
Supergirl ~ The Faithful ~ Part Two


"This is ridiculous," Malcolm shook his head, watching as Maggie walked over.

"I know," Kara nodded.

"I've never seen an arsonist so excited to get caught," Maggie remarked.

"That's because it was a religious experience for him," Kara told her. "He set the fire to join a cult that worships me. The man who leads it, this guy named Coville, thinks that being saved by Supergirl anoints you, so he set the fire so I would save him."

"What if you weren't here?" Maggie frowned.

"That's what's worrying me," Oliver said grimly.

"Coville is telling people to put themselves at risk," Kara told Maggie. "He needs to be arrested."

"Unless Coville specifically told that kid to harm himself and others, he's protected," Maggie shook his head. "It's freedom of speech."

"But he holds sway over these people as their pastor!"

"People can worship whatever they want," Maggie shrugged. "It's called freedom of religion."

"There's gotta be something you can do before this escalates!"

"Until Coville breaks the law, my hands are tied," Maggie shook her head, stepping into her cruiser. "I'm sorry."

Kara sighed, watching Maggie drive off. "Come on," Oliver put a hand on Kara's shoulder. "Let's go."


"OK, I just finished my homework," Ruby looked up from where she sat on the floor of Sam's office. "Can we practice my song now?"

"What about your extra credit project for French?" Sam asked, not looking up from her computer. Ruby responded in French, making Sam blink. "OK . . . I'm assuming that means you're done with that as well. I'm sorry, babe. I have this pile of work to do. Can you start your research paper?"

"But you said we'd practice my song!" Ruby complained.

"I know," Sam winced.

"Excuse me, Ms. Arias?" a man knocked on the door. "I just got a call from JQB. There's a problem with the merger."

"What kind of problem?" Sam knitted her eyebrows.

"Morgan Edge just lodged an anti-trust complaint with the Federal Trade Commission."

"He did what?" Sam scowled, taking the paper handed to her.

"Mom?" Ruby whispered.

"I'm sorry, babe, I have to deal with this," Sam apologized, standing up.


"Ruby, this is really important," Sam insisted, following the man out. "OK, we start by getting the commissioner on the phone, so get me a number. I am not letting this merger fall apart."


"We'll be right here if you need us," Oliver told Kara, kissing her cheek as they stopped outside where the cult was held.

"Just call," Malcolm nodded.

"OK," Kara took a deep breath as Laurel gave her an encouraging smile.

Kara entered the building, letting Oliver, Malcolm, and Laurel stand in the doorway, then walked further in. Coville was inside, looking like he was setting up for another meeting. "Can I help you?" he asked, turning when he saw her.

"Hi," Kara walked up to him. "My name is Kara Danvers."

"Oh, yes," Coville nodded, shaking her hand. "I remember you from last night."

"Yes, I'm a reporter at CatCo Magazine."

"CatCo," Coville smiled. "I love that Cat Grant."

"Yeah," Kara nodded. "I'm actually researching an article about your religion. Do you mind if I ask a few questions?"

"Oh," Coville blinked, then smiled. "Always happy to talk about what we're up to."

"So," Kara cleared her throat. "One of your followers, he was in a fire last night. He almost died."

"I heard," Coville nodded. "He wanted to test his faith, and he was rewarded. Supergirl saved him."

"He burned the building down. Other people could've gotten hurt."

"But they didn't. As was Rao's way."

Kara stared at him blankly, then scoffed. "I . . . I think it's admirable that you want to help people. I mean, logically, Supergirl can't save everyone. There's only one of her."

Coville looked at her, then tilted his head. "Is this a test?" he asked.

Kara paused, blinking. "Excuse me?"

"Did you come here to test faith?" Coville asked. "Supergirl?"

Kara's heart skipped a beat, and she rapidly shook her head. "I'm not – I'm not!"

"I looked into your eyes from my seat on that plane," Coville walked up to her. "When you look into the eyes of God, you do not forget."

Kara swallowed hard and turned to leave. "Guys!" she called, her voice cracking. "Guys!"

"Wait!" Coville cried, and she froze in place, even when she heard running footsteps approach. "Don't worry! Your secret is safe with me!"

"He knows?" Oliver asked sharply as he rounded the corner, Malcolm and Laurel behind him.

"As Rao says, 'Let my God walk amongst you and shelter Her,'" Coville continued, not seeming to notice the three newcomers.

"I am not God," Kara hissed, storming up to him. "Rao is!"

"Rao says even his Gods can lose their way," Coville told her. "If you're lost, I can help you."

He walked away to retrieve something, and Malcolm frowned, seeing a prism-like device he retrieved. "What is that?"

"Better question, where did you that?" Kara asked.

"I found every artifact of Krypton there was to find," Coville answered, walking over. "This contains Rao's words. This can remind you of what Rao says."

"I know what Rao says!" Kara spat, yanking the device from his hands. "You are perverting it!" She took a deep breath, then took off her glasses. "You're going to stop having these meetings," she said. "You're going to stop telling people to put themselves in danger. If I am a God, you need to do as I say. You need to trust me."

"I trust you," Coville nodded.

Kara swallowed, then nodded jerkily, turning and heading for the door. Oliver, Malcolm, and Laurel were right behind her.


"Baby?" Sam said as she opened the door to her office. "I'm finally, finally – "

She cut off, seeing Ruby fast asleep on the couch in the office. She sighed and pulled off her jacket, placing it over Ruby. She heard the door open again, and looked up as Lena entered quietly. "Love that couch," Lena smiled. "So many stress naps happened there."