thin air and jabbed into Laurel's leg. The metahuman cried out in pain, and Pestilence grinned, swiping for her face. Imra reached out with her arm, catching Pestilence's wrist on her forearm and spinning it in a circle, forcing Pestilence away from Laurel as she staggered back. Pestilence snarled and turned on Imra, swinging with her other arm. Imra stepped to the side to avoid it, but she doubled over when Pestilence kicked her in the stomach, knocking her to the ground.

Mon-El took a deep breath, looking at Pestilence as she turned to him, not letting her see Malcolm rush to help Laurel. "I don't think you know what you're becoming," he said.